HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-2003-1985.Cartwright et al.05-05-25 Decision
Public Service Commission des ~~
Grievance Board griefs de la fonction
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P-2003-1985 P-2003-1987 P-2003-2253
Cartwnght et al Grievor
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry of Commumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer
BEFORE Deborah lD LeIghton Vice-Chair
FOR THE GRIEVOR Robert Cartwnght, Richard Camman,
KevIn D' Andrea
Semor Counsel
Management Board Secretanat
HEARING March 23 2005
The gnevors, actIng OperatIOnal Managers at Maplehurst and CECC filed gnevances under the
OPSEU collectIve agreement allegIng that they had not receIved proper pay Increases At Step 2
In the gnevance procedure the employer advIsed them that the GSB had no JunsdIctIOn to
entertaIn theIr gnevances, as they were actIng In management posItIOns The gnevors then filed
the same complaInts wIth the PSGB Counsel for the employer Mr Kearney Informed the
gnevors by letter on March 11 2005 that he Intended to bnng a motIOn to dIsmIss theIr
gnevances on the ground that the Board had no JunsdIctIOn to hear them. Counsel argued In
support of thIS motIOn that the board had no JunsdIctIOn to hear these complaInts because the
gnevors are stIll members of OPSEU Counsel cIted SectIOn 31 of RegulatIOn 977 to the PublIc
ServIce Act whIch provIdes In part
31 (1) The folloWIng persons are not elIgIble to file a gnevance under thIS Part
1 A person wIthIn a umt of employees establIshed for collectIve bargaInIng
under the Crown Employees CollectIve BargaInIng Act, 1993
Mr Kearney also argued that the OPSEU collectIve agreement protects members who work
temporanly In posItIOns outsIde the bargaInIng umt. ArtIcle 8 5 2 provIdes as follows
Where an employee IS temporanly assIgned to a non-bargaInIng umt
posItIOn, he or she shall contInue to pay dues to OPSEU and contInue to
be covered by the CollectIve Agreement for the entIre term of the
temporary assIgnment.
Counsel for the employer relIed on a number of cases IncludIng a very recent decIsIOn of the
board Cartwright andMinistlY of Community Safety and Correctional Services (2005) P-2003-
1986 (O'NeIl)
Mr Kearney also Informed the board that he was counsel on the gnevors' case at the GSB and
the employer was not takIng the posItIOn that the GSB had no JunsdIctIOn to hear the case The
gnevances at the GSB were gOIng forward on the ments
The gnevors asked for an adJ ournment at the outset of the heanng. The chIef reason for the
request was that they wanted theIr gnevances held In abeyance untIl theIr gnevances at the GSB
were heard or resolved. Counsel for the employer argued that nothIng that happened at the GSB
affected the PSGB' s JunsdIctIOn and therefore the adJ ournment should not be granted. I decIded
at the heanng not to allow an adJournment. The case had already been adJourned prevIOusly and
another adJournment, wIthout good reason, would be a waste of the board's resources More
Importantly nothIng that happened at the GSB affects whether or not the PSGB has JunsdIctIOn
In thIS case
The gnevors made a further request for an adJournment on the grounds that they had not had an
opportumty to read the Cartwright decIsIOn released Just a few days before the heanng Into thIS
matter I offered the gnevors a bnef adJournment In order to read the case and make submIssIOns
and then, upon resumIng, I also gave them the opportumty to make further wntten submIssIOns,
If they wIshed, by Apnl 6 2005 They made no submIssIOn on the ments of the employer's
motIOn to dIsmIss the gnevances for lack of JunsdIctIOn, and no submIssIOns on the Cartwright
case were receIved by the board.
HavIng carefully consIdered the submIssIOn of the employer I am of the VIew that the board has
no JunsdIctIOn to hear the gnevors' complaInts whIch are currently beIng heard on the ments at
the GSB SectIOn 31 of RegulatIOn 977 to the PublIc ServIce Act excludes OPSEU members
from gneVIng at the PSGB and theIr collectIve agreement contInues to protect them, even when
they are In actIng management posItIOns
For the reasons noted above, these gnevances are hereby dIsmIssed.
Dated at Toronto thIS 25th day of May 2005