HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-1540.Jones.91-01-31 - , .. .. '''" L -, . ' ~- .1 ~~ ~ ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE '~l' " '. CROWN EMPLOYEES DEL'ONTARIO . , A. . '.' ., GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE , ~ 1111 SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 2100, TORONTO, ONTARIO. M5G IZB TELEPHONE ITElEPHONE 1416) 326- 1388 ISO, RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 2100 TORONTO (ONTARIO) M5G lZS FACSIMILE ItElECOPIE (4 6) 326- 1396 1540/88 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Jones) Grievor - and - I The Crown in Right of ontario i (Ministry of Labour) Employer BEFORE. M Grosky Vice-Chairperson I Freedman Member J R Scott Member I FOR THE I. Roland i GRIEVOR Counsel Gowling, Strathy & Henderson i Barristers & SOlicitors I FOR THE L. McIntosh I EMPLOYER Law Officer I , Crown Law Office civil Ministry of the Attorney General j I i HEARING: June 30, 1989 I I October 24, 25, 26 1989 I May 25, 1990 June 11, 18, 1990 January 14, 31, 1991 ) 1 I .j I I . 1 ORDER Hearings wlth respect to thlS matter took place on June 30, 1989, October 24, 25 and 26, 1989, May 25, 1990, June 11 and 18, 1990 and January 14 and 31, 1991 At the commencement of the hearing on January 31, 1991, the partles lnformed us that they had been successful in arrlvlng at a flnal settlement wlth respect to the grievance WhlCh 18 set out in the following mlnutes of settlement GSB No. 1540/88 IN THE MATTER OF A GRIEVANCE Before the CROWN EMPLOYEES GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BET WEE N OPSEU (Calvln Jones) Gr.l.evor - and - THE CROWN IN THE RIGHT OF ONTARIO (Mlnlstry of Labour) Employer MINUTES OF SETTLEMENT WITHOUT PRECEDENT and WITHOUT PREJUDICE, the partles hereto hereby agree to the follow1ng terms as full and f1nal settlement of the above-capt1oned grlevance 1 The Employer agrees to cross-asslgn Calvln Jones to the posItion of Occupat1onal Health & Safety Off1cer 1 ln the IndustrIal Health & Safety Branch, Scarborough office, for a per10d of 6 months, cornrnenclng no later than Aprll 1, 1991 2 Mr Jones w111 retain the salary of his current - 2 pos1tion , 3. At the term1nation of h1S cross-assignment, Mr. Jones w1lI return to h1S own pos1t1on at the Chest Cl1nic. 4 Commencing no later than January 1 , 1992, the Employer will arrange for a second cross-ass1gnment of 6 months durat10n 1n the Industrlal Health & Safety Branch on the same terms as the flrst one, but 1n a d1fferent locat1on. The choice of the location will depend on operational concerns, but the Employer wl11 make its best efforts to arrange the cross-assignment wlthln reasonable commuting distance for Mr Jones. 5 The parties agree that these M~nutes of Settlement shall be made an order of the Board and that the Board shall remain seized of any matters ar1sing out of the lmplementatlon of these Minutes of Settlement. DATED this 31st day of January, 1991. "Leslie McIntosh" FOR THE EMPLOYER "Ian Roland" FOR THE UNION "Calvin R Jones" CALVIN JONES In accordance with the agreement of the parties as conta1ned in the mlnutes of settlement, the mlnutes are hereby made an order of the Board and the Board shall rema1n seized of any matters aris1ng out of the implementatlon of the mlnutes of settlement. Dated at Toronto, Ontarlo this 18th day of March 1991 I I "~ 3 ! ~-t!~ - - " M - I Free , ( l1f- ". /.J..,t ~ .... ) . --------- ~.- R Scott - Member 1 -