HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-2152.Szkok.19-02-21 DecisionGrey mFoR, County, u kWw Agreed to Items The Countyof Grey (Rockwood Terrace) and UNIFOR Local 302 MEHMM= Corre1ction to Article 9-02 - Seniority (zecondparsgraph)- The Employer may disrniss a probabonary, erWoyee for any reason, prwided lli,�e Employer does not act, in a iscrinninatory or bad faith rnanner- Ai-ficle 5 UIIsentation 5-02, (b) Members of the Union Com rattee, shall Teosive their regular pay for fa2w6-Wj# all hours W" dLe to attendance at grievance or investigation nreelings, whi& shall for the purposes olf molarity, cover meetings, wAthffu- En-Voyer in attendance, whether an or outside the Employer premises, for which permisson has been grarAed by the Employer. Article, 9, S-enjorft R05 The EMployer Wtl sup every three, nionths, an updated seeniarity list wo the Union Committee Members, as well as a copy to the, Local LIKjon Office at no coal, to the U�nion. Article 10 Hours of Work A mutual is an excharige orf colf days or scheduled shlfts betNeen two employees - (b) Approved mutual exchanges may n(ft be, mutualed again. A Mutual exchange shall, not result in overtime payrnerrt. A14i ile ;Q,Q6kA*, Agreed ID flems - acre and U1OR March, 2017' HRR -CW -03-17 6 June 29, 2017 Article 18 Leaves of Absence 18.1 G(a) The, Eh*oyer will grant, up to, ane (1) year [eaves of absence witthoLA pay ea�h calendar year for tne purpose &Employee attending to Union business- It is agreed thaid no more than three employees wR be granted leave for Union bus4ness al, any one tirne. Article 20 Jlob Posting 20.07 (s) No loss of senior ity wil I occur when an E ryocyee, tra nsf em between, frail time arid, part, t or vice vers.a. (b) The succeessful appticant, for a temperary job, posting is not, efigib4eto apply for another temporary posljng until the temparary position has been teirrinated Gf completion of hve4ve (12) monihs, whichever comes, first,or-. They arethe only quaMfied employee to apicty for another temporaTy posted position; The new lassling has a higherwage rate,, The new pasting prcvides at least seven f7) hours more, scheduled wwk in ap lay Penod ,Any egnpleyee who fills a temporary position must be available tofill ttwe position far the required tirnee-, but will not suffer an° . lass of pfe- scheduled vacation or reasonable absent time - Article 26 Health and Safety UNIFOR and the County of Grey will continue to work ing.et:twr through the Joint Reafth and Saftty ConwrtMee lo, protect the health and salloty of all employees. The Health and Safety Podicy, the, Violenct- in the Workplace policy and procedures, and the Discrimination and Harassment Wicy and proceduires will be reviewed and posted annually - Mental Health The parlies, both agree that a psychologically healthy work emwironment is a, desirable oklective for both the employer and fts employees- The Union a:*naMedges t%at ft can play arde iii rewhiN this objecthre. The paries further aim nowledge that one, challenge is jde-Mif.ng psyc—ho-soaal hazards in the workplace that may cause or ocntlbute to mental health conciffions, and iooking for ways to efirrinals, or reduce these effects. The parties must be Agreed loftems - C-4ey Canty and UNIFOR-RT 2 MarW 6, '21017 HRR -CW -03-17 7 June 29, 2017 committed to a much greater awarenessofal health issues to ipfeak down barriers r those suffering - It rin - It. is important to raise awareness in is round mal health issues ensure managers and employees receiwe training on, , to recognizeapclential, health issue and haw to address the issue appropn3telyand professionally. RaisiN awaTenessand adequate training. seen as key step towards endingthe stgmas ' associated with, in from a mental illness and asating a safe and com fdnd1e work IN ace envir onm ent fw ever e - Understanding the above the, paries agreeto work togethef during the life of agreement in the, hopes of engaging managers and emplopeas on mental health issues, and t#ejr P f 1. place. LOU - Weekly Ire mini 7 Payment's Remove Letter of Understandirg and add wording to Article, 17.011 (d) as follows- Article, all Art.ii le, 17 Health & WelfareBenefits - Full'Time pl ee 17.01(4 i AWeekly—Indernnity Plarn far use after sevenconsecutive calendar days have been exhaust - E-mployert pay 10U% of mium cost. ADD ( ii in cases'where there, is a delay in weeMy indeffmity, psyrrents, selee, members of the Union Management Commifteeshall meet i iediately upon being notifies. The meeting shafi h Iled t 2nii 06rcurnstanoes around the delay and determ,ine if the -Employer, the Emplqvee cr the I_lni n are able to assist in anis fashion to avoid this delay ftilure d laySr The E-rnployeer is commifted to mntjnu�ngregular pays if this investigation showks the Employer is responsiblefor the d4ay. In cases payntents, aredelayed and the Employee i expedencing financial haardship, the E?nployeewfl he, permilfted to access earned but unused wac-ation days. Remm,e Leiser of Uryderstanding and incorporate wording inArlide 1 - Hours of Work. Agreed, lo ftErn°. ty° ard u AF HRR -CW -03-17 8 June 29, 2017 10-13 Full -ti rneernpiayees Mh at least five, years seniortly may choose, toreducetheir two wae* work schedule by efther me or %,Am shift. Such days shall exclude weekends. and be mutually agreed to bythe Errpioyee and the Employer. Full -ti nre employees hterested ins reduced wa* schedule should be aware of the fel 'n: 1. The en-ployee W1 be respcn-sibbe oar 10% of the insurance premiums if reduce by one,shift,, and 20% of the, insurance premium if they reduce, by bwo shifts. 2. The employee's sick trre wfl be pr -rat accoftling to the, time wuAed (10% if 1 shift, 29% if 2 shifts). a. The employeiels var-ation entitlernoent Will remain the sarroe, but d-ke-Jr pay dunng vacation it be geared tfeducedschedule. Example A 10 yeiv enFkyee worktig bur days W %,e4- MY be eftded to 4 weekz'vacabbn Their pay for, each week cf vacabon MN be 4 days' pey. 4. Cempiayee makes oice, this. cannot be reversed uritil the nee xt ye a r- 5- Em ployee a req ue stin g a, change (erth e r to reduced hours or b arc A to f u 11 - time hours), must, do so by signing a form wth their superwisor, no later than October 31, with their new schedule to be effeclive the fbHowing February I. Such a request will be accommodated -a �'e based on scheduling needs of the Hcmer, but shall not be unreasorkably de Wed- Shifts that become available cluetothe reduct"ans by full-time employees wi[] be offi-red to the available senicrr part-time employee. It, is understood that partAme employees. who, increase their hcuursto. f ulPijrrbe dueto extra available, hours, will not change their slatus ftm part-time tofull -time. 15- Ernploys who are rnembers of OMERS requestirg a change must sign the appropriate paperwork. FHurnan Resources for further informaticn. UMMINTENFURM ADD nt-w 14.08 14 -GO Giveaways E: s. whowish to use vacafion tinit-to, -Upw.away- shifts, shouldrimer to Aificie. 13-D& Agreed lo Hems - Gfey Canty sr d UNIFOR-RT 4 Mardi 6, '21017 HRR -CW -03-17 9 June 29, 2017 I LUO- Giveaways. Rernove LOU and incorpoTate, wording in Arbcde 13 - Paid Holidays as follovis, ADD w1_ 13.08 Giveaways 1.Employeesrn,3y"give.away'aschf-dulshift toanoth,,eremooyee,lout mLst. ufirize a vac arbon day or a saved stri day to do so- If an employee does not have any vacation enliflen-went remain ins gar does = . harty saw stats in d -heir bank, a gierrn4ted. 2. Employees must find their own rep4am with the understanding that It is not necessary to give shifts any based on senijonty- 3. Weekend giveaways arispermitted but only the shafted weekend varabon time mxjr laeused and such giveaways will be, deducted from the, annualweekends off (per AHicle, 1 0:02te)) 4, Giveawayswill nctbe pefnIfted dutirig the, last twowe4eks of'July, and theifirst two weeks of August 5. Emptoyees must receive app al from their.supervisw or designate, for all gho--aways- 7he Su `sof has, the right to appprove or deny the request based on the st3ffiN needs of the department It is also noted that dre may be, exceptions and such ex wOl be I. up to the diiscretcrt of b-H_Sou penneor. 7he parlies agree to meet quarterly lo discuss vwaten quotas in ihie HCn,-*.,. Both parties agree to partbip3te arid engage, in meaningful dwussiions in a good f aith rnanner- LOU - Job Security LOU - Call-inRrocedb,re LOU - Employee Call41 are NEW LOU - Missed Call -ins Remove Re =ve LOU and add wiwding to Article 1111re-Calkin Procedure, 10.04 Call -In Procedure ADD New 10-04 ff), The partes hereby agree 1hat if acd,I in to a part dn,-.ke or full time person is rot made, or not made in the correct order, the staff rren-kerwho should have received zha shift vaill be offered three available shifts over the neet four week period. Agreed 10 11F -ms - Grp' Ccully and UNIFOR-RT 5 MarcM 6, Z317 HRR -CW -03-17 10 June 29, 2017 The Emplcyef wit endex4rour to offer the, same shift, that was rrussed, and offer weekday for wvieekday and we-ekend for weekend - The En-pl' or may race be- exva on the said shift® If the empl fUses the shifts, te employer hasmet all obligations retatedto remuneraticn for missed calkns. I LOU - iso IIS- Workers, Renew LOU - Workplace Violence Renew LOU'- Paid Education Leave Renew LOU - Workload Remove Renxwe LOU and add wording to Arfide ZIB - Heath and Safety as New 26.12 ADD New 26-12 Woddoad ln te event the, Employer assigns a n of residents or a workload to an indiWic ual cw group of employees, suet lhat she or it-ey believe. they are being asked to perfonn mcre work- than is oonstgent 'with proper care, the mafter may be raised at Labour Management nx-e&Vs— LOU - New Graduate LOU - Compassion Fatigue NEW LOU - BSO Shift"s NEW Agreed and dated in Owen Sound this 6th day of March, 2D 17 Agreed, 10 nems - GTey Cmmtyand UNIFOR-57. 6, MEHIMSM HRR -CW -03-17 11 June 29, 2017 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN UNIFOR. and ih. LOCAL 302 - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF GREY, OPERATING AS GREY COUNTY HOMES FOR TIDE, ROCKYWOODTIE RRACE R E: B SO Sh ifts The rtes hefeby agree thal, when a temporary line is, posted t includes BSO shft, the 13SO shifts `II be removed from the line fur the dura on of the temporary line, and allocated af the disyetion of the, empfcW, to pfumide, consistency in tKs paskjon. This agreement sh remain in, efflect, until sLzh time tat additional can&dales are available with the, B30, qualificalion- The empioyef further agrees tt�, they *11 aclively sclicit volunteers to obtain the, requisite, B30 training so as to cleveilop a great dep1h of patential candidates. Agreed and signed this Gth day of March, 2017 at the CourAy of Grey FOR, THE UNION (UNIFORI FOR THE EMPLOYER. HRR -CW -03-17 12 June 29, 2017 LETTER, OF U N DER TA NDIN G ISMA COMPASSION FATIGUE Betweem- UNIFOR Local 302 And:: THE COUWY OF GREY (Opefating as ROCKWOOD TERRACE) Compassion Fatgwe- has been defined as a cornbinatman of physical, snmtonal, and spiritu,al deoetion associated mrith canng f residents" pabents in significant enmtional pain and physical, distress. To address this issLie, the parties agnse, to continue to pronx Me acutture of safety, personal wellness and self-care. The Employer may utflize, a variety of resources and specialists to educate and support stziff ;as necessary. 'The topic of Compassion FatjgLie shall be astanding item at all Labour Management meetings. UNIFOR and, d -Pe Coutity of Grey will work together to ensure Compassion fadgue, remains a pri Signed this ft day of March, 2017 at. the County of Grey, Ontario FOR UNIFOR Locad 302 FOR RjEKNIPLOYM HRR -CW -03-17 13 June 29, 2017 I0.0 Callf-in Prcmcedure 10 -Ka) AN oalkns wN be maxse using a senixity, based call-imlist. Wji A system of mt3tng,, descending order ME be aWed stating the perms *nmediatgy below the person on ti -Pe list to accept the, test call-ln sM. dad czdl-lnsnxvstbeacDep°tt*en,Iv' yee,. (d� Any person on the cm list whose aicceptartce would resift in overt me pay shall be by-passed untl ** enlire list its exhausted and no aher pe%7son isamadable. replaced whhm 2.4 hours. If a full shift beownes avagable, it will be f rst ofkqed In the senior person,working the haff shift (on the sarne sWkj_ If the person working the half shMr: acoepts the full shift, the call-in process shall be irimpiernefted to replace The haff shJt. If lbe half shft person reftses, the full sNft,,, the employee rext in order ofseni"k ailsoworkkV the, haff shift (on the samos, shifl) shag, be offered the full shift. If they refuse the full shift, the call-in proce<kire shall be iVerriented to replace the full sht. Step 2 ,all part -ti n-* staff Whose acoept3m* of dmt nssd'An auertime This, I M, wi be in descending order of sem` startrig after the last person who accepted, a cali-in sNft, Step 3 Call staff ce, the 'B" list, in cnkmT of seniority,'whose acceptanoe of the shift would not result in overtime pay and wodd nct result in changes, To liteir ular department schedule. who would be ih an mytime posibm and o5sr cverfi� to oower the shk step 5 SStarling Mh, tke rimst senior persan, on the "S' list, Call those Mo woUd be an ovimtime, positialffer oveitirr* to, cover the, shift Wyou have, corriphmed aH of the above, steps and, the sJWh is deemed necessary to be co vered fife. a itiiq, ht s N ft), please, pro ceed to " C Step 61 Starting the most senior person Nikim, e, willing to take cal -ins anch,cr pt-arfirr*1, cal ftse who woWd be in an amerdme, pDsbon and ofer veertme to covef the shift aoj offiW to replace their regularly sdx-dL&ed shifts. UALAE Datzo HRR -CW -03-17 14 June 29, 2017 Collective Agreement between Ontario Public Service Employees Union on behalf of its Local 132 and Chatham -Kent Health Alliance (Paramed) DURATION: April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2019 I11n,.,5EFP0 OPSEU Health Alliance Sector 10 1-132-5465-20190331-10 This is the Central language. These provisions, together with the language negotiated by the parties at the local hospital level, comprise the Collective Agreement. Unless otherwise identified, these are mandatory provisions which must be found in all Participating Hospitals Central agreements. Where the Central parties have allowed the continuation of Local provisions that are Central issues, these provisions must be continued as "status quo" (unchangeable) or, if the parties agree, they delete and adopt the Central language. Local provision(s) that existed in the Hospitals expiring Collective Agreement will be continued in the Local Provisions Appendix. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLE 1 — PURPOSE...........................................................................................................1 ARTICLE2 — DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................1 ARTICLE 3 — NO DISCRIMINATION OR HARASSMENT........................................................2 ARTICLE 4 — NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT.................................................................................3 ARTICLE 5 — UNION SECURITY (Dues Deduction).................................................................3 ARTICLE 6 — REPRESENTATION AND COMMITTEES..........................................................4 6.01 Union Stewards...................................................................................................4 6.02 Grievance Committee.........................................................................................4 6.03 (a) Labour -Management Committee...................................................................4 (b) Part -Time Utilization Information....................................................................5 6.04 (a) Negotiating Committee..................................................................................5 (b) Pay for Central Negotiating Committee..........................................................5 6.05 List of Union Representatives.............................................................................6 6.06 New Employee Interview.....................................................................................6 6.07 Workload.............................................................................................................6 6.08 Professional Responsibility.................................................................................6 ARTICLE 7 — HEALTH AND SAFETY.......................................................................................7 7.07 Joint Health and Safety Committee.....................................................................8 7.08 Hepatitis B Vaccine...........................................................................................10 7.09 Influenza Vaccine..............................................................................................11 7.10 Pandemic Planning...........................................................................................11 ARTICLE 8 — GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURE............................................12 8.04 Policy Grievance...............................................................................................14 8.05 Group Grievance...............................................................................................14 8.06 Discharge Grievance.........................................................................................14 ARTICLE 9 — LETTERS OF REPRIMAND AND ACCESS TO FILES.....................................17 ARTICLE 10 — SENIORITY AND SERVICE............................................................................17 10.01 Probationary Period..........................................................................................17 10.02 Seniority List.....................................................................................................17 10.03 Seniority Accumulation......................................................................................18 10.04 Transfer of Seniority..........................................................................................19 10.05 Effect of Absence..............................................................................................19 10.06 Application of Seniority on Layoff and Recall....................................................20 10.07 Layoff and Recall Rights...................................................................................20 10.08 Retention & Accumulation of Seniority on Transfer Outside Bargaining Unit ..... 20 10.09 Loss of Service and Seniority............................................................................21 ARTICLE 11 — LAYOFF AND RECALL...................................................................................22 11.02 Short Term Layoff (not greater than 13 weeks).................................................22 11.03 Long Term Layoff (greater than 13 weeks).......................................................23 11.09 Recall................................................................................................................28 ARTICLE 12 — TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE..........................................................................30 ARTICLE 13 - JOB POSTING, PROMOTION AND TRANSFER............................................31 ARTICLE 14 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE..................................................................................34 14.01 Personal Leave.................................................................................................34 14.02 Union Business Leave.....................:................................................................34 14.03 Bereavement Leave..........................................................................................35 14.04 Jury and Witness Duty......................................................................................36 14.05 (a) Pregnancy Leave........................................................................................37 (b) Parental Leave............................................................................................38 14.06 Education Leave...............................................................................................40 14.07 Professional College Leave...............................................................................40 14.08 Military Leave....................................................................................................40 ARTICLE 15 - SICK LEAVE AND LONG-TERM DISABILITY.................................................41 ARTICLE 16 - HOURS OF WORK & OVERTIME..................................................................43 16.01 Work Week and Work Day................................................................................43 16.02 Rest Periods.....................................................................................................44 16.03 Overtime Definition............................................................................................44 16.04 Overtime/Call Back Accumulation.....................................................................44 16.05 Missed Meal Breaks..........................................................................................45 ARTICLE 17 - PREMIUM PAYMENTS AND TRANSPORTATION/MEAL ALLOWANCE ....... 45 17.01 Standby.............................................................................................................45 17.02 Telephone Consultation....................................................................................46 17.03 Call Back...........................................................................................................46 17.04 Shift Premium...................................................................................................47 17.05 Weekend Premium............................................................................................47 17.06 Meal Allowance.................................................................................................48 17.07 Transportation Allowance..................................................................................48 17.08 Responsibility Pay.............................................................................................48 17.09 Time Off Between Shifts....................................................................................49 17.10 Change of Schedule..........................................................................................49 17.11 No Pyramiding..................................................................................................49 ARTICLE 18 - PAID HOLIDAYS.............................................................................................50 ARTICLE 19 -VACATION ......................................................................................................51 ARTICLE 20 - HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFITS.............................................................53 (a) Semi -Private Hospital Insurance.................................................................54 (b) Extended Health Care.................................................................................54 (c) Dental.........................................................................................................54 (d) Group Life Insurance..................................................................................55 (e) Same Sex Partner Coverage......................................................................55 20.02 Change of Carrier..............................................................................................55 20.03 Pension.............................................................................................................55 20.04 Divisible Surplus................................................................................................55 20.05 Part -Time Benefits............................................................................................56 20.06 Benefits on Lay-off............................................................................................56 20.07 Benefits on Sick Leave......................................................................................56 20.09 Benefits Information..........................................................................................57 20.10 Benefits Age 65 and Older................................................................................57 ARTICLE 21 — MODIFIED WORK...........................................................................................57 ARTICLE 22 — CONTRACTING OUT......................................................................................58 ARTICLE 23 — WORK OF THE BARGAINING UNIT...............................................................58 ARTICLE 24 — CONTINUING EDUCATION............................................................................58 ARTICLE 25 — COMPENSATION...........................................................................................59 ARTICLE 26 — SUPERIOR BENEFITS...................................................................................62 ARTICLE 27 — MULTI -SITE ISSUES......................................................................................64 ARTICLE 28 — JOB REGISTRY..............................................................................................64 ARTICLE 29 — MODEL SCHEDULING AGREEMENTS AND PRE -PAID LEAVE...................66 29.01 Extended Tours.................................................................................................66 29.02 Innovative/Flexible Scheduling..........................................................................69 29.03 Job Sharing Arrangements................................................................................71 29.04 Pre -Paid Leave.................................................................................................73 ARTICLE 30 — EMERGENCY SITUATIONS — LOCAL CONSULTATION...............................76 ARTICLE 31 — COST OF PRINTING......................................................................................76 ARTICLE 32 — DURATION AND RENEWAL...........................................................................77 ARTICLE 33 — RETROACTIVITY OF WAGES........................................................................78 OPSEU CENTRAL WAGE RATES.........................................................................................79 Letter of Understanding #1......................................................................................................85 Letter of Understanding#2......................................................................................................86 Letter of Understanding#3......................................................................................................89 Letter of Understanding#4......................................................................................................90 APPENDIX "A" - Workload Alert Notification...........................................................................91 APPENDIX "B" — Participating Hospitals.................................................................................93 APPENDIX "C" — Local Provisions.......................................................................................97 Local Provisions Article 1 — Scope and Recognition................................................................97 Local Provisions Article 2 — Management Rights.....................................................................97 Local Provisions Article 3 - Definitions.....................................................................................98 Local Provisions Article 4 — Representation and Committees..................................................99 Local Provisions Article 5 — Seniority...............................................................................100 Local Provisions Article 6 — Leaves of Absence....................................................................100 Local Provisions Article 7 — Sick Leave and Long -Term Disability.........................................100 Local Provisions Article 8 — Hours of Work and Overtime .....................................................102 Local Provisions Article 9 — Premium Payments and Transportation/Meal Allowance ........... 111 Local Provisions Article 10 — Paid Holidays...........................................................................114 Local Provisions Article 11 — Vacations.................................................................................115 Local Provisions Article 12 — Local Wage Rates...................................................................117 Local Provisions Article 13 - Uniform................................................................................119 Local Provisions Article 14 - Attendance Support Program ............................................119 Local Provisions Article 15 - Safety Engineered Sharps .................................................119 Letter of Understanding #1....................................................................................................118 Letter of Understanding#2....................................................................................................119 Letterof Understanding#3.................................................................................................121 ARTICLE 1 - PURPOSE 1.01 The general purpose of this Agreement is to establish and maintain collective bargaining relations between the Hospital and the employees covered by this Agreement; to provide for on-going means of communication between the Union and the Hospital and the prompt disposition of grievances and the final settlement of disputes and to establish and maintain mutually satisfactory salaries, hours of work and other conditions of employment in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. It is recognized that employees wish to work together with the Hospital to secure the best possible care and health protection for patients. ARTICLE 2 - DEFINITIONS 2.01 Whenever the feminine pronoun is used in this Agreement, it includes the masculine pronoun and vice versa where the context so requires. Where the singular is used, it may also be deemed to mean plural and vice versa. Full-time, Regular Part -Time, Casual Part -Time and Temporary Employees All pre-existing definitions concerning full-time, regular part-time, casual part-time or temporary employees that appear in a Local Collective Agreement, shall be maintained but not altered, unless the local parties agree to delete the language and move to the Central language: 2.02 A full-time employee is an employee who is regularly scheduled to work the normal full-time hours referred to in Article 16. 2.03 A regular part-time employee is an employee who regularly works less than the normal weekly full-time hours referred to in Article 16 and who commits to be available for work on a regular predetermined basis. 2.04 A casual part-time employee is an employee who is not regularly scheduled and who does not commit to be available for work on a regular predetermined basis. The parties agree the matter of ensuring that casual employees can be scheduled so that they maintain competency may be raised during local bargaining. 2.05 A temporary employee is an employee defined in accordance with Article 13.01. (NOTE: Any other provision(s) related to central definitions that existed in the expiring Collective Agreement will be continued and numbered in sequence as provisions of this Article.) (NOTE: Any other provision(s) related to local definitions that existed in the expiring Collective Agreement will be continued in the Local Provisions Appendix.) ARTICLE 3 - NO DISCRIMINATION OR HARASSMENT (The following provisions will appear in all collective agreements replacing any provisions related to No Discrimination or Harassment that existed in the Hospital's collective agreement expiring 2016) The parties agree that a safe workplace, free of violence and harassment, is a fundamental principle of a healthy workplace. Commitment to a healthy workplace requires a high degree of cooperation between members of the healthcare community. Employees are empowered to report incidents of disruptive behaviour or domestic violence without fear of retaliation. The parties are committed to a harassment and violence free workplace and recognize the importance of addressing discrimination and harassment issues in a timely and effective manner. 3.01 The Hospital and the Union agree that there will be no discrimination, interference, intimidation, restriction or coercion exercised or practiced by any of their representatives with respect to any employee because of her membership or non- membership in the Union or activity or lack of activity on behalf of the Union or by reason of exercising her rights under the Collective Agreement. 3.02 It is agreed that there will be no discrimination or harassment by either party or by any of the employees covered by this Agreement on the basis of race, ancestry, place of origin, creed, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, same- sex partnership status, family status or disability or any other factor which is not pertinent to the employment relationship. 3.03 Every employee who is covered by this agreement has a right to freedom from harassment in the workplace in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. 2 3.04 The Hospital and the Union recognize their joint duty to appropriately accommodate employees in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code. The parties agree that the goal is, where possible, to return the employee to full, active duty in the workplace through a safe and expedient process. ARTICLE 4 — NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT 4.01 The Union agrees there shall be no strikes and the Hospital agrees there shall be no lockouts so long as this Agreement continues to operate. The terms "strike" and "lockout" shall bear the meaning given them in the Ontario Labour Relations Act. ARTICLE 5 — UNION SECURITY (Dues Deduction) (The following clause will appear in all collective agreements replacing any provision related to dues deduction that existed in the Hospital's collective agreement expiring 2016.) 5.01 (a) The Employer shall deduct from employees in the bargaining unit in each pay period, and from the first day of employment for newly hired employees, an amount equivalent to such union dues as designated by the Union from time to time. In addition, the Employer shall deduct union dues from any retroactive wage payments. (b) The Employer shall remit the total amount of such deductions to the OPSEU Accounting Department, 100 Lesmill Road, Toronto, Ontario not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of each month following the month in which deductions were made. The remittance shall be accompanied by a list of the employees from whom deductions were made, including their job title and status (i.e. full-time, regular part-time, casual, or on leave of absence greater than thirty (30) days). A copy of the list shall be forwarded to the Local Union. 5.02 The Union agrees to save the Employer harmless and to indemnify the Employer with respect to any claim made against the Employer by any employee or group of employees arising out of the deduction of Union dues as herein provided. 3 ARTICLE 6 - REPRESENTATION AND COMMITTEES 6.01 Union Stewards The Hospital agrees to recognize union stewards to be elected or appointed from amongst employees in the bargaining unit for the purpose of handling grievances as provided under this Collective Agreement. Union stewards have their regular duties and responsibilities to perform for the hospital and shall not leave their regular duties without first obtaining permission from their immediate supervisor. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. If, in the performance of her grievance duties, a union steward is required to enter an area within the Hospital in which she is not ordinarily employed, she shall report her presence to the supervisor in the area immediately upon entering it. When resuming her regular duties and responsibilities, such steward shall again report to her immediate supervisor. A union steward shall suffer no loss of earnings for time spent in performing the above duties during her regular scheduled working hours. The number of stewards and the areas which they represent, are to be determined locally and will be set out in the Local Provisions Appendix. 6.02 Grievance Committee The Hospital will recognize a grievance committee comprising of members to be elected or appointed from the bargaining unit. One member shall be chairman. The purpose of the committee is to deal with grievances as set out in this Collective Agreement. The number of employees on the grievance committee shall be determined locally and shall be set in the Local Provisions Appendix. 6.03 (a) Labour -Management Committee The parties mutually agree that there are matters that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour -Management Committee Meeting during the term of this Agreement. The Committee shall be comprised of an equal number of representatives of each party as mutually agreed and shall meet at a time and place that is mutually satisfactory. The Committee shall meet once every two (2) months, unless agreed otherwise. A request for a meeting hereunder will be made in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date proposed and accompanied by an agenda of matters proposed to be discussed. Where a Hospital has two or more agreements with OPSEU, then a joint committee shall 4