HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-2004-2316.Greg Ireland.06-08-01 Decision
Public Service Commission des Nj
Grievance Board griefs de la fonction
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Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8
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Greg Ireland Grievor
- and -
The Crown III RIght of Ontano
(Mimstry ofCommumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer
BEFORE Kathleen G O'NeIl Vice-Chair
Semor Counsel
Mimstry of Government ServIces
HEARING July 12, 2006
ThIS deCISIOn deals wIth the employer's prelImInary ObjectIOns to the gnevance filed by Mr
Greg Ireland, whIch claims that the rules relatIng to promotIOnal Increases have been Incorrectly
applIed to hIm The employer asks that the matter be dIsmIssed wIthout a heanng on the ments
on three separate grounds that the gnevance was untImely that the Board has no JunsdIctIOn to
hear the matter as the gnevor was, at the tIme of the gnevance filed on August 3 2004 and ever
SInce, a member of the AdmInIstratIve and ProfessIOnal Crown Employees of Ontano
(AMAPCEO) rather than a manager WIth a nght to bnng a gnevance to the PublIc ServIce
Gnevance Board (PSGB) and that there IS no prima facie case
Although the gnevor's claim anses out of a penod when hIS home pOSItIOn was that of an
operatIOnal manager It IS common ground that he was not In that pOSItIOn when he gneved. In
November 2000 he had been successful In a competItIOn for a pOSItIOn at the Bell Cairn Staff
TraInIng and Development Centre and commenced a two-year secondment, actIng In the
classIficatIOn APL 17 whIch falls Into the AMAPCEO bargaInIng umt. At that tIme he receIved
a 3% promotIOnal Increase In March 2002 for the duratIOn of the OPSEU stnke, he worked as
an OperatIOnal Manager at the HamIlton-Wentworth DetentIOn Centre and was ImtIally paid at
the top rate for an OM 16 However that was later changed retroactIvely to hIS applIcable
APL17 rate On February 4 2003 he was dIrectly aSSIgned to the APL17 pOSItIOn, on a
permanent baSIS, and has receIved AMAPCEO Increases sInce, as he had SInce 2001 On March
11 2003 an Order-In-CouncIl authonzed a 5% Increase to the OM 16 classIficatIOn retroactIve
to Apnl 1 2002 The gnevor claims the benefit of that Increase, whIch he says, together WIth
other Increases to whIch he was entItled, would have taken hIm to the top rate as an APL 17 two
years sooner He reached that top rate In November 2005 but belIeves he should have been
there In November 2003 He has been advIsed by AMAPCEO that they cannot deal wIth the
dIspute, as It arose out of the tIme he was In a managenal job
The gnevor IS concerned that despIte hIS extensIve expenence, others promoted later than he was
wIll be paid more on theIr first day of work than he would receIve after beIng an APL17 for two
and a half years He has 19 years wIth the Mimstry havIng worked at several InstItutIOns, on the
floor and as an OperatIOnal Manager At the tIme of the gnevance he was the ProVInCIal
CoordInator Use of Force Program, at Bell Cairn. He submItted that he was seekIng to be
treated fairly In regards to the applIcatIOn of the rules to hIS pay Increases, In lIght of hIS
expenence and dedIcatIOn.
* * *
The most fundamental of the employer's ObjectIOns relates to the fact that the gnevor was a
member of the AMAPCEO bargaInIng umt when he filed the gnevance In argUIng that thIS fact
means that the Board has no jUnSdIctIOn, employer counsel submIts that a gnevor has to be a
manager at the tIme that they gneve SectIOn 31 of RegulatIOn 977 to The Public Service Act
reads as follows
31 (1) The folloWIng persons are not elIgIble to file a gnevance under thIS
1 A person wIthIn a umt of employees establIshed for collectIve
bargaInIng under the Crown Emvlovees Collective Barszaininsz
Act, 1993
2 A member of the Ontano ProVInCIal PolIce who IS a cadet,
probatIOnary constable, constable, corporal, sergeant, staff
sergeant, detectIve-sergeant or traffic sergeant.
3 A term clasSIfied employee
The gnevor does not dIspute the fact that the AMAPCEO bargaInIng umt Into whIch hIS
classIficatIOn falls IS a "umt of employees establIshed for collectIve bargaInIng under the Crown
Emvloyees Collective Barszaininsz Act, 1993" SInce the gnevor IS a person WIthIn such a
bargaInIng umt, by straightforward applIcatIOn of Paragraph 1 of sectIOn 31(1) above the
gnevor IS not elIgIble to file a gnevance under the regulatIOn. As a result, he does not have a
gnevance whIch can be brought to the PSGB for a heanng under s 36(1) of RegulatIOn 977
AccordIngly the Board IS not In a posItIOn to deal wIth the dIspute and It must be dIsmIssed.
Nor IS the Board In a posItIOn to deal wIth the gnevor's concern that such a decIsIOn wIll leave
hIm wIth no recourse, as the language of the regulatIOn IS clear that he IS not elIgIble to file a
gnevance over whIch It has jUnSdIctIOn. For somewhat sImIlar sItuatIOns, see OPSEU
(CartJ+right et al.) and the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (Abramsky)
GSB#2002-1457 et. al a decIsIOn of the Gnevance Settlement Board and Cartwright and
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services PSGB # P-2003-1986 (O'NeIl), a
decIsIOn of thIS Board, and the cases cIted thereIn.
In the result, It IS not necessary to deal wIth the employer's other ObjectIOns, based on tImelIness
and the argument that there IS no prima facie case on the basIs that the gnevor IS askIng to be
paid Increases based on the terms and condItIOns of employment of a classIficatIOn other than the
one he was workIng In at all relevant tImes
SImIlarly I am unable to deal wIth the ments of the gnevor's arguments, whIch Included hIS
submIsSIOn that the Mimstry's approach showed an absence of good faith In the sense of
behavIOur that IS ethIcally correct and In accordance wIth the correct rules of law and a
submIsSIOn that he Improperly lost out on the opportumty to decIde whether to return from hIS
actIng posItIOn In lIght of the retroactIvely Increased OM16 wage gnd. The gnevor noted that, at
the tIme he took the permanent APL 17 posItIOn, a month before the Order-In-CouncIl came
down, he dId not know there would be a retroactIve Increase He submItted that he was
accordIngly not In a posItIOn to accurately compare the terms and condItIOns of the two jobs
before he deCIded to take the AMAPCEO posItIOn on a permanent basIs
It IS also appropnate to note that, as requested, after the heanng, employer counsel proVIded the
Board wIth a copy of the Order-In-CouncIl to whIch the gnevor referred at the heanng. Counsel
also made bnef wntten submISSIOns to the effect that the gnevor would not, on the face of the
Order-In-CouncIl and related documents, have been entItled to the relIef he was seekIng, In any
event, as the he dId not meet the necessary condItIOns Had the Board deCIded that It had
jUnSdIctIOn, the gnevor would have been gIven an opportumty to respond to those submISSIOns
However It was not necessary to afford the gnevor that opportumty as the deCISIOn to dIsmISS
the gnevance IS not based on the proVISIOns of the Order-In-CouncIl or the submISSIOns made by
counsel In hIS covenng letter Rather It IS based on the fact that the Board has found that the
gnevor was not elIgIble to file thIS gnevance, and that It IS accordIngly not In a pOSItIOn to
entertaIn the matter at all
In the result, for the reasons set out above, the gnevance IS dIsmIssed.
Dated at Toronto thIS 1 st day of August, 2006