HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnion 05-04-08 _. ~.-~---.:....:::... .............~..v .LI..LLL V.LVTV"'ZUTIV,,""'Z ~U~V~ ~m~~n Lfi" urrl~b 141002 I IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION BETWEEN · Municipal Property Assessment Corporation And OPSEU (Multjple Grievances regarding job competitions and various implementation matters) Before. William Kaplan Sole Arbltrator Appearance.s For the Employer- Daniel Fogel Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie Barristers & Solicitors For the UniQD Kristin Eliot Eliot~ Smith Barristers & Solicitors These gnevances proceeded to a heanng in Toronto on AprilS & 6, 2005 \.I'!/.L'::/VO HIl:, .La. ;:U l"AA IjlJ+54~+7624 ELIOT SMITH LAW OFFICE I4i 003 ---.-. Introduction In May 2001, MPAC announced a major reorgamzatiOn. As part of thIS reorgamzatlOu, a number of new bargaming umt positions were filled through various competItlve processes. In the aftermath of that reorganization a large number of grievances were filed. By the declsion of the partIes, an expedited mediation-arbitration system was put into place to fairly and qUlckly resolve the nwnerous outstandmg grievances in dispute In the decislOn dated May 1, 2004, the general approach to resolvmg the outstanding issues was set out. While a large number of these Job competItion grIevances have already been resolved, a number of job competition grievances remained outstanding and proceeded to medlation- arbltratIOn In! early April 2005 It should be noted that many of the grievors in tins round either retired or apphed for and accepted a voluntary exit opportunity As in the past, affected mcumbents were notified of their right to attend and partIcipate and many of them dId so In additIon to resolving the outstandmg job competItion gnevances, a number of implementation Issues ansmg from the first set of heanngs last year also proceeded to heanng and are fmally detennmed by thIS decislOn. Also determined is one junsdIctional matter 2 U4/12/U5 Tlm 13 20 FAX 613+548+7624 ELIOT SMITH LAW OFFICE @004 --.-.- Decision re outstanding Job Competition Grievances Customer Service Clerk 1. Giselle Campeau to be awarded $3000 less deductiOns required by law 2. Gnevance of Carol Frost dismissed. 3 Gnevance of Maureen Hacking dismissed. 4. Grievance of Mary Ingham dismissed. 5. Grievance of Carol Kelly dismissed. 6. Debb1 Wilson to be reimbursed $1000 for mileage expenses Data Collection Analyst/Property Inspection Analyst 1. Peter FanellI to be offered either $2500 less deductions requrred by law or a three-month developmental opportunity in property mspection analysis, timmg of which to be mutually agreed. 2. As no Violation was established with respect to his grievances) and as Mr Joseph Fantettl did not appear at the proceedmgs, his grievance 18 dismissed. 3. Grievance of Jeff Thompson dismissed. 4 Gl'1evance of Patricia Thompson dismissed. 5. Grievance of Everett Kelly dismissed. 3 04/12/05 11m 13 20 FAX 613+548+76~4 ELIOT SMITH LAW OFFICE -~ _. --.-.-.--- 141005 6. Grievance of Keith Meadows dismissed. 7. Stephen Lazette awarded $5000 less deductIons requlred by law 8. Gnevance of Rob Stuenn dismissed. 9. Gnevance ofLoUlse 81. Jean withdrawn. Administrative Clerk - Property Values 1. Gnevance of Mary Ingham dismissed. 2. Gnevance of Tern Kitchmg withdrawn. Customer Contact Specialist 1. Gnevance of Mary Ingham dlsffilssed. Data Vermcation Clerk 1. Grievance of Mary Ingham dIsmIssed. Municipal Relations ,Assistant 1. Grievance of DIane Blackborow dismissed. 2. Grievance of Maureen Hackmg disffilssed. 3. Lorelle Rempel to be awarded the first Mwucipal RelatlOns ASSslstant or the first Admimstrative Clerk - Property Values positIOn to become 4 U4/12105 Tl~ 13 20 FAX 613+548+7624 ELIOT SMITH LAW OFFICE ----' - 141006 . vacant in St. Cathannes. Also to be awarded $5000 less deductions reqUIred by law Office Administrator 1. Grievances of Kathleen MacLean withdrawn. Decision re Implementation and Jurisdiction Issues 1. Effective date of award, hourly rate ofM. Lacelle increased to $30 94 per hour Anmversary date to remam Aprill st No retroactivIty 2. No breach of the earlier award dated May 1, 2004 having been established, Ron Donnelly to be awarded next available CSR positIOn In Peterborough as provIded ill the earher award. 3 No breach of the April 27, 2004 Minutes of Settlement relating to Thomas Chisolm estabhshed. 4. There IS no Jurisdiction for me to consIder and deCIde the grievance of Mr George Matthew dated February 22, 2005 in which Mr Matthew grieves the employer's decision to deny hun a supervisor's pOSItIon. Moreover, while Mr Matthew was notIfied of the proceedings, he dId not attend. Accordingly, bis grievance IS dIsmIssed. 5 V"t:/~"/Vir,J ~u~ ~~ ~~ rftA O~~T~qOT/O~q .t.LIU'l ~1l11ni LAW U!,'!'lCE -_.-- -- - 14I 007 - . Conclusion I remam seized with respect to the unplementation of my award. DATED at Toronto thls 8th day of April 2005 11,/~ Wilham Kaplan, Sole Arbitrator 6