HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-2001-0013.Tom Sawyer et al.06-08-03 Decision
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Tom Sawyer et al Grievor
- and -
The Crown In RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry ofCommumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer
BEFORE Kathleen G O'NeIl Vice-Chair
FOR THE GRIEVOR Tom Sawyer Gnevor
Zoltan RonkaI, Gnevor's representatIve
Mimstry of Government ServIces
HEARING May 3 2006
ThIS deCISIOn deals wIth a remedIal claim resultIng from the gnevor's July 2, 2001 gnevance
ThIS was ongInally a part of a group gnevance filed by several OperatIOnal Managers from
Guelph CorrectIOnal Centre claimIng dIrect assIgnment to new posItIOns as they were In an
InstItutIOn slated for cloSIng. The gnevance was settled when the gnevors were offered dIrect
assIgnments to the facIlIty of theIr chOIce, except for Mr Sawyer's remaInIng claim for travel
expenses He eventually receIved a dIrect assIgnment to a posItIOn of hIS chOOSIng, but stIll
seeks compensatIOn for travel tIme and expenses whIch he alleges were Incurred due to the delay
In gIVIng hIm a lateral transfer In a prelImInary decIsIOn dated Apnl13 2005 the Board demed
the employer's prelImInary ObjectIOn and held that the gnevor would be gIven an opportumty to
attempt to prove hIS case for the addItIOnal remedIal relIef he requests
The background facts are set out at some length In the prelImInary decIsIOn and need not all be
repeated here Suffice It to say that, as part of a maJ or restructunng of Ontano' S pnson system,
the employer conducted a mass competItIOn for OperatIOnal Managers, wIth a postIng date of
June 22, 2001 The gnevor applIed for a posItIOn even though he felt he should not have to
compete, as he was already a confirmed OperatIOnal Manager As a result of that postIng, he
receIved a posItIOn at Ontano CorrectIOnal InstItute (OCI), whIch was also slated to close, but at
a later date than Guelph CorrectIOnal Centre He took the posItIOn but also SIgned the group
gnevance preservIng hIS nghts to claim a lateral transfer as well The gnevance was based on
the propOSItIOn that J ob-threatened OperatIOnal Managers were entItled to a lateral transfer and
should not have to compete for theIr own Jobs ThIS posItIOn was upheld In the decIsIOn known
as Williams, et aI., (P/0008/01 et al ), dated January 14 2002 (LeIghton) to the extent that the
competItIOn should not have been open to those who were not In the classIficatIOn OM-16
OperatIonal Managers As a result, the gnevor's gnevance was allowed to the extent that, In
December 2002, he was asked what posItIOn he would lIke to be transferred to He chose
Maplehurst CorrectIOnal Complex, and was transferred there In June 2003 His claim IS that he
IS also entItled to travel tIme and expenses from March 22,2002, when he reported to OCI and
June 16 2003 when he reported to Maplehurst. He saw the job at OCI as a temporary posItIOn
because the InstItutIOn was slated to close and therefore the job would not be contInuIng
The questIOn to be deCIded here IS whether the gnevor IS entItled to be paid for travel tIme and
expenses due to the delay between hIS assIgnment to OCI and hIS eventual assIgnment to
Maplehurst. A remedy to a gnevance IS always Intended to put the gnevor as far as pOSSIble, In
the posItIOn that he would have been had the breach of hIS terms and condItIOn of employment
not occurred In the first place ThIS group gnevance was allowed as a result of the Williams
decIsIOn, CIted above, when the employer deCIded to apply that decIsIOn to the gnevor rather than
re-lItIgate the Issue What that decIsIOn found flawed about the 2001 competItIOn was that It
allowed people who were not OperatIOnal Managers to apply to and get posItIOns In contInuIng
or new facIlItIes (see page 9 of the decIsIOn) As noted In that decIsIOn, as well, the OperatIOnal
Managers dId not object to competIng WIth other OperatIOnal Managers If more than one was
seekIng the same pOSItIOn. Nor dId the gnevor take a dIfferent pOSItIOn on thIS pOInt.
The questIOn becomes what IS necessary to put the gnevor In the pOSItIOn he would have been In
If the competItIOn had excluded candIdates other than OperatIOnal Managers from the outset?
Were the travel tIme and expenses he Incurred commutIng to OCI a result of the employer's
havIng Included candIdates In the ongInal competItIOn who were not OperatIOnal Managers,
IncludIng members of the bargaInIng umt?
The employer's posItIOn IS that the gnevor has not shown that there IS a causal connectIOn
between the travellIng he dId to OCI between 2002 and 2003 and the flaw In the ongInal
competItIOn. In other words, counsel argues that It has not been proven that the gnevor would
have been assIgned to Maplehurst any sooner had the competItIOn been run In the manner
authonzed by the Williams decIsIOn. In support of thIS proposItIOn, counsel called eVIdence from
Barry Thomas, who was Involved as manager of transItIOn planmng for management staff at the
relevant tIme Mr Thomas testIfied that the demand for Jobs at Maplehurst dunng the 2001
competItIOn was very hIgh. It was probably the most popular place for candIdates from the
western and central regIOns, as It IS near the Greater Toronto Area, but not In It, and IS near
Highway 401 allowIng for convement commutIng from a number oflocatIOns He noted that,
where more than one Job-threatened manager wants a posItIOn, a competItIve process IS used to
determIne the successful candIdate At the tIme of the 2001 mass competItIOn, Mr Sawyer would
have been In competItIOn WIth a large number of managers for the posItIOns at Maplehurst. Mr
Thomas testIfied that there IS "no way" the gnevor would have gotten a pOSItIOn at Maplehurst
on the first round, gIven hIS low semonty related to other OperatIOnal Managers Mr Sawyer
had been confirmed as an OperatIOnal Manager effectIve Apnl 30 2001 only a few months
before the June 2001 postIng. Mr Thomas testIfied that Mr Sawyer mIght never have gotten to
Maplehurst - despIte the fact that he IS a loyal and dedIcated manager - that the reason he has a
pOSItIOn at Maplehurst now IS due solely to the way the employer chose to Implement the
Williams deCISIOn - by gIVIng any manager who wanted to move hIS first chOIce of pOSItIOn,
subject to operatIOnal needs In the tImIng of the actual move There was ongInally a cut-off date
whIch techmcally dId not apply to Mr Sawyer and two other managers, because of theIr date of
hmng as OperatIOnal Managers, but the employer later decIded to Include the three Jumor
managers In the ImplementatIOn of the Williams decIsIOn.
For hIS part, the gnevor maIntaInS that he should have receIved payment for travel tIme and
expenses because the aSSIgnment to OCI was temporary as he was gOIng from one cloSIng
InstItutIOn to another and, In hIS VIew travel expenses go WIth temporary aSSIgnments He feels
that he IS owed payment for travel tIme and expenses for the tIme he was not assIgned to a non-
decommIssIOmng faCIlIty He says he never thought the aSSIgnment to OCI was permanent as It
had been announced In 1996 that It was cloSIng and he had heard many allusIOns to ItS status as a
cloSIng InstItutIOn thereafter In the letter offenng hIm the pOSItIOn at OCI, he was offered access
to the Ontano Government RelocatIOn Plan whIch contaInS proVIsIOns for covenng some
relocatIOn expenses If OCI had not been cloSIng, the gnevor IndIcated he would have moved
closer to It, rather than commute as he dId SInce he belIeved It was a temporary sItuatIOn. If he
had been assIgned to Maplehurst, gIven the shorter commute, he Said he would not have moved
hIS resIdence
The gnevor testIfied that he had been asked to IndIcate five chOIces In the 2001 competItIOn. His
first two were GATU the treatment umt at Guelph, and Maplehurst, followed by HamIlton, one
of Stratford, Vamer or Brantford as hIS thIrd chOIce, and OCI In Brampton as hIS last chOIce All
but two of these were on the lIst of decommIssIOmng faCIlItIes Although GATU was hIS first
chOIce he had antICIpated that he would be aSSIgned to hIS second chOIce, Maplehurst, because
GATU was slated to close shortly after He testIfied that about four Maplehurst vacanCIes were
filled from the 2001 competItIOn. At the tIme, he obJected to the fact that he was not aSSIgned to
Maplehurst, and was told that operatIOnal reqUIrements meant that he would not be aSSIgned to
Maplehurst, that he was needed at OCI as they were short of OperatIOnal Managers He reported
to OCI the day before the 2002 OPSEU stnke
The partIes stIpulated certaIn other facts relatIng to two OperatIOnal Managers who receIved
some travel expenses, pursuant to agreements wIth theIr supenntendent. These were Doug
ChIlton at Guelph CorrectIOnal Centre and DebbI Acomb at GATU The latter stayed at GATU
because she had been successful In a competItIOn of her peers to stay at GATU When GATU
closed she chose to be covered by an addendum to the Staffing OperatIOn PolIcy whIch
guaranteed two years of temporary work, dunng whIch she was assIgned to Vamer Centre for
women, WIth the opportumty to dISCUSS travel expenses WIth the supenntendent. She went there
on temporary aSSIgnment, and whIle she was there a vacancy occurred for whIch she had
pnonty Under the addendum, certaIn travel expenses were paid, In the sItuatIOn where the
managers to whIch It applIed no longer had home pOSItIOns The gnevor noted that Ms Acomb
had been appoInted as an OperatIOnal Manager at a later date than he was
Mr ChIlton also chose the applIcatIOn of the Mimstry's addendum polIcy for Job-threatened
OperatIOnal Managers and took a temporary aSSIgnment at Burtch CorrectIOnal Centre He
receIved a letter saYIng that travel expenses were to be determIned WIth the supenntendent In
accordance WIth the addendum proVISIOns After two years of workIng under the terms of the
addendum, Mr ChIlton retIred, as he had hIS Factor 80
Both partIes spent a good deal of tIme on the questIOn of whether the gnevor was entItled to
travel expenses on the baSIS that the aSSIgnment to OCI should be conSIdered temporary Mr
Thomas testIfied that travel expenses are normally paid when the employer asks an OperatIOnal
Manager to go somewhere for a defined penod of tIme What expenses would be paid depends
on the CIrcumstances If the transfer IS at the employee's request, travel expenses are not paid.
Employer polIcy provIdes that at the tIme of a temporary assIgnment, the terms and condItIOns of
the temporary assIgnment, IncludIng any travel expenses are to be put In wntIng. There was no
agreement provIdIng payment for travel tIme or expenses for the penod of the gnevor' S tIme at
OCI. Mr Thomas said that when the gnevor was transferred to OCI, that was hIS home posItIOn,
by vIrtue of havIng competed and accepted the OCI posItIOn. The documentatIOn of the transfer
filed wIth the Board states that Mr Sawyer moved to the new home posItIOn at OCI effectIve
March 11 2002 Although Mr Sawyer's posItIOn at OCI was permanent, Mr Thomas said he
retaIned hIS Job-threatened status, so had pnonty for other vacanCIes When Mr Sawyer went to
OCI In 2002, It was slated to be open untIl 2007 and Mr Thomas testIfied that he would never
have put someone In a temporary posItIOn for five years As It turns out, OCI IS no longer slated
to close
In final argument on behalf of the gnevor Mr RonkaI submItted that an aSSIgnment resultIng
from the 2001 mass competItIOn, such as the gnevor's aSSIgnment to OCI, was InvalId as the
competItIOn was held In contraventIOn of RegulatIOn 977 As a result of the applIcatIOn of the
Williams deCISIOn, he was eventually aSSIgned to Maplehurst, where It IS submItted he should
have been In the first place In these CIrcumstances It IS argued that the gnevor's aSSIgnment to
OCI should be vIewed as temporary and he should be entItled to compensatIOn for travel tIme
and expenses whIle there In others words, the damage to hIm caused by not beIng put Into
Maplehurst earlIer should be remedIed by payment of travel tIme and expenses for the Intenm
penod. In the gnevor's VIew the delay In allowIng the gnevance caused hIm a lengthy penod In
a temporary aSSIgnment at OCI whIch Involved sIgmficant cost to hIm, whIch should be borne by
the employer
The employer's answer to thIS argument IS that In order to uphold that posItIOn, the Board would
need to find that the gnevor would have gotten the posItIOn at Maplehurst at the tIme of the
ongInal competItIOn or at some pOInt sooner than he dId If the competItIOn had been held
correctly In counsel's submIsSIOn, the eVIdence does not support a findIng that, had the
competItIOn been held correctly I e not Included candIdates who were not OperatIOnal
Managers, the gnevor would have receIved a posItIOn at Maplehurst earlIer than he dId.
FIrst of all, employer counsel argues that If the gnevor had been gIven hIS first chOIce In June or
July of2001 It would have been GATU not Maplehurst, to whIch he would have been aSSIgned.
Counsel notes that despIte the fact that It was a de-commIssIOmng InstItutIOn, the gnevor chose
to gIve pnonty to GATU not Maplehurst. Counsel argues that, had he gone to GATU he would
not have been In any better posItIOn In relatIOn to Maplehurst. GATU eventually closed about the
tIme the gnevor went to Maplehurst. In fact, he mIght well have been In a worse posItIOn, as
there IS no eVIdence that there would have been a vacancy for hIm at Maplehurst at that tIme
GIven the fact that only two of the gnevor's five chOIces In 2001 were non-decommIssIOmng
InstItutIOns, counsel submIts that It would be mIsplaced to conclude that the gnevor IS somehow
owed damages because he was aSSIgned to a decommIssIOmng InstItutIOn. Furthermore, It IS the
employer's posItIOn that there IS no general entItlement to travel expenses floWIng from the fact
that the gnevor was aSSIgned to a decommIssIOmng InstItutIOn. Counsel submIts that the
preponderance of the eVIdence IS that the assIgnment was permanent, and travel expenses are not
paid for permanent posItIOns Nor are they paid for temporary ones, unless there IS a specIfic
agreement to that effect. In any event, In the face of the employer's offer to pay relocatIOn
expenses when he was aSSIgned to OCI, the gnevor should not be elIgIble for travel expenses
when he turned that down, In the employer's VIew Counsel emphasIzes that OCI was
somewhere the gnevor asked for hImself, and that If he dId not want to go there, he could have
declIned the posItIOn. Counsel submIts that It was senSIble for the gnevor to ask for OCI because
It was one of the facIlItIes closer to where he lIved, and It had a longer antICIpated lIfe span than
Counsel also underlInes that Mr Sawyer and two other OperatIOnal Managers were the three
managers wIth the least expenence In the proVInce In the relevant penod of tIme The Board IS
InVIted to reJect a conclusIOn that, despIte all the dIsplaced managers, IncludIng the twenty other
managers from Guelph who gneved, that he should have been put Into Maplehurst at the tIme
In order to accept that conclusIOn, counsel submIts there would have to be eVIdence that the
gnevor was supenor to all the OperatIOnal Managers who applIed to Maplehurst. It IS suggested
that It IS unlIkely that that would be so gIven the greater expenence of all but two other
* * *
The Issue before me IS whether the gnevor reqUIres the remedy of travel tIme and expenses In
order to be put In the posItIOn, as closely as pOSSIble, to the posItIOn he would have been had the
2001 competItIOn been run as the Williams decIsIOn found It should have been ThIS reqUIres an
attempt to see how thIngs would have gone If one could turn the clock back, and do It over
In dOIng so It IS Important to keep In mInd that the fault found wIth the 2001 mass competItIOn
In the Williams decIsIOn was that the employer allowed non-OperatIOnal Managers to apply It IS
necessary to ask whether the addItIOnal candIdates somehow depnved the gnevor of an earlIer
assIgnment to a Maplehurst vacancy Would the gnevor lIkely have gotten one of the
Maplehurst vacanCIes rather than OCI or one of the other chOIces he put down when asked In
2001 If the competItIOn had been run Just among Job-threatened OperatIOnal Managers? One
IndIcator that the presence of the extra candIdates mIght have had a negatIve effect on the
gnevor's chances would be If any non- OperatIOnal Manager receIved any of the vacanCIes at
Maplehurst In 2001 But there IS no eVIdence of that. Further there IS no eVIdence that there
was any reason why the gnevor should have gotten the Maplehurst vacanCIes over the people
who dId get them at the tIme, or at any tIme after that. On the contrary It IS a reasonable
Inference from Mr Thomas' eVIdence that IS unlIkely that the gnevor one of the three
OperatIOnal Managers wIth the least expenence In the proVInce, would have gotten one of the
few posItIOns at the very popular Maplehurst complex, even If there had been no non-
OperatIOnal Managers In the pool Further there IS no eVIdence that If the competItIOn had been
held as It should have been, the gnevor would have lIkely arrIved at Maplehurst at any tIme close
to the tIme he went to OCI. In fact, Mr Thomas' uncontradIcted eVIdence went further to
IndIcate that the only reason the gnevor got to Maplehurst at all IS the way the employer deCIded
to Implement the decIsIOn, by SImply gIVIng each gnevor who was stIll Interested theIr first
chOIce at that tIme, but managIng the vacanCIes by postpomng the reportIng dates untIl
operatIOnal needs allowed the transfer In the face of thIS eVIdence I have no basIs on whIch to
find that the flaw In the 2001 competItIOn IS responsIble for the fact that the gnevor dId not
receIve an assIgnment to Maplehurst sooner
Nor IS the eVIdence convIncIng that any delay In applYIng the Williams award to the gnevor
resulted In a delay In hIS transfer to Maplehurst. AgaIn, the uncontradIcted eVIdence IS that It
was only because of the speCIal cIrcumstances of the employer's decIsIOn to Implement the
Williams award In the way It dId that meant that the gnevor gaIned a posItIOn at Maplehurst at
As to the Idea that the temporary nature of the assIgnment at OCI Itself entItles the gnevor to
travel expenses, It would be necessary to show a causal connectIOn between the flaw In the 2001
competItIOn and such an entItlement. The eVIdence sImply does not go that far It appears very
lIkely that If thIngs had gone as they should have In 2001 the gnevor would have been
transferred somewhere other than Maplehurst. There IS no eVIdence to support a findIng that It IS
lIkely that It would not have been OCI, or not on a permanent basIs All of the eVIdence about
the terms of hIS assIgnment to OCI IndIcate that It was Intended as a permanent assIgnment. In
partIcular the offer of relocatIOn expenses suggests the assIgnment was permanent. None of the
usual IndIcators of a temporary assIgnment, such as a proJected end date, or a dIscussIOn or
agreement about travel expenses If the move was at the employer's ImtIatIve were present.
Although the gnevor's InterpretatIOn of any assIgnment to a decommIssIOmng InstItutIOn as
temporary IS understandable, the eVIdence does not support a findIng that such a defimtIOn was
part of the employer polIcy or any IdentIfiable term or condItIOn of hIS employment. Further the
mere fact of beIng a temporary assIgnment does not create an automatIc entItlement to travel
expenses As well, there IS no eVIdence that thIS would have been dIfferent If there had been no
candIdates other than OperatIOnal Managers In the 2001 competItIOn, or If the gnevor had been
assIgned to GATU or another one of hIS chOIces rather than OCI.
In sum, there IS no eVIdence suffiCIent to base a findIng that If the competItIOn had been flawless
In 2001 It IS lIkely that the gnevor would have ended up IncurrIng no greater travellIng expenses
than he would have had at Maplehurst, or In a temporary aSSIgnment WIth entItlement to
travellIng expenses In partIcular the eVIdence IS not persuaSIve that the gnevor was In a
sItuatIOn so SImIlar to Ms Acomb or Mr ChIlton, such that theIr receIpt of travel expenses
would suggest that It was also necessary that he should receIve them to adequately remedy hIS
gnevance The gnevor dId not allege that he should have been consIdered to have no home
posItIOn under the addendum as they were Rather he argued he should have been gIven a new
home posItIOn at Maplehurst earlIer than he was
In the result, for the above reasons, It IS my conclusIOn that the eVIdence does not support a
findIng that there IS a causal connectIOn between the flaw In the 2001 competItIOn and the fact
that the gnevor Incurred travel expenses for whIch he has not been reImbursed. In the result, the
gnevor's claim for addItIOnal remedIal relIef IS demed.
Dated at Toronto thIS 3rd day of August, 2006