HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-3263.Clarke.05-01-26 Decision
Crown Employees Commission de ~~
Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs
Board des employes de la
Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
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GSB# 2004-3263
UNION# 2004-0271-0007
Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon
(Clarke) Union
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of the Attorney General) Employer
BEFORE RandI H. Abramsky Vice-Chair
BarrIster and SOlICItor
Semor Counsel
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING January 17 19 & 25 2005
The Umon has moved for Intenm relIef In regard to the Employer's decIsIOn not to renew
ItS temporary transfer agreement wIth the gnevor Ms Florence Clarke under whIch she worked
as a classIfied court reporter In the Milton courthouse, rather than at the Duffenn/Finch
courthouse locatIOn, her home posItIOn. Ms Clarke filed a gnevance protestIng the Employer's
decIsIOn on December 20 2004 The Umon requests that the Board Issue an order requmng the
Employer to rescInd the termInatIOn of that agreement, pendIng the heanng of her gnevance
contestIng the Employer's decIsIOn.
The partIes agree that I have JunsdIctIOn to decIde thIS motIOn for Intenm relIef There
was no agreement regardIng JunsdIctIOn of the underlYIng gnevance and the Employer has
specIfically stated that It IS not WaiVIng any of the procedural reqUIrements under the collectIve
In May 2001 Ms Clarke, along wIth two other classIfied court reporters, filed a
gnevance assertIng that "we have been forced to perform authonzed dutIes on overtIme hours
wIth no overtIme pay contrary to the collectIve agreement." Thereafter on August 20 2003
the Umon filed a polIcy gnevance allegIng that "[t]he work assocIated wIth the preparatIOn and
productIOn of typed transcnpts and certIfYIng them as accurate IS bargaInIng umt work to whIch
the collectIve agreement applIes"
The first day of heanng was on July 10 2003 and SInce then there have been many
heanng dates Four awards have been Issued due to vanous motIOns filed by the partIes, and
there IS substantIal eVIdence left to hear
Ms Clarke has testIfied a number of tImes In these proceedIngs, and her testImony was to
contInue on December 17 2004 On that date, however she was unable to testIfy because on the
precedIng day December 16 2004 she was advIsed by her manager Ms Bev Thomson, that the
Mimstry would be termInatIng her agreement to work In the Milton court house EffectIve
January 3 2005 she was to report to work at the Duffenn/FInch courthouse On December 17
2004 the partIes' agreed to have the Umon's motIOn for Intenm relIef heard on January 17
2004 The heanng then contInued on the evemngs of January 19 and January 25 2005
Ms Clarke IS a classIfied court reporter wIth the Mimstry of the Attorney General, and
has worked In that posItIOn for more than twenty years Her home posItIOn was at 80 The East
Mall court house In EtobIcoke, and she worked there approxImately mne years
In 2001 due to mold problems at 80 The East Mall locatIOn, the EtobIcoke court was
temporanly relocated to the FInch/Duffenn courthouse at 2201 FInch Avenue ThIS relocatIOn
was very problematIc for Ms Clarke due to the locatIOn of that court In relatIOn to her home In
StreetsvIlle, Ontano She explaIned that she was a "nervous dnver" havIng obtaIned her
dnver's lIcense at the age of 41 and she was afraid to dnve on hIghways The traffic, the trucks,
cars weaVIng between lanes on Highway 401 was very fnghtemng to her In addItIOn, she had
InqUIred about publIc transIt from the TTC and was advIsed that the commute would take
approxImately 2 1Iz hours each way whIch she felt was prohIbItIve She dIscussed her concerns
wIth her supervIsor Bobby KIStOW and her manager Rosa MartellI, both of whom were
sympathetIc On May 15 2001 Ms Clarke requested a temporary transfer to the Milton court.
That letter reads, In pertInent part, as follows
Two weeks ago we were Informed that the lease had been sIgned to accommodate
the East Mall Courthouse at 2201 FInch Ave for a two year penod. ThIS news
has caused me great stress
I lIve In StreetsvIlle and have been commutIng back and forth to 80 the East Mall
both by Go traIn and car for the last mne years To travel every day to thIS new
locatIOn at FInch and Weston from where I lIve would cause extreme duress that I
belIeve would eventually take ItS toll on my mental well-beIng. I learned to dnve
late In lIfe and do not take the hIghways My optIOns for routes are EglInton and
Steeles Avenue I have done Steeles to FInch and Duffenn, and It has taken me
over an hour and a half one way and that IS not In rush hour traffic To get to The
East Mall takes me between 30 to 35 mInutes by car or Go traIn. To travel to the
new locatIOn by publIc transIt from StreetsvIlle would take at least three hours one
I have already verbalIzed my request to be transferred to Milton dunng thIS
temporary penod. Your response has been very posItIve and I trust that after
twenty-two years servIce WIth the Mimstry that thIS accommodatIOn wIll be
On June 26 2001 Ms Clarke's request was approved. Manager of Court OperatIOns for
the Milton court, Ms Bev Thomson, testIfied that the temporary transfer was acceptable to
Milton provIded that It was "cost neutral" to the Milton courthouse She explaIned that the
Milton court dId not have an operatIOnal need for a full-tIme court reporter but she was wIllIng
to assIst by havIng Ms Clarke work In Milton whIle the mold Issue was beIng addressed,
provIded there was no addItIOnal cost for the hours Ms Clarke was not actually In court. The
East Mall courthouse agreed to pay for those hours
Ms Thomson stated that she had not seen Ms Clarke's May 15 2001 letter and was not
aware that the request had been made based on Ms Clarke's fear of dnvIng on hIghways It was
her understandIng, from Rosa MartellI, the Manager of Court OperatIOns for 80 The East Mall
courthouse, that the Issue was one of dIstance and convemence
The Mimstry and Ms Clarke entered Into a "temporary transfer agreement" dated
September 20 2001 That agreement states as follows
1 ThIS document constItutes a temporary transfer agreement of Florence Clarke
to the Milton Court office In the capacIty of Court Reporter Mimstry of the
Attorney General, Court ServIces DIVIsIOn.
2 The term of thIS temporary assIgnment wIll be for 5 1Iz months, effectIve
September 24th 2001
3 The assIgnment may be extended as operatIOnally reqUIred, at the dIscretIOn of
the employer
4 Dunng the term of assIgnment Florence Clarke's salary and classIficatIOn
(Court Reporter 11) wIll remaIn the same
5 For the duratIOn of the assIgnment Florence Clarke wIll be paid by Milton
court. (EtobIcoke court wIll pay the dIfference of classIfied vs unclassIfied)
6 The transfer may be termInated by any of the partIes upon submISSIOn of two
(2) weeks wntten notIce
7 Florence Clarke wIll report dIrectly to Michele Slosh, SupervIsor of court
Support for program dIrectIOn and performance management.
8 Florence Clarke's home base wIll be Milton court but may be reassIgned on
an emergency basIs to OakvIlle or BurlIngton court.
9 Upon termInatIOn of thIS assIgnment Florence Clarke wIll be reassIgned dutIes
wIthIn the Courts ServIces DIVISIOn, Toronto RegIOn.
10 Upon the relocatIOn of the EtobIcoke Court back to the 80 The East Mall sIte,
or an alternate permanent locatIOn, Ms Clarke wIll return to her home
posItIOn of Court Reporter 2, Mimstry of the Attorney General, Court ServIces
DIVISIOn, Toronto RegIOn (EtobIcoke)
In later documents, the "temporary transfer agreement" was referred to as a "secondment
agreement" and It was contInued, through vanous extensIOns, through January 1 2005 It was
the gnevor's understandIng that her relocatIOn to Milton would last untIl the EtobIcoke
courthouse returned to EtobIcoke She testIfied that she was unaware that the Mimstry on
December 21 2001 announced that the EtobIcoke court would be permanently relocated to the
FInch/Duffenn courthouse effectIve Apnl 2, 2002 Mr Bobby KIStOW then SupervIsor at 80
The East Mall courthouse, testIfied that he faxed a copy of thIS announcement to Ms Clarke, at
the Milton courthouse but he dId not know If she had actually receIved It.
DespIte the permanent relocatIOn of the East Mall courthouse, the temporary transfer of Ms
Clarke to the Milton courthouse contInued. As noted, Ms Clarke was unaware of the permanent
relocatIOn and, apparently so was Ms Thomson. Ms Thomson testIfied that she was unaware
that the locatIOn Issue had been decIded untIl she made Inqumes Into the specIfic terms of the
transfer agreement In the late Fall of 2004 The Toronto regIOn had not advIsed her of thIS
Over the summer of 2004 a number of actIOns were taken by Manager Thomson In regard to
the court reporters and court support staff generally and to Ms Clarke specIfically that Ms
Clarke felt were harassment because of her gnevance regardIng the tYpIng of transcnpts On
July 14 2004 she filed a gnevance whIch alleges a breach of ArtIcle 2 1 (Management RIghts)
3 2 (DIsCnmInatIOn for umon actIvIty) and ArtIcle 60 1 (Health and Safety) It was accompamed
by a four-page attachment, outlImng what, In Ms Clarke's VIew had occurred. The letter lIsts a
number of specIfic actIOns by Ms Thomson and concludes that the "no tYpIng dIrectIve and the
escalatIng harassment Imposed by Ms Thomson whIch I belIeve to be dIrectly related to my
umon actIvItIes and the arbItratIOn that I have been Involved wIth for the past three years, has
now overwhelmed me" It further states that "[t]he contInUOUS and escalatIng harassIng
behavIOr exhIbIted by Ms Thomas has put such stress on me that comIng to work IS very
dIfficult." In fact, Ms Clarke took a week off due to stress In late June of 2004
Also In July 2004 Ms Clarke wrote to JustIce Durno AdmInIstratIve JustIce for the
Supenor Courts, that she was "no longer able to prepare and certIfy my transcnpts" because of
the polIcy of the Mimstry prohIbItIng court reporters from tYpIng transcnpts dunng regular work
hours She stated, In part
Regretfully beIng reqUIred to type all my transcnpts after my regular workIng
day has taken Its toll on my physIcal and mental well-beIng. After fourteen years,
I am no longer able to contInue forfeItIng my weekends, vacatIOns and a good
mght's sleep for the sake ofprepanng transcnpts In a tImely and accurate manner
ThIS letter was copIed to her manager Bev Thomson, and a number of other IndIVIduals
As a result of thIS letter IndIcatIng that she was "no longer able to prepare and certIfy my
transcnpts" management began to transfer the tYpIng of Ms Clarke's transcnpts to other court
reporters Ms Clarke would take the record, but another court reporter would be assIgned to
type the transcn pt.
On September 15 2004 a meetIng was held as a result of thIS letter between Ms Clarke
and Ms Thomson, and a umon steward. Ms Clarke took what was said as a threat to cancel
what she referred to as her "transportatIOn accommodatIOn" to the Milton court house In Ms
Clarke's VIew thIS was the thIrd such threat Ms Thomson had made and she felt that Ms
Thomson was USIng these threats as "leverage" agaInst her gIven the Importance to her of
remaInIng In Milton.
From the Employer's perspectIve, the meetIng was to deal wIth Ms Clarke's statement
that she could no longer prepare transcnpts and the Impact that was havIng on her abIlIty to
contInue In Milton. AccordIng to Ms Thomson, the JudIcIary had raised concerns In September
about Ms Clarke's abIlIty to prepare overnIght transcnpts In lIght of her July letter and the fact
that a number of JUry and cnmInal tnals were antIcIpated In the Fall whIch would reqUIre
transcnpts on an on-gOIng basIs On thIS basIs, Ms Thomson felt that she could no longer
contInue to keep Ms Clarke In Milton and advIsed her of that. Dunng theIr dIscuSSIOns, Ms
Clarke stated that she could, from tIme to tIme, do overnIght transcnpts, and Ms Thomson
advIsed her thIS was new InformatIOn, compared to her letter of July and that the Mimstry would
need medIcal documentatIOn outlImng what she could and could not do Although Ms Clarke
dId not request a medIcal accommodatIOn, Ms Thomson took her letter and statement to be, In
effect, a request for accommodatIOn. In Ms Clarke's VIew she was not requestIng a medIcal
accommodatIOn. She Just wanted to be able to type transcnpts dunng the regular work day As a
result of thIS meetIng, no changes were made to Ms Clarke's assIgnment, and Ms Thomson was
to prepare a package for the gnevor to take to her doctor
On November 6 2004 Ms Thomson provIded the medIcal forms to Ms Clarke Ms
Clarke testIfied that she dId not reVIew them and requested, through an emaIl on November 8
2004 to know why she had to do so and that she would need Ms Thomson to wnte to her doctor
that she was not allowed to prepare transcnpts dunng regular work hours and that they must be
typed after work. The medIcal package provIded to Ms Clarke for her doctor outlInes her dutIes
as a court reporter and specIfically mentIOns that those dutIes Include "provId[ing] certIfied
transcnpts of court proceedIngs on request (note- transcnpts are prepared on Incumbent's own
tIme) "Ms Clarke testIfied that because Ms Thomson dId not respond to thIS request, she dId
not have the medIcal forms completed.
On November 29 2004 Ms Thomson wrote to Ms Clarke agaIn requestIng that the
medIcal forms be completed and outlImng the process of accommodatIOn. In response Ms
Clarke requested that a meetIng be held.
On December 3 2004 a meetIng took place, at Ms Clarke's request, to dISCUSS a number
of Issues, IncludIng the accommodatIOn process AgaIn, there IS a dIspute regardIng what was
said. Ms Clarke and the Local Umon PresIdent took what had been said as assurance that Ms
Clarke would contInue to work In Milton, that there was plenty of work for her there In the New
Year The employer's eVIdence was that no assurance regardIng the contInUatIOn of her
temporary transfer agreement was provIded.
The eVIdence showed that there was sIgmficant dIscussIOn about the no-typIng polIcy
dunng the meetIng. At the conclusIOn of the meetIng, Human Resources Consultant BIll
Yaeden, who attended the meetIng through a conference call, advIsed that he would consIder
what had been said and get back to the partIes As a result, accordIng to Ms Thomson, the
request for medIcal InformatIOn was essentIally put "on hold."
Then, on December 16 2004 consIstent WIth paragraph #6 of the ongInal temporary
transfer agreement, the Mimstry provIded two week's wntten notIce that the transfer would be
termInated Ms Thomson testIfied that a number of factors led to that decIsIOn. She explaIned
that Ms Clarke's InabIlIty to type transcnpts was creatIng a number of operatIOnal dIfficultIes
GIven the court's workload and the Judge's preferences, It was antIcIpated that she would need to
be assIgned to tnals where It was more lIkely that transcnpts would be ordered, yet they would
have to be assIgned to someone else, at a tIme when the overall workload of the court reporters
and the Milton courts In general was IncreaSIng. A number of court reporters had complaIned
about beIng unable to keep up wIth theIr own transcnpts as well as Ms Clarke's Although court
reporters from other courts could be assIgned Ms Clarke's transcnpts, Ms Thomson was
concerned about creatIng delays Conversely If she were transferred out of Supenor Court to the
Ontano Courts, there were concerns that her hours In court would be InSUfficIent and that the
transfer arrangement would no longer be cost neutral
Ms Thomson further testIfied that because Ms Clarke had stated, on a number of
occaSIOns, that she had been transferred to Milton on an "accommodatIOn" whIch was not Ms
Thomson's understandIng, she decIded to ask Human Resources to reVIew the terms of the
ongInal agreement. Human Resources advIsed her that the transfer was not a medIcal
accommodatIOn due to a dIsabIlIty and that the ImtIal reason for the transfer - the temporary
relocatIOn of the East Mall courthouse - had been decIded some tIme ago She testIfied that
SInce the contract was "naturally expmng" on January 1 2005 and the ongInal basIs for It -
dealIng wIth a temporary relocatIOn - had been determIned, she decIded not to renew the
On December 20 2004 Ms Clarke filed a gnevance protestIng the Mimstry's actIOn.
The gnevance alleges that" the Mimstry's decIsIOn to termInate my assIgnment at Milton IS
contrary to the collectIve agreement and the Ontano Labour RelatIOns Act." EssentIally Ms
Clarke alleges that Ms Thomson termInated the agreement In retalIatIOn for her purSUIt of the
gnevance In the Hunt et al case, and her complaInts about the no-typIng polIcy It IS clear that
Ms Clarke feels that Ms Thomson, and the Mimstry have pumshed her for speakIng out
forcefully on thIS Issue
On December 20 2004 Ms Clarke sent an emaIl to Ms Thomson regardIng the decIsIOn
to termInate her transfer to Milton and the manner In whIch It was done The content IS hIghly
emotIOnal and reveals Ms Clarke's negatIve VIews about Ms Thomson. The emaIl states that
dunng the meetIng on December 16 2004 Ms Clarke told Ms Thomson that "It was because of
the way you treated people that you were so dIsrespected In the bUIldIng." It complaIns that "you
dId not even have the courtesy to Wait untIl the end of the day to gIve me what you knew would
be very dIsturbIng news " It asserts that Ms Thomson "InstIgated" - wIth the Mimstry's
encouragement - a "no-typIng" polIcy In Milton "that dId not eXIst In thIS JunsdIctIOn untIl I
arnved rather than allow me to type dunng my regular workIng day"
Ms Clarke testIfied about the harm that would ensue If Intenm relIef were not granted.
She explaIned that travellIng to the Finch courthouse would be very dIfficult and stressful for
her for the same reasons she had requested a temporary transfer to Milton In 2001 The dnve,
gIven her fears regardIng dnvIng, precluded dnvIng on Highway 401 and takIng the sIde streets
would take a substantIal amount of tIme as cause stress In addItIOn, on a personal level, she was
concerned about the extra tIme reqUIred to commute, whIch would sIgmficantly Impact her
famIly lIfe She explaIned that she was used to be home by 6 00 P m and that would become
ImpossIble If she had to commute to the Finch courthouse She explaIned that workIng at
Duffenn/FInch was not what she "had sIgned on for" when she was hIred by the Mimstry
At the heanng, the Umon also presented a doctor's letter dated December 27 2004 from
Ms Clarke's famIly doctor wntten at the request of the gnevor's counsel The letter states that
"Ms Clarke does suffer from a psychologIcal dIsorder whIch she told me about at thIS most
recent appoIntment of December 21 st She has qUIte a fear or phobIa of dnvIng, In partIcular on
hIghways" He stated "For her to dnve to FInch and Weston from her MissIssauga home would
have been overly traumatIc for her as she cannot dnve on hIghways due to pamc and anxIety
dIsorder brought on by hIghway dnvIng." He noted that "publIc transIt to thIS locatIOn would
have taken about two hours so thIS was ObvIOusly not feasIble" He also noted "[t]hIS condItIOn
may be somewhat amenable to treatment, however we have not dIscussed thIS pnor to her last
appoIntment. " He stated that there are specIalIsts who deal wIth these dIsorders, "but the
treatment IS not always successful and can be lengthy" It was the doctor's OpInIOn that because
she must lImIt herself to smaller roads, "I feel that her workIng at the FInch and Weston Road
locatIOn IS not possIble" In hIS OpInIOn, "due to thIS anxIety dIsorder she does reqUIre an
accommodatIOn In the form of a contInUatIOn of her assIgnment to the Milton Court House The
only other vIable optIOn may be workIng In a locatIOn closer than the FInch locatIOn such as
Brampton. However Milton appears to be an Ideal arrangement for her gIven her medIcal
dIsabIlIty" The Employer strongly obJected to the IntroductIOn of thIS letter wIthout the doctor
beIng called to testIfy and be subJect to cross-eXamInatIOn. At the heanng, the letter was
IdentIfied In the record, but not admItted Into eVIdence, wIth the partIes to make submIssIOns on
the Issue In cloSIng argument.
Manager Thomson testIfied regardIng the Impact of the Board's ordenng Ms Clarke to
remaIn In Milton, pendIng a heanng on the ments They Included a number of operatIOnal
concerns related to Ms Clarke's InabIlIty to type transcnpts after hours, IncludIng concerns
about beIng unable to contInue to assIgn her to motIOns court where few transcnpts are reqUIred,
concerns about findIng others who could type her transcnpts, concerns about that sItuatIOn
ImpactIng a tnal She also testIfied about the dIfficultIes created by Ms Clarke's allegatIOns of
harassment on her abIlIty to manage She explaIned that she felt "ImmobIlIzed" and "paralyzed"
by Ms Clarke's accusatIOns and the IncreaSIng gap between what she Intended and Ms Clarke's
InterpretatIOn of her actIOns She stated that theIr relatIOnshIp had detenorated and that theIr
meetIngs had become IncreasIngly hostIle and "tOXIC" and that after each meetIng there were
emaIls from Ms Clarke, copIed wIdely In the Mimstry aCCUSIng her of harassment. She stated
that the sItuatIOn was also negatIvely ImpactIng her relatIOnshIp wIth the Local Umon PresIdent.
After the meetIng on December 16 2004 as Ms Clarke and the Local Umon PresIdent left her
office her door was slammed shut and the Local Umon PresIdent said "what a bItch." Ms
Thomson also testIfied that It was her VIew that other employees were very aware of the conflIct
between Ms Thomson and Ms Clarke and were uncomfortable wIth that sItuatIOn, IncludIng one
person who asked that Ms Clarke not return to Milton.
1 Jurisdiction
The Employer asserts that the Board has no JunsdIctIOn to order Intenm relIef regardIng ItS
decIsIOn not to renew Ms Clarke's secondment agreement. It asserts that determInatIOns of that
nature are vested exclusIvely In management and do not anse from any "nght" In the collectIve
agreement, over whIch the GSB has JunsdIctIOn.
I conclude that the Board does have JunsdIctIOn to order Intenm relIef In thIS matter The
Board has adopted a consIstent body of Junsprudence In thIS area whIch broadly Interprets the
power "to make Intenm orders concernIng procedural matters" as set forth In SectIOn 48(12)(1)
of the Ontano Labour Relations Act. OPSEU (Fox et al) and Ontario Human Rights
Commission (2001) GSB No 0507/01 et al (Stewart) ProvIded that the relIef IS not dISposItIve
of the gnevance and the umon IS able to satIsfy the two-part test for Intenm relIef, the Board
clearly has JunsdIctIOn to order such relIef
In thIS case, management's nght to termInate the temporary transfer agreement IS not
absolute It IS fettered by the gnevor's nghts under the collectIve agreement, IncludIng ArtIcle
3 2 whIch prohIbItS "dISCnmInatIOn or harassment practIsed by reason of an employee's
membershIp or actIvIty In the Umon." ArtIcle 2, Management RIghts, states that management
has the nght to manage the busIness and dIrect the workforce" IncludIng the enumerated specIfic
thIngs, "subJect only to the provIsIOns of thIS Central CollectIve Agreement " Therefore
management's nght to termInate Ms Clarke's temporary transfer agreement IS lImIted by ItS
oblIgatIOn not to dISCnmInate on the basIs of Umon membershIp or actIvIty The Ontano Labour
Relations Act also prohIbItS dISCnmInatIOn on the basIs of Umon actIvIty and that Includes the
filIng and purSUIng of gnevances Ms Clarke's December 20 2004 gnevance alleges, In part,
that the termInatIOn of the agreement was because of her gnevance In relatIOn to the preparatIOn
oftranscnpts and her partIcIpatIOn In that proceedIng. It IS clearly a matter over whIch the Board
has JunsdIctIOn to reVIew the Employer's actIOn and to Issue Intenm relIef, If appropnate
2. Is there an arguable case on the merits?
The case law establIshes a two-part test for the grantIng of Intenm relIef The two-part test IS
(1) that there must be an arguable case on the ments of the gnevance and (2) the board must
balance the potentIal harm or Inconvemence of the partIes
In decIdIng If there IS "an arguable case on the ments" the standard IS not a "balance of
probabIlItIes" standard but a lesser standard. OPSEU (Union Grievance) and Management
Board Secretariat (1997) GSB No 1196/97 (DIssanayake, Vice-Chair) at p 6 In thIS case,
based on that lesser standard, I find that there IS an arguable case on the ments The Umon's
eVIdence, If credIted at the heanng, would establIsh that the Mimstry's decIsIOn was based, In
least In part, on Ms Clarke's actIvItIes In support of the transcnpt preparatIOn gnevance
3 Where does the balance of potential harm or inconvenience lie?
I find that thIS IS the truly dIfficult determInatIOn In thIS matter because I belIeve that there IS
harm to both partIes There can be no questIOn that Ms Clarke would find the commute to
FInch/Duffenn qUIte stressful and sIgmficantly more tIme-cOnsumIng than her commute to
Milton. It IS clear though, that she would not have to take Highway 401 to get there, or take
publIc transportatIOn. She could dnve USIng a vanety of routes, only one of whIch she has ever
tned. Nor IS there any eVIdence that other alternatIves, whIch would lImIt the amount of dnvIng
she would have to do have been consIdered, such as car poolIng or obtaInIng a nde wIth
someone Nevertheless, It IS clear that Ms Clarke would find the commute to the Duffenn/FInch
locatIOn to be qUIte dIfficult and stressful
As noted prevIOusly the Employer obJected to the IntroductIOn of the letter from the
gnevor's doctor dated December 27 2004 wIthout the doctor beIng present for cross-
eXamInatIOn. It argued that the tImIng and content of the letter were hIghly SUSpICIOUS, that the
letter was prepared at counsel's request to support her claims In thIS proceedIng, and that It
should not be accepted Into eVIdence wIthout the doctor beIng called as a wItness In support It
cItes to Re Abitibi Consolidated Inc and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace
Workers, Lodge 268 (2002) 103 L.AC (4th) 160 (Spnngate)
The Umon argued that the letter was admIssIble under the Ontano Labour Relations Act
and that the only Issue was the weIght to be gIven It. In support, It cItes to Re Municipality of
Metropolitan Toronto and Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 79 (1992) 25 LAC
(4th) 73 (Spnngate) In the alternatIve, the Umon suggests that an Intenm order be granted,
pendIng the Umon's abIlIty to present the doctor for eXamInatIOn and cross-eXamInatIOn, relYIng
on OPSEU (Nield) and MinistlY of Labour (1996), GSB No 1471/96 (Roberts), endorsed by the
DIvIsIOnal Court, January 22, 1997
In the ordInary course, i e a regular heanng on the ments, I would not admIt the doctor's
letter of December 27 2004 wIthout the doctor beIng called to testIfy As set out In Re Abitibi
Consolidated Inc supra at p 162, and the cases cIted thereIn, the more recent Junsprudence has
"adopted the VIew that a medIcal note or report of any consequence should not be admItted Into
eVIdence at the request of one party unless the doctor who prepared the document IS made
avaIlable to be cross-examIned by the other party If It so requests" The doctor's letter of
December 27 2004 IS clearly a medIcal report "of consequence" and IS germane to a central
Issue In thIS case
The type of "proof' accepted In applIcatIOns for Intenm relIef, however appears to be of
a lesser standard due to the need for expedIency In OPSEU (Nield) supra at p 6 the arbItrator
accepted the unsworn declaratIOn of the gnevor as sufficIent eVIdence to grant a temporary order
for Intenm relIef, "at least where the CIrcumstances are so urgent as to make vIrtually ImpossIble
the submIssIOn of better eVIdence" In thIS case the Umon tned, wIthout success, to have the
doctor testIfy on January 17 2004
Further In OPSEU (Union Grievance) and Management Board Secretariat (1997), GSB
No 1196/97 (DIssanayake) the Board relIed on the submIssIOns of counsel where no wItness
testIfied about the potentIal harm The Board held at pp 8-9
[T]he predIctIOn of umon counsel, although not tendered as eVIdence under oath,
In my VIew was a reasonable and logIcal predIctIOn of what may occur In these
types of proceedIngs, no party wIll be able to "prove" the harm because tYPIcally
requests for Intenm relIef are made before the harm IS done In each case, In
consIdenng the condItIOn of "balance of harm" the Board must attempt as best as
It can, to predIct what harm may be reasonably expected In the partIcular
AccordIngly In lIght of the nature of thIS proceedIng, I wIll admIt the doctor's letter Into
eVIdence, but for the reasons set forth below I can only gIve It mImmal weIght.
Although admIssIble, the letter IS hearsay and the Employer dId not have a chance to cross-
examIne the doctor It was also clearly wntten for thIS heanng In order to bolster the gnevor's
claim I do find that the letter confirms the gnevor's testImony that she has a fear or phobIa about
dnvIng on hIghways What I cannot accept IS the doctor's conclusIOn that her workIng at
Duffenn/FInch by takIng smaller sIde streets IS "not possIble" so therefore "she reqUIres an
accommodatIOn In the form of a contInUatIOn of her assIgnments to the Milton Court House" or a
closer locatIOn than FInch. The phobIa he descnbes IS related to hIghway dnvIng, not dnvIng In
general He specIfically states that "she cannot dnve on hIghways due to pamc and anxIety
dIsorder brought on by hIghway dnvIng."
In the letter the doctor does not consIder any other alternatIves such as carpoolIng or
obtaInIng a nde wIth someone, and he sImply reJects the length of the commute by publIc transIt
as "ObvIOusly not feasIble" The letter makes no mentIOn of the allegatIOns of harassment made
by Ms Clarke agaInst the manager of the Milton courthouse, nor dId he consIder from that
perspectIve, the Impact that her staYIng at the Milton courthouse In addItIOn, the letter states
that "[t]hIS condItIOn may be somewhat amenable to treatment" although none has been
explored. The possIbIlIty of treatment undermInes the conclusIOn that she "reqUIres an
accommodatIOn In the form of a contInUatIOn of her assIgnments to the Milton Court House"
These factors, In my VIew undermIne the conclusIOns regardIng accommodatIOn reached by the
doctor AccordIngly I find that the doctor's letter supports the gnevor's testImony that she has a
phobIa about hIghway dnvIng, but It does not establIsh that the Employer must accommodate her
by contInuIng her temporary transfer agreement to Milton.
It IS Important to note that thIS letter was the first IndIcatIOn that the gnevor IS seekIng an
accommodatIOn due to a dIsabIlIty as set out In the Ontano Human Rights Code The eVIdence
showed that, In the gnevor's VIew by her statIng that she had a fear of dnvIng on hIghways It
was akIn to makIng such a claim for dIsabIlIty but It IS clear that It was not perceIved as a
dIsabIlIty claim by the Employer The gnevor was never asked to provIde medIcal
documentatIOn of her fear nor dId she provIde any In my VIew Ms Clarke cannot be faulted
for that SInce there was no need for medIcal documentatIOn untIl she was no longer allowed to
work In Milton.
Clearly however the gnevor has now made a claim of dIsabIlIty under the Human Rights
Code based on a phobIa of hIghway dnvIng, and that claim wIll need to be addressed by the
Employer under ItS accommodatIOn polIcy In thIS regard, I make no rulIng on whether the
Employer has an oblIgatIOn to accommodate an employee's commute to work, as opposed to the
Job Itself
The Employer asserts, In turn, that the Mimstry and Ms Thomson, would also suffer harm If
Ms Clarke remaIned In Milton In lIght of her InabIlIty to prepare transcnpts after hours as well
as because of her gnevance and complaInts regardIng harassment by Ms Thomson Ms Clarke's
July 14 2004 gnevance and supportIng documentatIOn assert that there has been "escalatIng
harassment Imposed by Ms Thomson " It asserts that "[t]he contInUOUS and escalatIng
harassIng behavIOr exhIbIted by Ms Thomson has put such stress on me that comIng to work IS
very dIfficult." The eVIdence shows that Ms Clarke's feels overwhelmed, has had trouble
sleepIng, and suffered stress as a result of what has occurred. She took a week off work due to
stress In June 2004 The Mimstry asserts that It IS In lIght of such allegatIOns and CIrcumstances
that the "balance of harm" reqUIres that Ms Clarke not be returned to Milton on an Intenm basIs
The Mimstry asserts that ItS management actIOns are contInually beIng vIewed as examples of
"harassment" by Ms Clarke and that It would be dIsruptIve and problematIc for ItS manager and
Ms Clarke as well as other staff, for her to contInue there under these CIrcumstances The
Mimstry also asserts that It nsks potentIal addItIOnal lIabIlIty and further allegatIOns and
problems If the dIrect contact and conflIct between Ms Clarke and Ms Thomson were to
In my VIew these are legItImate Employer concerns In OPSEU (Group Grievance and
Sammy et al.) and Ministry of Correctional Services (2001) GSB No 0224/01 et al (Hams,
Vice-Chair) the Board quoted, at pp 6-7 from a decIsIOn on Intenm relIef by ArbItrator Ken
Swan In William Nielson Ltd and UFCW (unreported, July 16 1993) whIch, In part, states
[T]here are other factors whIch mIght very well demonstrate Inconvemence to an
Employer partIcularly where elements of addItIOnal financIal cost, reasonable
apprehensIOn of harm to the workplace or other employees, or senous questIOns
of workplace morale anse
In thIS case, the Employer asserts that there IS a reasonable apprehensIOn of harm to the
workplace and ItS manager In partIcular and questIOns of workplace morale would anse should
the gnevor be allowed to remaIn In Milton under Ms Thomson's supervIsIOn, pendIng the
heanng In thIS matter
Normally when allegatIOns of harassment are made, It may be reasonable, where feasIble,
to separate the partIes It prevents escalatIOn of the sItuatIOn and aVOIds addItIOnal allegatIOns
from exacerbatIng an already dIfficult sItuatIOn. Here, the Employer argues that because the
gnevor was In Milton on a temporary transfer agreement untIl January 1 2005 It was feasIble to
separate the partIes upon the expIry of that agreement. It submIts that It was the prudent thIng to
Yet the gnevor wants to remaIn In Milton where the alleged harassment has taken place
and under the dIrectIOn of Ms Thomson. She testIfied that she wants to do that, despIte the
harassment, because keepIng her "travel accommodatIOn" was her "bIggest concern." The Umon
contends that not to grant the requested relIef sends the message that If you gneve harassment,
and are vocal about It, you are subJect to removal from the workplace and a gIven three-hour
commute, whIch wIll have a chIllIng Impact on employees It acknowledges that havIng a
harassment claim made agaInst a manager may be dIfficult and uncomfortable for the manager
but It asserts that It IS not a basIs to relocate the accuser To do so It submIts, IS akIn to
pumshIng or blamIng the vIctIm
The Umon has a valId pOInt In the normal case where an employee IS In hIS home
posItIOn. Too often, It IS the alleged vIctIm who IS moved. But Ms Clarke was not In her home
posItIOn. She was In Milton on a temporary transfer agreement, whIch was expmng. In that
sItuatIOn, where there are senous claims of harassment agaInst a specIfic manager not returmng
the gnevor there - on Intenm relIef - cannot be seen as pumshIng the vIctIm It IS, Instead, a
matter of balancIng the harm.
The Umon also asserts that the harm raised by the Employer can be contaIned by havIng
the gnevor's ImmedIate supervIsor ElaIne Ferry deal wIth Ms Clarke Instead ofMs Thomson.
It submIts that the Employer's "harm" IS really a matter of admInIstratIve Inconvemence, and
that the InteractIOns between Ms Clarke and Ms Thomson could be lImIted I cannot agree
The eVIdence showed that there are many Issues that would anse In relatIOn to Ms Clarke's work
that Ms Thomson would have to be mvolved m should the gnevor be returned to Milton. These
mclude accommodatIOn Issues, Issues about assIgnments and transcnpts and Issues regardmg
work locatIOn - all areas of potentIal conflIct.
WhIle the gnevor testIfied that she would treat Ms Thomson professIOnally and the
Umon argued that the Issues were not "personal" to Ms Thomson but rather related to the
Mimstry's no-typmg polIcy the gnevor's emaIls after her meetmgs wIth Ms Thomson
demonstrate that It was very personal The emaIls clearly blame Ms Thomson, personally for a
wIde vanety of actIOns mcludmg Imposmg the no-typmg polIcy m Milton.
In contrast, the eVIdence showed that Ms Clarke's relatIOnshIp wIth the Manager at
Fmch/Duffenn, Rosa MartellI, was a good one Also per Ms MartellI's testImony m the Hunt et
al case, GSB No 2001-0534 et al Ms MartellI's practIce IS to allow court reporters to type
transcnpts dunng down tIme As a result, some of the operatIOnal concerns caused by the no-
typmg polIcy m Milton combmed wIth Ms Clark's mabIlIty to type transcnpts after hours, may
not anse or may be lessened at Duffenn/Finch.
As set forth m OPSEU (Leeder) and Ministry of Health (1995) GSB No 2498/93 et al
(Finley Vice-Chair), at p 30
[F]ollowmg the determmatIOn that there IS an arguable case, [the analysIs] IS one
of "weIghmg" the potentIal harm or mconvemence to the partIes m a partIcular
sItuatIOn and grantmg or denymg the mtenm relIef based on the outcome of thIS
exercIse, and on the practIcalItIes of the sItuatIOn. If the potentIal harm or
mconvemence IS greater for the employee, then relIef would be granted, If It IS
greater for the employer It would be demed.
Here, there IS clearly potentIal harm or mconvemence to both partIes I find, however that, on
balance, the harm to the Employer outweIghs that to the gnevor In lIght of the fact that Ms
Clarke was on a temporary transfer agreement to Milton (versus It bemg her home posItIOn) and
m lIght of the operatIOnal concerns caused by the her mabIlIty to type transcnpts after hours, as
well as the repeated allegatIOns of harassment that she has made agamst her Milton manager
whIch have affected her own health and well-bemg, the potentIal harm to the Employer of the
gnevor's remammg m Milton and the real potentIal for contmumg conflIct, pendmg the outcome
of thIS matter outweIghs the burden Imposed on the gnevor by commutmg to Duffenn/Fmch.
In so rulIng, I do not mImmIze the gnevor's dIfficulty m commutmg to Duffenn/Finch
compared to Milton. I know she feels that she IS bemg pumshed for speakmg out. But the Issue
here, m thIS request for mtenm relIef, IS the balance of harm For the reasons set forth above, I
find that the harm to Ms Clarke from not awardmg mtenm relIef, pendmg the outcome of the
heanng on the ments, does not outweIgh, on balance, the potentIal harm to the Employer should
the requested mtenm relIef be granted.
For all of the reasons set forth above, the Umon's motIOn for mtenm relIef IS demed.
Issued at Toronto thIS 26th day of January 2005
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