HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-15902 Benefits Claimant 00-08-03 Decision In the matter of an Appeal Before The Subcommittee of the JOint Insurance Benefits Review Committee Regarding Claim # 15902 Chair: Felicity D. Briggs Appearing for the Union: Don Martin Appearing for the Em ployer: Yasmlna Mohamed 1 Included In the most recent collectIve agreement between the partIes are the folloWIng provIsIOns Article 22 - Grievance Procedure Article 22.9 - Insured Benefits Grievance 229 1 An allegatIOn that the Employer has not provIded an Insured benefit that has been contracted for In thIS Agreement shall be pursued as a Umon gnevance filed under ArtIcle 22 13 (Umon Gnevance) 1 Any other complaInt or dIfference shall be referred to the Claims ReVIew SubcommIttee of JOInt Insurance Benefits RevIew CommIttee (JIBRC), establIshed under AppendIx 4 (JOInt Insurance Benefits RevIew CommIttee), for resolutIOn. Appendix 4 JOINT INSURANCE BENEFITS REV IEW COMMITTEE 1 Name of Committee The CommIttee shall be referred to as the JOInt Insurance Benefits RevIew CommIttee 2. Purpose of Committee The purpose of thIS CommIttee IS to facIlItate commumcatIOns between the Employer and the OPSEU on the subJect of Group Insurance, IncludIng BaSIC LIfe Insurance, Supplementary LIfe Insurance Extended Health Insurance Long Term Income ProtectIOn Insurance, and such other negotIated benefits as may from tIme to tIme, be Included In the Group Insurance Plane It IS understood that the Group Insurance benefits to be proVIded to employees and the cost shanng arrangements between the Employer and ItS employees shall be as set out In any applIcable collectIve agreement or arbItratIOn award, and the matters for conSIderatIOn by thIS CommIttee shall be only as set out In these terms of reference 3 Composition of Committee The CommIttee shall be composed of an equal number of representatIves from the Employer and from the OPSEU wIth not more than eIght (8) representatIves In total At meetIngs of the CommIttee, each party may be accompamed by an Actuary to proVIde techmcal advIce and counsel 2 4 Duties of the Committee The dutIes of the CommIttee shall consIst of the folloWIng - Development of the specIficatIOns for the publIc tendenng of any negotIated benefits whIch may be Included In the Group Insurance Plan (to cover the bargaInIng umt only) - DetermInatIOn of the manner In whIch the specIficatIOns wIll be made avaIlable for publIc tendenng; - ConsIderatIOn and eXamInatIOn of all tenders submItted In response the specIficatIOns for tender and preparatIOn of a report thereon, - RecommendatIOn to the Government of Ontano on the selectIOn of the Insurance carner or carners to underwnte the Group Insurance Plans, - ReVIew of the semI-annual finanCIal reports on the Group Insurance Plan, and ReVIew of contentIOUS claims and recommendatIOns thereon, when such claim problems have not been resolved through the eXIstIng admInIstratIve procedures The speCIficatIOns for tender wIll descnbe the benefits to be proVIded, the cost shanng arrangement between the Employer and ItS employees, the past finanCIal hIStOry of the Insurance plans, the employee data, the format for the retentIOn IllustratIOn for each coverage and the finanCIal reportIng reqUIrements Tenders shall be entertaIned by the CommIttee from any IndIVIdual Insurance carner actIng solely on ItS own behalf ThIS shall not preclude such carner from arrangIng reInsurance as may be necessary The basIs for recommendatIOn of an Insurance carner(s) wIll Include the abIlIty of the carner(s) to underwnte the plan, complIance of the carner's quotatIOn wIth the speCIficatIOns for tender the carner's servIce capabIlItIes and the expected long term net cost of the benefits to be proVIded. 1 Experience Review 2. Claims Review Subcommittee (a) There shall be a subcommIttee whose mandate IS to reVIew and make decIsIOns on, complaInts or dIfferences InvolvIng the demal of Insured benefits under the Central CollectIve Agreement, when such Issues have not been resolved through the eXIstIng admInIstratIve procedures, save and except a complaInt or dIfference ansIng under ArtIcle 22 9 1 (Insured Benefits Gnevance) of the Central CollectIve Agreement. The subcommIttee shall be composed of two (2) representatIves selected by the Employer two (2) representatIves selected by OPSEU and an Independent thIrd party who IS agreed to by both partIes 3 (b) Appropnate ImpartIal medIcal consultants shall be avaIlable to the subcommIttee In an advIsory capacIty to provIde InfOrmatIOn on the nature of specIfic Illnesses or dIsabIlItIes (c) MembershIp on the subcommIttee shall be for one (1) year penod, and IS renewable at the dIscretIOn of the nomInatIng party or partIes In the case of the renewal of the term of the Independent thIrd party (d) DeCISIOns of the subcommIttee are final and bIndIng. (e) The fees and expenses of the medIcal consultants referred to In clause (b) and the Independent thIrd party referred to In clause (a) shall be dIvIded equally between the Employer and the Umon. Article 42 - Long Term Income Protection Total dIsabIlIty means the contInUOUS InabIlIty as the result of Illness, mental dIsorder or InJury of the Insured employee to perform the essentIal dutIes of hIS or her normal occupatIOn dunng the qualIficatIOn penod, and dunng the first twenty- four months of the benefit penod and thereafter dunng the balance of the benefit penod, the InabIlIty of the employee to perform the essentIal dutIes of any gaInful occupatIOn for whIch he or she IS reasonably fitted by educatIOn, traInIng or expenence Subsequent to the sIgmng of thIS collectIve agreement the partIes negotIated and sIgned terms of reference regardIng the establIshment of a subcommIttee to deal wIth dIsputes between the partIes regardIng Long Term Income ProtectIOn (hereInafter referred to as "L TIP") That memorandum stated JIBRIC CLAIMS REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE AUTHORITY The JIBRC subcommIttee IS establIshed under ArtIcle 2292 and AppendIx 4 of the collectIve agreement between The Crown In RIght of Ontano and the Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon. PURPOSE OF SUBCOMMITTEE To reVIew and make decIsIOns on appeals from employees on claims InvolvIng the demal of Insured benefits under the collectIve agreement whIch have prevIOusly been removed from JIBRC 4 REFERRAL TO THE SUBCOMMITTEE Employees wIth claims that have been removed from JIBRC wIll be notIfied of such, In a tImely manner by letter (referred to as the "NotIce Letter") to theIr last known address An employee whose claim has been removed, has 45 days, from the date of the notIce letter to submIt a request In wntIng to OPSEU askIng that OPSEU refer theIr case to the subcommIttee ThIS letter must be copIed to the Management Co- Chair of the JIBRC OPSEU has 90 days from the date of the notIce letter to advIse the Management Co-Chair of JIBRC of theIr decIsIOn to agree or deny the request to appeal If notIce IS not receIved from OPSEU wIthIn 90 days from the notIce letter then the claim wIll be deemed to be wIthdrawn. SCOPE OF COMMITTEE The SubcommIttee represents the final stage In the appeal process The SubcommIttee wIll clanfy medIcal eVIdence as needed, wIth a medIcal consultant agreed to by both MBS and OPSEU DeCISIOns of the SubcommIttee are final and bIndIng. Upon receIpt of the decIsIOn, a Memorandum of Settlement (as attached) wIll be prepared and sIgned by the partIes and forwarded to the Insurer SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERSHIp. The subcommIttee wIll conSIst of resource representatIves from OPSEU and MBS and an Independent thIrd party "Chair" to be named by MBS and OPSEU ROLE OF THE CHAIR To reVIew case representatIOns from MBS and OPSEU To make a determInatIOns In wntIng wIth respect to each case DeCISIOns must be In accordance wIth the OPS CollectIve Agreement between the Employer and OPSEU and conSIstent WIth the group Insurance plans In place at the tIme facts gIVIng nse to the dIspute arose ROLE OF MEDICAL CONSULTANTS 5 Appropnate ImpartIal medIcal consultants wIll be agreed by the partIes and shall be avaIlable to the SubcommIttee In an advIsory capacIty If the partIes cannot agree on a medIcal consultant, the Chair may call on a consultant from a roster supplIed by the College of PhysIcIans and Surgeons The medIcal consultants wIll provIde InformatIOn on the nature of specIfic Illnesses or dIsabIlItIes The Chair may request an InterpretatIOn of medIcal reports, test results and other medIcal documentatIOn on file The medIcal consultant IS not a member of the commIttee and wIll not provIde an OpInIOn related to a decIsIOn on the appeal FEES Fees and expenses, as approved by the partIes, of medIcal consultants and the Chair shall be dIvIded equally between MBS and OPSEU FORMA T OF MEETINGS Each appeal wIll be dealt wIth separately Both partIes, through theIr representatIves wIll provIde, full dIsclosure of the supportIng documentatIOn upon whIch they Intend to rely ThIS dIsclosure wIll take place at least two weeks In advance of the meetIng of the subcommIttee dealIng wIth the subJect matter of the appeal If the Chair reqUIres clanficatIOn of medIcal eVIdence, a meetIng of the SubcommIttee wIll be arranged wIth a medIcal consultant agreed to by both MBS and OPSEU or faIlIng such agreement, wIth a medIcal consultant called by the Chair MBS and OPSEU wIll JOIntly present a statement of agreed upon facts (to the extent possIble) for the appeal to the Chair ASIde from the ImpartIal medIcal consultant dIscussed above, no other wItnesses wIll be called, except by request of the Chair However the IndIVIdual claimant wIll be allowed to file a wntten statement In lIeu of testIfYIng. If the IndIVIdual claimant chooses to file a statement It must be provIded to the Management Co- Chair of JIBRC at the same tIme as OPSEU's request for appeal MBS has the nght to Introduce a wntten response to thIS statement. OPSEU wIll present ItS posItIOn on the case wIth supportIng arguments to the Chair MBS wIll present ItS posItIOn on the case wIth supportIng arguments to the 6 Chair and wIll respond to OPSEU's posItIOn. OPSEU wIll have nght of reply PresentatIOn by both partIes wIll be based upon the InformatIOn/record on file before the Insurance carner at the tIme the matter IS removed from the JIBRC the employee statement If any and MBS's response to the statement. EIther party may If necessary request the attendance of the claimant, who shall be allowed a leave of absence wIthout pay wIth no loss of credIts, to attend the sub- commIttee meetIng as an observer only The Chair wIll render a wntten decIsIOn wIth supportIng ratIOnale FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS. On an as needed basIs as determIned by MBS and OPSEU JOIntly The partIes agree to these Terms of Reference In support of the ImplementatIOn of ArtIcle 22 9 2 and AppendIx of the collectIve agreement. It was preVIOusly agreed by the partIes that a decIsIOn should sImply IndIcate whether a claim was properly or Improperly demed. The Chair IS to refraIn from elaboratIng on the quantum of the remedy but rather remaIn seIzed. Subsequent to the Issuance of the decIsIOn the partIes wIll negotIate and execute a memorandum of agreement that wIll Include the appropnate remedy Dunng the term of the prevIOUS collectIve agreement, the partIes attempted to resolve these dIsputes between themselves Not surpnsIngly there were a number of Instances when consensus was not achIeved. Those matter sImply remaIned unresolved. Those outstandIng matters are now beIng brought forward before the subcommIttee as set out above In thIS case, the partIes proVIded an agreed statement of fact that stated 1 Ms lB started work wIth the government on August 23 1990 2 SometIme In 1990 and/or 1991 she suffered a work related aCCIdent to her back. It IS not known whether or how long she may have been away from work. 3 In relatIOn to thIS LTIP claim, she contInued at work as a file clerk untIl November 6 1995 4 Ms lB applIed for LTIP benefits on February 23 1996 5 She attempted a gradual return to work In Apnl, 1996 but It was unsuccessful 7 6 Short term sIckness benefits expIred on May 8 1997 7 Her L TIP claim was approved on August 2, 1996 8 Benefits were termInated on June 30 1997 9 Ms lB attempted a return to work from June 2, to July 30 1997 10 Benefits were re-Instated untIl October 21 1997 on concerns expressed by the employer 11 Ms lB made three appeals agaInst demal of her benefits 12 The last appeal was demed on May 28 1999 13 The case was removed from the table at JIBRC on June 25 1999 14 Ms lB seeks benefits from October 21 1997 and contInuIng. Ms lB has been under the care of Dr C J a specIalIst In phYSIcal medICIne and rehabIlItatIOn SInce October 1995 In a January 1996 statement to Workers' CompensatIOn, he stated that Ms lB' s dIagnosIs was "fibromyalgIa - lumbar/sacral paIn" He IndIcated that she was to "avOId lookIng up reachIng up prolonged workIng down, workIng over shoulder or below Waist heIght, not lIftIng 1 0 kgs, no long standIng, SIttIng or walkIng" In hIS ImtIal attendIng physIcIan's report to ManulIfe, he stated that her dIagnOSIS was, "fibromyalgIa, cervIcal lumbar straIn/spraIn" In that assessment he also stated, In part . she IS unable to pursue the phYSIcal aspects of her Job . she should look at more sedentary work for whIch there IS freedom to move frequently . she needs some aSSIstance findIng a J ob whIch IS SUItable . she has maJor problems assocIated WIth chromc paIn In her neck, shoulders and back. She IS very short and finds the repetItIve reachIng, pullIng, pushIng, bendIng and lIftIng too much for her She has the capabIlIty of beIng retraIned to a less phYSIcal Job whIch IS more appropnate for her phYSIcal condItIOn. I thInk thIS need to be looked Into In Apnl of 1996 Ms lB attempted to gradually return to work. Some accommodatIOns were made to aSSIst In thIS return but to no avaIl On May 2, 1996 Dr C.J wrote the folloWIng Ms lB has tned to return to work and she has more paIn. The return IS not gOIng to work. I don't see that she can do her Job even WIth modIficatIOns She wIll need to be retraIned. When her LTIP claim was beIng ImtIally assessed by ManulIfe, Dr C J wrote a lengthy consultatIOn note The last paragraph of that report IS InformatIve It stated Ms lB has a chromc paIn problem assocIated WIth a sleep dIsorder whIch has been present for years She has been aggravated WIth phYSIcal actIvIty espeCIally 8 workIng over her head and pullIng and pushIng. GnppIng and lIftIng also bothers her She has a grade XII educatIOn and has some courses In college She has nothIng that IS completely transferable Into a Job but I feel wIth some vocatIOnal counsellIng for dIrectIOn as well as some refined retraInIng, she would be able to handle a Job where she would be able to change posItIOns frequently not use computer or wnte constantly and also use a phone She IS personable as well and I feel she wIll eventually be employable In my OpInIOn, the Job that she was dOIng IS not sUItable for her Her L TIP claim was approved In August of 1996 and shortly thereafter ManulIfe decIded to retaIn the servIces of SIbley & ASSOCIates (hereInafter referred to as "SIbley") to perform a functIOn capaCIty assessment of the claimant and to assIst In the process of gettIng her back to work. In theIr ImtIal correspondence SIbley stated the folloWIng, In part . The pnmary goal for rehabIlItatIOn IS to return Ms lB to her pre-dIsablIty occupatIOn as a FIle Clerk wIth her present employer . Should a return to the present occupatIOn not be feaSIble, the employer has a few temporary placements, however thIS would be a secondary goal SIbley contInued to meet and work wIth the claimant and send updates to ManulIfe regardIng progress A number of suggestIOns were made to the employer for physIcal workplace changes to assIst In the claimant's return to work. Those alteratIOns, whIch were not InsIgmficant, were made and the claimant attempted another return to work In early 1997 It should be noted that the employer was very SupportIve and made a SIncere and concerted effort to assIst the claimant In a return to the workplace A detaIled plan for return was developed and sent to both the claimant and Dr Johnson for theIr approval and sIgnature It IS InterestIng to note that neIther agreed In wntIng to the plan. NotwIthstandIng that lack, Ms lB was at the workplace seven days In February one day In March. Dunng the attempted reIntegratIOn Into the workplace, SIbley contInued to work wIth the claimant. The claimant was absent from work the month of Apnl 1997 Ms lB stated In a form requestIng contInuIng benefits dated Apnl 9 1997 "I am able to work, but not as a File Clerk as I can't stand for long penods of tIme or lIft" On the same day Dr C.J IndIcated to ManulIfe that the claimant IS "draIned by her paIn" He also reported that he had 9 requested an occupatIOnal therapIst to VISIt her at her home to assIst WIth any stressors and needs wIthIn her home envIronment. A meetIng was arranged at the workplace on Apnl 30 1997 whereIn the claimant, Dr Johnson, SIbley and employer representatIves dIscussed another return to work plan. UltImately a plan that both the claimant and Dr C J approved of was determIned and Ms lB returned to work In May of 1997 However she only worked twelve hours In total In that month. In the first week of June she worked three half days and that pattern was contInuIng for the second week when she pulled a muscle and was absent for a few days She worked a total of 55.25 hours In June On June 16 1997 an occupatIOnal therapIst attended at the worksIte to establIsh whether further modIficatIOns could be made to assIst the claimant In her return to work. It was said In a report that "there are no other modIficatIOns that thIS therapIst can suggest to Increase Ms lB 's prodUctIVIty and Increase her comfort whIle performIng the filIng and sortIng dutIes" Another meetIng was held wIth Dr C J the claimant and SIbley Dr C J had further recommendatIOns and both he and the claimant eventually agreed that she would agaIn attempt to return to work. On June 17 1997 ManulIfe wrote to the claimant InformIng that her benefits were to be dIscontInued. In that letter It was stated On contact wIth your employer however we were advIsed that you have not followed through wIth the rehabIlItatIve regImen, as recommended and approved by Dr Johnson. GIven the fact that you were medIcally released to engage In a graduated return to work program and the result of the Job SIte AnalYSIS and FunctIOnal CapacItIes Assessment, we have determIned that you have not been complIant wIth the return to work mandate, as agreed upon by you and all other partIes Involved In your case On June 24 1997 Dr C.J sent a further attendIng physIcIan's form whereIn he stated . she needs more sedentary work wIth frequent changes In posItIOns 10 . she has been tryIng to go back to her Job Her nght arm and back have had contInued flare ups whIch has (SIC) made work return dIfficult. I am not sure she wIll be successful In her attempt. She IS contInuIng to try On June 16 1997 the claimant saw a rheumatologIst for a consultatIOn. In hIS report, he stated, In part I thInk that gIven her hIStOry the most lIkely dIagnosIs IS FIbromyalgIa. It IS becomIng IncreasIngly recogmzed that patIents may present WIth FIbromyalgIa and stIll have tenderness at the control sItes ThIS does not therefore exclude the dIagnosIs of FIbromyalgIa, If her other hIStOry IS compatIble wIth It. I thInk that she has got a Chromc PaIn Syndrome In the back, and head and neck. ThIS would be lIkely aggravated by her current work settIng. On August 8 1997 after Ms lB had agaIn ceased workIng, Dr C.J wrote In a physIcIan's statement to ManulIfe . the more physIcal actIVIty Ms lB does, the more paIn she has It seems to be cumulatIve . all file work actIVItIes Increase her paIn and fatIgue . she IS unable to tolerate her present level of actIVIty A vocatIOnal rehab program needs to be developed for her to see If she IS employable In any occupatIOn . Ms lB gave a work tnal a sIgmficant try She has not been found competItIvely employable In thIS Job She reqUIres a look at other more SUItable work. Her condItIOn wIll not change conSIderably so she wIll have to find If she IS capable of any actIVIty at a relIable and dependable level Dunng August of 1997 there was correspondence back and forth between employer representatIves and Dr C.J Rather than set that dIscussIOn out In detaIl, I wIll reproduce part of a letter wntten on September 12, 1997 from the employer's human resources representatIve to ManulIfe I have found that correspondence to be most InfOrmatIve The letter stated, In part From both the employees perspectIve and our own, It was clear that Ms lB was not capable of performIng the core dutIes of the Job on a full tIme baSIS by the tIme plan was neanng completIOn. Ms lB was havIng dIfficulty In COpIng WIth the volume of work and was expenenCIng a vanety of physIcal problems whIch she was documentIng on a dally baSIS The faIlure to meet expected levels by the end of the week of July 21 on ItS own would not normally have been suffiCIent reason for us to suspend the return to work however thIS IS the thIrd "reVISIOn" to the return to work plan whIch has In fact spanned over four months and appeared we were not seeIng much sIgmficant progress towards a return to full capaCIty despIte the accommodatIOns made to the Job and the Job sIte In addItIOn, dunng 11 thIS last phase of the plan, Ms lB was able to adhere to the schedule on a more regular basIs wIth a mImmum number of absences, so we felt that thIS penod of work dId more accurately reflect on her capacIty to perform the dutIes of her Job In the file room In the course of dIscussIOns wIth the employee regardIng the progress of the return to work plan, It became clear that (SIC) were some sIgmficant InCOnsIstencIes between what we had been led to belIeve were a) the restnctIOns surroundIng the return to work and b) Dr C J ' s prognosIs regardIng Ms lB' s ultImate abIlIty to return to full dutIes on a full tIme basIs These InCOnsIstencIes started wIth the assurance of both Barbara El Farr and Mindy AZIZ that there were no "condItIOns" on the return to work other that (SIC) the tImetable set out In the plan, whIch conflIcted wIth the InfOrmatIOn we were gettIng from the employee and Dr C.J that had further physIcal restnctIOns placed on the actIvItIes of Ms lB whIch would preclude her from performIng the full range of dutIes and volume of work reqUIred by the J ob More sIgmficantly we now understand that Dr C J was not In fact IndIcatIng that he dId feel that Ms lB was In fact capable of returnIng to her dutIes on a full tIme basIs but that he was only supportIng the attempted return on a "tnal" basIs but there was consIderable uncertaInty as to whether or not she could return. In fact, In hIS letter to us dated August 11 he IndIcates that as early as June of 1996 he wrote to Karen LIntlop IndIcatIng that the Job In the file room was SUItable gIven Ms lB's condItIOn but that gIven there were no other Job avaIlable a decIsIOn was made to Involve a rehabIlItatIOn consultant In order to attempt a return to the file clerk Job He notes that there were sIgmficant modIficatIOns and accommodatIOns made at the workplace but that Ms lB was not able to "tolerate the process of return to work even from the start" and that "It IS of no surpnse that the attempt was not successful" SInce she had not had any appreCIable response to the treatment of her underlYIng condItIOn(s) It now appears that these condItIOns Include a dIagnosIs of fibromyalgIa whIch Dr C.J IndIcates appears to be (SIC) have sIgmficant Impact on Ms lB ' s abIlIty to perform the physIcal aspects of her Job In hIS letter Dr C J IndIcates on a number of occaSIOns that he was told that there were not other optIOns avaIlable to Ms lB In regards to more "sUItable" employment. It would be normal In most LTIP cases to concentrate on a return to the pre-InJury Job up to the pOInt of defimtIOn change, however I am concerned that the messagIng to Dr C.J seems to have been that there were no other optIOns avaIlable From the employers perspectIve we are of course oblIged to consIder any accommodatIOns short of undue hardshIp to accommodate employees wIth dIsabIlItIes In the case of Ms lB we were takIng our lead from the work beIng done by ManulIfe and were under the ImpreSSIOn that a return to the pre-InJury Job was a reasonable goal, whIch In turn we were supportIng through a vanety of accommodatIOns If In fact thIS was not the case and we had been asked to explore other opportumtIes for Ms lB we would have done so On October 3 1997 ManulIfe sent a letter to the employer that said, In part 12 However In lIght of your concerns wIth respect to Ms lB ' s apparent InabIlIty to perform her Job despIte the modIficatIOns camed out we are wIllIng to allow for a three month benefit extensIOn, In addItIOn to her July 1997 calculated rehab benefit entItlement, to be paid In advance, In order to provIde her wIth a sUItable penod of tIme In regard to her Job search endeavors We have also conducted a transferable skIlls analysIs In order to IdentIfy other Jobs for whIch Ms lB would be qualIfied, based on her educatIOn, traInIng and work expenence ThIS analysIs has IdentIfied thIrty-eIth other Jobs for whIch Ms lB would be sUIted. The results of thIS analYSIS IS enclosed for your perusal Ms lB 's benefits were dIscontInued October 21 1997 The Issue for me to determIne IS whether the claimant was totally dIsabled from her own occupatIOn as of October 21 1997 It IS useful to set out agaIn the defimtIOn of total dIsabIlIty Total dIsabIlIty means the contInUOUS InabIlIty as the result of Illness, mental dIsorder or InJury of the Insured employee to perform the essentIal dutIes of hIS or her normal occupatIOn dunng the qualIficatIOn penod, and dunng the first twenty- four months of the benefit penod and thereafter dunng the balance of the benefit penod, the InabIlIty of the employee to perform the essentIal dutIes of any gaInful occupatIOn for whIch he or she IS reasonably fitted by educatIOn, traInIng or expenence In my OpInIOn, a reVIew of the eVIdence In thIS case can only lead to a findIng that the claimant was totally dIsabled at the tIme her LTIP benefits were dIscontInued. Indeed, there can be lIttle doubt. She made three attempts to return to her regular occupatIOn despIte the fact that her rehabIlItatIOn speCIalIst, Dr C J doubted from the outset that she would be able to do the work. DespIte those genUIne attempts, she sImply could not "perform the essentIal dutIes" of her normal occupatIOn, accordIng to all accounts IncludIng her employer On the face of the documents It appears that thIS matter was dealt wIth by ManulIfe as If the claimant IS In the penod for whIch she must be dIsabled from "any gaInful employment" In the October 3 1997 letter to the employer representatIve set out above, In part, ManulIfe stated the three month benefit extenSIOn was "In order to provIde her WIth a sUItable penod of tIme In regard to her Job search endeavours" I sImply fall to 13 understand thIS statement. The first twenty four months penod contemplates dIsabIlIty from one's own occupatIOn. The June 17 1997 demalletter wntten to Ms lB by ManulIfe stated that she had "not been complIant wIth the return to work mandate, as agreed" ThIS language seems Inappropnate In the face of the complacInants ongOIng efforts to reIntegrate Into the work force Moreover If there had been any sIgmficant dIscuSSIOn between ManulIfe and the employer or between ManulIfe and Dr C J at the tIme, It would have been eVIdent that Ms lB was not able to carry out the plan as opposed to beIng "non-complIant" It appears that ManulIfe was suggestIng a delIberate faIlure and I am conVInced that thIS was not the case I understand the ratIOnale behInd ManulIfe's decIsIOn to retaIn the servIces of SIbley to assIst the partIes In determInIng whether the claimant could return to work. I thInk there are Instances when such actIOn IS very appropnate and thIS mIght well have been one of them However In thIS case It appears that the agent chosen to help the complaInant to get back to work defined a specIfic goal and then embarked upon a path to achIeve It IrrespectIve of all IndIcatIOns that the goal was not realIstIC In the first Instance A readIng of the eVIdence reveals that, for whatever reason, SIbley determIned that the only real goal was to get the claimant back to work at her old Job That was unfortunate It was also contrary to the often stated VIew of Dr C J I also must mentIOn some concern regardIng the physIcal testIng performed on the claimant to assess her physIcal capabIlItIes I understand that such testIng IS a necessary step In the process of establIshIng a successful return to work program However I am not conVInced that what occurred In thIS Instance was suffiCIent. I found Dr C J ' s perceptIOns regardIng the 'physIcal capacIty test' gIven to Ms lB most InterestIng. In a letter to the employer dated August 11 1997 he stated In regards to Number 3 the report of the physIcal capacItIes testIng done by PPRC that I have, IndIcates that It was done on one day only (November 13 1996) There IS no IndIcatIOn of how long she was tested. A one day assessment wIth a condItIOn that tends to become more symptomatIc as actIvIty IS done IS really of no value whatsoever In determInIng If an IndIVIdual can maIntaIn a level of 14 productIve actIvIty day In and day out as IS reqUIred to do a Job competItIvely It only says that Ms lB was able to do the actIvItIes on the day that she performed them There was nothIng that I could see In the report that measured how Ms lB fared after In the days after the assessment. What we are seeIng In the work place now IS that as tIme passes and as the work load gets heavIer Ms lB IS less and less able to cope wIth the demand. In conclusIOn, the appeal IS upheld. Dated at PIcton, thIS 3rd day of August, 2000 (Electromcallv SIgned) 15