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Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
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GSB# 2003-2051
UNION# 2002-0504-0007
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(Lall ) Union
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of Health and Long-Term Care) Employer
BEFORE RandI H. Abramsky Vice-Chair
FOR THE UNION Mary Anne Kuntz
ActIng SupervIsor Contract Enforcement
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
Semor Counsel
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING January 12, 2005
The gnevor PhIlIp Lall, alleges that the Employer has Improperly demed hIm a
separatIOn allowance as set out In ArtIcle 203 of the collectIve agreement, even though he
elected Factor 80 when notIfied of hIS lay-off For all of the reasons set forth below I conclude
that the gnevance must be dIsmIssed.
The gnevor served as a Systems Officer 3 In the Mimstry of Health and Long Term Care,
and had a servIce date of August 30 1976 On June 20 2000 the Mimstry advIsed affected staff
of the ImplementatIOn of a "New Integrated Network ServIce" whIch would be provIded
"through a pnvate sector network Integrator" The Mimstry advIsed that It would be
commenCIng the "Request for Proposals" (RFP) process In July 2000 and that the project would
take some fifteen to eIghteen months to Implement.
On the same date the affected employees, IncludIng the gnevor were advIsed that they
had the optIOn to be Included In the RFP or not, and further notIng two chOIces If they elected not
to be Included In the RFP Under the first optIOn, the employee would be declared surplus, wIth
the employee leavIng the publIc servIce ImmedIately wIth certaIn benefits (specIfically SIX
months pay In lIeu under ArtIcle 20.2 and the greater of separatIOn allowance under ArtIcle 20 3
or enhanced severance under paragraph 4 of AppendIx 9 plus termInatIOn pay In accordance
wIth ArtIcle 53 or 78)
Under the second optIOn, an employee could use the surplus package to bndge to theIr
first elIgIble retIrement, USIng paid and unpaid leaves to bndge (pursuant to SectIOn 2, AppendIx
18) to theIr retIrement date Employees choOSIng thIS optIOn, however were reqUIred to "Waive
all nghts to dIsplacement, redeployment, pay In lIeu and recall "
The gnevor selected both optIOns under the category of beIng removed from the RFP lIst,
apparently because It was unclear at the tIme whether he would be elIgible for Factor 80
On August 23 2002, the Mimstry advIsed the gnevor In accordance wIth AppendIx 18
SectIOn 5 of the collectIve agreement, whIch pertaIns to employees who elect not to be Included
In an RFP that he was declared surplus effectIve August 27 2002 In the Mimstry's letter he
was advIsed of two optIOns FIrst, he could elect "to receIve the full package as per AppendIx
18 ArtIcle 5.2, under whIch he would eXIt the publIc servIce ImmedIately and receIve pay In lIeu
of notIce under ArtIcle 202, and eIther a separatIOn allowance under ArtIcle 203 or enhanced
severance payment per paragraph 4 of AppendIx 9 termInatIOn payments per eIther ArtIcle 53 or
78 and $500 for career transItIOn servIces OptIOn #2 was set forth as follows
OptIOn #2
You may elect to retIre under the Surplus Factor 80 program Should you elect
thIS optIOn you wIll remaIn on payroll for your 6 month notIce penod and wIll
retIre at that tIme Should you elect thIS optIOn you wIll forfeIt any further surplus
entItlements IncludIng pay In lIeu and enhanced severance You remaIn elIgIble
to receIve legIslated severance
Mr Lall elected OptIOn #2 Mr Lall retIred at the end of hIS notIce penod and IS reCeIVIng hIS
full, actuanally unreduced penSIOn.
In hIS gnevance, Mr Lall alleges that the Mimstry should have also paid hIm a separatIOn
allowance under ArtIcle 20 3 That provIsIOn provIdes as follows
20 3 1 Where an employee resIgns and hIS or her resIgnatIOn takes effect wIthIn
one (1) month after reCeIVIng surplus notIce, he or she shall be entItled to a
separatIOn allowance of two (2) weeks' salary for each year of contInUOUS
servIce to a maXImum of twelve (12) weeks' pay An employee who
resIgns pursuant to ArtIcle 20 3 wIll not be elIgIble for any other
entItlements under ArtIcle 20
203.2 Where an employee resIgns later than one (1) month after reCeIVIng
surplus notIce he or she shall be entItled to a separatIOn allowance of four
(4) weeks' salary An employee who resIgns pursuant to ArtIcle 20 3
wIll not be elIgIble for any other entItlements under ArtIcle 20
SIgmficantly the partIes to the collectIve agreement, the Umon and the Employer agree
that Mr LallIs not entItled to a separatIOn allowance under ArtIcle 20 SInce he elected to retIre
under the Surplus Factor 80 program Consequently there IS no dIspute between the partIes to
the collectIve agreement. On thIS basIs alone, the gnevance must be dIsmIssed.
I further conclude that the gnevance should be dIsmIssed on ItS ments The language of
ArtIcle 20 3 clearly applIes to an employee who "resIgns" It does not apply to an employee who
"retIres" There IS a sIgmficant dIfference under thIS collectIve agreement between an employee
who resIgns and one who retIres In my VIew Mr Lall dId not "resIgn" hIS employment as
contemplated by eIther ArtIcle 20 3 1 or 20 3 2 Instead, as set out In OptIOn #2, he remaIned on
the payroll for hIS SIX months notIce penod and then retIred at that tIme
Further the purpose of ArtIcle 20 IS to provIde a mynad of benefits to employees who
have been surplused and must leave the publIc servIce, wIthout a job or Income It does not
pertaIn to employees who at the end of theIr notIce penod, are entItled to a full, actuanally
unreduced penSIOn.
The partIes' dIstInctIOn between an employee who resIgns and one who retIres IS further
seen In AppendIx 9 paragraph 4 In that provIsIOn, the partIes provIde for enhanced severance
for employees who are laid off or who have resIgned and receIved theIr pay In lIeu of notIce It
states that employees who are entItled to amounts under ArtIcle 20 3 (SeparatIOn Allowance) are
to receIve the greater of those amounts or the amount specIfied In AppendIx 9 paragraph 4 It
further states "ThIS paragraph wIll not apply to employees who are elIgIble to retIre and receIve
an actuanally unreduced pensIOn." The OPSEU PensIOn Trust documents and InformatIOn sheets
are also very clear that an employee who elects the Surplus Factor 80 optIOn Waives all other
surplus entItlements Clearly the separatIOn allowance provIded for In ArtIcle 203 IS a surplus
entItlement that IS waived when an employee elects to retIre under Factor 80
In OPSEU (Plaza) and Management Board Secretariat (1997), GSB No 0481/96
(FIsher Vice-Chair), the Board held, In relatIOn to the precedIng collectIve agreement, that In
"order to qualIfy for the Factor 80 Program, the employee must Waive all theIr surplus nghts,
whIch Includes not only the nght to recall, tUItIOn assIstance but also the separatIOn allowance
under ArtIcle 243 1 " The same conclusIOn applIes to the separatIOn allowance under ArtIcle
AccordIngly I find that the gnevance must be dIsmIssed.
Issued at Toronto thIS 18th day of January 2005