HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-3774.Union Grievance.04-03-22 Decision Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 2003-3774 UNION# 2004-0999-0002 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Umon Gnevance) Grievor - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry ofCommumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer BEFORE FelIcIty D Bnggs Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Stephen GIles Gnevance Officer Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon FOR THE EMPLOYER Greg GledhIll Staff RelatIOns Officer Mimstry of Commumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces HEARING October 22, 2003 2 DeCISIon From March 13th to May 6th 2002, the Umon and Its members were engaged In a legal stnke Pnor to the begInmng of thIS actIOn the partIes had negotIated a Memorandum of Agreement regardIng the condItIOns of work In the event of a stnke or a lockout (hereInafter referred to as the "CondItIOns Document") In that agreement It was provIded that "all collectIve agreement provIsIOns apply to essentIal and emergency workers wIthout InterruptIOn, save only that AppendIx 9 and AppendIx 18 shall not apply" The CondItIOns Document also expressly provIded the Umon contInued nght under ArtIcle 22 13 of the CollectIve Agreement to file Umon gnevances on behalf of employees who were performIng essentIal and emergency servIces Dunng the course of the stnke approxImately 5000 gnevances were filed by Umon members across the Ontano PublIc ServIce As part of the negotiatIOns that ended the work stoppage, the partIes negotIated a Return to Work Protocol That agreement contemplated vanous provIsIOns IncludIng how contInUOUS servIce, pensIOn, credIts and semonty would be affected as a result of the stnke AddItIOnally the partIes addressed other Issues such as repnsal, dIscIplIne and the mechamcs of the actual return of the bargaInIng umt members to the workplace It was further agreed these "stnke related" gnevances would be treated separately and lItIgated In an efficIent manner To that end, on June 27 2002, OPSEU and the Mimstry of PublIc Safety and Secunty (hereInafter referred to as "MPSS") met to dISCUSS a process In order to resolve the outstandIng stnke related gnevances FolloWIng that meetIng a letter dated October 11 2002, confirmed the agreement that: In order to deal wIth the stnke related gnevances In a proactIve, expedItIOus and effectIve manner the partIes have agreed to the folloWIng . No stage 2 heanngs . No filIng of stnke related gnevances at GSB untIl agreed otherwIse . WaiVIng of tIme lImIts . RespectIvely assIgmng dedIcated resources to deal wIth the volume ApproxImately 4500 gnevances were filed by members employed by the MPSS The partIes agreed to a DIspute ResolutIOn Protocol for MPSS that Included Terms of Reference It IS not 3 necessary to provIde all of that agreement. It IS sufficIent to say that the partIes agreed to an expedIted process whereIn each party provIdes to the Vice Chair wntten submIssIOns whIch Include the facts, provIsIOns of the CollectIve Agreement, the EssentIal ServIces Agreement, legIslatIOn or any other document alleged to have been vIOlated, arguments and requested remedy Oral eVIdence would not be called although It was allowed that I could request further clanficatIOn If necessary In the event of any confusIOn regardIng the facts of the matter or the underlYIng ratIOnale I wIll dIrect the partIes to speak agaIn wIth theIr pnncIples NotwIthstandIng that some gnevors mIght wIsh to attend and provIde oral eVIdence thIS process has been efficIent and has allowed for a thorough canvaSSIng of the facts and arguments wIth respect to the vanous Issues Other procedural Issues were addressed to ensure that gnevances would be dealt wIth In a tImely fashIOn. The Terms of Reference also provIded that I would remaIn seIzed of all outstandIng stnke related gnevances filed by members workIng In MPSS ThIS process was developed In consIderatIOn of ArtIcle 22 16.2 of the collectIve agreement. It states The mediator/arbItrator shall endeavour to assIst the partIes to settle the gnevance by medIatIOn. If the partIes are unable to settle the gnevance by medIatIOn, the medIator/arbItrator shall determIne the gnevance by arbItratIOn. When determInIng the gnevance by arbItratIOn, the medIator/arbItrator may lImIt the nature and extent of the eVIdence and may Impose such condItIOns as he or she consIders appropnate The medIator/arbItrator shall gIve a SUCCInct decIsIOn wIthIn five (5) days after completIng proceedIngs, unless the partIes agree otherwIse The maJonty of the 4500 gnevances dealt wIth one of the folloWIng Issues . An allegatIOn of delayed retroactIve payments WIth a request for Interest OWIng; . An allegatIOn of faIlure to pay appropnate holIday pay for Good Fnday and Easter Monday . EntItlement to call back; . On-Call and Standby Issues for emergency workers Those matters were separately lItIgated at the Gnevance Settlement Board and decIsIOns eIther have been Issued or are pendIng. In accordance wIth the agreement of the partIes a number of heanng days were scheduled to hear and determIne the outstandIng stnke related gnevances Many of the gnevances have been resolved through medIatIOn. ThIS IS the first decIsIOn dealIng wIth those matters 4 Discipline Grievances FolloWIng many gnevances filed allegIng dIscIplIne wIthout Just cause, the partIes sIgned a Memorandum of Settlement on December 19 2002 That Memorandum stated 1 The Mimstry agrees that ArtIcle 10 of the Back To Work Protocol has full effect dunng the penod of March 13 2002 through to May 1 InclUSIVe 2 The partIes agree that, In accordance wIth the Back to Work Protocol, wIth the exceptIOn of Instances where cnmInal charges are laid there wIll be no dIscIplIne taken agaInst any act done dunng the stnke up to and IncludIng May 1 2002 3 The Mimstry agrees to remove any reference to dIscIplInary actIOn from employee's files and reImburse the employee for any subsequent loss of wages and/or credIts 4 The Mimstry agrees to provIde dIrectIOn to all InstItutIOns and area offices In regards to the ImplementatIOn of thIS settlement wIthIn 20 workIng days of the sIgmng of thIS agreement. Furthermore, the Mimstry agrees to make ItS best efforts to provIde all retroactIve payments WIthIn forty-five (45) workIng days after the sIgmng of thIS Memorandum 5 The partIes agree that any stnke-related gnevances regardIng dIscIplIne IncludIng IndIVIdual, group and local polIcy gnevances that cannot be resolved In accordance wIth thIS agreement, shall be referred back to Ms DIane Cotton, MPSS and Mr Tim Mulhall, OPSEU or theIr respectIve desIgnees wIthIn 45 calendar days of the sIgmng of thIS Memorandum, or else be deemed resolved In accordance wIth thIS Memorandum Should the Issues remaIn In dIspute, the gnevances wIll be consolIdated, and a final determInatIOn by a Vice-Chair of the Gnevance Settlement Board shall be made 6 The partIes agree that the gnevances lIsted on AppendIx A attached, are resolved by thIS Memorandum of Settlement. The partIes agree to make best efforts to finalIze AppendIx A wIthIn 45 calendar days of the sIgmng of thIS settlement. As can be seen from the above memorandum, provIsIOns were made for IndIVIdual gnevors to raise any concerns wIth both the Employer and Umon In the event of peculIar CIrcumstances Responses to the letters sent to the local presIdents faIled to bnng forward any addItIOnal InfOrmatIOn that caused the partIes to InVestIgate further 5 Therefore, In accordance wIth the Return to Work protocol and the Memorandum of Settlement sIgned December 19 2002, and after consIderatIon of the submIssIOns made at the heanng on October 22, 2003 I find that the gnevances set out at AppendIx A are deemed to have been wIthdrawn. It IS probable that AppendIx A IS not complete It mIght be necessary for me to Issue a further decIsIOn IncludIng other yet umdentIfied, gnevances to be Included. Dated at Toronto thIS 22nd day of March, 2004 6 APPENDIX A - DISCIPLINE SETTLEMENT NUMBER CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY NAME INSTITUTION DATE OF LOCAL GRIEVANCE DS03 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Biglow Ed Bluewater YC 17 -Apr-02 122 DS136 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Blakely Justi n Bluewater YC 24-Apr-02 122 ESW/EM Work DS09 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Burton Fred Bluewater YC 17-Apr-02 122 DS15 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Cox, Terry Bluewater YC 16-Apr-02 122 DS16 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Evans Darren Bluewater YC 18-Apr-02 122 DS18 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Forsyth Connie Bluewater YC 17 -Apr -02 122 OS 137 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Gibson Tom Bluewater YC 21-Apr-02 122 ESW/EM Work DS23 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Giilck, James Bluewater YC 15-Apr-02 122 DS24 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Grass Robert Bluewater YC 12-Apr-02 122 DS28 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Gurnick, Tim Bluewater YC 17-Apr-02 122 OS 138 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Holland, Joanne Bluewater YC 17 -Apr -02 122 ESW/EM Work OS 139 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform James Dean Bluewater YC 25-Apr-02 122 ESW/EM Work DS50 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kyle David Bluewater YC 17 -Apr-02 122 OS 159 Discipline/Suspension OS Insubordination Melady Joe Bluewater YC 15-Apr-02 122 OS 143 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Middleton, Bluewater YC 20-Apr-02 122 ESW/EM Work Brenda DS69 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Moon, Jason Bluewater YC 17-Apr-02 122 DS75 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Nicholson, Bluewater YC 16-Apr-02 122 Danny DS101 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Vanderwal Dina Bluewater YC 15-Apr-02 122 OS 110 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Without Written Notice Mcivor Shannon Brampton P&P 17-Mar-02 263 OS 173 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS OHSA Right To Group Brookside YC 04-Mar-02 337 Refuse DS122 Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Cook, Mary Sprucedale YC 25-Apr-02 218 Art. A OS 124 Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Devonish Ruth Elgin-Middlesex 01-May-02 218 Art. A DC DS116 Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Group Burtch CC 20-Apr-02 218 Art. A OS 117M Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Group Burtch CC 19-Apr-02 218 Art. A OS 120 Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Hugo Pete Burtch CC 26-Apr-02 218 Art. A OS 115 Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Irish James Sprucedale YC 24-Apr-02 218 Art. A DS121 Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Kerr Mike Burtch CC 26-Apr-02 218 Art. A OS 119 Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Mankis, Dave Sprucedale YC 24-Apr-02 218 Art. A OS 123 Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Sostar Rick Sprucedale YC 24-Apr-02 218 Art. A OS 118 Discipline/Suspension OS Differential Treatment Tooke Grace Sprucedale YC 25-Apr-02 218 Art. A OS 145 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Busat, William Cornwall Jail 18-May-02 453 ESW/EM Work OS 128 Disci pline/Suspension OS Discrimination & Fenton Ann Kitchener Centre 16-Apr-02 230 Harassment P&P DS17 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Fenton Ann Kitchener Centre 29-Apr-02 230 P&P DS01 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Acker Judy Maplehurst CC 29-Apr-02 234 7 APPENDIX A - DISCIPLINE SETTLEMENT NUMBER CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY NAME INSTITUTION DATE OF LOCAL GRIEVANCE OS 125 Disci pline/Suspension OS Discrimination & Acker Judy Maplehurst CC 08-Apr-02 234 Harassment OS 111 Disci pline/Suspension OS Not Properly Bland, Edward Maplehurst CC 09-Apr-02 234 Investigated DS162 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Bland, Edward Maplehurst CC 09-Apr-02 234 DS08 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Bowen, Phil Maplehurst CC 02-Apr-02 234 DS126 Disci pline/Suspension OS Discrimination & Cartwright, Maplehurst CC 08-Apr-02 234 Harassment Robert DS10 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Christo Denis Maplehurst CC 01-Apr-02 234 DS127 Disci pline/Suspension OS Discrimination & D'Andrea, Kevin Maplehurst CC 08-Apr-02 234 Harassment DS19 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Fournel Marcel Maplehurst CC 02-Apr-02 234 OS 163 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Fulltey Gregory Maplehurst CC 02-Apr-02 234 DS34 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Josephson Maplehurst CC 31-Mar-02 234 Laura Ann DS35 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Josephson Maplehurst CC 01-Apr-02 234 Laura Ann DS43 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kolomayz, Maplehurst CC 08-Apr-02 234 Christopher OS 140 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Kranstz, Robert Maplehurst CC 04-Apr-02 234 ESW/EM Work DS134 Disci pline/Suspension OS Discrimination -Union Laderoute Maplehurst CC 02-Apr-02 234 Activity Michael DS164 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Laderoute Maplehurst CC 02-Apr-02 234 Michael OS 148 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Ladouceur Maplehurst CC 08-Apr-02 234 ESW/EM Work Thomas OS 153 Discipline/Suspension OS OHSA H&S Concern Ladouceur Maplehurst CC 09-Apr-02 234 Not Investigated Thomas DS58 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Liddie Justin Maplehurst CC 11-Apr-02 234 OS 130 Disci pline/Suspension OS Discrimination & MacDonald, Maplehurst CC 08-Apr-02 234 Harassment Michelle DS59 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous MacDonald, Maplehurst CC 08-Apr-02 234 Michelle DS74 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Muldoon, Dan Maplehurst CC 31-Mar-02 234 DS76 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Oosterwyk, John Maplehurst CC 01-Apr-02 234 OS 113 Disci pline/Suspension OS Improperly Paid Reis Carlos Maplehurst CC 01-Apr-02 234 OS 109 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS With Pay Richards Jim Maplehurst CC 01-Apr-02 234 DS112 Disci pline/Suspension OS Not Properly Richards Jim Maplehurst CC 02-Apr-02 234 Investigated DS151 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Richards Jim Maplehurst CC 05-Apr-02 234 ESW/EM Work DS88 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Richards Jim Maplehurst CC 08-Apr-02 234 OS 158 Disci pline/Suspension OS Insubordination Roberts R Maplehurst CC 04-Apr-02 234 DS93 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Rose Thomas Maplehurst CC 10-Apr-02 234 OS 100 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Steffler Gregory Maplehurst CC 01-Apr-02 234 DS99 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Steffler Gregory Maplehurst CC 09-Apr-02 234 DS51 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Laing, Laurie Millbrook CC 08-Apr-02 341 DS144 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Brazeau Paul Monteith CC 02-Apr-02 642 ESW/EM Work DS147 OS Refusal to Perform ESW/EM Work Lou OS 174 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS OHSA RightTo Perreault, Jean- Monteith CC 30-Mar-02 642 8 APPENDIX A - DISCIPLINE SETTLEMENT NUMBER CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY NAME INSTITUTION DATE OF LOCAL GRIEVANCE Refuse Lou OS 150 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Perreault, Jean- Monteith CC 30-Mar-02 642 ESW/EM Work Luc DS56 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Layfield, Brian Napanee P&P 25-Apr-02 467 DS57 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Layfield, Brian Napanee P&P 12-Apr-02 467 OS 160 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Fraser Brian Niagara DC 04-Apr-02 252 DS 168 Disci pli n e/Suspensi 0 n DS Refusal to Perform IParsoni, Grant Northern 14-Mar-02 214 ESW/EM Work Treatment Centre OS 169 Disci pli n e/Suspensi 0 n OS Refusal to Perform Parsoni, Grant Northern 14-Mar-02 214 . ESW/EM Work I Treatment Centre OS 141 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Presony Grant Northern 14-Apr-02 670 ESW/EM Work Treatment Centre OS 142 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Presony Grant Northern 14-Apr-02 670 ESW/EM Work Treatment Centre DS175 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Richards Ontario 23-Aug-02 229 Vincent Correctional Centre DS177 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Caron John Quinte DC 25-Sep-02 467 ESW/EM Work RW70 Return to Work Protocol RW Discipline Foreman Dee Sarnia Jail 03-Jul-02 128 OS 133 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Harassment Letter Kotanen Mark Sarnia Jail 05-Apr-02 128 OS 135 Disci pline/Suspension OS Discrimination -Union Kotanen Mark Sarnia Jail 05-Apr-02 128 Activity RW160 Return to Work Protocol RW Discipline Kotanen, Mark Sarnia Jail 25-Jul-02 125 DS172 Disci pline/Suspension OS With Pay Seguin Tammy Sarnia Jail 11-May-02 128 DS25M Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Buruma, Brenda Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Clements, Paul Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Daoust, Mark Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Donnelly Dennis Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Guylee Steve Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kennett, Rick Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Marshall Gord Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Mcintyre Brad Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Meades, Bruce Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Morgan Sue Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Riley Pat Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Snider Todd Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Snow Laurie Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS25M Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Thompson Ron Stratford Jail 24-Apr-02 119 DS114 Disci pline/Suspension OS Improperly Paid Hauth Dean Thunder Bay CC 06-May-02 708 DS02 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Adams, Richard Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS04 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Bortolussi Dan Thunder Bay Jail 19-Apr-02 737 DS05 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Bortolussi Dan Thunder Bay Jail 19-Apr-02 737 DS06 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Bortolussi Dan Thunder Bay Jail 17-Apr-02 737 DS07 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Bortolussi Dan Thunder Bay Jail 29-Mar-02 737 DS11 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Cooper Todd Thunder Bay Jail 17-Apr-02 737 DS12 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Cooper Todd Thunder Bay Jail 21-Apr-02 737 DS13 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Cooper Todd Thunder Bay Jail 20-Apr-02 737 DS14 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Cooper Todd Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS20 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Giertuga, Thunder Bay Jail 29-Mar-02 737 9 APPENDIX A - DISCIPLINE SETTLEMENT NUMBER CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY NAME INSTITUTION DATE OF LOCAL GRIEVANCE Edward DS21 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Giertuga, Thunder Bay Jail 19-Apr-02 737 Edward DS22 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Giertuga, Thunder Bay Jail 19-Apr-02 737 Edward DS26 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Gullikson Mike Thunder Bay Jail 16-Apr-02 737 DS27 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Gullikson Mike Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS29 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Irwin Dan Thunder Bay Jail 29-Mar-02 737 DS30 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Johnson Tom Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS31 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Johnson Tom Thunder Bay Jail 19-Apr-02 737 DS32 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Johnson Tom Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS36 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kaija, Mike Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS37 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kaija, Mike Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS38 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kaija, Mike Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS39 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kaija, Mike Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS40 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kloepfer Yvette Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS41 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kloepfer Yvette Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS42 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kloepfer Yvette Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 OS 157 Discipline/Suspension OS Unjust Discipline Kondreska, Thunder Bay Jail 13-Apr-02 737 Letter Darren DS44 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kusmack, Jim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS45 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kusmack, Jim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS46 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kusmack, Jim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS47 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kusmack, Jim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS48 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kusmack, Jim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS49 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Kusmack, Jim Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS52 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Landry Tim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS53 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Landry Tim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS54 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Landry Tim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS55 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Landry Tim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS60 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous McComber Paul Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS61 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous McComber Paul Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS62 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous McComber Paul Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS63 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous McComber Paul Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS64 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous McComber Paul Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS65 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous McComber Paul Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS66 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Mihichuk, Gary Thunder Bay Jail 16-Apr-02 737 DS67 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Mihichuk, Gary Thunder Bay Jail 17 -Apr-02 737 DS68 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Mihichuk, Gary Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS70 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Morsette Amber Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS71 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Morsette Amber Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS72 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Morsette Amber Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS73 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Morsette Amber Thunder Bay Jail 19-Apr-02 737 DS81 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Prouse John Thunder Bay Jail 20-Apr-02 737 DS82 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Prouse John Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS83 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Prouse John Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS84 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Prouse John Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS85 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Prouse John Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS86 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Prouse John Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 DS87 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Prouse John Thunder Bay Jail 20-Apr-02 737 DS77 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Pyhtila, Tim Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS78 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Pyhtila, Tim Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 10 APPENDIX A - DISCIPLINE SETTLEMENT NUMBER CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY NAME INSTITUTION DATE OF LOCAL GRIEVANCE DS79 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Pyhtila, Tim Thunder Bay Jail 19-Apr-02 737 DS80 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Pyhtila, Tim Thunder Bay Jail 21-Apr-02 737 DS89 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Ristola, Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 Katheri ne DS90 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Ristola, Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 Katheri ne DS91 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Ristola, Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 Katheri ne DS92 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Ristola, Thunder Bay Jail 18-Apr-02 737 Katheri ne DS94 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Ross Ken Thunder Bay Jail 16-Apr-02 737 DS95 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Ross Ken Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS96 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Sarrasin Diane Thunder Bay Jail 16-Apr-02 737 DS97 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous St-Amand, Thunder Bay Jail 29-Mar-02 737 Elizabeth DS98 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous St-Amand, Thunder Bay Jail 17 -Apr-02 737 Elizabeth DS102 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Weller Debra Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 OS 103 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Weller Debra Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS104 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Weller Debra Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 OS 105 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Weller Debra Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 DS106 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Weller Debra Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 OS 107 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Weller Debra Thunder Bay Jail 22-Apr-02 737 OS 108 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Weller Debra Thunder Bay Jail 23-Apr-02 737 DS175 Discipline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Barber Jeff Toronto Jail 10-May-02 530 OS 176 Disci pline/Suspension OS Miscellaneous Brewster M Toronto Jail 10-May-02 530 OS 152 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Watson Marcia Vanier Centre 05-Apr-02 263 ESW/EM Work DS167 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Watson Marcia Vanier Centre 05-Apr-02 263 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Adam M Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Anzolin R Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Arnold, L Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Baker C Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Basar M Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Beaul 0 Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Bondy J Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Bragaglia, 0 Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Burnett, A Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Cauduro M Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS146 Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Chauvin Brian Windsor Jail 19-Apr-02 135 ESW/EM Work John DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Chauvin C Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Cirki C Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work 11 APPENDIX A - DISCIPLINE SETTLEMENT NUMBER CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY NAME INSTITUTION DATE OF LOCAL GRIEVANCE DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Clifford, R Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Dalpe K Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Davenport, P Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Deneau P Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Dipasquale J Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Dozois, R Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Filiatrault, G Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Flacks 0 Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Foster 0 Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Foster G Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Fredericks 0 Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Gillis R Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Gouthro G Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Grant, L Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Gray A Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Heggie B Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Hicks, 0 Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Kitchen P Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Lecot, 0 Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Marasco V Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Marra, R Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform McArter E Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Disci pli ne/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform McLaren J Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Meunier C Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Mitchell William Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Montour G Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Moroun I Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Morrison, 0 Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Norris S Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work 12 APPENDIX A - DISCIPLINE SETTLEMENT NUMBER CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY NAME INSTITUTION DATE OF LOCAL GRIEVANCE DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Noseworthy J Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Orton d Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Petroni P Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Pinazza, M Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Renaud, W Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Russ, J Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Slavik, B Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Speller M Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Taylor JP Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Varney C Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Wilson, F Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Yeryk, J Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work DS149M Discipline/Suspension OS Refusal to Perform Young, J Windsor Jail 25-May-02 135 ESW/EM Work