HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-17270 Benefits Claimant 01-08-31 Decision
CLAIM # 17270
Included In the most recent collectIve agreement between the partIes are the folloWIng
Article 22 - Grievance Procedure
Article 22.9 - Insured Benefits Grievance
22 9 1 An allegatIOn that the Employer has not provIded an Insured benefit that has been
contracted for In thIS Agreement shall be pursued as a Umon gnevance filed under ArtIcle
22 13 (Umon Gnevance)
22 9 1 Any other complaInt or dIfference shall be referred to the Claims ReVIew
SubcommIttee of JOInt Insurance Benefits RevIew CommIttee (JIBRC) establIshed
under AppendIx 4 (JOInt Insurance Benefits RevIew CommIttee) for resolutIOn.
Appendix 4
1 Name of Committee
The CommIttee shall be referred to as the JOInt Insurance Benefits RevIew CommIttee
2. Purpose of Committee
The purpose of thIS CommIttee IS to facIlItate commumcatIOns between the Employer and the
OPSEU on the sub] ect of Group Insurance, IncludIng BaSIC LIfe Insurance, Supplementary LIfe
Insurance Extended Health Insurance, Long Term Income ProtectIOn Insurance, and such other
negotIated benefits as may from tIme to tIme, be Included In the Group Insurance Plane
It IS understood that the Group Insurance benefits to be provIded to employees and the cost
shanng arrangements between the Employer and ItS employees shall be as set out In any
applIcable collectIve agreement or arbItratIOn award, and the matters for consIderatIOn by thIS
CommIttee shall be only as set out In these terms of reference
3 Composition of Committee
The CommIttee shall be composed of an equal number of representatIves from the Employer and
from the OPSEU wIth not more than eIght (8) representatIves In total At meetIngs of the
CommIttee, each party may be accompamed by an Actuary to provIde techmcal advIce and
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4 Duties of the Committee
The dutIes of the CommIttee shall consIst of the folloWIng
(I) Development of the specIficatIOns for the publIc tendenng of any negotIated
benefits whIch may be Included In the Group Insurance Plan (to cover the bargaInIng
umt only)
(iI) DetermInatIOn of the manner In whIch the specIficatIOns wIll be made
avaIlable for publIc tendenng;
(ill ) ConsIderatIOn and eXamInatIOn of all tenders submItted In response the
specIficatIOns for tender and preparatIOn of a report thereon,
(iv) RecommendatIOn to the Government of Ontano on the selectIOn of the
Insurance carner or carners to underwnte the Group Insurance Plans,
(v) ReVIew of the semI-annual financIal reports on the Group Insurance Plan, and
(VI) RevIew of contentIOus claims and recommendatIOns thereon, when such
claim problems have not been resolved through the eXIstIng admInIstratIve
The specIficatIOns for tender wIll descnbe the benefits to be provIded, the cost shanng
arrangement between the Employer and ItS employees, the past financIal hIStOry of the
Insurance plans, the employee data, the format for the retentIOn IllustratIOn for each coverage
and the financIal reportIng reqUIrements Tenders shall be entertaIned by the CommIttee
from any IndIVIdual Insurance carner actIng solely on ItS own behalf ThIS shall not preclude
such carner from arrangIng reInsurance as may be necessary
The basIs for recommendatIOn of an Insurance carner(s) wIll Include the abIlIty of the
carner(s) to underwnte the plan, complIance of the carner's quotatIOn wIth the specIficatIOns
for tender the carner's servIce capabIlItIes and the expected long term net cost of the
benefits to be provIded.
1 Experience Review
2. Claims Review Subcommittee
(a) There shall be a subcommIttee whose mandate IS to reVIew and make decIsIOns
on, complaInts or dIfferences InvolvIng the demal of Insured benefits under the Central
CollectIve Agreement, when such Issues have not been resolved through the eXIstIng
admInIstratIve procedures, save and except a complaInt or dIfference ansIng under
ArtIcle 22 9 1 (Insured Benefits Gnevance) of the Central CollectIve Agreement. The
subcommIttee shall be composed of two (2) representatIves selected by the Employer
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two (2) representatIves selected by OPSEU and an Independent thIrd party who IS
agreed to by both partIes
(b) Appropnate ImpartIal medIcal consultants shall be avaIlable to the subcommIttee
In an advIsory capacIty to provIde InformatIOn on the nature of specIfic Illnesses or
~ MembershIp on the subcommIttee shall be for one (1) year penod, and IS
renewable at the dIscretIOn of the nomInatIng party or partIes In the case of the renewal
of the term of the Independent thIrd party
(d) DeCISIOns of the subcommIttee are final and bIndIng.
(e) The fees and expenses of the medIcal consultants referred to In clause (b) and the
Independent thIrd party referred to In clause (a) shall be dIvIded equally between the
Employer and the Umon.
Article 42 - Long Term Income Protection
Total dIsabIlIty means the contInUOUS InabIlIty as the result of Illness, mental dIsorder or
Injury of the Insured employee to perform the essentIal dutIes of hIS or her normal
occupatIOn dunng the qualIficatIOn penod, and dunng the first twenty-four months of the
benefit penod' and thereafter dunng the balance of the benefit penod, the InabIlIty of the
employee to perform the essentIal dutIes of any gaInful occupatIOn for whIch he or she IS
reasonably fitted by educatIOn, traInIng or expenence
Subsequent to the sIgmng of thIS collectIve agreement the partIes negotIated and sIgned terms of
reference regardIng the establIshment of a subcommIttee to deal wIth dIsputes between the partIes
regardIng Long Term Income ProtectIOn (hereInafter referred to as "L TIP") That memorandum
The JIBRC subcommIttee IS establIshed under ArtIcle 22 9 2 and AppendIx 4 of the
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collectIve agreement between The Crown In RIght of Ontano and the Ontano PublIc ServIce
Employees Umon.
To reVIew and make decIsIOns on appeals from employees on claims InvolvIng the demal of
Insured benefits under the collectIve agreement whIch have prevIOusly been removed from
Employees wIth claims that have been removed from JIBRC wIll be notIfied of such, In a
tImely manner by letter (referred to as the "NotIce Letter") to theIr last known address
An employee whose claim has been removed, has 45 days, from the date of the notIce letter
to submIt a request In wntIng to OPSEU askIng that OPSEU refer theIr case to the
subcommIttee ThIS letter must be copIed to the Management Co-Chair of the JIBRC
OPSEU has 90 days from the date of the notIce letter to advIse the Management Co-Chair of
JIBRC of theIr decIsIOn to agree or deny the request to appeal IfnotIce IS not receIved from
OPSEU wIthIn 90 days from the notIce letter then the claim wIll be deemed to be wIthdrawn.
The SubcommIttee represents the final stage In the appeal process
The SubcommIttee wIll clanfy medIcal eVIdence as needed, wIth a medIcal consultant agreed
to by both MBS and OPSEU
DeCISIOns of the SubcommIttee are final and bIndIng.
Upon receIpt of the decIsIOn, a Memorandum of Settlement (as attached) wIll be prepared
and sIgned by the partIes and forwarded to the Insurer
The subcommIttee wIll consIst of resource representatIves from OPSEU and MBS and an
Independent thIrd party "Chair" to be named by MBS and OPSEU
To reVIew case representatIOns from MBS and OPSEU
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To make a determInatIOns In wntIng wIth respect to each case DeCISIOns must be In
accordance wIth the OPS CollectIve Agreement between the Employer and OPSEU and
consIstent WIth the group Insurance plans In place at the tIme facts gIVIng nse to the dIspute
Appropnate ImpartIal medIcal consultants wIll be agreed by the partIes and shall be avaIlable
to the SubcommIttee In an advIsory capacIty If the partIes cannot agree on a medIcal
consultant, the Chair may call on a consultant from a roster supplIed by the College of
PhysIcIans and Surgeons
The medIcal consultants wIll provIde InformatIOn on the nature on of specIfic Illnesses or
The Chair may request an InterpretatIOn of medIcal reports, test results and other medIcal
documentatIOn on file
The medIcal consultant IS not a member of the commIttee and wIll not provIde an OpInIOn
related to a decIsIOn on the appeal
Fees and expenses, as approved by the partIes, of medIcal consultants and the Chair shall be
dIvIded equally between MBS and OPSEU
Each appeal wIll be dealt wIth separately
Both partIes, through theIr representatIves wIll provIde, full dIsclosure of the supportIng
documentatIOn upon whIch they Intend to rely ThIS dIsclosure wIll take place at least two
weeks In advance of the meetIng of the subcommIttee dealIng wIth the subJect matter of the
If the Chair reqUIres clanficatIOn of medIcal eVIdence, a meetIng of the SubcommIttee wIll
be arranged wIth a medIcal consultant agreed to by both MBS and OPSEU or faIlIng such
agreement, wIth a medIcal consultant called by the Chair
MBS and OPSEU wIll JOIntly present a statement of agreed upon facts (to the extent
possIble) for the appeal to the Chair
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ASIde from the ImpartIal medIcal consultant dIscussed above no other wItnesses wIll be
called, except by request of the Chair However the IndIVIdual claimant wIll be allowed to
file a wntten statement In lIeu of testIfYIng If the IndIVIdual claimant chooses to file a
statement It must be provIded to the Management Co-Chair of JIBRC at the same tIme as
OPSEU's request for appeal MBS has the nght to Introduce a wntten response to thIS
OPSEU wIll present ItS posItIOn on the case wIth supportIng arguments to the Chair MBS
wIll present ItS posItIOn on the case wIth supportIng arguments to the Chair and wIll respond
to OPSEU' s posItIOn. OPSEU wIll have nght of reply PresentatIOn by both partIes wIll be
based upon the InfOrmatIOn/record on file before the Insurance carner at the tIme the matter
IS removed from the JIBRC the employee statement If any and MBS's response to the
EIther party may Ifnecessary request the attendance of the claimant, who shall be allowed a
leave of absence wIthout pay wIth no loss of credIts, to attend the sub-commIttee meetIng as
an observer only
The Chair wIll render a wntten decIsIOn wIth supportIng ratIOnale
On an as needed basIs as determIned by MBS and OPSEU JOIntly
The partIes agree to these Terms of Reference In support of the ImplementatIOn of ArtIcle
229.2 and AppendIx of the collectIve agreement.
Dunng the term of the prevIOUS collectIve agreement, the partIes attempted to resolve these dIsputes
between themselves Not surpnsIngly there were a number of Instances whereIn they were unable to
agree Those matters sImply remaIned unresolved. Those outstandIng matters are now beIng brought
forward before the subcommIttee as set out above In accordance wIth the agreement of the partIes,
ArbItrator FelIcIty Bnggs and I were asked to act as the thIrd party or Independent chair
At the forst day ofheanng the partIes agreed that the Chair should render a decIsIOn statIng that the
claim was properly or Improperly demed wIthout elaboratIng on the quantum of the remedy but
remaIn seIzed of the matter Subsequent to the Issuance of the decIsIOn the partIes wIll negotIate and
hopefully agree upon a memorandum of agreement as to the appropnate remedy
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There was also dIscussIOn between the partIes about the extent and content reqUIred In decIsIOns
Issued by the ChaIr(s) I thInk IS It fair to say the partIes agreed that, at the begInmng the ChaIr(s)
wIll attempt to set out In some detaIl the dIspute and the reasons for the decIsIOn. The partIes'
antIcIpate that the ChaIr(s) wIll establIsh some pnncIples they can be gUIded by In asseSSIng future
dIsputes It IS hoped that as the Junsprudence develops, there wIll be less need for lengthy decIsIOns
because the fundamental pnncIples wIll already by establIshed.
The claimant, Mr R. D was born In 1950 and SInce 1974 has been employed by the Mimstry of
Health at the WhItby PsychIatnc Centre as a Group Leader Cleaner His last day of work was June
13 1988 and he was In receIpt of Worker's CompensatIOn benefits from June 14 1988 untIl
December 2, 1991 He was subsequently awarded a permanent Impairment award of 15%, effectIve
June 14 1988 He also receIved long-term dIsabIlIty benefits from July 22, 1989 to March 31 1997
His claim for benefits under the "any occupatIOn" defimtIOn of the polIcy began on December 14
1990 He was awarded L TIP benefits under that defimtIOn from that date untIl Apnll 1997 ThIS
appeal IS for contInuIng benefits after that date
The hIStOry of hIS complaInt IS best explaIned In a letter dated February 21 1990 from Dr JamIeson
at the Oshawa ClImc In whIch he stated
ThIS man S current problems started June 13 1988 when he tWIsted hIS nght ankle at work.
ThIS was treated b, ImmobIhzatIOn for three weeks m a below-knee walkmg cast. The cast
had been removed and he subsequent!, fell whIle gomg down a flIght of stairs ThIS was
apparent!, due to hIS ankle gIvmg out. He sustamed a tWIstmg mjun to hIS back and then
had ongomg back complamts whIch prevented hIm from returnmg to hIS regular job
Assessment showed a mechanIcal low back stram pIcture WIth no eVIdence of nerve root
entrapment. His pam was ven mechanIcal m nature aggravated b, actIvIn and reheved b,
recumbent rest. X -rays showed a deep seated lumbosacral JunctIOn WIth mcomplete bndgmg
of the lower lumbar vertebrae to the sacrum The entIre pIcture was conSIstent wIth a
mechanIcal low back stram. He had been placed on a phvsIOtherap, prograIU at the Oshawa
General HospItal, but thIS dId not reheve hIS symptoms He deCIded to tn a chIropractor
back support and treatment wIth a TNS Umt was also prescribed. He was revIewed on
December 15 1988 at that pomt, he had had several chIropractIc treatments wIth no benefit.
A bone scan was ordered and done on Januan 2, 1989 and thIS appeared normal TNS Umt
treatments wee (SIC) meffectIve and m VIew of hIS lack of response to all the usual modahtIes
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of treatment for thIS dIsorder It was recommended that he be admItted to the W orkmans
CompensatIOn Board HospItal for a more m-depth assessment of actIvIt, tolerance level and
also further phvsIOtherap, treatment. He was admItted to the DownsvIew FacIht, on
November 6 1989 and dIscharged November 21 1989 The ImpreSSIOn gamed at the tIme of
admIsSIOn to the DownsvIew FacIht, was that he had a low back stram. He was able to
work at a hght level and was dIscharged fit to return to full employment. A further note was
made that from the psychological pomt of VIew the treatmg phYSICIanS and therapIsts felt
that there was some magmficatIOn of hIS symptoms
The patIent was subsequent!, reassessed m office consultatIOn Januan 16 1990 He
mdIcated that he was contmumg to expenence ongomg low back pam, whIch was not
resolvmg He described mechanIcal ImtabIht, symptoms m hIS low back.
ThIS man represents a rather dIfficult management problem m that he IS dIagnosed as have a
mIld to moderate back stram, but subjectIve symptoms of pam and restnctIOn of movement
have prevented hIm from to work (SIC) and he IS not respondmg to an, of the usual
modahtIes of treatment. It appears that he probabh has a low pam threshold and there ma,
be some psychological magmficatIOn of symptoms Certamh no major mterventIOn IS bemg
conSIdered at the present tIme l.e surgen There does not appear to be much pomt m
contmumg the prevIOush tned conservatIve measures
ThIS man s prognOSIS IS certamh guarded, m that he can t or won t go back to work WIth hIS
current symptoms and vet no treatment camed out so far has seemed to make an,
Improvement m the subjectIve symptoms of low back pam.
He was subsequently seen In May of 1990 by Dr Mason from the Oshawa ClImc who opIned that
hIS dIscomfort mIght be due to secondary fibrocytIs and prescnbed medIcatIOn and exerCIse He
also expressed a desIre to reVIew the claimant In SIX to eIght weeks tIme to evaluate any
The claimant, whIle In receIpt of Worker's CompensatIOn Benefits, had also applIed for long term
dIsabIlIty benefits under the Insurance polIcy wIth ConfederatIOn LIfe In late June of 1990 he was
adVIsed that hIS claim had been approved on the basIs of total dIsabIlIty from hIS own occupatIOn
effectIve July 22, 1989 He was also adVIsed at the tIme that hIS elIgibIlIty to receIve contInued
benefits after December 13 1990 would depend on a findIng of total dIsabIlIty from performIng "any
and every duty of any occupatIOn for whIch he was reasonably fitted by traInIng, educatIOn or
An AttendIng PhysIcIan's Statement of ContInuIng DIsabIlIty was completed by hIS famIly doctor
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Dr GIroux, on November 16 1990 The pnmary dIagnosIs was chromc post-facet paIn syndrome
whIch had not Improved. Dr GIroux consIdered hIm to be totally dIsabled from hIS own and any
occupatIOn. At Dr GIroux'S request the claimant was seen agaIn by Dr Mason and In hIS report
dated December 12 1990 found that the claimant seemed to be the same wIth respect to hIS chromc
neck and back straInS His recommendatIOn was that the claimant reconsIder a repeat tnal of
postenor facet JOInt InJectIOns, as well as antI-depressants and antI-Inflammatory therapy He
concluded wIth the comment that he had no further physIcal treatments to offer at the tIme
In February of 1991 the Insurer wrote to Dr Mason askIng for more InformatIOn to substantIate the
claimant's total dIsabIlIty from any occupatIOn. A March 25 1991 report from Dr Mason stated that
as of hIS last assessment In December of 1990 It was hIS OpInIOn that the claimant was not
permanently totally dIsabled from performIng the dutIes of any occupatIOn, even wIth the claimant's
consIderable and sIgmficant dIsabIlIty It was Dr Mason's VIew that he could be Involved In a
vocatIOnal rehabIlItatIOn program of very lIght physIcal actIvIty or sedentary work, begInmng on a
part-tIme basIs and eventually progreSSIng to a level of competItIve employment. It was hIS VIew
that the claimant would eventually be able to work almost full tIme hours as long as the occupatIOn
was not physIcally demandIng. It was hIS OpInIOn that the claimant should not be returned to any
occupatIOn that Involved maIntenance of a sustaIned posture such as prolonged SIttIng or standIng,
and would be best sUIted to aJob In whIch he could change hIS posItIOn frequently He concluded
wIth the caveat that, although the claimant was not totally permanently dIsabled, returmng hIm to
work would be "a vocatIOnal rehabIlItatIOn challenge" It was also hIS VIew that success would
depend on the claimant's pre-InJury level of educatIOn and traInIng about whIch he had not made any
There IS no eVIdence In the file that any rehabIlItatIOn efforts were undertaken. The next note In the
file IS dated Apnl 22, 1991 from the claims adJudIcator at the Worker's CompensatIOn Board and
was In response to a request for total temporary benefits from the claimant. The letter advIsed hIm
that a reVIew of hIS file had IndIcated hIS claim would be assessed for a permanent dIsabIlIty award
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under the Chromc PaIn DIsablement GUIdelInes The letter set out the defimtIOn of chromc paIn and
chromc paIn dIsorder as follows
Chromc paIn IS paIn whose charactenstIcs are compatIble wIth a compensIble InJury
except that It persIsts for SIX or more months beyond the usual healIng tIme for the
InJury Chromc paIn dIsorder IS term used to descnbe the posItIOn of a person whose
chromc paIn has resulted In marked lIfe dIsruptIOn. ThIS polIcy IS meant to
effectIvely provIde compensatIOn to workers expenenCIng paIn as a result of
undetected orgamc or psychIatnc symptomatology for what otherwIse IS mamfested
as a genuIne expenence of real persIstent paIn for the worker
The letter also explaIned that, In order for a worker to qualIfy for compensatIOn under the chromc
paIn dIsorder polIcy the Board must be satIsfied that the folloWIng condItIOns eXIsted. eVIdence of an
InJury chromc paIn caused by the InJury paIn persIstIng SIX or more months beyond the expected
healIng tIme, paIn consIstent WIth orgamc findIngs and paIn that ImpairS the learnIng capacIty of the
worker The ClIent ServIces DIVIsIOn had revIewed the claimant's file and was of the VIew that hIS
claim should be assessed under these new gUIdelInes A fifty percent benefit was Issued from
December 4 1989 and contInuIng untIl a reassessment. As a result of thIS award hIS group polIcy
benefits were adJusted accordIngly
Those Worker's CompensatIOn benefits contInued untIl January of 1992, at whIch tIme he was
awarded a fifteen- percent penSIOn datIng back to June of 1988
A May 1992 Statement of ContInuIng DIsabIlIty completed by Dr GIroux noted that the claimant
had severe Intractable fibrocytIs wIth a secondary dIagnosIs of depressIOn. He noted that the patIent
was ambulatory but that the paIn was progressIve and that he was totally dIsabled from hIS own
occupatIOn or any occupatIOn for an Indefimte penod of tIme Under remarks he said "I cannot treat
thIS man (nothIng helps) I belIeve he has fibrocytIs that wIll not let go ThIS man IS
In September of 1993 Dr Mason was requested by the Insurer to perform a consultatIve medIcal
reassessment of the claimant to assess hIS elIgIbIlIty for benefits In that letter It was explaIned to
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Dr Mason that elIgIbIlIty for benefits was based on a defimtIOn of dIsabIlIty whIch reqUIred "the
eXIstence of physIcal/emotIOnal lImItatIOns of such degree as to prevent performance of the
substantIal dutIes of hIS Job and, In addItIOn, sufficIent lImItatIOns to prevent hIm from engagIng In
any occupatIOn for whIch he may be reasonably sUIted based on past educatIOn, traInIng, and
expenence" It specIfically asked a senes of questIOns of Dr Mason concermng the claimant's
condItIOn. In hIS report dated October 7 1993 he noted that he had not seen hIm SInce December
12, 1990 He also noted that at the present tIme he stIll had dIscomfort In the neck and the entIre
back, IncludIng radIatIng paIn that was felt around the sIdes of the chest. His summary stated that
the claimant was a forty-three year old man wIth chromc dIffuse musculo-skeletal dIscomfort. The
only area of sIgmficant findIng was In the lumbosacral spIne where he dId appear to be genuInely
uncomfortable, wIth an accompanYIng decrease In range of motIOn. Dr Mason stated that the
claimant was havIng some problems wIth dysesthesIa and dIscomfort In hIS feet and quened the
development of penpheral neuropathy He referred hIm for nerve conductIOn tests
Dr Mason saw the claimant agaIn In December of 1993 and noted that, whIle hIS prevIOus symptoms
were unchanged, he dId report some new symptoms, IncludIng apneIC spells Dr Mason referred
hIm for sleep studIes He also noted that the nerve conductIOn study tests ordered earlIer had
returned wIth normal results and that the electromyography was also normal He concluded that the
only sensory abnormalIty was a decrease In pIn-pnck awareness and that hIS only complaInt was of
paIn, whIch could be explaIned by small fibroneuropathy even though such condItIOns were rare
His conclusIOn was as follows
As far as true musculo-skeletal problems are concerned, I thInk he does have
sIgmficant mechamcal back paIn, mostly from L4-5 probably wIth some assocIated
nerve root IrntatIOn at that level, but no eVIdence clImcally or on EMG of sIgmficant
nerve InJury ThIS wIll prevent hIm from returmng to moderate physIcal labour
perhaps even lIght physIcal labour and so the questIOn IS really whether or not he IS
capable of beIng vocatIOnal rehabIlItated for sedentary work.
In response to the letter sent In September of 1993 to Dr Mason from the Insurer a report was
prepared dated January 17 1994 Dr Mason explaIned that he had responded to Dr GIroux In the
belIef that the request had come from hIm and also suggested that the claimant was stIll undergoIng
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some InVestIgatIOns that mIght have ImplIcatIOns on hIS level of dIsabIlIty In any event, at the tIme
he was prepanng the report Dr Mason revIewed hIS own files as well as all of the medIcal tests that
had been conducted to date His conclusIOns were as follows
He does have obJectIve findIngs of decreased range of motIOn of the lower back,
tenderness of L4-5 an Increased uptake on bone scan at that level Thus hIS back
paIn appears to be a genUIne problem and wIll prevent hIm from returmng to
sIgmficant manual labour
Mr R. D also has many other areas of musculo-skeletal complaInts for whIch he IS
undergoIng further InVestIgatIOns He has bIlateral foot paIn, the qualIty of whIch
suggests penpheral nerve paIn and he does have decreased sensatIOn In the feet.
Although the EMG testIng wIth respect to thIS IS normal, there are some
abnormalItIes on other electncal tests of the nervous system that suggest a problem
wIth the cervIcal spInal cord. We are aWaitIng a neurology OpInIOn and further
InVestIgatIOns of the braIn and spInal cord are probably gOIng to be reqUIred.
In addItIOn he has had chromc complaInts of sleep dIsturbance and had a recent
epIsode of alteratIOn of conSCIOusness that dId appear to be orgamcally based. ThIS
wIll also reqUIre further neurologIcal assessment and InVestIgatIOns of hIS sleep
patterns whIch are beIng orgamzed.
I wIll attempt to answer some of the questIOns In your letter of September 3 1993
The dIagnosIs most responsIble for Mr R. D's complaInts of low back paIn IS
lumbosacral straIn, supenmposed on degeneratIve changes at L4-5 wIth resIdual
paIn from the postenor facet JOInts at that level There may also be some nerve root
IrntatIOn at that level but there are no sIgns of neurologIcal defect from that nerve
There are other factors whIch appear to be contributIng to hIS complaInts and
occupatIOnal lImItatIOns He has a subJectIve complaInt of alteratIOn of hIS sleep
pattern for whIch he IS undergoIng InVestIgatIOns
He also has complaInts of neck dIscomfort whIch on reVIew of my files, seems to
have been gradually IncreaSIng there may be and actually orgamc Impairment
assocIated wIth thIS as hIS evoked potentIals have shown some sloWIng In the
[cervIcal] spInal chord.
He may have a sleep dIsturbance whIch has produced "fibrocytIs" - generalIzed day
tIme musculo-skeletal dIscomfort and exertIOnal Intolerance
There are some InVestIgatIOns that are stIll ongoIng, as described above, especIally
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the neurologIcal assessment and the sleep InVestIgatIOns
Mr R. D IS capable of dOIng hIS own self-care and lIght actIvItIes around the house
but IS not performIng most of the heavIer household maIntenance chores However
he ObvIOusly IS capable of performIng some odd Jobs around the house, gIven the
appearance of hIS hands and the InJury wIth the screwdnver
In reVIeWIng the dutIes of hIS usual occupatIOn It would appear that he IS not capable
of performIng the manual labour aspect. The patIent feels he IS not capable of
returmng to work, descnbIng dIfficulty COpIng wIth sImple day to day actIvItIes
I do not feel that he wIll be able to return to the substantIal dutIes of hIS usual
occupatIOn, due to the lImItatIOns on hIS abIlIty to perform manual labour
DescnptIOn of hIS restnctIOns wIth respect to alternatIve employment wIll have to
follow the results of the InVestIgatIOns
It IS possIble that I wIll be suggestIng some other forms of occupatIOnal assessment,
In partIcular wIth respect to hIS Intellectual capacItIes However I wIsh to aWait
further results of the other assessments before proceedIng wIth such.
The claimant dId attend at the sleep laboratory tWIce In February of 1994 and a March 30 1994
report found that he had non-restoratIve rest, usually awakemng 5-10 tImes a mght, usually wIth
musculo-skeletal dIscomfort most pronounced In hIS back and feet. The summary concluded that he
suffered from loud snonng whIch was not accompamed by Sleep Apnea Syndrome Dr Moffat
was of the OpInIOn that the poor qualIty of hIS sleep was related to hIS musculo-skeletal dIscomfort
and that he mIght benefit from a program In progressIve muscle relaxatIOn.
On December 20 1995 Dr GIroux wrote to ManulIfe concernIng the claimant, who he descnbed as
suffenng from a "severe, InCapacItatIng musculo-skeletal dIsorder InvolvIng most of hIS body" Dr
GIroux noted that In January of 1994 Dr Mason had stated hIS OpInIOn that the claimant could not
perform the substantIal dutIes of hIS occupatIOn due to the lImItatIOns on hIS abIlIty to perform
manual labour Throughout 1994 other JOInts began to bother the claimant, IncludIng hIS knees and
feet. In November of 1994 he began to have chest wall paIn whIch was muscular In ongIn. In
December of 1994 he developed ataxIa, slurred speech and became dIsonented. Although there
CLAIM # 17270
were no neurologIcal deficIts, It became ObVIOUS that hIS problems were drug Induced. In partIcular
the claimant notIced that, after takIng Imovane he would feel unusual but contInued to take the
drug because It helped hIS sleep pattern. Dr GIroux had seen the claimant on March 8 1995 and
revIewed the fibromyalgIa InvolvIng hIS back, knees, feet and paradorsal cervIcal areas He
concluded wIth the folloWIng
Upon reVIew I find that through the months and years R. IS In fact becomIng more
dIsabled due to chromc paIn InvolvIng hIS musculo-skeletal system. I defimtely
belIeve he IS totally IncapacItated from any type of occupatIOn.
By letter dated February 7 1996 the claimant was advIsed that an appoIntment had been made wIth
Dr Dornan for an Independent medIcal assessment. Dr Dornan IS a specIalIst In physIcal medICIne
and rehabIlItatIOn. The letter from the Insurer to Dr Dornan Included a senes of questIOns
regardIng the claimant's present condItIOn and prognosIs as well as copIes of medIcal reports datIng
back to 1990 Included as well were the claimant's Job descnptIOn and laboratory and x-ray reports
Someone had wntten at the bottom of the typewntten lIst of enclosures the InclUSIOn of two
surveIllance tapes Dr Dornan commented on those vIdeotapes In hIS report whIch I wIll deal wIth
later In thIS decIsIOn. In any event the complaInant presented at Dr Dornan's office on March 1
1996 and a report was completed that same day Dr Dornan's clImcalImpressIOns were as follows
It was my clImcal ImpreSSIOn, havIng taken a hIStOry from Mr D and havIng
observed and examIned hIm, that he suffers from a mIld to mInor degree of cervIcal
and lumbar spondylosIs, compatIble wIth hIS age Although he, and Mrs D stated
to me that he had gIven every ImpreSSIOn that thIS was totally dIsablIng from all
forms of actIvItIes, I could not bnng myself to an ImpreSSIOn that Mr D was eIther
totally or permanently dIsabled. In my practIce I see many hundreds of patIents In
the course of a year who suffer from sImIlar or greater degrees of Impairment than
Mr R. D and who are workIng steadIly In the competItIve work force
Dr Dornan also hIghlIghted In hIS report the folloWIng
I noted the presence of some callused skIn on each hand In the palmar skIn Just
behInd the metacarpo-phalangeal JOInt of each fourth finger
Dr Dornan's summary clImcalImpressIOns and conclusIOns were stated, In part, as follows
It was my overall clImcalImpressIOn, denved from my eXamInatIOn, that Mr R.D
CLAIM # 17270
suffered from a degree oflumbar and cervIcal spondylosIs (that IS, dISC degeneratIve
dIsease) compatIble wIth hIS age ThIS was corroborated and venfied by the x-rays
whIch I revIewed folloWIng my eXamInatIOn. CervIcal and lumbar spondylosIs IS not
dIsablIng and most people wIth the degree of spondylosIs exhIbIted by Mr D
worked comfortably In the competItIve work force
It was dIfficult to escape from a SuspICIOn that a consIderable portIOn ofMr R. D S
reported dIsabIlItIes were contnved. The apparent work-hardened callus over the
palmar skIn at the metacarpo-phalangeal JOInts of each hand makes It dIfficult to
escape from a SuspICIOn that Mr R. D IS dOIng more wIth hIS upper extremItIes than
he reported to me (possIbly he has a hobby In whIch he uses both upper extremItIes a
good deal) Nevertheless he reported beIng vIrtually unable to do anythIng other
than washIng dIshes occasIOnally etc ThIS would not produce the callus described.
ThIS findIng would seem to be IncompatIble wIth the reports gIven to me by Mr D
and hIS wIfe troubled me (SIC) However I was somewhat relIeved to see a sImIlar
observatIOn reported by Dr Mark Mason In hIS report of October 7 1993 In
addItIOn, In a report, dated January 17 1994 to Ms Pearl RadclIffe, !ME coordInator
of the Toronto group LTD claims, Dr Mason, more firmly and clearly stated In hIS
report, "however he ObvIOusly IS capable of performIng some odd Jobs around the
house, gIven the appearance of hIS hands and the InJury wIth the screwdnver"
Work-hardemng or callusIng of the skIn In the areas descnbed are not produced or
created by sedentary work by "odd-Jobs" or occasIOnal actIvIty but by fairly
constant repeated and repetItIve actIvIty The callusIng, noted and recorded by
myself (and by Dr Mason some three years earlIer), would IndIcate that Mr D was
engaged In some type of repetItIve regular actIvIty WIth hIS upper extremItIes, on a
fairly regular basIs, SInce some tIme pnor to October 1993 and untIl seen In my
office on March 01 1996 Such callusIng certaInly would not be an IndIcatIOn of an
IndIVIdual who was eIther totally or permanently dIsabled from all types of physIcal
actIvIty and all Jobs avaIlable In the competItIve work force
In conclusIOn I would state that Mr D from my eXamInatIOn of the records and from
my personal eXamInatIOn, IS neIther totally nor permanently dIsabled and should be
returned to the competItIve work force
By letter dated June 19 1996 the claimant was advIsed that the Insurer was arrangIng for a
rehabIlItatIOn specIalIst to assIst hIm In purSUIng alternatIve employment opportumtIes It made
reference to Dr Dornan's report whIch IndIcated that he was not permanently dIsabled from
performIng some sUItable type of employment. It also referred to "demonstrated actIvItIes, ofwhIch
we are aware, In assIstIng your father-In-law wIth the ChIP wagon busIness" ThIS was the first tIme
CLAIM # 17270
that the Insurer had made any reference to observatIOns of hIS actIvIty level and those comments
related to the most recent surveIllance whIch was done on May 17 1996 A subsequent letter dated,
September 3 1996 from the Insurer advIsed the claimant that he would be contacted by the
rehabIlItatIOn specIalIst In September to arrange for an appoIntment and that hIS L TIP benefits would
contInue for no longer than SIX months, whIch would allow hIm tIme to engage In an actIve Job
search. His benefits therefore would termInate on March 31 1997 unless he obtaIned employment
before that date
In a letter dated December 6 1996 Dr GIroux prepared a report whIch contaIned references to the
fact "he has become completely physIcally dIsabled due to chromc muscular paIn syndrome" "at
thIS pOInt In tIme he has Intractable paIn InvolvIng hIS four extremItIes IncludIng hIS feet and hIS
entIre spInal area" "hIS condItIOn has become worse over the years wIth regards to the degree of
paIn that he IS expenencIng" "we have tned every possIble modalIty In the way of therapy herbal
medIcatIOn, antI-Inflammatory Predmsone, specIal antI-depressants for muscular paIn relIef and
muscle relaxants and nothIng has helped" "he has seen many specIalIsts and they have not been able
to help hIm eIther" His letter concluded wIth the folloWIng
He has chromc dIffuse tngger pOInts InvolvIng hIS spIne, hIS JOInts, hIS legs, hIS
ankles and hIS feet.
In essence, Mr R. D has developed a completely refractory Intractable paIn dIsorder
InvolvIng hIS myofascIa and I consIder hIm completely dIsabled and I wIll also state
that he wIll never return to a functIOnal capacIty where he could work at any type of
By letter dated February 24 1997 the claimant was advIsed that the rehabIlItatIOn servIces offered
earlIer would stIll be avaIlable to hIm untIl March 17 1997
In March of 1997 the claimant was seen by Dr Cnsp at the Oshawa ClImc He revIewed the
claimant's hIStOry and examIned hIm, commented on the weakness and paIn In hIS lower extremItIes
and quened dIstal neuropathy He also wondered whether the claimant mIght have Muscular
SclerosIs, whIch would explaIn the confusIng pIcture of the cOmbInatIOn of spInal stenoSIS or
CLAIM # 17270
degeneratIve radIculopathIes wIth supenmposed dIffuse plaque affectIng cogmtIve functIOmng and
creatIng more of a fibromyalgIa dIscomfort. It was hIS proposal to arrange for an MRl and do
appropnate blood work as well as an EMG and a CT scan of the L5 nerve root level
Dunng thIS tIme addItIOn surveIllance was undertaken on June 16 17 18 and agaIn on September 13
and 14 1997 In November of that year those two vIdeotapes were provIded to the Umon as well as
an October letter to Dr GIroux In whIch the Insurer provIded those same vIdeotapes and asked for
hIS comments on them The letter noted that the claimant had been "actIvely Involved' over the
years In the operatIOn of a "chIp-truck wagon" busIness The letter stated that "there IS no IndIcatIOn
whatsoever of any dIfficulty that Mr R. D has had wIth eIther balance gait or other physIcal
problems" and InvIted comment from Dr GIroux concermng these actIvItIes The Insurer also
requested that the tape be forwarded to Dr Cnsp for hIS comments
On October 31 1997 the Insurer wrote to the claimant adVISIng hIm that the appeal of the
termInatIOn of hIS benefits as of March 31 1997 had been demed. In the letter It acknowledged the
subJectIve symptoms that had been reported In Dr GIroux'S and Dr Cnsp's reports, IncludIng
extreme dIfficulty wIth gait and balance However It noted that those complaInts were subJ ectIve In
nature and had not been substantIated by any obJectIve findIngs The letter also made reference to
the transferable skIlls analysIs carned out by Work Return Inc That report IdentIfied a number of
transferable assets that the claimant possessed based on hIS work expenence and academIc
achIevements, whIch Included the abIlIty to work Independently and as a team member knowledge
and expenence related to operatIng machInery knowledge and expenence related to safe use of
chemIcal compounds used for cleamng, knowledge and expenence In provIdIng techmcal gUIdance
and employee supervIsIOn to subordInate staff, knowledge and expenence In performIng
admInIstratIve dutIes such as work reports, evaluatIOns, reqUIsItIOmng and record keepIng,
knowledge and expenence related to addressIng and solvIng work related problems for peers and
knowledge and expenence related to traInIng and demonstratIng proper use of eqUIpment and
matenals The transferable skIlls analysIs done on September 29 1997 set out three J ob goals that
CLAIM # 17270
would be appropnate for the claimant IncludIng an order clerk, Industnal order clerk and a coupon
clerk. It also noted that the transferal skIlls analysIs IdentIfied related fields In whIch he would be
qualIfied but acknowledged that he mIght not meet all of the qualIficatIOns and that partIcIpatIOn In a
volunteer program and some educatIOn upgradIng would Improve hIS possIbIlItIes for a J ob match.
The rehabIlItatIve consultant also lIsted vanous sedentary posItIOns that It belIeved the claimant
would be able to perform, IncludIng a bankIng, Insurance and financIal clerk, productIOn clerk,
admInIstratIve clerk, cleamng supervIsor constructIOn trades helper and labourer and publIc works
and maIntenance labourer
A letter dated January 19 1998 from Dr GIroux noted that the claimant would be returnIng to work
as requested by hIS employer after many years of absence due to dIsabIlIty and expressed hIS
concerns that hIS performance would be affected by the paIn medIcatIOn he was reqUIred to take He
InqUIred about the possIbIlIty of returmng on a part-tIme basIs and of a momtonng of hIS progress
In February of 1998 a letter was sent to the CanadIan Back InstItute from the employer settIng out
the claimant's medIcal hIStOry and askIng for some assIstance In prepanng hIm for a return to work.
In partIcular the employer asked for an accurate status of hIS overall physIcal capabIlItIes and
general health and a tImely prognosIs WIth respect to hIS abIlIty to attend at work on a regular basIs
The employer would base ItS decISIOn on what work was avaIlable and possIble on those
In a follow-up letter dated Apnl 9 1998 Dr GIroux wrote a note about the claimant that stated as
Mr D IS a patIent of mIne who I have been seeIng for years Over the past several
years he has been unable to work due to several musculo-skeletal InJunes to hIS ankle
and back.
From these InJunes he has developed an Intractable fibromyalgIa-lIke syndrome His
muscular paIn has become dIffuse and accelerated In degree of paIn and
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He IS In chromc narcotIc therapy for chromc paIn syndrome He IS not addIcted to
these narcotIcs
I feel he IS Incapable of employment at thIS tIme (heavy duty or lIght duty)
By letter dated August 17 1998 ManulIfe Insurance advIsed the claimant that hIS appeal had been
demed. It relIed on prevIOUS medIcal reports but also on the surveIllance tapes mentIOned earlIer as
proof that he was engaged In remuneratIve employment and was actIvely Involved In the operatIOn
of a busIness
The claimant's ongInal approval for L TIP was based on hIS ankle InJury In 1988 whIch was the
cause of a fall down the stairs whIch In turn caused a tWIStIng InJury to hIS back. That back InJury
led to ongOIng and acceleratIng complaInts of paIn that prevented the claimant from returmng to
work. He was assessed by the Worker's CompenasatIOn Board as suffenng from Chromc PaIn
Syndrome and awarded a permanent penSIOn as a result. All of the medIcal reports folloWIng the
acute phase of hIS InJunes concur However In spIte of the fact that rehabIlItatIOn efforts had been
recommended In 1990 It would seem the claimant never underwent any rehabItItatIve exerCIses at
any tIme dunng hIS absence from work. In act, between 1990 and 1992 when he was awarded hIS
WCB pensIOn, there are no letters or medIcal reports about hIS progress or lack thereof
In late 1993 and early 1994 It was determIned that he could not perform the essentIal dutIes of hIS
prevIOus J ob because of hIS lImItatIOns In respect of manual labour However no further steps were
taken towards a return to the workplace In 1996 an Independent medIcal OpInIOn was sought whIch
contradIcted prevIOus assessments of the claimant that had found hIm to be totally dIsabled.
Although Dr Dornan acknowledged he suffered from degeneratIve dISC dIsease, It was hIS OpInIOn It
was not to such a degree that he was Incapable of workIng. It was at thIS tIme that Dr Dornan
revIewed the vIdeo surveIllance of the claimant that had been done In July of 1995 It was hIS VIew
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that the vIdeotapes supported hIS findIngs In hIS report he noted that the tapes "demonstrate clearly
that Mr R.D IS capable of performIng the type of work that would be avaIlable In lIght Industry
They show Mr R.D In vanous transItIOnal movements such as SIttIng to standIng, standIng to
SIttIng, bendIng forwards, archIng hIS back wIth the arms elevated to put obJects Into heIghts above
hIS head, clImbIng Into and out of a van, dnvIng, carryIng large buckets or garbage palls repetItIvely
some full and some apparently empty prepanng a van for operatIOn, walkIng for what appears to be
fairly prolonged dIstances between the sIte at whIch the van had been establIshed (presumably for a
day of work) and back to hIS home, cleamng the van, etc, etc, etc"
I have revIewed the tapes and have come to the same conclusIOn as Dr Dornan. The claimant was
observed settIng up a "ChIp Wagon" for busIness for four consecutIve days He drove the truck to
the sIte, unwrapped and plugged In the electIcal cord, set out the garbage palls and sIgns, raised and
lowered the canopy on the sIde of the truck, set out the condIments and table and chairs outsIde the
van, dId all of that In reverse at the end of the day drove the truck home and proceeded to clean It
for the next day He was observed carryIng cases of pop two and three at a tIme, and emptYIng
garbage cans Dunng all of thIS tIme he appeared to be In no dIstress I observed no sIgns of paIn,
hesItatIOn or guardIng In hIS movements and no restnctIOns In hIS range of motIOn. He wrapped and
unwrapped a long electncal cable, reachIng well above hIS head to do so He squatted for about
twenty mInutes cuttIng a carpet for hIS front porch. He clImbed to the top of a five foot ladder and
then carned that ladder to the garage wIth one hand. AgaIn, at no tIme dId he appear to have any
dIfficulty In performIng these tasks He was also observed walkIng for a consIderable dIstance over
small hIlls and sIdewalk curbs wIth no ObVIOUS sIgns of paIn. In fact, all of the actIvItIes he was seen
performIng dunng thIS surveIllance could reasonably be consIdered lIght work In a workplace
settIng. In fact, the vIdeotapes explaIn the remarks of Dr Mason and Dr Dornan about the calluses
on the claimant's hands In prepanng the ChIP wagon for operatIOn, the claimant was engaged In
the type of manual work that would account for the calluses
It was on the basIs of Dr Dornan's report and the vIdeotapes that the Insurer decIded to arrrange for
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a rehabIlItatIve specIalIst to assess the claimant for alternatIve employment. It would appear that
those servIces were never utIlIzed and the clamaInt's benefits were dIscontInued.
It IS my OpInIOn that the Insurer had reasonable grounds to come to that conclusIOn. In the first
Instance, Dr GIroux IS the only physIcIan who categoncally stated that the claimant was totally
dIsabled from any occupatIOn. His OpInIOn was based on the claimant's subJect reportIng of dIffuse
and dIsablIng paIn. Dr GIroux makes reference to fibromyalgIa but actually never comes to a firm
obJectIve dIagnosIs based on the reqUIsIte tnggers pOInts DespIte Dr GIroux'S OpInIOn, the other
medIcal specIalIsts who examIned the claimant agreed that he would be unable to perform the
manual labour aspects of hIS prevIOus posItIOn but felt he should be assessed for alternatIve or
modIfied employment. Dr Dornan In partIcular was very clear In hIS findIngs and OpInIOn.
In the second Instance, It IS ImpoSSIble to Ignore the vIdeotapes They show the claimant performIng
dutIes that relate to gaInful employment. As descnbed earlIer hIS actIvItIes are InCOnsIstent WIth hIS
claim of such dIffuse and pervasIve paIn that he cannot engage In any form of gaInful employment.
To be fair to the claimant, IS IS clear from the vIdeotapes that he carnes hImself In a manner that
suggests that he IS careful and cautIOus about hIS actIvItIes His movements are slow and measured.
He IS careful not to overdo Nevertheless, he IS capable of dOIng more than Dr GIroux has
suggested In hIS reports GIven the length of tIme he has been away from the workforce and the
eXIstence of a confirmed dIagnosIs of degeneratIve dISC dIsease, It IS questIOnable what the claimant
wIll be capable of dOIng but that IS an Issue between hIm and the Insurer
For all of the reasons lIsted above, the appeal IS demed
CLAIM # 17270
Dated thIS 31st day of August, 2001
~~ Loretta Mikus