HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-1803.Degeer et al.06-05-11 Decision
Crown Employees Commission de Nj
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396
GSB# 2004-1803 2004-1804 2004-1807 2004-1811 2004-1917 2004-1921 2004-1922, 2004-1923
2004-1924 2004-19812004-2232,2004-2460 2004-2684 2004-2685 2004-2710 2004-3195
2004-3484 2004-3879 2005-0284 2005-0683 2005-0876 2005-1756 2005-1757 2005-1758
UNION# 2004-0368-0060 2004-0368-0061 2004-0368-0064 2004-0368-0068 2004-0368-0074
2004-0368-0070 2004-0368-0071 2004-0368-0072,2004-0368-0073 2004-0368-0080
2004-0368-0094 2004-0368-0104 2004-0368-0112,2004-0368-0113 2004-0368-0114
2004-0368-0132,2004-0368-0145 2005-0368-0012,2004-0368-0151 2005-0368-0028
2005-0368-0041 2005-0368-0073 2005-0368-0074 2005-0368-0075
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(Degeer et al ) Union
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry ofCommumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer
BEFORE Owen V Gray Vice-Chair
FOR THE UNION Tracey Henry
Cavalluzzo Hayes ShIlton McIntyre
& CornIsh LLP
BarrIsters and SOlICItorS
Mimstry of Government ServIces
HEARING Apnl 24 2006
[1] In December 2005 the partIes' representatIves at Jomt FIle RevIew agreed to
schedule these 24 grievances together for arbItratIOn on April 24, 2006 ThIs order
confirms and explams certam dIrectIOns that I made orally at that hearmg
[2] A NotIce of Proceedmg lIstmg all 24 grievances was sent on December 12, 2005 to
Scott Andrews and Ben Parry as the representatIves of the Umon and Employer,
respectIvely, m these matters
[3] By fax dated December 20, 2005, Mr Parry asked Mr Andrews for partIculars of
the grievances Mr Andrews dId not respond, nor dId anyone else on behalf of the
umon. By fax dated March 24, 2005, Mr Parry agam asked Mr Andrews for
partIculars of the grievances Agam, Mr Andrews dId not respond, nor dId anyone else
on behalf of the umon. By fax dated April 19, 2006, Mr Parry gave Mr Andrews notIce
that the Employer would be brmgmg a motIon to dIsmIss the grievances because of the
umon's faIlure to delIver partIculars No partIculars were delIvered.
[4] The umon was represented by outsIde counsel at the scheduled hearmg on April 24,
The Grievances in Board Files 2005-1756 and 2005-1757
[5] Umon counsel was able to provIde copIes of all but two of the grievances lIsted for
hearmg before me CopIes of the other two grievances - those m Board FlIes 2005 1756
and 2005 1757 - were obtamed from the Board's files and provIded to counsel.
[6] On readmg those two grievance forms, umon counsel stated that those grievances
should not have been scheduled for hearmg together wIth the other 22 grievances
before me Employer counsel concurred.
[7] It seems unfortunate that thIS error, apparently detectable on readmg the
grievances, went undetected eIther at the tIme the grievances were scheduled for
hearmg m December 2005 or at any tIme between then and the scheduled hearmg over
four months later
[8] Umon counsel asked that the two grievances m questIOn not be heard together wIth
the others before me and, further, that they be scheduled for mediatIOn.
[9] I accepted the agreement of counsel that the grievances m Board FIles 2005 1756
and 2005 1757 not be heard together wIth the other 22 grievances before me It dId not
seem appropriate for me to go further than that In partIcular, It dId not seem
appropriate for me to dIrect that they be scheduled for mediatIOn, or otherwIse mterfere
eIther wIth the Jomt FIle RevIew process or wIth the applIcatIOn of any pertment
agreed upon or Board Imposed rule concermng the tImely processmg and schedulmg for
hearmg of grievances My understandmg IS that all grievances m thIS Mmlstry are first
scheduled for mediatIOn and are not dealt wIth at Jomt FIle RevIew untIl after the
scheduled mediatIOn date Counsel were not able to say that that process had not been
followed here, although there was some suggestIOn from the umon advIsors that the
grievances m questIOn had not actually been addressed on the scheduled mediatIOn
date I advIsed counsel that they take should up wIth and through the partIes' Jomt
FIle RevIew representatIves the matter of a belated second mediatIOn opportumty They
may lIkewIse address the questIOn whether I should remam seIsed wIth those two
Application to Dismiss for Failure to Provide Particulars When Asked
[10] The current collectIve agreement and the prevIOUS collectIve agreement, under
whIch these grievances were filed, each contam the followmg prOVISIOns
22.1 It IS the mtent of thIs Agreement to adjust as qUIckly as possIble any
complamts or chfferences between the partIes arIsmg from the mterpretatIOn
apphcatIOn admmIstratIOn or alleged contraventIOn of thIs Agreement
mcludmg any questIOn as to whether a matter IS arbItrable
22.14.4 The partIes agree that prmcIples of full chsclosure of Issues m dIspute as
alleged by a grIevance advanced by the Umon on behalf of a member or
members or the Umon Itself, and full chsclosure of facts rehed upon by
management m a decIsIOn that IS subject to a grIevance are key elements m
amIcable and expedItIOus dIspute resolutIOn processes
22.14.5 The partIes agree that at the earhest stage of the grIevance procedure eIther
party upon request IS entItled to receIVe from the other full chsclosure
[11] In the face of these prOVISIOns there could be no questIOn that the employer was
entItled to the partIculars Mr Parry sought on ItS behalf. Nor could there be any
questIOn that the umon's entIrely unexplamed faIlure to respond to hIS repeated
requests was a clear breach of ItS collectIve agreement oblIgatIOns The only questIOn
was whether dIsmIssal of the grievances was the appropriate response to the umon's
mlscond uct m the CIrcumstances
[12] In answermg that questIOn I could not Ignore my experience of proceedmgs m
thIS forum m recent years - proceedmgs m whIch there have frequently been pre
hearmg breaches by one sIde or the other of eIther the letter or the SpIrit of the
prOVISIOns quoted above, breaches that were generally met, at least at the tIme they
occurred, wIth a certam resIgned tolerance by the OpposIte party My reference to thIS
behavIOur IS not mtended to condone or encourage It. In the context created by It and m
the absence of any mdlcatIOn that eIther party had prevIOusly sIgnalled to the other an
unwIllmgness to contmue It, however, It seemed unduly precIpItous to dIsmIss the
grievances, partIcularly when notIce that there would not be resIgned tolerance m thIS
case was gIVen only two clear busmess days prior to the hearmg
[13] Accordmgly, I concluded that the appropriate response was to call on the umon
to gIve oral partIculars wIthout preJudIce to an applIcatIOn for adJournment If the
partIculars caught the employer by surprise or an order reqUIrmg the delIvery of
Written partIculars
[14] Before turmng to the oral partIculars gIven on the umon's behalf and my
subsequent dIrectIOn that It delIver Written partIculars, I should say somethmg more
about pre hearmg dIsclosure
[15] In thIS forum grievances are generally scheduled for arbItratIOn or mediatIOn
arbItratIOn months m advance, as thIS one was Three or four months IS more than
enough tIme for a complete exchange of partIculars and relevant documents on a
consensual basIs through dialogue between counsel. Such a dialogue should start when
the hearmg IS scheduled, If It has not already begun before then. If eIther party has a
concern about the adequacy of the others' dIsclosure, It can and should request that a
pre hearmg order for dIsclosure
[16] Request for orders dlrectmg pre hearmg partIculars and productIOn of
documents can be dealt wIth m wrItmg or by telephone conference, and should be made
well m advance of the mltIal hearmg date GIven the prOVISIOns of the partIes' collectIve
agreement and the arbItral JUrisprudence concermng pre hearmg dIsclosure, any party
argumg that such an order should not be granted would bear the burden of persuaSIOn
on that Issue Unless that burden IS somehow dIscharged, an order for mutual
dIsclosure can be m place wlthm a few weeks after the hearmg IS scheduled, wIth a
tImetable for completIOn prior to the scheduled hearmg date It goes wIthout saymg
that an unexplamed failure to comply wIth such an order could be expected to have
seriOUS, adverse consequences for the party m default.
The Oral Particulars
[17] At the tImes they filed theIr grievances, the grIevors were unclassIfied employees
at the Central East CorrectIOnal Centre m Lmdsay ("the mstItutIOn") Generally
speakmg, theIr written grievances complam that on some occaSIOn or occaSIOns,
specIfied or unspecIfied, the employer's "dIstributIOn" of hours or "unclassIfied hours"
was unfair and/or unreasonable Some describe thIS as a breach of ArtIcle 2 - the
management rights clause - and/or other unspecIfied "applIcable" prOVISIOns of the
collectIve agreement. One grievance alleges that "management acted m bad faith by not
hlrmg me for four hours, despIte the fact that a number of classIfied staff were on
[18] Umon counsel stated that m advancmg these grievances the umon does not
allege vIOlatIOn of any prOVISIOn of the collectIve agreement. It alleges breaches of an
undertakmg or representatIOn It says local management made to the umon and to
unclassIfied employees at the mstItutIOn. The alleged undertakmg concerned backfill
hours - hours of work that must be worked by someone else when the person orIgmally
scheduled to work them IS absent on short notIce due to sIckness, bereavement leave or
the lIke That representatIOn/undertakmg was that
All possIble steps wIll be taken to schedule unclassIfied c/os for those hours aVaIlable
for a two week perIod.
Begmnmg m January we WIll fill all open slots wIth unclassIfied c/os on a senIorIty
All operatIOnal managers are to ensure that all attempts have been made to provIde
unclassIfied c/os wIth theIr 40 hours BEFORE hIrmg overtIme
These words appear m a December 2, 2003 memo to operatIOnal managers from the
mstItutIOn's Deputy Supermtendent/AdmmlstratIOn. DespIte ItS appearmg to be an
mternal management com mum catIOn, the umon alleges that thIS memo became a
representatIOn or undertakmg to the umon and the grIevors when someone posted It on
a bulletm board.
[19] The umon also relIes on representatIOns allegedly made to ItS representatIves at
meetmgs of the Local Employee RelatIOns CommIttee meetmgs on September 16 and
October 9, 2003, and recorded m mmutes of those meetmgs I note that the employer
takes the posItIOn that no undertakmg gIven at such a meetmg IS enforceable and that
nothmg said at such meetmgs may be the subJect of eVIdence m any arbItratIOn
proceedmg, by vIrtue of ArtIcle 16 1 of the Central Agreement
16 1 It IS agreed that all mInIstrIeS may enter mto local and mInIstry employee
relatIOns negotIatIOns such that are approprIate as not bemg excluded by the
prOVISIOns of the Crown Emplovee,., CollectiVe Bargml11ng Act 1993 Such
negotIatIOns shall not be subJect to the mechatIOn and arbItratIOn procedures
under the Act provIded however that nothmg shall preclude a grIevance
allegmg a vIOlatIOn of the Central CollectIve Agreement as provIded m the
saId Act.
and ArtIcle 5 3 6 of AppendIx COR4 to the CorrectIOnal Bargammg Umt agreement.
5 1 Upon mutual consent the partIes wIll estabhsh a LERC
5 '3 Agenda and Minutes
5'36 The mmutes are not bmdmg on eIther party nor are they subJect to the
grIevance procedure
At thIS stage It IS not necessary to determme whether these prOVISIOns have the effect
alleged by employer counsel.
[20] The umon's posItIOn IS that the representatIOn/undertakmg referred to m
paragraph [17] above IS enforceable because gave rise to an estoppel. Asked what
detriment the umon alleges It suffered m relymg (If It dId) on the representatIOn, umon
counsel replIed that the umon had lost the opportumty to bargam wIth respect to the
subJect matter It IS not apparent that any oblIgatory opportumty to bargam arose
between the makmg of the undertakmg/representatIOn m December 2003 and the
breaches alleged m the gnevances, whIch appear to focus on events at varIOUS pomts m
the perIOd between Apnl 2004 and February 2005 NegotIatIOns for the current
collectIve agreement dId not conclude untIl August 2005 It IS not clear whether the
umon concedes that by the conduct complamed of or m ItS response to one or more of
these gnevances the employer expressly or ImplIedly put the umon on notIce that It dId
not consIder thmgs saId before or m ItS memo December 2003 to create an enforceable
oblIgatIOn to provIde the nghts claimed by the gnevors
[21] U mon counsel stated that If there was no detnmental relIance by the umon on
whIch an estoppel could be based, the umon asserts m the alternatIve that each of the
mdlvldual gnevors relIed on the employer's representatIOn/undertakmg to hIS or her
detnment and that thIS IS a sufficIent basIs for the applIcatIOn of an estoppel. These
mdlvldual detnments were saId to consIst of the gnevors' havmg made themselves
more avaIlable for work at the mstItutIOn than they would otherwIse have done
Counsel was not m posItIOn to say, WIth respect to any of the gnevors, how aVailable
the gnevor alleged s/he had made hIm/herself before the representatIOn, nor how much
more avaIlable the gnevor alleged s/he had made hIm/herself after the representatIOn,
nor how the mcrement (If any) m bemg avaIlable wIll have resulted m a detnment to
the gnevor If the employer IS not estopped from resIlmg (If It dId) from ItS alleged
[22] Umon counsel was unable to full partIculanze the gnevances at the hearmg I
therefore orally dIrected that the umon delIver wntten partIculars of the facts on whIch
It relIes m connectIOn wIth each of these gnevances (other than the two gnevances
referred to m paragraphs [5] through [9] above) and that those partIculars are to
mclude, with respect to each gnevance.
a) The partIcular shlft(s) or hours of work that the gnevor alleges the employer
should have offered to hIm or her and mstead assIgned to a classIfied
employee on overtIme Each shIft m Issue IS to be IdentIfied by date, start
tIme, duratIOn and, where known to the gnevor or the umon, the name of the
classIfied employee assIgned to work It
b) As for the alleged estoppel, each representatIOn alleged to have been made to
and relIed upon by the umon and/or the gnevor, mcludmg m each case the
person who made the representatIOn on employer's behalf and by what
means, and the detnment saId to have been suffered by the umon or the
gnevor as a result of theIr relymg on the representatIOn.
c) If It IS alleged that the employer conduct complamed of was arbItrary,
dlscnmmatory or m bad faith, full partIculars of all facts on whIch the umon
relIes m that regard, mcludmg the name or the person or persons who are
alleged to have actmg m that manner on the part of the employer, and any
facts relIed upon to demonstrate Improper motIve
d) The remedy sought for the gnevor
(In so far as the umon relIes m connectIOn wIth each gnevance on the same
representatIOns to and detnmental relIance by the umon, subparagraph b) does not
reqUIre that the partIculars thereof be set out more than once)
[23] Umon counsel requested that I order productIOn by the employer of overtIme
authonzatIOn sheets for the mstItutIOn for each of the shIfts that wIll be IdentIfied m
the umon's partIculars From dIscussIOn of thIS request It appeared that the documents
would be relevant to the questIOn whether a shIft so IdentIfied was worked by a
classIfied employee on an overtIme basIs, as the umon IS expected to allege Such
productIOn would only be needed for shIfts m respect of whIch the employer dIsputes an
allegatIOn that the shIft was worked by a classIfied employee on an overtIme basIs
Accordmgly, I dIrected that after It receIves the umon's partIculars the employer IS to
produce to the umon overtIme authonzatIOn sheets for the mstItutIOn for any shIfts put
m Issue by the umon's partIculars m respect of whIch the employer dIsputes the
allegatIOn that the shIft was worked by a classIfied employee on an overtIme basIs
[24] As a result of canvassmg the avaIlabIlIty of counsel, It appeared that the earlIest
convement date on whIch the hearmg m these matters could contmue was November 2,
2006 In that context counsel agreed upon the followmg deadlmes for complIance wIth
my dIrectIOns
a) The partIculars reqUIred by the dIrectIOn confirmed m paragraph [22]above
shall be delIvered to employer counsel by no later than June 30, 2006, and,
b) The productIOns reqUIred by the dIrectIOn confirmed m paragraph [23] above
shall be delIvered to umon counsel by no later than September 8, 2006,
and I so dIrected. These deadlmes may be altered by agreement of the partIes
[25] In a matter m whIch eIther party reasonably requests that the other be dIrected
to provIde partIculars, It IS ordmanly my practIce to dIrect that both partIes delIver
partIculars and copIes of any documents on whIch they may wIsh to rely, m an order
and on a tImetable that takes mto account who bears the burden of proof and the
nature of the task thus Imposed, wIthout preJudIce to any request for an order for
further productIOn that eIther party mIght make once the Issues m dIspute have thus
been defined see, for example, Koonlllgs, 2003 310 1, decIsIOns dated September 29,
2005 and February 17, 2006
[26] I dId not do that here for two reasons FIrst, I was persuaded that domg so mIght
blunt or confuse the message that I dIsapprove of the umon's unexplamed faIlure to
respond to the employer's repeated pre hearmg requests for partIculars Second, the
employer takes the posItIOn that these gnevances are marbltrable In determmmg that
Issue It WIll only be necessary to know what facts the umon alleges, smce ordmanly all
such facts must be assumed to be true when assessmg arbltrabIlIty ArbltrabIlIty was a
senous Issue on the face of the gnevances as filed, and may remam so after the umon's
partIculars are delIvered WIthout suggestmg that a challenge of thIS sort by a
respondmg party should m every case delay that party's dlsclosmg the allegatIOns of
fact on whIch It may rely m defence on the ments, I was persuaded that It should m
thIS case
[27] My havmg declmed to dIrect that the employer delIver partIculars at thIS stage
(or that the partIes exchange copIes of documents on whIch they may wIsh to rely,
whIch would be equally unnecessary for the determmatIOn of the arbltrabIlIty Issue) IS
wIthout preJudIce to any request that eIther party may later make for partIculars
and/or productIOn of documents If, after seemg the umon's partIculars, the employer
chooses not to pursue the arbltrabIlIty Issue as a prelImmary matter In that event, the
employer would be well advIsed to respond to the umon's partIculars wIth partIculars of
Its own pnor to the next scheduled hearmg date
Dated at Toronto thIS 11th day of May, 2006