HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-2771.Greenbank et al.05-07-12 Decision
Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
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GSB# 2003-2771
UNION# 2003-0546-0012
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(Greenbank et al) Union
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of Finance) Employer
BEFORE Loretta Mikus Vice-Chair
Ryder Wnght Blair & Holmes LLP
BarrIsters and SOlICItorS
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING June 1 2005
On October 21 2003 five gnevors filed a group gnevance allegIng as follows
We gneve the vIOlatIOn of the collectIve agreement under artIcles 9 & 22, but not lImIted
to those artIcles, the Ontano Health and Safety Act, the Labour RelatIOns Act and the
Ontano Human Rights Code, In that management has/is fostenng an unsafe and
pOIsonous work envIronment.
By way of remedy the gnevors are seekIng
A full redress IncludIng but not lImIted to a safe healthy and pOlson-free envIronment.
An InVestIgatIOn by the SpecIal InvestIgatIOns Umt of PublIc Safety under WDHP and
compensatIOn for paIn and suffenng.
The first paragraph of the wntten partIculars provIded by the Umon sets out the grounds for the
gnevance as follows
The gnevance anses out of the Inappropnate and threatemng actIOns and behavIOur of a
co-worker of the gnevors, Dave ErwIn, and the total lack of faIlure on the part of
management to take any appropnate steps to deal wIth hIS actIOns and behavIOur (SIC)
At the commencement of the heanng the Employer raised several prelImInary obJectIOns, all or
any of whIch It claimed were dISposItIve of the gnevance The first challenges the JunsdIctIOn of
thIS Board to proceed or In the alternatIve, If thIS Board should accept JunsdIctIOn, It was
asserted that It ought to defer the matter to the Ontano Labour RelatIOns Board (OLRB)
The gnevance was filed after an IncIdent on September 8 2003 In whIch, It IS alleged, Mr ErwIn
threatened and IntImIdated a Umon member He was reported to have left a threatemng VOIce
message for the PresIdent of the Local, who was employed by the Mimstry of Labour and the
spouse of one of the gnevors The polIce were called and when they arnved at the workplace to
lay charges agaInst Mr ErwIn, the gnevors became aware of the threats When Mr ErwIn
returned to work two days later they refused to work wIth hIm and locked themselves In another
part of the office That standoff contInued for two days untIl a complaInt was filed by the
gnevors wIth the Mimstry of Labour under the Occupational Health and Safety Act R.S 0 1990
cOl as amended (OHSA) complaInIng of an unsafe work envIronment. Three of the gnevors
were present dunng thIS IncIdent and Involved In the complaInt The complaInt was InvestIgated
by the Mimstry of Labour and dIsmIssed. An appeal has SInce been filed by the Umon.
Mr SalIm, counsel for the Employer submItted that the facts relIed on In the complaInt to the
OLRB are IdentIcal to the facts the Umon IS relYIng on In the Instant gnevance The Umon and
the gnevors chose the OLRB as the appropnate forum for theIr complaInt and cannot seek
redress from another forum because they dId not lIke the result. The Umon has not wIthdrawn ItS
appeal of the OLRB's order and must be seen as acceptIng ItS JunsdIctIOn to determIne the
matter The Umon's purSUIt of the gnevance before thIS Board IS an abuse of process and
harassment of the Employer
In the alternatIve If thIS Board should accept JunsdIctIOn, the Employer asked the Board to defer
the adJudIcatIOn of the complaInt to the OLRB There has already been an InVestIgatIOn Into
these allegatIOns by the OLRB and, If thIS Board determInes that both tnbunals have concurrent
JunsdIctIOn, It would be appropnate for the ongInal panel to contInue The complaInt to the
OLRB was filed on October 14 2003 a week before the gnevance before me was filed.
The Employer relIed on a decIsIOn of Vice-Chair Stephens In OPSEU and Mimstry of
Commumty and SocIal ServIces (GSB # 2004-0911) whIch dealt wIth a JunsdIctIOnal dIspute
over the placement of the posItIOn of CoordInator of Pharmacy ServIces OPSEU took the
posItIOn that the arbItratIOn board should decIde the questIOn, the employer urged the Board to
defer to the OLRB and AMAPCEO concurred wIth the employer Vice-Chair Stephens ruled
that, to aVOId the possIbIlIty of multIple and conflIctIng decISIOns from other arbItratIOns boards,
the OLRB was the appropnate forum to determIne JunsdIctIOnal dIsputes concermng the
composItIOn of the bargaInIng umt. That IS the approach the Employer urged In the Instant
The second prelImInary obJectIOn goes to the delay In filIng the complaInt. The IncIdent gIVIng
nse to the OLRB complaInt and thIS gnevance occurred In mId-September of 2003 but the facts
relIed on by the Umon relate to IncIdents that allegedly occurred several years before that date
The Employer submItted that paragraphs 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22,24 26 27 28 29 30 32, 34 and 35 should be struck as beIng untImely It was stated that It
would be preJudIcIal for the Employer to have to defend Itself agaInst such dated allegatIOns
These allegatIOns were not brought to the attentIOn of the Employer at the tIme and It cannot be
expected to answer to them after thIS delay
It was noted by the Employer that Mr ErwIn no longer works at the same locatIOn, whIch makes
most of the gnevors' health and safety concerns moot, In any event.
The last prelImInary matter dealt wIth the assertIOn that the facts as pleaded do not dIsclose a
prima face case and should be dIsmIssed as not dIscloSIng a dIspute between the partIes, whIch IS
the only basIs for thIS Board's JunsdIctIOn. The facts asserted by the Umon may IndIcate a
troubled workplace that mIght reqUIre a labour relatIOns remedy but that does not elevate them to
a vIOlatIOn of the collectIve agreement. Mr SalIm submItted that thIS concerns a dIspute
between bargaInIng umt members and the Employer has, In essence, been dragged Into a famIly
dIspute It should not have to defend Itself In these CIrcumstances and especIally not In multIple
forums The Umon has decIded that the proper approach IS an appeal to the OLRB and It should
not be allowed to pursue the same Issue before thIS Board as well
Mr Wnght, counsel for the Umon, submItted that thIS Board should reJect the Employer's
suggestIOn that thIS IS a famIly matter and that It IS a stranger to the allegatIOns The Employer
contInues to assert control over the workplace and would reJect any suggestIOn by the Umon or
ItS members that It had relInqUIshed any of ItS nghts In that regard. WhIle the Umon has an
oblIgatIOn to cooperate wIth the Employer It IS the Employer's oblIgatIOn under the collectIve
agreement to provIde a safe workplace That oblIgatIOn IS ongoIng and SInce Mr ErwIn IS stIll
attached to the workplace the pOIsonous work envIronment contInues The gnevance deals not
only wIth the contInuIng threat ofMr ErwIn but also wIth remedIes for the fifteen months that
the Employer refused to deal wIth the problem. ThIS gnevance concerns three of the
complaInants before the OLRB as well as two gnevors who are not part of the OLRB
proceedIngs Some of the complaInants before the OLRB are not named In thIS gnevance
There are aspects of thIS gnevance that can only be dealt wIth by thIS Board and remedIes that
can only be achIeved In thIS forum.
With respect to the JunsdIctIOn of thIS Board, It was stated that the Gnevance Settlement Board
has exclusIve JunsdIctIOn over matters under the collectIve agreement. The OLRB through the
OHSA, has JunsdIctIOn over workplace health and safety matters, but It IS not exclusIve SectIOn
9 of the collectIve agreement contaInS a sImIlar although much more broadly worded statement
as sectIOn 25 of the OHSA concernIng the employer's oblIgatIOn to take every precautIOn
reasonable In the CIrcumstances to provIde a safe and healthy workplace for ItS employees The
OHSA provIdes for a work refusal where an employee belIeves It would be unsafe or dangerous
to contInue and the employer and a local health and safety representatIve wIll InVestIgate the
complaInt. If necessary an officer wIll be appoInted by the OLRB to InVestIgate the complaInt
who can Issue any order he/she deems appropnate In the CIrcumstances The OHSA also
provIdes for protectIOn from repnsals for an employee who has ImtIated a complaInt and It IS
only In subsectIOn 50 (2) In Part IV - REPRISALS BY EMPLOYER PROHIBITED- that an
employee must elect to proceed by bIndIng arbItratIOn under the collectIve agreement or through
a complaInt to the OLRB The legIslature provIded for concurrent JunsdIctIOn and thIS Board
cannot declIne JunsdIctIOn because a complaInt was filed by some of the gnevors If the OHSA
was Intended to put a complaInant to hIs/her electIOn, It could have and should have said so
explIcItly It dId not.
ThIS IS not, It was argued, an appropnate case for deferral to the OLRB The partIes In the
OLRB complaInt are not the same as In the gnevance and the remedIes sought are dIfferent and
dIStInCt for each gnevor The two proceedIngs raise dIfferent and dIStInCt Issues regardIng the
actIOns taken or not taken by the Employer to address these Issues, the effect of that alleged
InactIOn and the consequences to each gnevor
FInally wIth respect to the Employer's submIssIOns regardIng delay the Umon submItted that It
IS not seekIng a remedy for the IncIdents descnbed before September 10 2004 However the
gnevance alleges that the precIpItatIng IncIdent of that day was the cUlmInatIOn of a longstandIng
sItuatIOn at the workplace that the Employer was aware of but chose to Ignore It IS the context
that explaIns the fear felt by the gnevors as a result of the threats made by Mr ErwIn. It was part
of an ongOIng pattern of conduct that created a pOlson work envIronment and the Board must
hear that hIStOry to understand the gnevors' fears
The first Issue to be consIdered IS whether thIS Board has the JunsdIctIOn to proceed wIth the
gnevance The Issues before thIS Board have been the subJect of a complaInt to the OLRB that
resulted In a dIsmIssal of the complaInt and a subsequent appeal The Employer takes the
posItIOn that the OLRB has the exclusIve JunsdIctIOn to determIne the matter and thIS Board
must declIne JunsdIctIOn. I dIsagree
The GSB IS establIshed under the Crown Employees Collective Bargaining Act and ItS
JunsdIctIOn as set out In the collectIve agreement IS to resolve dIfferences between the partIes,
IncludIng questIOns of InterpretatIOn and applIcatIOn. In fulfillIng ItS mandate It must consIder
the collectIve agreement In the context of the statutes that affect It, IncludIng the LRA and the
There IS nothIng stated In the OHSA or the OLRA that suggests It has the exclusIve JunsdIctIOn
over matters raised under the OHSA The only reference to an electIOn between proceSSIng a
gnevance before an arbItratIOn board and proceedIng before a tnbunal of the OLRB IS found
under subsectIOn 50 and deals wIth allegatIOns of repnsals under the OHSA Compare that wIth
the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act whIch specIfically bars any nghts of actIOn agaInst the
employer In the case of a compensable workplace accIdent or InJury It states, In subsectIOn 118
as follows
DecIsIOns by the Board
118 (1) The Board has exclusIve JunsdIctIOn to examIne, hear and decIde
all matters and questIOns anSIng under thIS Act, except where thIS Act provIdes
(2)Same - Without lImItIng the generalIty of the subsectIOn (1) the Board
has exclusIve JunsdIctIOn to determIne the folloWIng matters
(3)Whether personal InJury or death has been caused by an accIdent.
(4 )Whether an accIdent arose out of and In the course of employment by a
Schedule 1 or 2 employer
Even wIth such a strong pnvItatIve clause, the arbItratIOn board In Re Weiland County General
Hospital and Ontario Nurses' Association 5 W C.AT.R 97 [1987] 0 W AT.D No 412,
decIsIOn No 53-87 the Board determIned that, SInce the gnevor's claim for benefits had been
demed, there was no conflIct between the WCA at the tIme and the collectIve agreement.
SImIlarly In the case of Gibson and Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional
Services GSB # 1478/89 (Kaufman) the GSB ruled that It had JunsdIctIOn over nghts claimed
under the collectIve agreement WIth the exceptIOn of work-related InJunes, whIch are
compensable under the WCA (WSIB)
The GSB confirmed that OpInIOn In the case of Smith and Bergounhon In whIch Vice-Chair
Abramsky held that the GSB had JunsdIctIOn over gnevances claimIng compensatIOn that had
been demed by the WCB on the basIs that not all InJunes that occurred at work were covered by
the WSIB and that, as there were gaps In the legIslatIOn, the WCA dId not exempt the entIre field
of work related InJunes
In the Instant case, the there IS no such sImIlar claim to exclusIve JunsdIctIOn In the OHSA and
therefore no grounds upon whIch I can declIne to hear a matter so clearly wIthIn the JunsdIctIOn
of the GSB
The next questIOn IS whether I should defer to the OLRB The Employer had submItted that
SInce the complaInt to that tnbunal was filed before the gnevance and SInce the Umon has filed
an appeal of the resultIng dIsmIssal of the complaInt, It has clearly IndIcated It chOIce of venue
To aVOId a multIplIcIty ofheanngs and possIble InCOnsIstent findIngs and remedIes, thIS Board
should allow the OLRB to complete IS proceedIngs AgaIn, I dIsagree
I was provIded wIth an OLRB case (Union of Needletrades, Industrial & Textile Employees
(UNITE), Local 1305 and Owens Corning Canada) In whIch the umon alleged that the gnevor
had been dIscIplIned for engagIng In a work refusal under s 43 of the OHSA Before the OLRB
was an appeal of the Inspector's decIsIOn and an applIcatIOn under s 50 of the Act allegIng the
dIscIplIne was a repnsal for hIS ImtIal complaInt. The appeal was wIthdrawn by the umon and
the employer obJected to the complaInt under s 50 because a gnevance had been filed and was
proceedIng whIle the OLRB was heanng the matter The OLRB noted first that the gnevance
had been filed a week before the applIcatIOn to the OLRB The matter proceeded to arbItratIOn
and at the heanng an agreement was reached to adJ ourn the heanng pendIng the outcome of the
OLRB proceedIng. At the OLRB heanng the employer obJected to the OLRB proceedIng whIle
the gnevance remaIned outstandIng, relYIng on s 50 whIch reqUIres the complaInant to elect
whIch forum he/she Intended to use The OLRB noted that the purpose of s 50 was to dIrect the
partIes who have access to an arbItratIOn process to choose whether to proceed to arbItratIOn
under a collectIve agreement or file a complaInt to the OLRB The legIslature clearly dId not
want the partIes to these complaInts to lItIgate workplace Issues more than once In more than one
forum It referred to the case of Reed Limited [1978] OLRB Rep Jan 1 In whIch the Board
wrote at pages 4 and 5
Once It IS establIshed, however that the employee has authonzed the umon to take the
matter beyond the gnevance procedure to arbItratIOn, the Board wIll not deal wIth any
complaInt relatIng to that matter Whether the employee has chosen arbItratIOn pnor to
or folloWIng the actual filIng of the complaInt wIth the Board, the Board wIll treat the
employee as havIng elected arbItratIOn, and as beIng bound by that electIOn.
The Board adJourned the matter holdIng that, although there was no general polIcy of deferral to
arbItratIOn, once the arbItratIOn process has been Invoked, the OLRB would not deal wIth the
matter In ItS conclusIOn, the OLRB In the Owens Corning case (supra) was very clear that the
Act does not allow an applIcant to maIntaIn the same matter In two proceedIngs and that once an
applIcant has chosen arbItratIOn as the preferred route, the OLRB wIll not hear the complaInt. It
was not a matter of dIscretIOn under 50(3) but rather legIslatIve dIrectIOn pursuant to s 50(2)
I note, however that these cases and OLRB pronouncements are specIfic to s 50 whIch deals
wIth allegatIOns of repnsal by an employer agaInst an employee That IS the only tIme a
complaInant under the OHAS IS reqUIred to choose hIs/her venue for a heanng. Although publIc
polIcy Interests would no doubt approve of the pnncIple that wherever possible partIes should be
prevented from forum shoppIng wIth resultIng multIplIcIty ofheanngs and InCOnsIstent or
contrary results, the legIslature dId not see fit to expressly lImIt complaInts or appeals under the
OHSA to one and only one venue Where It dId Intend such a result It was careful to do so such
as In the WSIA and the LRA. In the Owen Corning case, the OLRB noted that there had been
an Issue raised by the employer about the appeal of the OLRB's dIsmIssal of the complaInt, but
that the umon had agreed to wIthdraw the appeal and proceed wIth the applIcatIOn under s 50
The Board, however In the Reed case (supra) stated uneqUIvocally that "the Board wIll not deal
wIth any complaInt relatIng to that matter"
The Instant gnevance was filed by five employees, two of whom are not partIes before the
OLRB If I were to defer to that Board, the gnevance In respect of those two employees could
not be subJect to that order They cannot be left wIthout an avenue to air theIr concerns That
could result In two parallel proceedIngs InvolvIng the same underlYIng facts and askIng for
sImIlar relIef It could result In dIfferent findIngs on those facts and, perhaps even more
problematIc dIfferent and contrary remedIes That would be a most undesIrable result. I must
note here that I do not know the preCIse complaInt filed by these employees at the OLRB nor do
I know the reasons for the dIsmIssal There may be matters raised In the gnevance that have not
been raised at the OLRB and It IS probable that the remedIes beIng sought are not IdentIcal In
each forum. In the CIrcumstances I cannot refuse to exerCIse my authonty under the collectIve
agreement to hear and decIde these gnevances
I have come to the conclusIOn that In the CIrcumstances the GSB has and should contInue to take
JunsdIctIOn of thIS gnevance The subJect of the gnevance raises Issues clearly WIthIn the ambIt
of the collectIve agreement provIsIOns The Umon has alleged that the Employer has fostered an
unsafe and pOIsonous workplace and has asked for certaIn remedIes as a result of ItS actIOn or
InactIOn. There IS no compellIng reason for me to declIne to accept that JunsdIctIOn. There IS no
legIslatIve dIrectIOn for me to step aSIde In favour of another tnbunal and there are In my VIew
no compellIng reasons for me to do so In the Instant gnevance Indeed, If the same ratIOnale IS
applIed to the concurrent JunsdIctIOn of the GSB and the OLRB wIth respect to appeals as has
been applIed wIth respect to proceedIngs pursuant to s 50 applIcatIOns, there IS every lIkelIhood
that the OLRB wIll refuse to hear the matter and defer to arbItratIOn. Where the partIes have
agreed on a process through whIch gnevances and complaInts can be addressed and, If necessary
rectIfied, It should reqUIre very clear language to conVInce a tribunal to deny that nght to an
aggneved employee
The next Issue raised by the Employer concerns the delay In the filIng of the complaInt and the
resultIng preJudIce to the Employer Inherent In such a delay The precIpItatIng factor In the work
refusal and the OLRB complaInt was the IncIdent of September 2003 but the allegatIOns of the
gnevors' date back to before 2000 The partIculars set out In the OLRB complaInt and provIded
to counsel In the Instant case make reference to events that took place In 1999 and later that
created the alleged unsafe and pOIsonous work envIronment. AllegatIOns of thIS kInd seldom
Involve a one tIme confrontatIOn. They usually anse amId accusatIOns of a long standIng pattern
of conduct that has, over tIme, resulted In an untenable work sItuatIOn for the gnevor or
complaInant. I adopt the approach of Vice-Chair LeIghton In Maghaoudi and Ministry of
Transportation (GSB # 0988/97) whIch dealt wIth the allegatIOn that the decIsIOn to surplus the
gnevor was the culmInatIng act In a pattern f dISCnmInatIOn agaInst the gnevor that began two
years before the gnevance was filed. The Employer raised several obJectIOns to the proceedIng
IncludIng an order that the gnevance be dIsmIssed on the grounds that It was untImely Vice-
Chair LeIghton ruled that the eVIdence of dISCnmInatIOn datIng two years before the culmInatIng
IncIdent was admIssible to prove the alleged pattern of dISCnmInatIOn. She reJected the
Employer's argument that It would be preJudIced as premature She allowed that the Employer
mIght raise that argument at the conclusIOn of the heanng. The Board noted that the Umon was
not seekIng damages for the dIscreet acts of 1997 and later but only for the dISCnmInatory
That IS the approach I adopt In the Instant gnevance The gnevors have accused Mr ErwIn of
creatIng a pOlson work envIronment by hIS conduct and comments and that that work
envIronment contInued for several years despIte theIr requests for InterventIOn form the
Employer Whether the total of or some of hIS conduct dId In fact create a hostIle work
envIronment such that It resulted In damages to the gnevors IS a matter of eVIdence and proof
The Board cannot make thIS determInatIOn wIthout heanng the context In whIch Mr ErwIn's
alleged behavIOur eXIsted and the cumulatIve effect of that behavIOur The allegatIOns datIng
back to 1999 are part of the pattern alleged by the gnevors and are admIssIble to establIsh, If
possIble, the pOIsoned work envIronment.
The last obJectIOn deals wIth the Employer's assertIOn that the allegatIOns relIed on by the
gnevors do not show a prima face vIOlatIOn of the collectIve agreement and should be
dIsmIssed. The Employer relIed on two GSB decIsIOns In whIch the gnevance was dIsmIssed
because the Umon could not establIsh a prima face vIOlatIOn of the collectIve agreement.
(Giannou and Management Board Secretariat (GSB # 570/96 and Klonowski et al and
Ministry of Finance GSB # 1799/99) In both of those cases the Umon had faIled to provIde
partIculars that could establIsh theIr allegatIOns and the Boards refused to hear the gnevances In
the CIrcumstances That IS not the case before me
The gnevors have offered numerous examples of what they belIeve were threatemng and
IntImIdatIng actIOns by Mr ErwIn. They allege that they told the Employer about hIS conduct
and asked for ItS assIstance, to no avaIl AgaIn, I look to the case of Pinazza et al and Ministry
of Community Safety and Correctional Services (GSB # 2002-0840) In whIch Vice-Chair
HerlIch, In consIdenng whether the Umon's pleadIngs dIsclosed a prima face case, was not
persuaded that It would be "ImpossIble to arnve at the conclusIOn that some of the conduct
complaIned of amounted to sexual harassment. Put another way he stated that the "Umon's case
was not so weak as would cause me to dIsmIss It at thIS stage" In the Instant case I an also not
persuaded that some of the allegatIOns relIed on by the Umon mIght not dIsclose a vIOlatIOn of
the collectIve agreement. I am not prepared to dIsmIss the gnevance In the CIrcumstances
The heanng wIll reconvene on the dates prevIOusly scheduled.
Dated at Toronto thIS lih da
Loretta Mikus, Vice-Chair