HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-2003-2687.Tyrrell et al.04-12-07 Decision Public Service Commission des ~~ Grievance Board griefs de la fonction publique Bureau 600 ~-,... Suite 600 Ontario 180 Dundas SI. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 P-2003-2687 P-2003-2800 P-2003-2810 P-2003-2904 P-2003-3020 P-2003-3021 P-2003-3023 P-2003-3024 P-2003-3025 P-2003-3026 P-2003-3027 P-2003-3028 P-2003-3029 P-2003-3031 P-2003-3032, P-2003-3033 P-2003-3034 P-2003-3035 P-2003-3036 P-2003-3037 P-2003-3038 P-2003-3039 P-2003-3042,P-2003-3045 P-2003-3046 P-2003-3076 P-2003-3077 P-2003-3085 P-2003-3087 P-2003-3102,P-2003-3143 P-2003-3230 P-2003-3290 P-2003-3460 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE PUBLIC SERVICE ACT Before THE PUBLIC SERVICE GRIEVANCE BOARD BETWEEN Tyrrell et al Grievor - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry ofCommumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer BEFORE Donald D Carter Chair FOR THE GRIEVOR Andrew F Camman PolIshuk, Camman and Steele BarrIsters and SOlICItorS FOR THE EMPLOYER Sean Kearney Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING November 16 2004 2 DeCISIon ThIS deCISIOn anses from a heanng scheduled for the purpose of provIdIng the gnevors opportumty to make oral argument as to why the Board should reconsIder ItS earlIer deCISIOn to dIsmIss certaIn complaInts relatIng to pay for performance One of these complaInts was filed by Ann WhIte, OperatIOnal Manager Central East CorrectIOnal Center Set out below are the stated grounds of thIS complaInt and the settlement requested "1) The OPS corporate cap of 20% of employees who can receIve an exceeds ratIng IS arbItrary and dISCnmInatory a clear vIOlatIOn of the WDHP operatIng polIcy 2) The employer has faIled to follow It'S own polIcy on the ImplementatIOn of the MCP pay for performance plan by not completIng the performance evaluatIOns and learnIng plans/targets wIth OCR-OM16 employees as outlIned In the polIcy 3) The Employers faIlure to recogmze OCR-OM16 who partIcIpated In the labor dIsruptIOn by not awardIng "exceeds all" ratIng and performance pay IS dISCnmInatory and contradIcts the Mimsters statement of employee performance dunng the labor dIsruptIOn In hIS open letter to managers In whIch he stated,(paraphrased) managers are to be commended for exceptIOnal work and performance dunng thIS IncIdent. 4) The Mimstry's admInIstratIOn of the MCP pay for performance plan has created more and greater pay IneqUItIes between pay classes IncludIng but not lImIted to ActIng OCR- OM16 managers and Confirmed OCR-OM16 managers, and between Confirmed OCR- OM16 managers and other Confirmed OCR-OM16 managers Settlement ReqUIred 3 a) All OCR-OM16 managers who partIcIpated In the OPSEU labor dIspute to receIve "exceeds all" ratIngs and appropnate pay for performance for all hours worked. b) Complete reVIew ofMCP P4P process to ensure that Confirmed OCR- OM16 managers salary IS reflectIve of the responsIbIlItIes In relatIOn to actIng operatIOnal managers, regardless of theIr placement In the Imposed salary gnd as dIrected by the Mimstry of PublIc Safety and Secunty c) InvestIgatIOn Into the demonstrated Incompetence of the employer's InabIlIty to fairly and adequately admInIster a salary/pay program to OCR- OM 16's In the Mimstry of PublIc Safety and Secunty/CorrectIOns DIVISIOn." ThIS complaInt was dIsmIssed by thIS Board In a decIsIOn dated February 5 2004 The decIsIOn stated "The PublIc ServIce Gnevance Board has consIdered your complaInt dated December 2, 2003 The PublIc ServIce Gnevance Board, as a statutory tnbunal, can only deal wIth those complaInts fallIng wIthIn ItS legIslatIve mandate ThIS mandate IS set out In Ontano RegulatIOn 977 RRO 1990 as amended by Ontano RegulatIOn 59/03 SectIOn 31(4) of that amended RegulatIOn now reads No gnevance shall Include a complaInt In respect of the folloWIng matters 1 A complaInt that a posItIOn should be classIfied, 2 A complaInt that a posItIOn IS In the wrong classIficatIOn. 3 A complaInt relatIng to a release from employment under subsectIOn 22 (4 1) of the Act, 4 4 A complaInt regardIng the method of evaluatIng an employee's performance 5 A complaInt regardIng the evaluatIOn of an employee's performance 6 A complaInt regardIng the compensatIOn provIded or demed to an employee as a result of an evaluatIOn of hIS or her performance Your complaInt on ItS face relates to eIther the method of performance evaluatIOn, or the performance evaluatIOn Itself, or the compensatIOn provIded or demed as a result of a performance evaluatIOn For thIS reason It does not constItute a gnevance over whIch thIS tnbunal has JunsdIctIOn and, accordIngly It must be dIsmIssed. Please be advIsed that thIS decIsIOn relates only to the JunsdIctIOn of the PublIc ServIce Gnevance Board to deal wIth your complaInt and In no way constItutes a determInatIOn of the ments of your complaInt." Other complaInts, worded In a sImIlar manner as Ms WhIte's complaInt, were consIdered by the Board and dIsmIssed by the Board at the same tIme and for sImIlar reasons Subsequent to the dIsmIssal of these complaInts, the Board receIved a letter from Andrew F Camman of the law firm, PolIshuk Camman & Steele, dated March 5 2004 requestIng that the Board reconsIder ItS decIsIOns to dIsmIss these complaInts The letter stated "We are wntIng on behalf of the gnevors Involved wIth a "group gnevance" dealIng wIth pay for performance Issues, whIch were filed by the partIes lIsted In AppendIx "A" Please note that the lIst of gnevors attached may be Incomplete and may change from tIme to tIme We wIll attempt to update thIS lIst as much as possIble In order to keep It 5 current. We would ask at thIS tIme that all of the IdentIcal gnevances filed on pay for performance Issues be consolIdated and dealt wIth as a "group gnevance" We have revIewed your form letter whIch apparently IS beIng sent to each of the gnevors and whIch purports to dIsmIss the gnevances based on a lack JunsdIctIOn to hear the matter pursuant to sectIOn 31(4) ofOntanoRegulatIOn 59/03 Please note that a maJor complaInt raised In thIS group gnevance IS the employer's faIlure to complete performance evaluatIOns at all, whIch IS In dIrect vIOlatIOn of the employer polIcIes and procedures The complaInt IS formed In large part on the fact that the employer IS cIrcumventIng the polIcy by faIlIng to complete performance appraisals, and therefore makIng pay for performance decIsIOns outsIde of the mandated polIcy It IS our submISSIOn that thIS type of complaInt falls squarely wIthIn the Board's JunsdIctIOn and should therefore be heard by the PSGB We would therefore ask you to reconsIder each of the decIsIOns to dIsmIss" In a letter dated March 9 2004 the Board wrote to Mr Camman adVISIng hIm that It would schedule a heanng for the purpose of provIdIng the opportumty to make oral argument as to why the Board should reconsIder ItS decISIOn to dIsmIss the complaInts referenced In hIS letter CopIes of thIS letter were sent to representatIves of the employer On May 20 2004 counsel for the employer Sean Kearney wrote to the Board adVISIng It that It was the employer's posItIOn that the Board had no JunsdIctIOn to reconsIder ItS earlIer decISIOns The letter stated "I am wntIng wIth respect to a number of gnevances concernIng pay for performance whIch were all dIsmIssed on February 2, 2004 on your order due to the clear absence of JunsdIctIOn on the part of the Board to hear such gnevances 6 I have recently been retaIned by the Mimstry as a result of your letter of March 9 of thIS year whIch states that despIte your earlIer decIsIOns, the Board wIll now schedule a heanng for oral arguments as to potentIal reconsIderatIOn of the Board's earlIer decIsIOns (see the attached copy of that letter and subsequent NotIce of ProceedIng) The decIsIOn to schedule a further heanng date IS apparently In response to a request for reconsIderatIOn contaIned In a letter dated March 5 2004 from Andrew Camman, counsel for the gnevors seekIng reconsIderatIOn. Unfortunately that request by Mr Camman was not dIsclosed to the Mimstry untIl after you had sent out your letter of March 9 2004 It IS the posItIOn of the Mimstry that your ImtIal decIsIOns must stand and that the PSGB IS sImply not authonzed to reconsIder ItS ongInal decISIOns to dIsmIss for a number of reasons whIch I wIll set out below FIrst, It must be emphasIzed that the Board has no statutory or legal authonty to "reconsIder" ItS earlIer final decIsIOns as the Board IS clearly functus officio It IS settled law that once an arbItrator has made hIS award and reached a final conclusIOn, s/he cannot later alter that award, In the absence of statutory authonty otherwIse ThIS IS partIcularly so when the award has been reduced to wntIng. Furthermore S 40(1) of Reg. 977 of the Public Service Act the governIng regulatIOn for thIS Board, clearly states that the decIsIOn of the Board on a gnevance IS final, and IS therefore not open to further consIderatIOn. As a result, any attempts to reconsIder the Board's earlIer decIsIOns are void ab initio A sImIlar bar agaInst reconsIderatIOn applIes to decIsIOns InvolvIng the OPSEU and AMAPCEO bargaInIng umts before the Gnevance Settlement Board. As there IS no dIscretIOnary authonty whatsoever to grant reconsIderatIOn, the only recourse avaIlable to gnevors who take Issue WIth the determInatIOn of theIr claims by thIS Board IS to file an 7 applIcatIOn for JudIcIal reVIew before the DIvIsIOnal Court pursuant to the Judicial RevieYf, Procedure Act ThIS bar agaInst reconsIderatIOn In the context ofPSGB gnevances contrasts markedly wIth other statutory regImes In thIS provInce For example, both the Ontano Labour RelatIOns Board and the Ontano Human Rights CommIssIOn are explIcItly granted the statutory power of reconsIderatIOn VIa theIr govermng statutes However those tnbunals are very restncted In theIr abIlIty to utIlIze theIr dIscretIOnary authonty even wIth respect to requests for reconsIderatIOn of decIsIOns rendered by InVestIgators or human nghts officers, rather than arbItrators In addItIOn, such requests are subJect to extremely short tImelInes (s 37 of the Human Rights Code reqUIres reconsIderatIOn requests to be filed wIthIn fifteen days of the decIsIOn) Conversely as aforementIOned, the Public Service Act In no way provIdes for the power of reconsIderatIOn and Indeed ItS regulatory language clearly prohIbItS reconsIderatIOn of the Board's decIsIOns Secondly as emphasIzed In your decIsIOns of February 5 the relevant, statutory and regulatory authontIes explIcItly underlIne that the PSGB has no JunsdIctIOn whatsoever to hear or determIne matters that relate In anyway to J ob performance Regardless of whether these former gnevors now allege a faIlure to properly complete performance evaluatIOns or a faIlure to complete evaluatIOns at all, the statute remaInS clear that gnevances shall not Include anythIng to do wIth the evaluatIOn of Job performance or the compensatIOn provIded or demed to an employee as a result of an employee's performance The language as set forth explIcItly In Reg 59/03 could not be more clear (4) No gnevance shall Include a complaInt In respect of the folloWIng matters 1 A complaInt that a posItIOn should be classIfied. 8 2 A complaInt that a posItIOn IS In the wrong classIficatIOn. 3 A complaInt relatIng to a release from employment under subsectIOn 22(4 1) of the Act. 4 A complaInt regardIng the method of evaluatIng an employee's performance 5 A complaInt regardIng the evaluatIOn of an employee's performance 6 A complaInt regardIng the compensatIOn provIded or demed to an employee as a result of an evaluatIOn of hIS or her performance As a result, even the allegatIOn contaIned In Mr Camman's letter that the employer has faIled to complete performance evaluatIOns when makIng pay for performance decIsIOns IS clearly outsIde 'the JunsdIctIOn of thIS tnbunal The manner In whIch pay for performance decIsIOns were determIned ObvIOusly relates to the method of evaluatIOn of an employee's performance and the compensatIOn provIded or demed as a result of that method. WhIle polIcIes and procedures may call for evaluatIOns to be performed In a certaIn manner management IS clearly Insulated from gnevances that attack the methodology utIlIzed to arnve at any and all decIsIOns regardIng compensatIOn. So there IS sImply no legal or statutory foundatIOn for thIS attack on the nature of the Pay for Performance process In lIght of the foregoIng, we would now request that you confirm that the September 21 heanng date IS unnecessary and wIll be cancelled. In the event that the Board stIll remaInS open to potentIal reconsIderatIOn of ItS earlIer decISIOn, the Mimstry may be reqUIred to apply for JudIcIal reVIew for appropnate relIef In the event that you have any questIOns or would lIke the employer to file a copy of any of the relevant Junsprudence, I would he happy to respond." 9 On June 4 2004 the Board responded to thIS letter adVISIng Mr Kearney that hIS letter had raised an Important Issue that would reqUIre full oral argument at the outset of the heanng that had been scheduled for thIS matter ThIS heanng was held on November 16 2004 at whIch tIme Mr Kearney renewed hIS obJectIOn that the Board had no JunsdIctIOn to reconsIder these matters and that the complaInts, even as restated by Mr Camman, fell outsIde the Board's JunsdIctIOn. As well as restatIng the arguments that had been made In hIS earlIer letter to the Board, Mr Kearney pOInted out that sectIOn 2 of the Board's Rules and PractIce Notes provIded that "Where the Board consIders that a gnevance does not make out a case for the orders or remedIes requested, even If all the facts stated In the gnevance are assumed to be true, the Board may dIsmIss the gnevance wIthout a heanng or consultatIOn. In ItS decISIOn the Board wIll set out ItS reasons" ThIS procedure IS set out In greater detaIl In the Board's PractIce Note # 1 It states "Upon receIpt of a gnevance the PublIc ServIce Gnevance Board (the Board) may on ItS own volItIOn or on the request of a party screen a gnevance for JunsdIctIOn before lIstIng the gnevance for heanng. When It appears on the face of the gnevance applIcatIOn that the Board IS wIthout JunsdIctIOn to hear the gnevance because the gnevor IS not a publIc servant under the JunsdIctIOn of a Deputy Mimster (see P0037/92 Rampersad and WCB P006/87Pelissero and Go Transit and P0045/93 Wells Larson and the LCBO) or the Board IS wIthout JunsdIctIOn to grant a remedy (see P0144/95 Laird et al P0050/95 Blakney et al P0024/99 Armstrong et al and P0025/99 Easto et al.) even If all the facts stated In the gnevance applIcatIOn are assumed to be true 10 The Board may dIsmIss the gnevance wIthout a heanng or consultatIOn. However when the Board deems It necessary the Board may request and set a date for receIpt of further partIculars, InformatIOn or submIssIOns regardIng the gnevance When the Board requests and sets a date for receIpt of further partIculars, InformatIOn or submIssIOns regardIng the gnevance the Board may 1 DIsmIss the gnevance wIthout a heanng, If the partIculars, InformatIOn or submIssIOns regardIng the gnevance are not receIved the Board on the date set; 2 DecIde that there IS a need for a heanng to deal wIth any Issue regardIng ItS J un sdI ctIOn, 3 Request further submIssIOns from the partIes before decIdIng whether or not to hold a heanng; 4 DIsmIss the gnevance wIthout a heanng when the Board has determIned that It IS wIthout JunsdIctIOn to hear or grant a remedy based upon ItS reVIew of the partIculars, InfOrmatIOn or submIssIOns regardIng the gnevance " The Board, accordIng to Mr Kearney had properly followed ItS own procedures and, by operatIOn of sectIOn 40(1) of RegulatIOn 977 ItS decIsIOns on the complaInts In questIOn must be treated as final Moreover SInce sectIOn 31 of the Public Service Act provIded that the StatutOlY POYf,ers Procedure Act dId not apply to any proceedIng or decIsIOn made under the Public Service Act or ItS regulatIOns, the Board was not bound to follow the procedures for statutory decIsIOn makers set out In the Statutory POYf,ers Procedure Act GIven that the Board had properly followed ItS own procedures and In dOIng so had reached a final decIsIOn, the Board then had no JunsdIctIOn to reopen these matters In the absence of any express statutory power to reconsIder a decIsIOn once It had been made At thIS pOInt, If the complaInants consIdered the 11 Board to have erred, theIr recourse was to seek JudIcIal reVIew Mr Kearney argued that thIS result was entIrely consIstent WIth the doctnne offunctus officio that applIed generally to arbItral tnbunals such as the PublIc ServIce Gnevance Board. Mr Camman argued that the Board had an Inherent JunsdIctIOn to control ItS own process In VIew or the fact that the Board had made ItS deCIsIOns wIthout reCeIVIng submISSIOns from the complaInants, It was well wIthIn thIS Inherent JunsdIctIOn to remedy that breach of natural JustIce by reconsIdenng ItS deCISIOn after provIdIng the opportumty for oral argument - a procedure that would be far less onerous for complaInants than seekIng JudIcIal reVIew AccordIng to Mr Camman, thIS broad and lIberal InterpretatIOn of our JunsdIctIOn was reqUIred because of the power Imbalance between the employer and the non-umomzed employees who had brought the complaInts In support of such an approach, Mr Camman referred to the decIsIOn of the Supreme Court of Canada In Machtinger v HOJ Industries Ltd (1992),91 D.L.R (4th) 491 Mr Camman further argued that there was good reason for the Board to reconsIder sInce, If the Board had provIded an opportumty for submIssIOns, the complaInants would have argued that the employer had faIled to evaluate them at all ThIS argument, accordIng to Mr Camman, was not excluded from the Board's consIderatIOn by sectIOn 31 (4) of the amended RegulatIOn. These arguments raise Important Issues relatIng to the Board's processes for screemng gnevances FIrst, It IS clear that It does not make good sense for a statutory tnbunal to schedule a heanng of complaInts that are on theIr face ObvIOusly fall well outsIde the tribunal's JunsdIctIOn. It IS for thIS reason that the Board formulated PractIce Note # 1 servIng notIce to the partIes that the Board may dIsmIss a complaInt wIthout further consultatIOn or a heanng If that complaInt clearly falls outsIde of the Board's JunsdIctIOn. ThIS procedure not only promotes efficIent use of the Board's resources but also aVOIds gIVIng complaInants false hope that theIr claims may 12 have JunsdIctIOnal ment. There IS no questIOn that the complaInts as ImtIally worded clearly fell outsIde the Board's JunsdIctIOn and, even wIth the gloss added later by Mr Camman, they would stIll fall outsIde the Board's JunsdIctIOn. It IS because of a clear lack of JunsdIctIOn that the Board dIsmIssed the complaInants ImtIally Regardless of the most generous readIng one could gIve to the complaInts, they all related to the evaluatIOn of the complaInants' performance It may be that, as alleged by the complaInants, the evaluatIOns process was flawed or Incomplete but the fact remaInS that each of the complaInants receIved a pay for performance component In theIr pay Even IfMr Camman's later argument had some JunsdIctIOnal ment, a maJor hurdle to reconsIderatIOn IS the lack of any legIslatIve authonty provIdIng the Board wIth an express power to reconsIder The Board concludes that It does not have any Inherent procedural power to reconsIder a final decIsIOn. ThIS Board, lIke any other statutory tnbunal, IS a creatIOn of statute and does not possess Inherent powers to fashIOn ItS own processes In the absence of a legIslatIve mandate to do so Once a complaInt IS dIsmIssed the Board had exhausted ItS JunsdIctIOn, leavIng a complaInant the optIOns of eIther seekIng JudIcIal reVIew or fashIOmng a fresh complaInt that on ItS face could arguably fall wIthIn the Board's JunsdIctIOn The Board, therefore, concludes that It does not have JunsdIctIOn to reconsIder ItS decIsIOns In respect of these complaInts and that ItS decIsIOns to dIsmIss these complaInts must stand. ronto thIS ih day of December 2004 Donald D Carter Chair