HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-2003-2373.Mike Lee.06-03-21 Decision
Public Service Commission des Nj
Grievance Board griefs de la fonction
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Mike Lee Grievor
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry ofCommumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer
BEFORE Deborah J D LeIghton Vice-Chair
Semor Counsel
Mimstry of Government ServIces
HEARING June 15 2005
WRITTEN February 13 2006
Mike Lee, an OperatIOnal Manager wIth the Mimstry filed a gnevance wIth the board allegIng a
breach of hIS terms of employment and workIng condItIOns wIth regard to the employer's
polIcIes on "pay on assIgnment to a posItIOn" and "pay for performance ImtIatIve" ThIS board
In a decIsIOn dated February 5 2004 dIsmIssed the gnevances In that decIsIOn the board noted
as follows
The PublIc ServIce Gnevance Board, as a statutory tnbunal, can only deal wIth
those complaInts fallIng wIthIn ItS legIslatIve mandate ThIS mandate IS set out In
Ontano RegulatIOn 977 R.R.O 1990 as amended by Ontano RegulatIOn 59/03
SectIOn 31 (4) of that amended regulatIOn now reads
No gnevance shall Include a complaInt In respect of the folloWIng matters
1 A complaInt that a posItIOn should be classIfied.
2 A complaInt that a posItIOn IS In the wrong classIficatIOn.
3 A complaInt relatIng to a release from employment under subsectIOn
22(4 l)(ofthe Act)
4 A complaInt regardIng the method of evaluatIng an employee's
5 A complaInt regardIng the evaluatIOn of an employee's performance
6 A complaInt regardIng the compensatIOn provIded or demed to an
employee as a result of an evaluatIOn of hIS or her performance
Your complaInt on ItS face relates to eIther the method of performance evaluatIOn,
or the performance evaluatIOn Itself, or the compensatIOn provIded or demed as a
result of a performance evaluatIOn. For thIS reason It does not constItute a
gnevance over whIch thIS tnbunal has JunsdIctIOn and, accordIngly It must be
Upon receIpt of thIS notIce, Mr Lee wrote to the board argUIng that the gnevance should not be
dIsmIssed for vanous reasons, but for the purposes of thIS decIsIOn noted that he had a separate
gnevance wIth regard to pay admInIstratIOn assocIated wIth payment on the assIgnment to a
posItIOn. In hIS letter dated February 16 2004 to the board he stated
The first gnevance refers to pay admInIstratIOn assocIated wIth payment on
assIgnment to a posItIOn. It alleges a breach of the employer's polIcIes In that
regard. As such, the gnevance refers to workIng condItIOns and not, as you
IndIcate, "eIther the method of performance evaluatIOn, or the performance
evaluatIOn Itself, or the compensatIOn provIded or demed as a result of a
performance evaluatIOn." The gnevance IS filed under sectIOn 34(1) of the PSA
Regulations and the restnctIOns found In sectIOn 31(4) do not apply
Upon receIpt ofMr Lee's letter to the board, the board scheduled a medIatIOn that was not
successful and, subsequently a heanng date was set for June 15 2005
At the outset of the heanng In June, Sean Kearney counsel for the employer argued that gIven
Mr Lee's gnevance had been dIsmIssed by the board, the board wasfunctus and had no
JunsdIctIOn to entertaIn hIS gnevances Mr Kearney relIed on the decIsIOn In Tyrrell et al. and
MinistlY of Community Safety and Correctional Services (2004) P-2003-2687 et al. (Carter)
where the board addressed the preCIse Issue of whether the board had the power to reconsIder an
earlIer decIsIOn and found that It dId not. In ItS reasons for the decIsIOn, the board held
It IS clear that It does not make good sense for a statutory tnbunal to schedule a
heanng of complaInts that on theIr face ObvIOusly fall well outsIde the tnbunal's
JunsdIctIOn. It IS for thIS reason that the board formulated practIce note #1
servIng notIce to the partIes that the board may dIsmIss a complaInt wIthout
further consultatIOn or a heanng If that complaInt clearly falls outsIde of the
board's JunsdIctIOn. ThIS procedure not only promotes efficIent use of the
board's resources, but also aVOIds gIVIng complaInants false hope that theIr claims
may have JunsdIctIOnal ment.
On a specIfic questIOn on whether or not the board had the power to reconsIder a
prevIOus decIsIOn the board held that "It does not have any Inherent procedural
power to reconsIder a final decIsIOn." ThIS board, lIke any other statutory
tribunal, IS a creatIOn of statute and does not possess Inherent powers to fashIOn
ItS own processes In the absence of a legIslatIve mandate to do so Once a
complaInt IS dIsmIssed, the board had exhausted ItS JunsdIctIOn, leavIng a
complaInant the optIOn of eIther seekIng JudIcIal reVIew or fashIOmng a fresh
complaInt that on ItS face could arguably fall wIthIn the board's JunsdIctIOn.
The Tyrrell et al. decIsIOn addressed multIple gnevors wIth gnevances relatIng to evaluatIOn and
pay for performance The board found that Indeed on ItS face, even after heanng submIssIOns by
the gnevors' counsel, that It would not have JunsdIctIOn to hear theIr cases
However In Mr Lee's case, a second part of hIS gnevance related to "pay on assIgnment."
SInce a number of gnevances relatIng to pay on assIgnment, Harris et al. were scheduled to be
heard by the board on November 2, 2005 before Kathleen G O'NeIl, the Mimstry agreed to hold
Mr Lee's gnevance In abeyance pendIng the decIsIOn In that case Should the board find that It
had JunsdIctIOn to deal wIth the kInd of the gnevance Mr Lee was bnngIng wIth regard to pay
on assIgnment, then there may have been an opportumty to look at a medIated settlement for Mr
Lee on that Issue However If It was clear from the board's decIsIOn In Harris et al. that there
was no JunsdIctIOn to hear such a case, then the Issue was clearly fimshed
Harris et al. and Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, P-2003- 1479 et al.
was released In December 2005 In January the board asked for submIssIOns from counsel for
the employer and Mr Lee as to theIr VIew of the status of hIS gnevance, gIven the decIsIOn In
Harris et al HavIng carefully revIewed the submIssIOns of both partIes, I have come to the
conclusIOn that Mr Lee's gnevance cannot go forward. The board In Harris et al. consIdered
the type of claim made by the gnevor here, that when promoted to management an OM-16
should be entItled to more than the mImmum three percent Increase The board held
In the board's VIew the portIOn of the gnevances claimIng more than three percent
on promotIOn should be dIsmIssed because, even assertIng the fact asserted to be
true and provable, no arguable breach of the pay on assIgnment polIcy has been
shown. There IS no assertIOn that any of the gnevors were paid somethIng less
than three percent or any greater Increase necessary to bnng the employee to the
mImmum of managenal gnd on promotIOn. It IS the board's VIew that In order to
have a vIable gnevance to the effect that an employee should have receIved more
than three percent on promotIOn, a gnevor would have to demonstrate that he or
she needed more than three percent to get to the mImmum of the managenal pay
scale and dId not receIve It, whIch IS not the case for any of the gnevors In the
group dealt wIth In thIS decIsIOn. On thIS pOInt the polIcy language IS clear As
wntten, the only entItlement to a pay Increase In the sectIOn of the pay on
assIgnment polIcy quoted above IS In the first sentence "For management
employees, pay on promotIOn IS three percent or an Increase to bnng the
employee to the mImmum rate of the new salary range, whIchever IS greater"
Increases greater than three percent necessary to bnng the employee to the
mImmum rate of the new salary range are allowed, but there IS no other
entItlement to an Increase, greater than three percent or to a meetIng to consIder
such an Increase to be found In the language set out above More specIfically the
fact that the polIcy sets out who must approve any Increase greater than three
percent does not create any such entItlement.
In Mr Lee's response to Mr Kearney's submIssIOn he specIfically obJects to the fact that he had
no meetIng to decIde whether or not he was entItled to more than three percent on hIS pay on
assIgnment. SInce the board has squarely dealt wIth thIS Issue, I find there IS absolutely no ment
In Mr Lee's gnevance here
Moreover I am bound by Tyrrell et al whIch says the board does not have the power to
reconsIder a decIsIOn that has already been made In thIS case the gnevances were dIsmIssed on
February 5 2004 and, therefore, there IS nothIng left to do but dIrect the RegIstrar to close thIS
Dated at Toronto thIS 21 st day of March, 2006
., .