HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnion 04-03-19 IVI a Y I ~ LUU4 I U 4.:lAM U~HAWA KtblUNAL U~~ILt I~ 0 L I I ti ~ L ~ IN THE MATTER OF AN ARIHTRA TION BETWEEN: M1.11licipal Property Assessment Corporation - and - ! OPSEU (Multiple Grievances Relating to Senior Valuation Analyst (PAS) Job Competitions) Before: William Kaplan Sole Arbitrator Appearances For the Employer Doug Gray Hicks Morle~ ~ton Stewart Stone LLP Barristers &: onptors I , ! Daniel Fogel \ Hicks Morley =ton Stewart Storie LLP Barristers & So .. -tors ! For the Union. Peggy Snuth Elliot Smith Barristers & Soli ~torg t Anne Lee Grievance Officer, OPSEU i I TIus matter proceeded to a hearing in Toronto on ~ebruary 17, 2004, and March 8, 2004. i I i i , ! i l I , ! i r J I~ 0 L lid P j 1'/1 a y I ~ LUU4 I U 4.:lAM U~HAWA Kt~IU~AL Ur~ILt . 2 Introduction In May 2001, MPAC announced a major reorganization. As part of tIns reorganIZation, a number of new bargaining urut positions were filled through a competitive process, including the position of Senior Valuation Analyst (PAS) Almost 1000 employees applied for this posinon, and 556 of the applicants proceeded to an interview before a job competition panel. Interviews were conducted. across the province m January and ~ February 2002. By early March 70 job offers were tnade and accepted A large number of grievances were subsequently filed. Given the tolume of grievances in this job competition and in several others occurring at thJsame time, the parties negotiated a . protocol for their expeditious and fair resolution ih a process of mediation/ arbitration. i The PAS job competition grievances proce~ded fir~ 'at a hearing held in Toronto on February 17, 2004, and March 8, 2004. The parties lvere advised, before any case was heard, that it was my view, having carefully consBered the collecnve agreement, the submissions of the parties, and the governing aU~lorities, that the first step in the , process was for the cand1dates to establish relativJ equality It was also my view that absent exceptional circwnstances, the assessment kould be based on interview scores. t Finally, Jt was indicated to the parties that remedy would be tailored as appropriate. : All potenhally affected incumbents were notified Of these proceedmgs and their right to attend and participate. Appropriate arrangementst-for disclosure were made. A large number of incumbents did attend and made reprdsent:1.tions. These representations, together with the detailed wntten briefs of the pa~es and the submiSsions made by union counsel, the grievors, and management cou.'1sel at the heanng, have all been ij 110 L 1 I 0 r 't MaY \ ~ LUUl\ \ U l\0!-\1'Il U~nRWR ~t~IUNRL Urr\~t ,;- 3 .I" given careful consideration. It should be noted that a nwnber of thes~ grievances were resolved, obvIating any need for a hearing. One PAS grievance was adjourned because the grievor was unwell. It may be rescheduled fot' a hearmg at a bme convenient to the grievor and the parties. ~ .. :i. Award Except as follows, all grievances are dismissed. 1. Susan Lutes awarded the next PAS position in Fatm/Residential/Multi-Residential. l~t, 2. Ron Franklin awarded the next PAS position in tase Management. Ji- 3. Patrick Bond awarded the next PAS position in ~ommercia1. Bond also awarded $1000 '''J :1" less deductions required by law to be paid within iurty days. ,. r,' 4. Lori, Whitworth awarded the next PAS position ~ Vacant Land ~; S Roman Andrezejewski awarded the next PAS pdSition in Vacant Land. ~, j,. 3:' ~. Conclusion t I remain seized with respect to the imPler.hentatiol of this award p. t; ., DATED at Toronto this 15th day of March 2004.. tr' '- p.;t/ II" t " :l- I!. ; :J" ;~ William Kaplan, Sole ArbItrator " Ii.. i .!t. ~' ,~ ~: f;: ~!: I. 'Ii. J( td