HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-2002-0004.Varinder Mehan.05-11-07 Decision
Public Service Commission des ~~
Grievance Board griefs de la fonction
Bureau 600 ~-,...
Suite 600 Ontario
180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest
Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388
Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396
Vannder Mehan Grievor
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of Finance) Employer
BEFORE D.J.D LeIghton Vice-Chair
FOR THE EMPLOYER Yasmeena Mohamed
Semor Counsel
Mimstry of Government ServIces
HEARING June 3 4 10 11 17 18 & 24 December 1 2,
9 & 10 2003 May 26 August 10 & 16 2004
Vannder Mehan gneves that he was wrongly termInated from hIS employment as a Group
Manager AudIt, wIth the Mimstry of FInance on August 31 2001 He had worked for the
Mimstry SInce 1994 when he began as a FIeld AudItor The grounds for dIsmIssal were outlIned
In the termInatIOn letter as follows
I have now revIewed the report, a copy of whIch has been provIded to you, and
have concluded that you dId engage In a conflIct of Interest and dId act contrary to
the ConflIct of Interest GUIdelInes for Employees document. The InVestIgatIOn
has substantIated that you were engaged In provIdIng financIal and/or accountIng
servIces to a number of clIent compames and IndIVIduals whIle you were
employed wIth the Mimstry Without reIteratIng the findIngs of the report, I
accept the accuracy of the conclusIOns, whIch are reached In It and base my
decIsIOn on these findIngs
The Mimstry takes the posItIOn that havIng carefully consIdered the findIngs of the report, the
gnevor's work record, and hIS knowledge of the conflIct of Interest polIcIes, dIsmIssal was
appropnate Mr Mehan demes runmng an accountIng busIness from hIS home EssentIally It IS
hIS posItIOn that the financIal records found In hIS home were of clIents of hIS brother Mr
SanJeev Mehan. He has therefore been wrongly termInated and should be compensated for hIS
a) IntroductIOn
ThIS arbItratIOn proceeded over the course of several years and reqUIred many days of heanngs
and extensIve documentary eVIdence HavIng carefully revIewed all the viva voce eVIdence and
documentary eVIdence In thIS case, I wIll provIde a summary of the relevant eVIdence Further I
may refer to detaIls of the relevant eVIdence as necessary In the reasons for the decIsIOn.
In September of 2000 the DIrector of the North York RegIOnal Tax Office learned from the
gnevor's then-wIfe Ms Neeru Sharma (known before her dIvorce as Neeru Mehan) that the
gnevor mIght be In potentIal conflIct of Interest In hIS work for the Mimstry The Internal AudIt
ServIces DIVISIOn (IAS) was asked to InVestIgate whether the gnevor and hIS wIfe were In a
conflIct of Interest for alleged busIness dealIngs beIng carrIed on whIle the gnevor was a Group
Manager In AudIt and hIS wIfe was a Tax AudItor contrary to regulatIOns under the Public
Service Act RSO 1990 c.P 47 and ConflIct of Interest GUIdelInes for the OPS specIfically for
the Mimstry of FInance The Tax Revenue DIvIsIOn ConflIct ofInterest GUIdelInes (TRD)
provIde at sectIOn 23 as follows
Tax Revenue DIvIsIOn employees workIng In a functIOn that Involves dIrect
contact wIth the publIc, audItIng tax payers' financIal accountIng systems,
remIttances, refund or benefit applIcatIOns, or collectIng overdue taxpayer
accounts, must not engage In outsIde actIvItIes that Include the provIsIOn of
financIal or accountIng servIces for any IndIVIdual, corporatIOn, enterpnse or
WhIle the InVestIgatIOn was beIng conducted the gnevor was suspended from employment wIth
pay pursuant to sectIOn 22( 1) of the Public Service Act The InVestIgatIOn was conducted by
LInda LIm, an AudIt Manager wIthIn IAS and took 18 months Ms LIm began In September of
2000 and the report was Issued August 1 2001 The executIve summary of the audIt report
summanzes the findIngs of the audItor SUCCInctly
IAS found that whIle workIng wIth the Mimstry Mr Vannder Mehan had
provIded bookkeepIng/accountIng servIces to seven vendors (includIng KIng's
Head Pub and four pIzza stores) and had a busIness relatIOnshIp wIth one other
pIzza store vendor The subsequent Mimstry RST audIts of KIng's Head Pub and
the four pIzza stores revealed suppreSSIOn of sales As of the date of thIS report,
the Mimstry has levIed or estImated a tax lIabIlIty of at least $50 000 00 to each of
these vendors On Apnl 30 2001 the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
(CCRA) reported convIctIOns and fines of approxImately $60 000 00 agaInst
GurmIt DhamI, Agent for KIng's Head Pub for evadIng the payment of Goods
and ServIce Tax and Personal Income Tax. Court documents released by CCRA
to IAS also IndIcates suppressIOn of sales These court documents IndIcate that
Mr Vannder Mehan prepared the financIal statements and returns
WhIle the IAS InVestIgator was charged wIth InVestIgatIng Ms Sharma as well, the eVIdence
wIth regard to the allegatIOns agaInst the gnevor's ex-wIfe wIll be referred to only as stnctly
Ms LIm testIfied on behalf of the employer as to how she conducted the InVestIgatIOn Into thIS
matter The DIrector of the North York RegIOnal Tax Office, Ms Nicole AmdJar advIsed Ms
LIm that It was dunng a meetIng WIth Ms Sharma that she became aware of the potentIal
conflIct of Interest. Ms Sharma had told the DIrector that she was gOIng through a dIfficult
dIvorce wIth the gnevor She also said that whIle employed by the Mimstry Mr Mehan had
engaged In provIdIng accountIng and bookkeepIng servIces to vanous compames IncludIng
KIng's Head Pub and several 2-4-1 PIzza stores The DIrector also advIsed Ms LIm that Canada
Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) had seIzed financIal documents for KIng's Head Pub
from theIr home
Ms LIm took the folloWIng steps In her InVestIgatIOn. She obtaIned publIc documents from the
Newmarket Court House regardIng the Mehan dIvorce She met wIth CCRA In Sudbury and an
RST AudIt Manager there and revIewed files seIzed by CCRA from the Mehan home With Ms
Sharma's consent, she took a 486 home computer from the Mehan home and a 5.25 floppy
dIskette found In thIS computer An external firm was used to recover deleted files When the
files were recovered, she revIewed and followed up on the compames and IndIVIduals whose
InfOrmatIOn was found on the 486 computer She also scanned file dIrectones and files stored In
the IBM AptIva computer a second home computer and wIth Ms Sharma's consent copIed
these files to dIskette, to determIne whether there were other financIal and tax records of
compames and IndIVIduals on It.
Ms LIm met WIth the owner of KIng's Head Pub In North Bay obtaInIng a sIgned statement
from Mr GurmIt DhamI and hIS wIfe IdentIfYIng Mr Vannder Mehan as theIr bookkeeper and
annual payments made for those servIces She also revIewed telephone bIlls obtaIned from Ms
Sharma of calls made from the Mehan home for the penod between May 1999 and September
2000 She revIewed the RST audIts for KIng's Head Pub and other compames IdentIfied or
lIsted In the 486 home computer
Ms LIm receIved a sIgned statement from Ms Sharma that the home 486 and home AptIva
computers were matnmomal assets and the 486 computer and the 5 25-Inch floppy dIskette were
used by Mr Mehan to run hIS home bookkeepIng tax busIness Numerous documents were sent
to the Centre of ForensIc SCIences to determIne whether the handwntIng matches were eIther Mr
Mehan's or Ms Sharma's known handwntIng. Ms LIm revIewed Mimstry vendor records and
databases of the compames named In Ms Sharma's ImtIal allegatIOns or lInked to Mr Mehan as
a result of the InVestIgatIOn. She also revIewed a pnor InVestIgatIOn of alleged conflIct of
Interest conducted by IAS wIth regard to Mr Mehan In 1994 Mimstry computers for both Mr
Mehan and Ms Sharma were revIewed and sent to an outsIde firm to recover files that had been
Ms LIm's eVIdence was that Mr Mehan had not declared a possIble conflIct of Interest SInce
JOImng the Mimstry Further he had receIved a copy of the TRD polIcy Mr Mehan's personnel
file Included a report on an InVestIgatIOn by IAS In 1994 In that InVestIgatIOn there had been a
complaInt that Mr Mehan was SOlICItIng clIents whIle performIng RST audIts Dunng that
InVestIgatIOn Mr Mehan told the InVestIgator that before he was hIred by the Mimstry he had
been operatIng a busIness prepanng books and records for several clIents, but at the tIme of thIS
InVestIgatIOn IndIcated he no longer performed that work. He also stated In 1994 that he was
aware of the Mimstry conflIct of Interest polIcy and gUIdelInes The InVestIgator concluded there
was InSUfficIent eVIdence to find any wrongdoIng.
Ms LIm testIfied that there was eVIdence that a home bookkeepIng busIness was beIng
conducted In the matnmomal home ofMr Mehan and Ms Sharma. The eVIdence to support thIS
conclusIOn was as follows
On January 28 1999 CCRA seIzed records (invOIces, cash regIster detaIled tapes,
cancelled cheques, payroll InformatIOn, dIskettes contaInIng tax returns and
financIal records, receIpts, cheque stubs, sales Journal, GST/PST returns etc ) of
KIng's Head Pub and ItS related compames (Mr D's FurnIture) from the
matnmomal home ofMr Vannder Mehan and Mrs Neeru Mehan. Statements
made by CCRA InVestIgators on October 30 20002 IAS IndIcated that, In theIr
OpInIOn, an ongoIng bookkeepIng busIness was beIng conducted from the
matnmomal home CCRA also provIded a general descnptIOn of the layout and
the state (open files, receIpts, InVOICeS, etc) of the home office on the day of theIr
We were further Informed by CCRA that both Mr Vannder Mehan and Mrs
Neeru Mehan ImtIally agreed to fully cooperate wIth CCRA. Mrs Neeru Mehan
was to provIde a handwntIng sample, whIch she dId, but when CCRA asked for
the wntIng sample ofMr Vannder Mehan's handwntIng, Mr Vannder Mehan
apparently sought legal advIce and refused to cooperate wIth CCRA.
Ms LIm's ImtIaI reVIew of the 486 home computer revealed that the hard dnve files had been
deleted. An external data recovery firm was able to recover a number of files FInanCIal records,
financIal statements, payroll records, T4 summanes, pnce lIsts etc for the folloWIng compames
between the years of 1991 and 1997 were found on the 486 home computer and the dIskettes
. 1164596 Ontano Inc (241 PIzza Store # 61 at 235 DIxon Road)
. 11384174 Ontano Inc (241 PIzza store #50 at 900 AlbIOn Road)
. 1247162 Ontano Inc (241 PIzza store #43 at 833 Westlock Dnve)
. Brass Era TradIng Company*
. ND BusIness Centre
. Pan Inv (France PatIssene)*
. Pat Knowles Investments Inc *
. 1033895 Ontano Inc (Rockwood FurnIture)*
. N (symbol "and") N TradIng Company (Brass Source)*
. Art Hut*
. Pryanka Inc
. Accu Electnc Motors Inc
. SImson Mattress (a related company ofPryanka)
. SImson BeddIng Manufacturer*
. G S J InternatIOnal star
. Maple DelIvery ServIce*
. Home Accents *
. Pnanka Imports*
. Umque Brass and LIghtIng*
. 1020989 Ontano Inc (Mac's Milk #1055) *
. Brass Era TradIng Co Ltd. *
. Mattress Village*
. Art In DIVIng*
. Bntanma FurnIture*
. The Caves Restaurant*
*-company no longer In operatIOn or unable to locate current lIstIng
Ms LIm's research IndIcated that of the remaInIng actIve compames, the Mimstry found no
sImIlar records In the Mimstry's databases or In the vendor files Ms LIm concluded that thIS
IndIcates that the records found In the home computer were not from Mimstry related work of
eIther Ms Sharma or Mr Mehan
In an IntervIew on May 24 2001 wIth Mr Mehan, In the presence ofMr Mehan's lawyer the
gnevor told Ms LIm that he dId not know how these files got on to hIS home computer He
thought perhaps It was hIS wIfe who loaded the InformatIOn Into the home computer or that
perhaps some of the InformatIOn belonged to hIS brother Mr SanJeev Mehan. He stated hIS
brother also a Chartered Accountant, operated a bookkeepIng busIness from the Mehan
matnmomal home between 1993 and 1999 Mr Mehan IndIcated that the 2-4-1 PIzza stores and
the busIness centre Pryanka Inc and KIng's Head Pub were all clIents of hIS brother's He dId
from tIme to tIme help hIS brother by completIng vendor applIcatIOn forms, cheques and busIness
regIstratIOn forms He also maIled some Items to vendors for hIm and submItted the RST
cheques and RST returns to the Mimstry Mr Mehan said he dId not charge hIS brother for the
use of hIS matnmomal home for hIS bookkeepIng busIness He demed beIng the accountant of
KIng's Head Pub He was presented wIth two cheques made out to KIng's Head Pub In the
maiden name of hIS wIfe, one of whIch was not cashed and one of whIch was deposIted Into theIr
JOInt account before Ms Sharma had JOIned the Mimstry He could not explaIn why Mr DhamI,
the agent of the pub would say that he was hIS bookkeeper and not hIS wIfe, unless he was
Influenced by her and somehow hoped to save hImself He stated that he had no relatIOnshIp or
Involvement wIth any of hIS brother's clIents except the owner ofPryanka whom he knew
prevIOusly as he dId some busIness wIth hIm pnor to JOImng the Mimstry When asked how It
was that some of the 2-4-1 PIzza stores were In hIS Mimstry audIt bank, he stated perhaps some
admInIstratIve staff had put the pIzza stores In hIS audIt bank.
In a follow-up to thIS IntervIew WIth Mr Mehan, Ms LIm asked hIm to provIde eVIdence to
support the claim that hIS brother Mr SanJeev Mehan, was operatIng the busIness from the
Mehan home, and especIally WIth regard to the eIght vendors lInked to the gnevor's Mimstry
dutIes Mr Mehan Informed Ms LIm that Mr SanJeev Mehan was presently In Toronto
Subsequently a meetIng was set up for June 25 2001 wIth Mr SanJeev Mehan. He asked for a
lIst of questIOns before attendIng the meetIng, whIch IAS provIded. Mr SanJeev Mehan also
gave Ms LIm an affidavIt wItnessed by a CommISSIOner whIch declared the folloWIng
I am a CanadIan ImmIgrant sInce September 1994 and a resIdent of Canada.
SInce October 1994 I have been In the busIness of provIdIng bookkeepIng and tax
servIces for a vanety of clIents My work Involves preparatIOn and compIlatIOn of
financIal statements and tax returns based on InfOrmatIOn provIded by the clIents
The data on computer floppy dIskettes and other accountIng documents seIzed by
the Mimstry of Finance on September 6 2000 from the resIdence of my brother
(Mr Vannder Mehan) pertaIns to my clIents and me
IAS followed up by askIng for documentatIOn ofMr SanJeev Mehan to prove and substantIate
the sworn statements and the answers to the questIOns that they gave but they never receIved any
Ms LIm testIfied In consIderable detaIl to the lInks that she found between the eIght compames
IdentIfied In the 486 home computer The summary In the IAS report SUCCInctly provIdes a
preCIS of her oral eVIdence
Of the 26 compames IdentIfied In the 486 home computer IAS lInked eIght to Mr Vannder
Mehan. For the 2-4-1 PIzza at Westlot Dnve, Store #43 the folloWIng lInks were IdentIfied
. The financIal statements for December 31 1996 and December 31 1997
1995-1996 sales and purchase Journals and payroll records of thIS busIness
were found In the home 486 computer These records were not avaIlable In
the Mimstry databases or vendor files
. A computer dIskette found In the home 486 computer Included the personal
tax returns of the owners and theIr famIlIes
. IAS found two NSF cheques (cheques #0095 dated July 23 1996 and #0464
dated October 23 1997) In the Mimstry vendor file and sent them to the
Centre for ForensIc SCIences (CFS) to determIne IfMr Vannder Mehan or
Mrs N eeru Mehan wrote the documents CFS concluded that Mr Vannder
Mehan "wrote the payee lIne and the wntten amount lIne on Item 35 (cheque
#0464) as well as the payee lIne and amount lIne (includIng the numencal
amount) on Item 36 " (cheque #0095) CFS found "a sIgmficant cOmbInatIOn
of sImIlantIes In handwntIng charactenstIcs was observed between the
questIOned Items and the known wntIng "Mr V annder Mehan
confirmed dunng our IntervIew on May 24 2001 that It was hIS handwntIng
on the two cheques
. Mimstry RST audIts Just completed revealed suppreSSIOn of sales as at the
date of thIS report. The Mimstry has assessed a tax lIabIlIty of $107 000 00
agaInst the owners of thIS store
The RST audItor IndIcated that the owner of thIS pIzza store Said hIS accountant was Nick,
although he had no contact number and he dIdn't know Nick's last name
For the 2-4-1 PIzza at PhIlosopher's Dnve, Store #80 the folloWIng lInks were IdentIfied
. The financIal statements for December 31 1997 were found In the home 486
computer These records were not avaIlable In the Mimstry databases or
vendor files
. A computer dIskette found In the home 486 computer Included the personal
tax returns of the owners and theIr famIly
. IAS obtaIned a Vendor ApplIcatIOn Form date stamped November 27 1997
and the ArtIcle ofIncorporatIOn Form date stamped July 18 1997 submItted
to the MCCR for thIS vendor and sent them to the Centre for ForensIc SCIence
(CF S) to determIne If Mr Vannder Mehan or Mrs N eeru Mehan wrote the
documents CFS concluded Mr Vannder Mehan "probably wrote the back of
the Item 40 (ApplIcatIOn for Vendor PermIt) (excludIng the sIgnatures) and all
of the partIculars on Item 41 (ArtIcles ofIncorporatIOn) Mr Vannder Mehan
confirmed dunng our IntervIew on May 24 2001 that It was hIS handwntIng
on the two forms
. We found thIS vendor was In Mr Vannder Mehan's audIt bank on June 21
2000 even though thIS vendor belongs to the MissIssauga RegIOnal Tax
Office Furthermore we noted that Mr Vannder Mehan approved the Issue of
a Clearance CertIficate (see below for the descnptIOns) on August 8 2000
wIthout and audIt or a holdback for possIble lIabIlIty and removed the
potentIal audIt from hIS audIt bank. Follow-up work has revealed the busIness
has not been sold.
. RST has commenced an audIt of the vendor As of the date of thIS report the
RST audIt based on thIrd party records IndIcated suppressIOn of sales and
estImated tax lIabIlIty of approxImately $75 00000 IAS contacted the vendor
regardIng the name of theIr account on June 26 2001 and dId not receIve a
For the 2-4-1 PIzza at DIxon Road, Store #61 the IAS InVestIgatIOn found the folloWIng lInks to
Mr Vannder Mehan
. The financIal statements for December 31 1996 and December 31 1997
1995-1996 sales and purchase Journals and payroll records of thIS busIness
were found In the home 486 computer These records were not avaIlable In
the Mimstry databases or vendor files
. A computer dIskette found In the home 486 computer Included the personal
tax returns of the owners and theIr famIly
. IAS obtaIned a Vendor ApplIcatIOn Form dated January 26 1996 and sent It
to the CF S to determIne If Mr Vannder Mehan or Mrs N eeru Mehan wrote
the documents CFS concluded that Mr Vannder Mehan wrote the vendor
applIcatIOn Mr Vannder Mehan confirmed dunng the May 24 2001
IntervIew that It was hIS handwntIng on the form.
. We found thIS vendor In Mr Vannder Mehan's audIt bank on May 26 2000
On August 31 2000 Mr Vannder Mehan approved the Issue of a Clearance
CertIficate wIthout an audIt or a holdback for possIble lIabIlIty and removed
the potentIal audIt from hIS audIt bank. Follow-up work has revealed that the
busIness has not been sold.
. RST has commenced an audIt of the vendor As of thIS date of thIS report the
RST audIt based on thIrd party records IndIcated suppressIOn of sales and
estImated tax lIabIlIty of approxImately $50 000 00 IAS contacted the vendor
regardIng the name of theIr accountant on June 26 2001 and dId not receIve a
For the 2-4-1 PIzza at AlbIOn Road, Store #50 the IAS InVestIgatIOn found the folloWIng lInks
wIth thIS company and Mr Vannder Mehan
. The financIal statements for December 31 1996 of thIS busIness were found
In the home 486 computer These records were not avaIlable In the Mimstry
databases or vendor files
. A computer dIskette found In the home 486 computer Included the personal
tax returns of the owner and hIS famIly
. We found thIS vendor was In Mr Vannder Mehan's audIt bank on May 26
2000 and we noted that Mr Vannder Mehan made a VISIt to the vendor on the
same day
. RST has commenced an audIt of the vendor At the date of thIS report the
RST audIt based on thIrd party records IndIcated suppressIOn of sales and an
estImated tax lIabIlIty of approxImately $50 000 00 IAS contacted the vendor
regardIng the name of theIr accountant on June 26 2001 and dId not receIve a
For the ND BusIness Centre IAS found the folloWIng lInks between thIS company and Mr
Vannder Mehan
. The financIal statements for December 31 1995 and December 31 1996 and
1997 sales Journal of thIS busIness were found In the home 486 computer
These records were not avaIlable In the Mimstry databases or vendor files
. The 1999 Tl return of the vendor's daughter was found In the home AptIva
. IAS reVIew of phone calls made from the home of Mr Vannder Mehan and
Mrs Neeru Mehan for the penod May 1999 to September 2000 lIsted two
calls to thIS vendor
. Phone number provIded to us by the vendor of hIS prevIOUS accountant
matches the prevIOUS home phone number for Mr Vannder Mehan and Mrs
Neeru Mehan (home phone number was changed In December of 1999)
However the name of the accountant provIded In a sIgned statement by the
vendor to the RST audItor was SanJIv Mohan. He was unable to provIde the
RST audItor wIth the address of hIS accountant. A subsequent call made to
the vendor by IAS on May 25 2001 the vendor reIterated the name of hIS
accountant as SanJIv Mohan. In a follow-up letter to the vendor to confirm
the name of thIS accountant, dated June 26 2001 the vendor now stated that
hIS account IS SanJeev Mehan and that hIS practIce IS somewhere In Maple
. The 1997 sales Journal found In the home 486 computer and not avaIlable at
the Mimstry matches the one subsequently provIded by the vendor to the RST
audItor who recently performed an audIt. Results of thIS RST audIt In
February/March 2001 reveal a tax lIabIlIty of about $500 00
For Pryanka Inc (includIng SImson Mattress) IAS found the folloWIng lInks between thIS
company and Mr Vannder Mehan
. Payroll records and the T 4 summary from 1997 of Pryanka Inc and the
financIal statements for December 31 1995 and T4 summary and payroll
records for 1997 for SImson Mattress were found In the home 486 computer
These records were not avaIlable In the Mimstry databases or vendor files
. IAS reVIew of phone calls made from the office ofMr VannderMehan made
from the penod of May 23 2000 to September 30 2000 lIsted numerous calls
to thIS vendor Mr Vannder Mehan IndIcated In hIS IntervIew on May 24
2001 wIth IAS that thIS owner IS a fnend.
For 1118893 Ontano Inc (operatIng as KIng's Head Pub) the IAS found the folloWIng lInks
between thIS company and Mr Vannder Mehan.
. The financIal records for thIS vendor were seIzed In January 1999 by CCRA
from the home ofMr Vannder Mehan and Mrs Neeru Mehan. Mr Vannder
Mehan stated In hIS dIvorce documents that the owner IS a famIly fnend.
. IAS obtaIned copIes of two un-cashed cheques, cheque #160 dated October
12, 1998 and cheque #0161 dated October 21 1998 (issued by the vendor to
Mr Vannder Mehan each for $4 000 00) AccordIng to the vendor the two
cheques were not cashed as Mr Vannder Mehan requested to be paid In cash
. IAS obtaIned a sIgned statement from the vendor on February 9 2001 that he
retaIned Mr Vannder Mehan and Mrs Neeru Mehan as hIS bookkeepers for
KIng's Head Pub In 1996 the tIme when KIng's Head Pub records were
seIzed by the CCRA and the compensated Mr Vannder Mehan for hIS
servIces In cash, about $3 000 00 a year on most occaSIOns, and that there
were two occaSIOns when Mr Vannder Mehan was compensated by cheque
out of the KIng's Head Pub account wIth the Bank of Montreal The vendor
provIded a copy of one of the cheque payments (cheque #0031 dated May 3
1997) for $2,000 00 made payable to Ms Sharma, her maiden name ThIS
cheque was banked In the matnmomal bank account ofMr Vannder Mehan
and Mrs Neeru Mehan on May 6 1997
. IAS reVIew of phone calls made from the home of Mr Vannder Mehan and
Mrs Neeru Mehan for the penod of May 1999 to September 2000 lIsted
numerous calls made to thIS vendor
. On Apnl 31 2001 CCRA reported convIctIOns and fines agaInst GurmIt
DhamI, agent for KIng's Head Pub for evadIng the payment of Goods and
ServIces Tax and personal Income tax. In CCRA medIa release dated May 2,
2001 CCRA InVestIgatIOn showed that Mr DhamI, the owner of KIng's Head
Pub relIed on a second set of records to hIde the understatement of the
Income and GST Court documents released from CCRA to IAS IndIcate
suppressIOn of sales and confirmed that Mr Vannder Mehan prepared the
falsIfied returns Mr DhamI stated that the financIal statements attached to
the tax returns and the GST returns for taxatIOn years endIng October 31 1996
and 1997 were prepared by Mr Vannder Mehan (hIS accountant) and that Mr
Vannder Mehan completely Ignored the sales Journals prepared by the
prevIOUS two accountants when completIng the returns Mr DhamI pleaded
gUIlty to tax evaSIOn and was fined approxImately $60 000 00
. The Mimstry's 1999 RST audIt of KIng's Head Pub resulted In tax assessment
agaInst the vendor for $73 161 00
For the 2-4-1 PIzza at Steeles Avenue East, Store #63 IAS found the folloWIng lInks to Mr
Vannder Mehan
. The audIt of thIS 2-4-1 PIzza, #63 was assIgned by Vannder Mehan on June
6 2000 to an audItor
. Based on the audItor's reVIew the vendor was assessed $66 526 08 plus 25%
penalty ($16 631 52) and applIcable Interests ($17 065.23) totallIng
$100,233 00 on June 28 2000 for the audIt penods September 1996 to May
31 2000
. On August 18 2000 the vendor vIsIted Mr Vannder Mehan and produced a
photocopy of clearance certIficates for VP #57603634 the vendor permIt
number of thIS 2-4-1 PIzza. Mr Vannder Mehan Instructed the audItor to
adJust the assessment based on the clearance certIficate and adJust the audIt
penod to be from January 1999 to June 2000 No ongInal of the clearance
certIficate has ever been located.
. The vendor was assessed $30,218 88 plus penalty and Interest for the penod
Apnl 1999 to March 2000 a reductIOn of $59 698 99 from the ongInal
. There was no record In the Mimstry's databases or vendor files that thIS
clearance certIficate was Issued, TRD's BusIness SolutIOns branch has also
confirmed that there IS no record of thIS clearance certIficate beIng Issued
through the ConsIstency Control of Correspondence Module
. The vendor or hIS representatIve dId not provIde thIS to hIS audItor at the
commencement or dunng the audIt even though the audItor had asked about
the possIble eXIstence of a clearance certIficate
. The clearance certIficate was further InvestIgated. It was sIgned by another
RST manager on behalf of Richard Townshend, ServIce Manager However
Mr Townshend was not aware of thIS certIficate and stated that he would not
have Issued the certIficate based on the vendor InformatIOn In the Mimstry
InfOrmatIOn system because the 1997 and 1998 tax YIeld analysIs on the
busIness was very low and far below Industry average The person who
sIgned on behalf ofMr Richard Townshend also had no knowledge of thIS
certIficate Mr HusaIn Mirza IndIcated that he dId not recall sIgmng thIS
certIficate and he also noted there IS usually documentatIOn such as a lawyer's
letter requestIng the clearance None of thIS was In the vendor file
In her eVIdence In chIef, Ms LIm testIfied that the gnevor's explanatIOn for helpIng hIS brother
fill out the forms dId not make sense She testIfied that Mr SanJeev Mehan was a Chartered
Accountant and should be able to complete vendor form applIcatIOns In any country
Ms Sharma told Ms LIm that Mr SanJeev Mehan came to Canada wIth hIS famIly In September
of 1994 and left In December of 1994 Mr SanJeev Mehan came back In May of2000 and left
approxImately June-July of 2000 Ms Sharma also stated that her brother-In-law dId not stay
wIth them and could not have operated a busIness from theIr home
Ms LIm revIewed the OMBUS database and dIscovered a company called "Mehan & Mehan" In
August 22, 2002 The company had been regIstered on January 31 1991 and was located at
1004 Old Lawrence Avenue West. The owner was IndIcated as a Mehan and the company was
actIve The busIness was IdentIfied as a sole propnetorshIp provIdIng tax and accountIng
Ms LIm also testIfied that an Internet search IdentIfied a company In ChandIgarh, IndIa that was
operated by Mr SanJ eev Mehan.
Ms Sharma testIfied that she was an AudItor wIth the North York Branch In the retaIl sales tax
group She began work In December of 1997 as an AdmInIstratIve Clerk. She became a RetaIl
Sales AudItor In 1999 Ms Sharma testIfied that she mamed the gnevor In 1987 She separated
from her husband In June of 2000 and was legally dIvorced In 2003
Ms Sharma testIfied that the CCRA came to the matnmomal home on January 28 1999 to seIze
documents of KIng's Head Pub The CCRA broke the lock and entered the home when neIther
she nor her then-husband was at home Ms Sharma was named as the accountant on the search
warrant. She said that when she learned that her name was on the search warrant she was
fnghtened and wanted to make full dIsclosure to the Mimstry The CCRA called the gnevor
from the house and he returned to meet wIth them When Ms Sharma returned, the gnevor told
her that he had told CCRA that the work had been done by an accountant called Nick Sharma
who had returned to IndIa. He told the CCRA that Nick Sharma was hIS COUSIn and that hIS wIfe
had kicked hIm out. Ms Sharma testIfied that there was no such person as Nick Sharma and that
her husband made thIS name up to mIslead CCRA.
Ms Sharma testIfied In addItIOn after the CCRA left, that she helped her then-husband destroy
records of the KIng's Head Pub They put them In plastIc bags and put them In the garbage Ms
Sharma also phoned the DhamIs to ask why her name had been used as the accountant on the
search warrant. The DhamIs had told her that the gnevor had told them to use her name SInce
she was not workIng for the Mimstry at the tIme Ms Sharma testIfied that when she spoke to
the DIrector about the CCRA raid she told her that she had never been the bookkeeper for KIng's
Head Pub or any other clIent It was the gnevor who was the bookkeeper She stated that she had
assIsted her husband before she had started work at the Mimstry but that she stopped after she
began work there She also stated that when questIOned by the CCRA she supported her
husband's story that the work had been done by a Nick Sharma.
Ms Sharma testIfied that she gave two cheques from the DhamIs, the search warrant from the
CCRA, and some other documents to Ms LIm Ms Sharma also stated In eVIdence that she had
gIven Ms LIm the 486 personal computer and a floppy dIsk from the AptIva computer Ms
Sharma also met wIth Ms LIm several tImes to be questIOned as to detaIls about the
Ms Sharma testIfied that Mr SanJeev Mehan and hIS wIfe lIved In Canada for three months In
1994 From September to Chnstmas Day In 1994 the famIly lIved wIth them Mr SanJeev
Mehan returned In May of 2000 for approxImately a month. Dunng the tIme that he lIved In
Canada he worked for Pryanka Inc and was paid In cash. She testIfied that Mr SanJeev Mehan
never operated a home accountIng busIness from her matnmomal home She stated that he had
hIS own accountIng practIce In IndIa.
She testIfied further that It was her ex-husband who ran the accountIng busIness from theIr home
He never had a partner although she assIsted hIm wIth data entry She stated further that she had
never prepared a financIal statement, nor had she prepared GST or PST returns
When asked specIfically why she had told the Mimstry about her husband In September 2000 she
testIfied that she had always been afraid of hIm, that he would throw thIngs and that he was
abusIve After the CCRA raid she was fnghtened that she would get fired because her name was
on the warrant. Then she heard from semor managers In the Mimstry that the gnevor was tellIng
them that she was not capable to the work she was dOIng and that she was bnngIng work home In
order to fimsh It. She testIfied that she had not asked for any "Immumty" nor was she promIsed
that If she cooperated wIth the InVestIgatIOn she would not be fired.
Mr DhamI testIfied that he came to Canada In 1992 from IndIa. He opened a mattress factory
called SImson BeddIng. He also had another busIness called Pryanka Imports for approxImately
two years He testIfied that the gnevor was hIS accountant and that he also prepared hIS personal
tax returns for hIm. Mr DhamI also owned a furnIture store called Mr D's FurnIture, whIch
operated between 1993 and 1996 The gnevor was hIS accountant dunng the tIme he owned thIS
store as well His next venture was a pub In North Bay called KIng's Head Pub The gnevor was
also the accountant for the pub whIch was actually owned by hIS wIfe, but managed by hIm.
ImtIally when It first opened he used a local bookkeeper but then the gnevor took over beIng the
accountant In thIS busIness as well
Mr DhamI testIfied that from 1992 onward he paid the gnevor $300 00 per month whIch was
paid sometImes In cash and sometImes by cheque Mr DhamI testIfied that the CCRA audIted
KIng's Head Pub and subsequently he was charged wIth tax evaSIOn. Mr DhamI told the CCRA
that the pub's financIal documents were at the gnevor's home He testIfied further that the
gnevor told hIm not to tell the CCRA or anyone that he was hIS bookkeeper because he would
lose hIS Job Instead the gnevor advIsed Mr DhamI to use hIS wIfe's name or then hIS brother's
name as the accountant. The gnevor also told hIm that he had destroyed all the KIng's Head Pub
documents not seIzed by CCRA. ThIS, as the wItness put It, had backfired on hIm because he
could not defend hImself In the CCRA precedIng. He testIfied further that Ms Sharma helped
her husband wIth data Input and that If InformatIOn was needed she made the telephone calls
The two famIlIes were fnends
SometIme around 1996 or 1997 the gnevor VIsIted the DhamIs In North Bay He told them he
had come to audIt a busIness called EXIte Battery and that he could arrange a retaIl sales tax audIt
for KIng's Head Pub that would clear the DhamIs of any potentIal tax lIabIlIty
In response to questIOns about Mr SanJeev Mehan, Mr DhamI testIfied that he had met the
gnevor's brother although he could not remember hIS name He said he had never used hIS
brother as an accountant. He dId not know that Mr SanJeev Mehan had an accountIng busIness
In Canada, but he was aware that he had a busIness In IndIa.
Mr DhamI testIfied that when Ms LIm first contacted hIm, she asked hIm who hIS accountant
was and he dId not want eIther to get Involved In the InVestIgatIOn or to tell However when the
gnevor would not help hIm wIth hIS troubles wIth the CCRA, he phoned Ms LIm and told her
that the gnevor had been hIS accountant. His contact wIth the gnevor after the CCRA raid was
lImIted. The gnevor telephoned nght after the seIzure of documents to Inform hIm that the
CCRA had not gotten all the documents and he had destroyed what was left. SometIme around
June 2002 the gnevor travelled to North Bay and asked Mr DhamI not to gIve eVIdence agaInst
hIm The gnevor threatened Mr DhamI that Ifhe dId testIfy he would get a mImstry audItor to
re-open the DhamI's file, but Ifhe dId not testIfy he would share the benefits of the damages once
he won hIS wrongful dIsmIssal gnevance agaInst the government.
When cross-examIned, Mr DhamI stated that he had hIred an accountant In 1999 to assIst hIm
wIth the CCRA charges and the mess that the gnevor had left hIm In. Mr DhamI also said that
at no tIme dId the Mimstry offer hIm any kInd of a deal to gIve hIS eVIdence
Ms AmdJar testIfied that as the DIrector of the North York RegIOnal Tax Office she was
responsIble for a staff of about 340 employees Before JOInIng the OPS In 1997 she had worked
wIth Revenue Canada and through the years had held several dIrectorshIP posItIOns WIthIn the
Mimstry At the tIme of the heanng she had over thIrty years of expenence In the area of
Ms AmdJar said that she met wIth Ms Sharma on August 17 2000 to dISCUSS aJob competItIOn.
ThIS was the meetIng where Ms Sharma Informed her that her husband was operatIng an
accountIng busIness and about the CCRA seIzure of documents at the Mehan matnmomal home
Further Ms Sharma dIsclosed that she was In the mIddle of a dIfficult dIvorce and alleged that
her husband was makIng lIfe dIfficult for her at work. Ms Sharma also told the DIrector that the
gnevor solIcIted busIness whIle he performed work at the Mimstry And further that he had
advIsed compames on the suppreSSIOn of sales Ms Sharma told the DIrector that she was
concerned that the CCRA warrant was In her name because It was the gnevor who was the
accountant for KIng's Head Pub Ms AmdJar Informed Ms Sharma that the allegatIOns wIth
regard to her husband operatIng an accountIng busIness at home and the CCRA were senous
charges that had to be InvestIgated by the Mimstry
A further meetIng wIth Ms Sharma and an OPSEU representatIve occurred on September 8
2000 Ms AmdJar's eVIdence wIth regard to thIS meetIng was that she was asked by OPSEU for
an assurance IfMs Sharma cooperated wIth the Mimstry that her future would not be affected.
Ms AmdJar testIfied that she made no such guarantee to Ms Sharma, and advIsed her that she
should be cooperatIve WIth regard to the InVestIgatIOn. Another meetIng wIth Ms Sharma
occurred on September 13 2000 where Ms Sharma Informed the DIrector that her husband had
helped her to get the Job In the Mimstry Ms Sharma appeared to be under a great deal of stress
accordIng to Ms AmdJar
Once the decIsIOn was made to have IAS InVestIgate the allegatIOns made by Ms Sharma the
DIrector testIfied that she acted In an advIsory capacIty It was also her role to keep the Deputy
Mimster the AssIstant Deputy Mimster and Human Resources up-to-date on the developments
of the InVestIgatIOn.
When the InVestIgatIOn was fimshed and a report finalIzed the DIrector revIewed the findIngs and
came to the conclusIOn that the gnevor had commItted an egregIOus breach of the conflIct of
Interest rules and regulatIOns The findIngs were clear that the gnevor was runmng an
accountIng busIness Further the report made It clear that the gnevor had put these clIents In hIS
audIt bank. The subsequent audIt of these clIents revealed suppreSSIOn of sales Ms AmdJ ar
took thIS to be senous mIsconduct. SInce the gnevor was provIdIng bookkeepIng servIces to the
clIents that were suppreSSIng sales she concluded that thIS sort of behavIOur could not be
Ms AmdJar consIdered the gnevor's allegatIOn that the busIness was not hIS but hIS brother's
However she concluded that even If thIS was true hIS admItted assIstance In hIS brother's
busIness put hIm In a conflIct of Interest SInce as a manager he must be above reproach and
must not be seen to gIve any person an advantage For all the above reasons and after
dIscussIOns wIth the ADM, her own supervIsor she concluded that termInatIOn was the
appropnate course of actIOn. She made thIS decIsIOn after reVIeWIng mItIgatIng CIrcumstances
She testIfied that a tax admInIstrator must be held to a hIgh standard of honesty and trust and that
she concluded that the gnevor had breached that trust. The gnevor was aware of hIS oblIgatIOns
to dIsclose a conflIct and faIled to do so The employment relatIOnshIp was totally broken and
beyond repair In her VIew
Mr Mehan testIfied that he has a B Com wIth honours, and a CA, whIch he achIeved In IndIa In
1986 He came to Canada In June of 1987 He receIved hIS CGA In 1991 Mr Mehan JOIned the
Mimstry of FInance In 1994 as a FIeld AudItor and won a competItIOn for Semor FIeld AudItor
In 1995 He won a competItIOn for Corporate Tax FIeld AudItor In 1996 In 1997 he won
another competItIOn to take the posItIOn of Semor Analyst. He became a Group Manager AudIt
RetaIl Sales Tax In 1998 In 2000 he became a Group Manager AudIt In the Corporate Tax. The
gnevor testIfied that he achIeved five promotIOns In SIX years based on competItIOn and ment
and that because of all thIS advancement he had made a lot of enemIes He said that thIS had led
to hIS downfall He also testIfied that he was an excellent employee for the Mimstry of FInance
Mr Vannder Mehan said that dunng the OPSEU stnke In 1996 when he was an OPSEU member
he returned to work after one week of the stnke He stated that he had made enemIes WIthIn the
bargaInIng umt as a result of croSSIng the pIcket lIne He testIfied further that he was the first
manager to Introduce traInIng to hIS employees and that thIS had created Jealousy both In the
workplace and at home
Mr Mehan testIfied that both the DhamIs and Ms Sharma were conspmng agaInst hIm. It was
hIS eVIdence that the telephone calls that Ms LIm dIscovered between hIS home and vanous
busInesses IncludIng the DhamIs were made by hIS ex-wIfe, Ms Sharma, and not hIm. The
gnevor said that he had never seen the two cheques from KIng's Head Pub Issued to hIm and
provIded to the Mimstry by Ms Sharma. The gnevor also said that Ms Sharma's eVIdence wIth
regard to the CCRA handwntIng samples was Inaccurate He testIfied that both had provIded
handwntIng samples
Mr Mehan testIfied that he was suspended on November 16 2000 His eVIdence was that he
was asked for hIS keys and told to leave the office It was not untIl May of 2000 that IAS first
contacted hIm He hIred a lawyer to represent hIm and thIS lawyer attended wIth hIm at a
meetIng wIth the Mimstry In May of2001 Every tIme Ms LIm asked hIm a questIOn hIS lawyer
asked for documents and eVIdence before he answered the questIOn. When he was asked
specIfically about calls made to a J Sharma he answered that he had made calls to thIS IndIVIdual
because he was lookIng for an apartment. He noted that Ms LIm only wrote down a response
that yes, he had called J Sharma. When he was questIOned about the 2-4-1 PIzza stores and
whether he knew the owners, he dId tell Ms LIm that he knew a person called "SabhI" At the
tIme he dId not know the last name but he testIfied that a few days after thIS meetIng he provIded
the proper name to Ms LIm
When he was asked about personal tax returns at the May 2001 meetIng, the gnevor testIfied that
he acknowledged that he dId do personal tax returns for fnends, but he dId not charge them It
was the gnevor's eVIdence that he dId not recogmze the lIst of compames or names retneved
from the home computer He was adamant In hIS eVIdence that he had not done tax returns for
any of the compames or IndIVIduals found on the home computer He had done tax returns for
hIS father and mother-In-law and hIS brother and sIster-In-law and two or three fnends
The gnevor testIfied In summary that he dId not do any bookkeepIng for clIents He dId help
fnends to prepare Income tax returns Just as a favour but he dId not receIve any money for these
He acknowledged that he helped hIS brother In fillIng out forms such as vendor permIt
applIcatIOns and artIcles for IncorporatIOn. He stated that he dId not receIve any money for thIS,
that he was Just helpIng hIS brother
Mr Mehan testIfied further that when he was at a vendor's store he would often assIst WIth
forms A vendor would hand hIm a cheque and he would wnte Mimstry of Finance on It for
them He also reIterated that hIS brother had asked hIm to deposIt cheques for 2-4-1 PIzza stores
and when he saw that the cheque was blank he filled In Mimstry of FInance On one occaSIOn
when he found both a blank cheque In order to make the deposIt he wrote Mimstry of FInance
and he wrote In the amount. He stated that he never helped wIth anythIng that was not avaIlable
to all taxpayers
With regard to the eVIdence of two of the employer wItnesses that said he was an accountant who
was also reCeIVIng cash for hIS work as an accountant he demed thIS He provIded the board wIth
bank statements shoWIng that there were no deposIts of cash. His eVIdence was that hIS brother
was the accountant and It was not untIl thIS heanng that he dIscovered that hIS wIfe was helpIng
hIS brother He also produced hIS brother's passport to prove that the brother was a resIdent of
Canada. The passport was stamped that Mr SanJeev Mehan amved In Canada September 27
1994 and that he returned to IndIa on December 27 1994 He testIfied that the eVIdence ofMr
DhamI and Ms Sharma, that hIS brother was not a resIdent of Canada, was not correct. Although
the passport dId not show the stamp hIS brother returned to Canada In March of 1995 The
gnevor stated that hIS brother Mr SanJeev Mehan, was Pryanka's accountant.
With respect to the 2-4-1 PIzza stores that appeared In hIS audIt bank, the gnevor explaIned In
March or Apnl of 2000 hIS manager approached hIm and said that the umt had to achIeve a
certaIn number of audIts so he selected all of the 2-4-1 PIzza group He stated that there were
over 200 2-4-1 PIzza stores In hIS audIt bank. He also noted that they were all numbered
compames He testIfied that at the tIme In questIOn, around Apnl of 2000 he had an
admInIstratIve clerk assIstIng hIm and InputtIng the lIst for hIm He said he would have put some
In hImself and some would have been Input by the admInIstratIve assIstant. He noted that the 2-
4-1 PIzza franchIse owners were often not educated and had dIfficulty wIth theIr records Thus
the Mimstry would estImate what was OWIng In retaIl sales and then the owner would provIde
documents and proof If It should be less than the estImate At some later date hIS manager agaIn
approached hIm and said not to keep compames In the audIt bank over 100 days Because of hIS
manager's InstructIOns he cancelled them out. He stated that there had never been a polIcy In
place about how to Issue clearance certIficates but he knew the procedure whIch was that a
lawyer for a vendor would request a clearance certIficate If the busIness was to be sold. It was
not actually part of hIS Job to Issue clearance certIficates ServIce managers revIewed the
taxpayer's InformatIOn and If It all seemed appropnate a clearance certIficate was Issued. If the
InfOrmatIOn dId not seem correct the company would be referred for an audIt. With regards to
the 2-4-1 PIzza store #63 he stated the ongInal assessment was Issued for $100 000 00 and that
there was a refund Issued for $60 000 00 He claimed that he dId not Issue the clearance
certIficate, whIch was sIgned by Dan Massaro
He testIfied wIth regard to the conflIct of Interest InVestIgatIOn agaInst hIm In 1994 when there
was a complaInt by a convemence store owner that he tned to SOlICIt hIS busIness dunng an audIt.
He stated that when Internal AudIt InvestIgated hIm he advIsed that when he had been In the
vendor's store and revIewed the cash regIster It showed that the vendor was collectIng tax but
not paYIng for It. The vendor was not punchIng In small amounts of sales, but was stIll collectIng
the tax for It. He stated further that he took documents for approxImately four months from thIS
vendor and figured out that the vendor should pay approxImately $10 000 00 He said the
vendor was very upset wIth hIm
He stated further that he was fully aware that he would be In a conflIct of Interest If he operated a
bookkeepIng operatIOn and receIved money for It whIle workIng for the Mimstry However he
stated that no one had ever told hIm that IfhIS brother was dOIng the work of bookkeepIng and
lIvIng In the same house that that constItuted a conflIct. If he had known that that was a conflIct
he would have declared It.
He testIfied that he dId regIster a company called Mehan and Mehan In 1992 at the same tIme as
he was workIng for the Royal Bank. The only Income he receIved under thIS busIness was from
AssocIated AccountIng and he stated that he has not used the company from 1992 on and that the
company expIres after five years
He testIfied wIth regard to the eVIdence ofMr DhamI that It was Mr DhamI who had threatened
hIm. He stated that Mr DhamI said to hIm that If he would lend hIm $25 000 00 to pay Revenue
Canada, he would not testIfy agaInst the gnevor The gnevor took hIm to a loan company to
assIst hIm but the loan company refused the loan. He testIfied that he went to Mr DhamI's
restaurant In 2002 after he learned about Mr DhamI's statement to Ms LIm to ask hIm why he
would gIve such a statement. He gave no eVIdence as to what the response was from Mr DhamI
The gnevor testIfied that he was annoyed that the employer dId not gIve hIm a chance to explaIn
hImself He stated that the InVestIgatIOn began In August of 2000 wIthout even InformIng hIm
that It had begun. He was told In hIS suspensIOn letter that an audIt was gOIng to be done because
of a possIble conflIct, but was not told anythIng else It was hIS eVIdence that thIS InVestIgatIOn
had totally ruIned hIS reputatIOn and that as a manager he deserved, at a mImmum, a meetIng to
explaIn the allegatIOns He also noted In hIS eVIdence the only records found by the Mimstry
were In the computer and that there were no hard copIes
On cross-eXamInatIOn the gnevor maIntaIned that he dId not know the people or compames lIsted
on the home computer He demed that he knew a person called Manohar SIngh Flora. A return
retneved from the home computer was put before hIm and he was questIOned wIth regard to the
language found at page 2 whIch was the folloWIng
To Whom It May Concern
ThIS IS to confirm that Manohar SIngh Flora has been workIng for Vannder
Mehan, FInanCIal Consultant, SInce February 15 1993 His weekly hours are ten
at $8 00 per hour He IS a permanent part-tIme employee
If you need further InfOrmatIOn please do not hesItate to contact the undersIgned
at 669-0095
Yours truly
Vannder Mehan
The gnevor maIntaIned that thIS person was not employed In hIS consultIng firm and further that
he had never employed anyone In hIS lIfe
Counsel for the employer put the gnevor's 1995 tax return before hIm, shoWIng that a man called
Chharbra RabInder Nath had been paid as an employee of the gnevor Mr Mehan
acknowledged knowIng Mr Nath. He testIfied that Mr Nath was dOIng market research on a
company In 1995 on behalf of hIS brother His brother wanted to buy the company but dId not
want the company to know that he was Interested In It. SO thIS person was sort of an employee
Mr SanJeev Mehan paid Mr Vannder Mehan, who then paid Mr Nath for the market research.
The gnevor was questIOned In cross-eXamInatIOn wIth regards to a tax return found on the home
computer wIth Mr SanJeev Mehan's name on It. The gnevor had said In examInatIOn-In-chIef
that Mr SanJ eev Mehan and hIS famIly lIved wIth the Mehan's In theIr matnmomal home The
address on SanJeev Mehan's returns IndIcated a dIfferent home address on Midhurst Lane In
MissIssauga. When questIOned about thIS the gnevor explaIned that thIS was not hIS brother's
address, It was an address of a fnend. He said that hIS brother dId not want to put hIS home
address on a personal tax return because he belIeved Ms Sharma would open It If It came to the
Mehan matnmomal home
He was questIOned further about Mr JasbIr SIngh whose 1994 Income tax return was also found
on the home computer Mr SIngh IS the owner of a 2-4-1 PIzza store on DIxon Road. He was
also questIOned about Mr RaJwInder RaI whose tax return was also found on the home
computer He IS the owner of a 2-4-1 PIzza store The gnevor demed beIng the accountant for
these people When asked regardIng the eVIdence that these compames were lIsted In hIS
Mimstry audIt bank the gnevor testIfied that he would not recogmze the compames because they
are lIsted as numbered compames In the audIt bank. He testIfied further that he would not know
who the owner was unless he had asked for the file He was questIOned about the fact that he
cancelled audIts on both these 2-4-1 PIzza stores and Issued clearance certIficates The gnevor
demed dOIng thIS
Counsel for the employer put a lIst compIled from the home computer of compames before the
gnevor and questIOned hIm about an earlIer statement dunng the InVestIgatIOn to the Mimstry
where he said that these people were hIS brother's clIents He testIfied dunng the heanng at
several pOInts that they must be hIS brother's clIents but he was not sure now With regard to the
documents of the compames found on the home computer that pre-dated hIS brother's amval In
Canada In September of 1994 he stated that the dates must be wrong. He said he could not
explaIn why a tax return for Pat Knowles Investment Inc was dated In 1993 He stated further
that the Mimstry hIS ex-wIfe or perhaps Nick or the outsIde firm that retneved the documents
must have tampered wIth the dates
Tax returns for Pat Knowles Investment Inc were found on the home computer for 1993 to
1997 The gnevor demed beIng the accountant for thIS company Counsel put further
documents In front of the gnevor to show that the returns for Pat Knowles Investment Inc were
IdentIcal In format to hIS own personal return, found on the home computer whIch he dId
acknowledge prepanng. The gnevor's explanatIOn for thIS was that It mIght have been the same
programme, a programme called Can Tax.
Counsel for the employer asked dIrectly who dId thIS work SInce Mr SanJeev Mehan was not yet
In the country and the gnevor answered someone else could have done It; he dId not know
HavIng demed any contact wIth SImson BeddIng, counsel questIOned why he used the address of
thIS company as hIS busIness address In hIS 1993 tax return. The gnevor then admItted knowIng
SImson BeddIng as a company When asked why he used the address of SImson BeddIng he
responded that he thought It was more professIOnal than USIng hIS home address He also stated
that hIS ex-wIfe, Ms Sharma, was an employee of SImson BeddIng. Counsel cross-examIned
hIm on thIS statement saYIng that two other wItnesses Said that she dId not work at SImson
BeddIng. The gnevor maIntaIned that Ms Sharma was an employee for thIS company
Counsel for the employer questIOned the gnevor further on hIS earlIer statements that he had no
relatIOnshIps wIth Pryanka, SImson BeddIng or the DhamIs She put a tax return found on the
home computer for a person related to SImson BeddIng. The gnevor testIfied that he dId not
prepare these 1992 returns Counsel pOInted out that thIS was pnor to hIS brother's comIng to
Canada. The gnevor testIfied that there could be other ways for the InformatIOn to have gotten
Into the computer and he suggested that hIS brother mIght have put In the InformatIOn later He
flatly demed creatIng thIS return.
The tax return of Mirza Mubashar a 1991 tax return found on the home computer whIch
Included the gnevor's socIal Insurance number was put before the gnevor He stated that he dId
not recogmze the return and he had no Idea why hIS SIN was In the return. He suspected that the
return had been fabncated.
The gnevor was questIOned on the eVIdence by Ms Sharma that he destroyed the DhamI's
records after the CCRA raid. He demed destroYIng these records He testIfied further that he dId
not want to gIve hIS brother's name to the CCRA and somehow get hIS brother In trouble He
told CCRA that the accountant was Nick Sharma. Counsel asked where hIS brother was lIvIng at
the tIme of the CCRA seIzure and the gnevor testIfied that he was stIll a resIdent In the Mehan's
home He had no Idea where Nick Sharma was now He stated that he really was not sure of
Nick's last name
Counsel questIOned the gnevor as to why It was that Mr DhamI named hIm as hIS accountant In
the court documents In the CCRA proceedIng. He had no explanatIOn. She questIOned hIm as to
why Mr DhamI would blackmaIl hIm as the gnevor had testIfied earlIer The gnevor stated that
he dId not know why but that Mr DhamI was a fnend of hIS ex-wIfe, Ms Sharma. He stated
that he called It blackmaIl because Mr DhamI telephoned Ms LIm, the day after he dId not get a
loan from hIm Counsel asked why It was that Mr DhamI dId not then ask Mr SanJeev Mehan,
If he was hIS accountant. The gnevor had no explanatIOn for thIS
The gnevor was questIOned further about how hIS brother could have such an extensIve lIst of
clIents In 1994 when he only arrIved In Canada In September of 1994 The gnevor said he dId
not know Counsel asked why It was that the files on the home computer were deleted, If they
were clIent's files of hIS brother He stated that he dId not delete the files, that It was perhaps
Ms Sharma who dId so
Counsel questIOned the gnevor's eVIdence-In-chIef that hIS company was InactIve from 1992 on
and asked why It IS that Chharbra RabInder Nath IS noted on hIS 1995 Income tax return as hIS
employee He replIed that the Income that he was gettIng In 1995 from consultIng work was
from markIng CGA papers only
The gnevor testIfied wIth regard to clearance certIficates that If he was dIshonest he could have
put hIS "so-called" clIents In hIS bank so that no other manager could audIt them Further wIth
regard to the InfOrmatIOn found on a dIskette from the home computer the lIst of tax returns of
IndIVIduals, the gnevor said that thIS InfOrmatIOn could have been from the hard dnve There
was no password on thIS computer so that anyone could have loaded InformatIOn onto the
computer He said further that maybe It was not even on the hard dnve and Just on the dIskette
He said there was a lot of "outsourCIng" In tax returns and so maybe thIS was how the
InfOrmatIOn got on hIS computer He said that a lot of outsourCIng IS done when InformatIOn IS
sent to IndIa and ChIna for data Input.
Mr SIdhu testIfied that he was the owner of a 2-4-1 PIzza store, #43 He was Involved In the day
to day runmng of the store makIng the pIzza dough, wntIng the ChItS, and makIng bank deposIts
He stated that he wrote blank cheques for hIS accountant and that that was hIS usual practIce He
testIfied that hIS accountant was MaJeet SIngh and that before that It was Mr SanJeev Mehan. A
man called Nick had Introduced hIm to Mr SanJeev Mehan and that they would both come In
and pIck up sales slIps and PST/GST returns from the store
He testIfied that when he was audIted by the Mimstry he was threatened. He testIfied that the
Mimstry of FInance audItor told hIm to confirm that hIS accountant was the gnevor or the
Mimstry would take hIm to court. After he was audIted he was gIven a large assessment that he
could not pay and he had to close the store
In cross-eXamInatIOn he testIfied that he came to Canada In 1977 and ImtIally worked In a
factory before opemng up hIS own busIness ImtIally he opened a vIdeo busIness and then In
February of 1996 he began a 2-4-1 PIzza franchIse His partners are RaJwInder RaI and JasbIr
SIngh. He testIfied further that RaJwInder RaI and JasbIr SIngh had all worked at the same
factory His partner Mr RaI, was responsIble for all the paperwork and so made the
arrangements for the accountant. He stated that he dId meet Mr SanJeev Mehan sometImes
when he came to pIck up paperwork (and pIzza) but that he only came a few tImes When asked
whether he had met Nick he answered that Nick used to come once In a whIle and that
sometImes he would gIve documents to hIm
Mr SIdhu testIfied that he belIeved that Mr SanJeev Mehan was lIvIng In the Maple area. He
said that he had not met Mr Vannder Mehan at the tIme he operated thIS store and stated that
Mr SanJeev Mehan never mentIOned that he had a brother He was asked specIfically whether
he knew that It was Mr Vannder Mehan who wrote the name of the Mimstry on some of the
cheques that were deposIted on behalf of hIS busIness and he said that he dId not know that.
He was asked specIfically when Mr SanJeev Mehan would have vIsIted the store and hIS answer
was anytIme from 1996 to 2001 Mr SIdhu testIfied that he dId not so much termInate Mr
SanJeev Mehan's servIces as an accountant as Mr SanJeev Mehan Just dId not turn up to help
hIm wIth the audIt. He stated that It was a very upsettIng expenence He stated further that they
had tned to contact hIm and ask for help but that there was no response His partner Mr RaI,
was to handle the audIt people SInce he hImself was takIng care of the store He dId not know If
Mr RaI asked for documents from Mr SanJ eev Mehan.
His new accountant, Mr SIngh had an office near the store so they got hIm to do the work. The
date of the audIt was early 2000 and there were at least three VISItS from the Mimstry The first
VISIt by the Mimstry was very short, only a mInute or two and he advIsed the Mimstry person to
speak wIth hIS partner Mr RaI The second VISIt was longer Two people from the Mimstry
attended. Ms LIm came Into the store for approxImately twenty mInutes He repeated hIS
eVIdence-In-chIef that he was threatened by one of the Mimstry representatIves that If he dId not
agree that Mr Vannder Mehan was hIS accountant the Mimstry would take hIm to court. He
stated that he asked who Vannder Mehan was and why the Mimstry people were beIng so hard.
He said at the tIme he dId not know a Vannder Mehan and neIther dId Mr RaI Mr RaI had
specIfically asked the wItness who Vannder Mehan was
He stated further In cross-eXamInatIOn that In 2001 Mr Vannder Mehan came to VISIt hIm and
Introduced hImself as Mr SanJeev Mehan's brother He came wIth a letter for hIm to sIgn and
although he cannot remember the subJect matter he remembers that It was all nght so he sIgned
It. He said that hIS partner had another 2-4-1 PIzza store Mr RaI has a store on DIxon Road.
Mr RaI testIfied that he was the owner and dIrector of several 2-4-1 PIzza stores - #61 #43 and
#80 He had partners For store #80 hIS partner was JasbIr SIngh and for store #43 It was TeJu
SIdhu and JasbIr SIngh. He was In a partnershIp for store #61 wIth JasbIr SIngh and Caldee
SIngh. He testIfied that he was responsIble for sales and finances and that he vIsIted the stores
almost every day He kept an eye on how the servIce was gOIng and the housekeepIng. He
collected the sales InformatIOn to pass to the accountant. His accountants at first were a man
called Nick and Mr SanJeev Mehan, and then after than Mr ManJeev SIngh. He testIfied that all
three stores were audIted.
Mr RaI said that a lawyer had acted on hIS behalf to get a clearance certIficate for one of hIS
stores His lawyer receIved a letter from a Group Manager of AudIt, on June 29 2001 statIng
that the clearance certIficate was not valId and that an audIt had to be done of one of hIS stores,
#61 They had sought a clearance certIficate because the three partners were gOIng to splIt the
ownershIp and they wanted to clear any tax lIabIlIty
On cross-eXamInatIOn Mr RaI testIfied that he was born In IndIa and came to Canada In 1980
Currently he works for Magna InternatIOnal He stIll runs several 2-4-1 PIzza stores and he IS
also part owner of a pIzza store In Buffalo He testIfied that he took care of the accountIng work
for the stores, but that the accountant dId all the work. The accountants were Mr SanJeev Mehan
and Nick. He testIfied that he met Nick In 1990 ImtIally Nick was dOIng hIS personal tax
returns and then later took over the busIness accounts He dIdn't know Nick's last name but
thought It was Sharma. He met wIth Nick at the AlbIOn Mall or sometImes at Mr SanJeev
Mehan's home He testIfied further that It was through an advertIsement In an IndIan newspaper
that he met wIth Nick. He testIfied that Nick started to work for Mr SanJeev Mehan In 1996 It
was through Nick that he met Mr SanJeev Mehan. He stated that Nick dId hIS personal tax
returns from 1990 to 1999 then Nick moved away and he does not know where he went. The
first tIme that he met Mr Vannder Mehan was approxImately 2001 perhaps 2002 Mr Mehan
called hIm to say he was havIng a problem wIth the Mimstry and that he wanted a letter statIng
the name of hIS accountant.
Counsel for the employer asked the wItness to state what hIS socIal Insurance number was and he
provIded It. She then put a 1992 tax return wIth hIS name and the socIal secunty number as he
had IdentIfied, whIch was found In the Mehan home computer and asked hIm to comment. The
wItness became very upset and reqUIred a break.
When hIS cross-eXamInatIOn resumed, counsel stated that the Mimstry belIeved that Mr Vannder
Mehan was hIS accountant. The wItness was adamant that It was not so He repeated that It was
Nick and Mr SanJeev Mehan. He stated that he delIvered the sales InformatIOn for each of the
stores on a monthly basIs to eIther Mr SanJeev Mehan or to Nick. Mr SanJeev Mehan called to
tell hIm he was gOIng back to IndIa around the end of 1999 and Nick left sometIme In early 2000
Counsel for the employer also put financIal statements before the wItness, and payroll records for
store #61 He testIfied that he dId not know how thIS InformatIOn could have been found on the
Mehan home computer
Counsel for the employer argued that the eVIdence clearly establIshed that the gnevor was
operatIng an accountIng/bookkeepIng busIness She argued that thIS amounted to a conflIct of
Interest contrary to the regulatIOns under the Public Service Act and the Mimstry DIrectIves and
PolIcIes on ConflIct of Interest. Counsel argued that the gnevor' s demal that he was operatIng
an accountIng/bookkeepIng busIness IS not credIble, nor IS hIS testImony that It was hIS brother or
Nick Sharma who were operatIng the busIness Counsel pOInted out InCOnsIstencIes and
contradIctIOns In the gnevor's eVIdence to support her submIssIOn that hIS eVIdence was not
In counsel's submIssIOn publIc servants are generally held to a hIgher standard than In the pnvate
sector The TRD polIcy specIfically prohIbIts an employee of the Mimstry from engagIng In
"outsIde actIvItIes that Include the provIsIOn of financIal or accountIng servIces for any
IndIVIdual, corporatIOn, enterpnse or orgamzatIOn" (SectIOn 2 3 TRD polIcy) The gnevor was
fully aware of thIS polIcy and had sIgned an acknowledgement form proVIng that he had receIved
copy of the TRD polIcy Thus there was no doubt In counsel's submIssIOn that the gnevor was
aware that It was Improper to conduct an accountIng/bookkeepIng busIness whIle he was a
Mimstry employee Counsel argued that case law supported a findIng of a more senous conflIct
of Interest where there was a strong overlap between the gnevor' s pnvate operatIOn and the work
done for the employer
The Issue In counsel's submIssIOn IS whether or not the mIsconduct happened and, If It happened,
whether or not It was deservIng of dIscIplIne The next Issue IS whether dIsmIssal was
appropnate In the CIrcumstances Counsel argued that It IS clear that documentary eVIdence
shows the gnevor was operatIng a busIness well before hIS brother arrIved In Canada and whIle
workIng for the employer The eVIdence IS also clear that the gnevor benefited financIally In
makIng the decIsIOn to dIsmIss the gnevor the employer consIdered mItIgatIng cIrcumstances,
the fact that the gnevor was fully aware of the conflIct of Interest rules, the senousness of the
conflIct of Interest, and concluded that dIsmIssal was the only appropnate penalty here The fact
that compames lInked to the gnevor were found In hIS manager's audIt bank and that these
compames were found to be suppreSSIng sales was of grave concern to the employer Counsel
argued that thIS amounted to a breach of trust and that the employment relatIOnshIp was not
Counsel for the employer relIed on the folloWIng cases In support of her argument
OPSEU (Ecbtard) and the MinistlY of Health (1995) GSB 2216/94 (FInley) OPSEU (Van der
Linden) and the Ministry of Industry and Tourism (1980) GSB 247/79 (SwInton) Re Woocbtard
Stores Limited and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 2000 (1987) 28 L.AC (3rd) 59
(Fraser) Re Canada Customs and Revenue Agency and Oliver (2003) 118 L AC (4th) 414
(PSSRB) Sarin and Treasury Board (Energy Mines and Resources Canada) (1986) 9 PSSRB
DecIsIOn 44 (Bendel) Lalla and Treasury Board (Industry Science and Technology) (1994) 25
PSSRB DecIsIOn 24 (Tenace) Perras and Treaswy Board (National Revenue-Customs and
Excise) (1989) 15 PSSRB DecIsIOn 11 (D' AVIgnon) OPSEU (Guelph) and the Ministry of
Transportation (2003) GSB 2001/0562 (HarrIs) OP SEU (Hannen) and Ministry of Economic
Development (Trade and Tourism) (1988) GSB 0008/96 (Gray) Reid and Treasury Board
(Revenue Canada-Customs and Excise) (1991) 20 PSSRB DecIsIOn 34 (Chodos)
Mr Vannder Mehan submItted that he was wrongly dIscharged from hIS employment on August
30 2001 after beIng suspended on November 16 2000 by the employer on the grounds of
conflIct of Interest. He submItted that he had not been Informed of the reasons for hIS
suspensIOn, nor was he gIven an opportumty to explaIn hIS conduct, whIch he stated, was
"unusual and surpnSIng, dISCnmInatory and extremely unreasonable on the part of the
employer" He further submItted that thIS had caused sIgmficant damage to hIS reputatIOn. He
took the posItIOn that the InVestIgatIOn had been lengthy and dISCnmInatory and he said that he
had been dIscharged on August 30 2001 wIthout an opportumty to speak to the allegatIOns
agaInst hIm
Mr Mehan argued that the InVestIgatIOn had begun because hIS ex-wIfe was seekIng addItIOnal
financIal support In theIr dIvorce precedIng. Mr Mehan stated that hIS wIfe had filed an affidavIt
In the Newmarket court claimIng that he made $50 000 In cash from a busIness In addItIOn to hIS
normal salary His ex-wIfe then Informed the manager who In turn Informed Ms LIm who was
In charge of the conflIct of Interest InVestIgatIOn. Mr Mehan argued that hIS ex-wIfe
mampulated IAS Ms LIm and Ms AmdJar He also argued that hIS wIfe's suspensIOn at the
same tIme as hIS on November 16 2000 was a sham. He belIeves thIS IS true because he was
dIscharged on August 30 2001 and hIS ex-wIfe was not.
Mr Mehan submItted that the documents tendered In thIS heanng proved nothIng except that
they were "regenerated from the deleted hard dnve of a computer" He submItted further that no
source documents were produced wIth any proof that he had prepared them He argued that the
two wItnesses presented by the employer hIS ex-wIfe and Mr DhamI should not be belIeved and
that It would be grossly unfair to the gnevor to rely upon theIr eVIdence Mr Mehan also
submItted that he had a clean record and seven years of good servIce to the employer He
submItted that someone wIth excellent performance and no attendance problems would not find
the tIme for a sIde busIness lIke bookkeepIng, whIch IS tIme consumIng. He submItted that had
he been dOIng such a busIness, hIS performance and attendance at work would have been
Mr Mehan submItted that there were several Issues before the board. The first IS whether or not
the board should accept the employer's InVestIgatIOn and eVIdence as unbIased and non-
dISCnmInatory The next questIOn IS whether the board consIdered the gnevor's conduct to
constItute a conflIct of Interest. The next Issue IS whether the termInatIOn was JustIfied or a
lesser penalty should be substItuted. The final Issue IS whether or not It IS appropnate to order
compensatIOn for damage to hIS reputatIOn, for hIS mental stress, and the bad faith on the part of
the employer
Mr Mehan urged me to find that the eVIdence dId not support a findIng that he gaIned financIally
from any of the knowledge that he obtaIned In hIS employment wIth the Mimstry He argued that
the InformatIOn taken from the computer had never been authentIcated. Further there was no
eVIdence that the data found on the computer had not been altered or fabncated between June
2000 and September 2000 The gnevor had left the matnmomal home In June 2000 He further
noted that he had never been gIven any pnor oral or wntten warmng about conflIct of Interest or
proposed dIscIplInary actIOns Thus he argued the termInatIOn was unJust and even If the
employer had had some doubts about hIS sItuatIOn, a lesser penalty should have been Imposed.
Mr Mehan argued that he had been firm In hIS eVIdence that he was not Involved In any
financIal/bookkeepIng busIness He dId admIt that he had prepared some personal tax returns for
famIly fnends and relatIves, but wIthout payment. He stated thIS IS permItted under the conflIct
of Interest gUIdelInes, TRD paragraph 2 4 He also said that he admItted that he had assIsted hIS
brother In filIng some of the forms and non-bookkeepIng documents such as ArtIcles of
IncorporatIOn. He had assIsted hIS brother wIth vendor permIt forms and cheques, but dId
nothIng for hIS brother that he would not have done for any other member of the publIc In hIS
officIal capacIty as a tax audItor or manager He submItted that It was a common practIce for the
employer's staff to help the general publIc In fillIng out such forms
Mr Mehan also pOInted out that hIS eVIdence was clear that It was hIS brother Mr SanJeev
Mehan, who lIved wIth them and ran an accountIng/bookkeepIng busIness from hIS home wIth
hIS partner Nick Sharma. His eVIdence was clear he submItted that any and all records found on
the home computer were those ofMr SanJeev Mehan or Mr Nick Sharma. He noted that both
hIS wItnesses, Mr SIdhu and Mr RaI, confirmed thIS eVIdence
With regard to the allegatIOn made at the heanng and found In the report that he was responsIble
for ISSUIng a clearance certIficate for the 2-4-1 PIzza Store, #63 whIch was later found to have
suppressed sales, he argued that hIS eVIdence was clear that It was the servIce manager's
responsIbIlIty to Issue a clearance certIficate and not an audIt manager It IS the servIce manager
who makes an audIt referral and In thIS case no audIt referral was ever made However Mr
Mehan submItted that when he allowed the 2-4-1 PIzza storeowner to use a photocopIed
clearance certIficate, It was a "professIOnal mIsJudgement"
In summary Mr Mehan argued that the dIsmIssal was wrong. But he noted that the relatIOnshIp
between hImself and the employer had detenorated to such an extent that he no longer wIshed to
be re-Instated. In hIS wntten submIssIOn to the board Mr Mehan stated
The gnevor does not want to work for thIS employer any more and sImply wants a
Judgement that thIS dIsmIssal was unJustIfied and that the employer's treatment to
managenal employees, especIally to the gnevor was unJust. In addItIOn, the
employer should be warned not to Indulge In bIased and dISCnmInatory
InVestIgatIOns and create sItuatIOns that lead to destroYIng the reputatIOn of any
IndIVIdual The gnevor should be awarded the damages, as the board feels
Counsel for the employer made the folloWIng pOInts In dIrect response to the gnevor's argument.
Mr Mehan argued that all the documents that the employer was relYIng on pre-date 1997
However counsel argued that It was clear that documents, for example for KIng's Head Pub
went to 1999 That was when the CCRA seIzed the KIng's Head Pub documents from the
Mehan house RegardIng the argument put forward by the gnevor that the documents found on
the home computer could have been altered or were not authentIcated, counsel argued that the
gnevor had said the documents of the clIents found on thIS computer were hIS brother's and/or
hIS brother's partner Nick Sharma. Thus It was the gnevor's posItIOn that hIS brother used the
home computer
With regard to the gnevor's argument that he sImply cancelled two stores out of hIS audIt bank,
2-4-1 PIzza, #80 and 2-4-1 PIzza, #61 counsel pOInted out that the eVIdence was clear they were
not sImply cancelled out of the audIt bank, but they were gIven clearance certIficates by the
gnevor The eVIdence also was clear that the gnevor had used a photocopIed clearance
certIficate to reduce the lIabIlIty of 2-4-1 PIzza Store, #63
Counsel argued In sum that the gnevor had been gIven ample opportumty to provIde InformatIOn
and documentatIOn to prove that he was not runmng a busIness before hIS employment was
termInated but he dId not do so The employer had establIshed the conflIct of Interest and
counsel asked the board to dIsmIss the gnevance
Mr SanJeev Mehan faIled to attend on May 26 to fimsh hIS cross-eXamInatIOn. ThIS date had
been scheduled wIth hIS concurrence In December 2003
The gnevor requested an adJournment. The only reason gIven to the board for thIS non-
attendance was that Mr SanJeev Mehan left IndIa on or about May 24 2004 to fly to London and
then on to Toronto Mr Vannder Mehan stated that he receIved a VOIce mall message on May
25 from hIS brother that hIS brother was stranded In London, havIng mIssed the BntIsh AIrways
flIght that he was scheduled on, because of a delay He dId not provIde a flIght ItInerary or any
reason for why hIS brother was not able to fly from London to Toronto SInce arrIvIng In London
on May 24
Counsel for the employer Ms Mohamed, argued that the motIOn should be dIsmIssed for several
reasons, but pnmanly 1) because the gnevor gave no cogent or compellIng reasons for Mr
SanJeev Mehan not appeanng, and 2) because to allow the adJournment would deny the
employer's nght to proceed and amount to an abuse of process
Counsel argued that the employer has gone beyond what IS generally reqUIred for settIng dates
for thIS matter whIch began on September 17 2002 The record showed that many dates were
set and cancelled for the convemence ofMr Mehan's wItnesses For example, February dates In
2003 were cancelled to accommodate the needs ofMr Mehan's wItnesses The dates In questIOn
- May 26 27 - were set last December 10 2003 wIth Mr SanJeev Mehan's agreement so that he
could return to the stand for the remaInder of hIS cross-eXamInatIOn. ThIS was after the Board
had offered to schedule an addItIOnal day between Chnstmas and New Year's Eve, so that Mr
SanJeev Mehan could fimsh hIS eVIdence wIthout havIng to return to Canada. Mr SanJeev
Mehan declIned thIS offer and agreed to the May dates SInce Mr SanJ eev Mehan knew about
the dates for over five months, counsel argued that there was no excuse for hIS not attendIng and
that It would not be fair to the employer who was prepared to go forward.
Counsel argued further that the gnevor dId not provIde a clear and cogent reason for the
adJournment. She provIded InfOrmatIOn from BntIsh AIrways that there were no flIght delays
between IndIa and London on May 24 Had Mr SanJeev Mehan mIssed hIS flIght (BA0093) to
Toronto on May 24 there was a later one leavIng that day wIth seats avaIlable There were two
flIghts on the 25th and two on the 26th Thus counsel argued the reason gIven was sImply
The gnevor's response to the last argument was that perhaps hIS brother was III In London - he
could not explaIn the reason for not makIng one of the connectIng flIghts
HavIng carefully consIdered these submIssIOns I demed the motIOn to adJourn and the heanng
proceeded. ThIS board has the dIscretIOn to grant adJournments, but there IS no nght to one
There must be some clear and cogent reason for the request. I found that there was no credIble
reason for the request In thIS case There was nothIng before me to IndIcate when Mr SanJeev
Mehan would arrIve or even Ifhe was truly en route
Counsel for the employer argued that If the motIOn was demed I should dIsmIss the gnevance I
was not prepared to do thIS I decIded that It would not be appropnate In thIS case However I
granted the second remedy requested, whIch IS that the board dIsregard all ofMr SanJeev
Mehan's eVIdence, SInce counsel for the employer was not able to fimsh cross-examInIng hIm.
As a result of thIS Intenm rulIng Issued orally on May 26th I have not recorded the viva voce
eVIdence gIven by Mr SanJeev Mehan.
The first Issue that must be addressed IS whether Mr Vannder Mehan was operatIng an
accountIng busIness from hIS home, whIle he was an employee of the Mimstry of FInance
HavIng carefully consIdered all the eVIdence, the viva voce and documentary eVIdence, I have
come to a conclusIOn that Mr Mehan was operatIng a financIal and accountIng busIness from hIS
home The onus was on the Mimstry to establIsh that a busIness was beIng operated and that Mr
Mehan was the one operatIng the busIness In order to satIsfy that onus the Mimstry provIded
documents and oral eVIdence that Mr Mehan and not hIS brother or any other person was
operatIng the busIness Without pOIntIng to all the eVIdence that supports thIS conclusIOn, SInce I
have summanzed It In some detaIl, I find for example that the documents seIzed by the CCRA on
January 28 1999 for KIng's Head Pub and the InformatIOn from the CCRA that a busIness was
beIng conducted In the Mehan matnmomal home IS persuasIve The eVIdence descnbed open
files, receIpts, and InVOICeS In a home office, consIstent WIth a busIness beIng run from the home
Ms Sharma testIfied that her husband ran an accountIng busIness and she assIsted her husband
by data entry In thIS home busIness Her eVIdence IS credIble She was consIstent, forthnght and
her eVIdence was plausIble Mr DhamI, the person runmng KIng's Head Pub testIfied that
ImtIally he dId not want to get Involved In the InVestIgatIOn or tell Ms LIm that It was Mr
Vannder Mehan who was hIS accountant. However when he went to the gnevor for assIstance
and got no help he decIded to phone the InVestIgator and tell her the truth. Mr DhamI's eVIdence
was clear and consIstent that the gnevor was hIS accountant and had been SInce 1992 He had
paid Mr Mehan $300 00 per month, mostly In cash and sometImes by cheque Two uncashed
cheques, dated October 12 and 21 1998 from KIng's Head Pub Issued to Mr Vannder Mehan
for $1 00000 each support Mr DhamI's eVIdence that the gnevor was hIS accountant. Mr
DhamI IndIcated these were not cashed because Mr Mehan wanted cash Instead. Mr DhamI's
eVIdence also supports Ms Sharma's statement that she was not hIS bookkeeper Mr Vannder
Mehan told Mr DhamI to tell the CCRA that hIS bookkeeper was Ms Sharma because, If
Mr D hamI tol d the C CRA the truth, Mr Vannder Mehan SaI d he woul diose hI s Job
The eVIdence regardIng KIng's Head Pub and the eVIdence wIth regard to several 2-4-1 PIzza
stores and an operatIOn called N.D BusIness Centre establIshes that the gnevor was operatIng a
substantIal part-tIme accountIng busIness from hIS home Although the files on a 486 home
computer had been deleted, a consultIng company was able to recover a number of files That
eVIdence Included financIal records, statements, payroll records, T -4 summanes etc for vanous
compames between the years of 1991 and 1997 Personal tax returns of va no us people IncludIng
people assocIated wIth the compames found on the home computer were also on the Mehan
home computer One of the gnevor's own wItnesses, Mr RaI, was surpnsed to see hIS 1992
personal tax return (found on the Mehan home computer) presented dunng cross eXamInatIOn
when In hIS chIef he had claimed not to have met the gnevor untIl 2001 or 2002
The gnevor's allegatIOn that these documents and the clIents belonged to hIS brother IS sImply
not credIble Mr SanJeev Mehan dId not arrIve In Canada untIl September 1994 The returns on
financIal documents found on the home computer date back to 1991 The gnevor had no
explanatIOn for thIS Further the best eVIdence before thIS board IS that Mr SanJeev Mehan and
hIS famIly came to Canada In September 1994 and left Chnstmas day of the same year ThIS was
the eVIdence ofMs Sharma and It IS corroborated by Mr SanJeev Mehan's passport, provIded by
the gnevor His passport shows that CanadIan "ImmIgratIOn Canada" stamp dated September
27 1994 It also shows a return to IndIa on December 27 1994 The passport was ongInally
Issued on February 1990 and was renewed In 1995 to February 18 2000 It also shows Mr
SanJeev Mehan's permanent resIdence as In ChandIgarh, IndIa. There are no further stamps for
Canada customs and ImmIgratIOn on the passport, although there are several stamps shoWIng
travel from IndIa to other countnes In 1995
Further Ms LIm provIded emaIls from the IndIan Chartered Accountant's AssocIatIOn that Mr
SanJeev Mehan was a Chartered Accountant In good standIng In IndIa In the 1990s and IS
currently so A representatIve of the assocIatIOn responded to Ms LIm that IfMr SanJeev
Mehan had worked In Canada between 1994 and 1999 he was oblIged to Inform them. The
assocIatIOn had no record or knowledge that Mr SanJeev Mehan was not In IndIa dunng the tIme
the gnevor says he was lIvIng In Canada.
Most Importantly the documents on the home computer date back to 1991 when the computer
was purchased by Mr Vannder Mehan and Ms Sharma. The gnevor's eVIdence that the clIent
InfOrmatIOn found on It was hIS brother's IS, therefore, sImply not credIble As noted earlIer hIS
brother dId not arrIve untIl September 1994 At one pOInt In hIS eVIdence the gnevor suggested
that It could be that thIS InformatIOn came from "Nick Sharma." The gnevor would have the
board belIeve that thIS man, whose last name he was unsure about, used hIS personal computer
The eVIdence ofMs Sharma IS that there IS no Nick Sharma. WhIle the gnevor and hIS
wItnesses claim to know hIm and to have seen hIm, not one document was provIded from the
home computer wIth hIS name on It. Nor was there any other eVIdence that would support a
findIng that Nick Sharma was an employee ofMr SanJeev Mehan or that he even eXIsted as
alleged by the gnevor
The gnevor also stated at vanous tImes that he dId not know how thIS InfOrmatIOn got onto the
486 computer In cross-eXamInatIOn he suggested that, SInce there IS a lot of outsourCIng done
these days In IndIa and In ChIna, perhaps thIS IS how the InformatIOn between 1991 and hIS
brother's arrIval got onto the computer
It IS well-establIshed law that In aSseSSIng the credIbIlIty of a wItness, especIally In the case
where there IS a conflIct In the eVIdence, the test of truth must be whether the wItness' story
accords wIth the preponderance of the probabIlItIes GIven the InCOnsIstencIes, contradIctIOns
and lack of plausIbIlIty In the gnevor's eVIdence, and of hIS wItnesses, I do not accept It. It IS
clear from the eVIdence that Mr Vannder Mehan operated an accountIng busIness, under the
name Mehan and Mehan, whIch he acknowledged he regIstered In 1991 He told the first
InVestIgator In 1994 that he ran an accountIng busIness before he JOIned the Mimstry In 1994
But In hIS eVIdence before the board, he demes runmng a busIness between 1991 and 1994 I
have to conclude that the only reason for denYIng thIS now IS because the clIents that he served
between 1991 and before he JOIned the Mimstry are the same or related clIents as those he
served between 1994 and 1999 Documents found on the home computer establIsh thIS hIStOry
Mr DhamI's compames beIng Just one example Thus, the eVIdence establIshes that gnevor
began a busIness In 1991 and contInued to run thIS busIness whIle the Mimstry employed hIm
To the extent that both Mr SIdhu and Mr RaI echoed the gnevor's eVIdence that he was not theIr
accountant, I do not accept theIr testImony Mr RaI was unable to explaIn how hIS 1992
personal Income tax return was found on the Mehan's 486 home computer when he testIfied In
chIef that he first met Mr Vannder Mehan In or around 2002 He maIntaIned hIS story that
someone called Nick dId hIS tax returns He dId not know Nick's last name, or hIS address, eIther
current or old, and SInce he always paid hIm In cash, he had no documents that would support hIS
testImony that Nick was hIS accountant. Moreover Mr RaI's 2-4-1 PIzza store # 80 and Mr
SIdhu 2-4-1 PIzza store #43 were lInked to the gnevor dunng the InVestIgatIOn. Documents for
both busInesses were found on the Mehan computer and the stores were found In the gnevor's
audIt bank. Both stores were subsequently audIted by the Mimstry and found to be suppreSSIng
sales GIven thIS documentary eVIdence I find that I cannot accept theIr testImony
GIven the gnevor's lack of credIbIlIty hIS wItnesses' lack of credIbIlIty and the clear consIstent,
cogent eVIdence of the employer I find that It was Mr Vannder Mehan who was operatIng an
accountIng/bookkeepIng busIness from hIS home
HavIng found that the gnevor was operatIng an accountIng busIness whIle an employee of the
Mimstry the next Issue for thIS board to decIde IS whether thIS amounts to a conflIct of Interest
so senous that It warrants dIsmIssal It IS clear from the record that the gnevor contravened the
conflIct of Interest gUIdelInes for employees for the tax revenue dIvIsIOn by operatIng an
accountIng busIness The Tax Revenue DIVISIOn's GUIdelInes provIde
Conflict of Interest Guidelines for Employees - Tax Revenue Division
2 3 ProvIdIng FInanCIal or AccountIng ServIces
Tax Revenue DIvIsIOn employees workIng In a functIOn that Involves dIrect
contact wIth the publIc, audItIng taxpayers' financIal accountIng systems,
remIttances, refund or benefit applIcatIOns, or collectIng overdue taxpayer
accounts must no engage In outsIde actIvItIes that Include the provIsIOn of
financIal or accountIng servIces for any IndIVIdual, corporatIOn, enterpnse or
orgamzatIOn. EngagIng In such actIvItIes, whether or not employees are
reImbursed for such servIces, could result In a real or potentIal conflIct of Interest.
If such employees would lIke to provIde financIal or accountIng servIces for a
busIness owned by a spouse or close famIly member then the employee must
seek advIce from the Deputy Mimster before provIdIng such servIces
Employees that have traInIng In accountIng, but do not work In a functIOn that
Involves dIrect contact wIth the publIc audItIng or collectIng, must seek advIce
from the Deputy Mimster before engagIng In an outsIde actIvIty of provIdIng
financIal or accountIng servIces
Employees WIshIng to sell umts In mutual funds for an outsIde company must also
seek advIce from the Deputy Mimster before engagIng In such actIvIty
When financIal and accountIng servIces are provIded to any IndIVIdual,
corporatIOn, enterpnse or orgamzatIOn, a conflIct of Interest wIll eXIst when
employees use InformatIOn gaIned through theIr work.
ThIS gUIdelIne provIdes that anyone workIng In the Mimstry In the Tax Revenue DIvIsIOn wIth
dIrect contact wIth the publIc In a role of audItIng taxpayers financIal accountIng systems must
not engage In any "financIal or accountIng servIces for any IndIVIdual, corporatIOn, enterpnse or
orgamzatIOn." The provIsIOn further provIdes that even If there IS no remuneratIOn for such work
the employee could put hImself or herself Into a real or potentIal conflIct of Interest. The
eVIdence IS clear that Mr Mehan was workIng In dIrect contact wIth the publIc He began as a
FIeld AudItor In 1994 As an AudIt Manager he was supervISIng those In the field dOIng audIts
It IS also eVIdent that the gnevor was remunerated for hIS work. For example, Mr DhamI's
eVIdence was that he paid the gnevor $300 a month or around $3000 a year usually In cash,
between 1992 and 1999 for accountIng servIces Thus, the eVIdence establIshes that Mr Mehan
profited In hIS pnvate accountIng busIness whIle In hIS posItIOn In the Mimstry whIch IS a
senous breach of the ConflIct of Interest RegulatIOn under the Public Service Act whIch
provIdes as follows
Onto Reg. 435/97 - Rules of Conduct for Public Servants made under the
Public Sen,ice Act
A publIc servant shall not become employed by or engage In a busIness or
undertakIng outsIde hIS or her employment In the servIce of the Crown In any of
the folloWIng CIrcumstances
1 If the publIc servant's pnvate Interests In connectIOn wIth the employment or
undertakIng could conflIct WIth hIS or her dutIes to the Crown.
2 If the employment or undertakIng would Interfere wIth the publIc servant's
abIlIty to perform hIS or her dutIes to the Crown.
3 If the employment IS In a professIOnal capacIty and IS lIkely to Influence or
detnmentally affect the publIc servant's abIlIty to perform hIS or her dutIes to the
4 If the employment would constItute full-tIme employment for another person.
ThIS paragraph does not apply wIth respect to a publIc servant who IS employed
part-tIme by the Crown, or IS on a leave of absence (as defined In subsectIOn 70(1)
of the RegulatIOn 977 of the RevIsed RegulatIOns of Ontano 199) or secondment.
5 If, In connectIOn wIth the employment or undertakIng, any person would
denve an advantage from the publIc servant's employment as a publIc servant.
6 If government premIses, eqUIpment or supplIes are used In the employment or
The eVIdence clearly establIshes that Mr Mehan Issued two clearance certIficates for two 2-4-1
PIzza stores, #80 and #61 who were hIS clIents These stores were subsequently found to be
suppreSSIng sales to aVOId remIttIng sales tax to the Ontano government. In addItIOn, Mr DhamI
testIfied that Mr Mehan offered to get a clearance certIficate for KIngs' Head Pub Taken
together thIS eVIdence supports a findIng that the gnevor was USIng hIS posItIOn In the Mimstry to
assIst clIents for whom he was dOIng bookkeepIng and accountIng work.
The board heard eVIdence that clearance certIficates are generally Issued under the Retail Sales
Tax Act to protect the purchaser of a busIness from tax lIabIlIty pnor to purchase When a request
for certIficate IS made, the tax office consIders whether an audIt IS necessary before ISSUIng the
clearance certIficate There was also eVIdence that If a manager had a company or store In hIS
audIt bank, no other manager would reVIew those busInesses Mr Mehan had put a large number
of 2-4-1 PIzza stores from hIS area and from outsIde hIS JunsdIctIOn, IncludIng many that were
hIS clIents In hIS audIt bank. By dOIng thIS he Insured that other managers would not audIt these
stores, thus protectIng them from Mimstry scrutInY In sum, I find the gnevor put hImself Into a
conflIct of Interest wIth hIS duty to the Crown, breachIng the regulatIOn under the Public Service
Act most partIcularly sectIOn 5 of that regulatIOn whIch provIdes that a conflIct of Interest wIll
occur "If In connectIOn wIth the employment or undertakIng, any person would denve an
advantage from the publIc servant's employment as a publIc servant." By ISSUIng clearance
certIficates to the two 2-4-1- PIzza's stores, who were hIS clIents, and wIthout a proper audIt, he
used hIS posItIOn as a publIc servant to advantage hIS clIents and for personal gaIn, and breached
hIS duty to be faithful to the Crown.
PublIc servants are oblIged to dIsclose even the possIbIlIty that an outsIde busIness actIvIty may
result In a conflIct of Interest. The Corporate polIcy provIdes as follows
Conflict of Interest and Post-Service Directive for Public Servants and Public
Officials- section 23
(a) Any sItuatIOn covered by the provIsIOns In thIS Part that may be a real or
potentIal conflIct of Interest between the pnvate Interests of a publIc servant or a
publIc officIal and hIS or her dutIes and responsIbIlItIes to the Crown must be
dIsclosed to the desIgnated officIal to resolve ThIS Includes
(i) any conflIct of Interest In whIch the IndIVIdual may benefit
personally from the matter that, In the course of the IndIVIdual's
dutIes, he or she can Influence
(iI) any conflIct of Interest sItuatIOn ansIng from the IndIVIdual's
outsIde actIvItIes
(b) Where there may be a conflIct of Interest In a partIcular sItuatIOn, the publIc
servant or publIc officIal must make a confidentIal report to the desIgnated
officIal The report must IdentIfy the nature of the potentIal conflIct of Interest.
(c) The desIgnated officIal may reqUIre that the IdentIfied actIvIty be curtaIled, modIfied or
stopped If he or she concludes that a real or potentIal conflIct of Interest eXIsts
The Mimstry of FInance employees are bound to follow both the corporate conflIct of Interest
gUIdelInes and the Tax Revenue DIvIsIOn gUIdelInes The eVIdence establIshes that Mr Mehan
was well aware of the conflIct of Interest gUIdelInes He sIgned an acknowledgment In 1994 that
he had receIved a copy of the gUIdelIne Moreover In 1994 he was InvestIgated for allegedly
SOlICItIng clIents whIle dOIng a sales tax audIt on a vendor Mr Mehan told the InVestIgator that
he had been operatIng an accountIng busIness before JOImng the Mimstry The InVestIgator also
recorded Mr Mehan's statement, that If he were workIng dOIng bookkeepIng or accountIng that
would be a conflIct of Interest. Thus thIS eVIdence shows that the gnevor was well aware that
operatIng a bookkeepIng/accountIng busIness was contrary to the conflIct of Interest gUIdelInes
of the Mimstry
The eVIdence before thIS board shows that In 1994 when he was a FIeld AudItor and dunng thIS
first InVestIgatIOn of the gnevor he was operatIng an accountIng/bookkeepIng busIness So not
only dId Mr Mehan not dIsclose a potentIal conflIct of Interest, he knew at the tIme that he was
In an actual conflIct of Interest and faIled to dIsclose It. Moreover some five years later he told
Mr DhamI that CCRA must not learn that he was the accountant for KIngs' Head Pub or he
would lose hIS Job Clearly the gnevor recogmzed that operatIng an accountIng busIness was not
permItted under the conflIct of Interest gUIdelInes of the Mimstry and yet he operated hIS
busIness for over five years whIle an employee
Counsel for the employer argued that case law establIshes that publIc servants are generally held
to a hIgher standard wIth regard to conflIct of Interest because members of the publIc are not
necessanly able to dIStIngUISh between the publIc and pnvate role of the employee Further
actual conflIcts of Interest have generally been consIdered more senous and dIsmIssal has been
upheld In these cases In cases where the conflIct of Interest has actually resulted In dIshonesty
the conflIct of Interest has been taken to be very senous and to JustIfy dIsmIssal HavIng
consIdered all the eVIdence In thIS case I have no hesItatIOn In findIng that Mr Mehan put
hImself In a senous conflIct of Interest In hIS role ImtIally as a FIeld AudItor and ultImately as a
Manager In the Tax Revenue DIvIsIOn of the Mimstry As noted earlIer hIS conduct, partIcularly
wIth regard to ISSUIng clearance certIficates to vendors who were subsequently found to be
suppreSSIng sales, IS senous and JustIfies dIscIplIne The fact that he operated the busIness over
so many years IS also sIgmficant. And finally that he clearly knew that If he were caught he
would lose hIS Job makes hIS mIsconduct more egregIOus
In thIS case the employer argued that as a Tax AudIt Manager the gnevor must be seen as
completely trustworthy The employer argued that the trust here had been Irretnevably broken
and, therefore, dIsmIssal was warranted. I am persuaded by the employer's argument In thIS
case By operatIng an accountIng busIness, the gnevor put hImself In a senous conflIct of
Interest, and used hIS posItIOn for the benefit of hIS clIents, hIS own gaIn and to the sIgmficant
detnment of the Mimstry ThIS IS such a senous breach of trust that, In my VIew dIsmIssal IS
There are no mItIgatIng factors to support a lesser penalty There can be no doubt from the record
that the gnevor was not forthcomIng dunng the InVestIgatIOn or In the heanng Into thIS matter
The only mItIgatIng factors to be consIdered are the gnevor's dIscIplIne free record and hIS seven
years of servIce It IS hard to gIve much weIght to the lack of dIscIplIne or hIS servIce when the
eVIdence establIshes that the gnevor operated an accountIng busIness throughout hIS actIve
tenure at the Mimstry Thus, there are no mItIgatIng factors that warrant the SubstItutIOn of a
lesser penalty
Mr Mehan accused the Mimstry of actIng In bad faith and beIng dISCnmInatory when they
InvestIgated hIm He also suggested that he was a vIctIm of a conspIracy largely dnven by hIS
ex-wIfe However there IS no eVIdence to support these allegatIOns As the summary of the
eVIdence In thIS case shows, the Mimstry conducted a metIculous and fair InVestIgatIOn Into very
senous allegatIOns agaInst the gnevor
Thus havIng carefully consIdered the eVIdence and submIssIOns In thIS case, I hereby dIsmIss the
gnevance and uphold the dIscharge
Dated at Toronto thIS ih day of November 2005
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