HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcIntosh Group 09-07-21
JUL-23-2009 16:35 From:RWBH
21 Jul 2009 18:01
To: 9055252377
(the "Union,l)
- MJ!) -
(the " Employer 'I )
OCTOBER e. 2003 eRE WA~E RATE) - OPSEU FI~S NO. 03-~31-1l9
R.obe:r;,t D. Howe i Cha ir
Pamela Munt-Nadill, Union Nominee
Donald Batee, Employer Nominee
For the Union
F'O:J::' the Employer
Richard A. Blair, Counsel
Stephen Wallis
Cinc::l:Y MaCKinnon
Robert E. Salisbury, Counsel
Rod ,.'car,rol. J
Annette Harrington
A hea:ring in the abov~ mat.terwaQ h~ld itJ. Guelph, Ontario,
on February G, February 20, April .30, and U'Ur.~ 19, 2009.
JUL-23-2009 16:36 From:RWBH
21 ~ul 2008 18:01
As indicated in our awa~d dated JUly 31, 2006, nine
individual grievances filAo du~ing October of 2003 h~ve been
refexX'ed to thia Board of Arbitration (the "Board'l) I each
~c:mtaining the following II st:atement of g1:'ievano.e":
I grieve that I have been improperly placed On the Wage
G~id according to the Pyle Claaa Standard~.
The essence of each of those grievances is that the
Employer (also referred to in this awar.d aB the I'Hospitalll)
is violating the collective agreement by paying the g~ievorD
at the rate of a General Dut.y Tecl:nologist (also referred to
as "Registered '1'echnolcgi at II). rather than the Senic:!:'
Technologist rate.
On the first d~y of hearing (June 27t 2005), the
parties agreed t.o p~oceed initi~lly with the grievanoe of Ruth
Brooks, and to have the other eight g~1evanees held in
abeyance pending the issuance ot an award r~garding that
grievance. Although there waano agreement that Mg. Brooks'
gx-ievance would be t.reated as representacive of any of the
other eight grievances. it was hoped tha.t the awa.rd would be
of some asaistance in resolving those grievancea. Following
the issuance of that award, all of t.he remaining grievances
were resolved with the exception of tht;) grievance Of Cindy
MacKinnon (the "grievor"), whose grievance was scheduled for
hearing at th~ request of the Union,
Union counsel contends that the grievor is entitled
to be paid at the Senior Technologist rate on the basis of
JUL-23-2009 16:36 From:RWBH
21 Jul 2009 18:01
To: 9055252377
estoppel and also on che basis oe the work which sh~ performs.
Employer counsel :Jubmitted thQt the estoppel a:J:'gument is
beyond ~h~ scope of the gri@vance. Howev~r, we are oatisfied
that both of t.l1e alt..eL"native bases upon which Unio!: counsel
relies fall within the scope of the grievance. It is well
established in the arbitral ju~i8prudence that grievances are
not to be given a narrow, overly t.echnioal 1nteL~r~tation.
Estoppel is merely an alternative legal theory upon which the
Union relies in support. of its content.ioI1 that the griever
should be receiving the Senior TechnologiSt. rate ;cather t:hao
the Registered Technologist rate; AS noted above, chat is the
essence of t.he grievance. Moreover, the argument has clearly
not taken Employer couneel by surprise. In hie opening
statement regarding Me. MacKinnon'~ grievance, uniOn ~ounsel
indicated that in June of 2003, after raising aome workload
issues associated with her Charge Technologist position,
the grievor moved into solely echoca:t;diog;r;aphy "on the
underetand1r~ that she would be in receipt of the Senior
Technologist rate". Extensive evidence cQnce~Ding the
discussions which gave rise to that understanding was adduced
by both the Union and the Employer during the course of the
hearing, and both Union couns&l and Employe~ counsel made full
submissions on the merits of the estoppel issue during the
course of final argumenc.
Por the reasons set forth below, we have concluded
tOi;J,t the grievor is entitled to be paid Q,t the Senior
Technologist rate on the basis of estoppel. In view of that
JUL-23-2009 16:36 From:RWBH
21 Jul 2009 18:01
To: 9055252377
concluaion, it is neither neceeeary to detail the evidence
concerning the work which ahe has been performing since June
of 20Q3, nor to determine whether or not the performtu~ce of
that work provides an alternative baais tor her entitlem~lt to
that rate.
In making the findings ~nd reach1l~ the conclueiona
set forth is this award, we have duly eonsidered all of the
relevant oral and documentary evidence, the sUbmissions
of counsel, and the usual factors germane to ass~ssing
evident,i.a,ry credibility and reliability, including th&
firmness a.nd clarity of th(! Witnesses' reelpcc:tive m(':':mories,
their ability to resist the inf:uence of ee1f.-interest when
giving their version of evente, the internal and e~ternal
consistency of their evidence, and their demeanour ~hile
testifying- We have alao ~6sessed what 1s mO$t probable in
the circumstances of the case, and con9idered 1:.he inferences
which may reasonably be drawn from the totality of the
The grievor commenced employment with the Bospital in
1980 as a, General Duty Technologist, a.nd became a Clil":Iical
In~tructor in 1990_ She remained in the latter position until
2001, when she became a Charge Technologist in the Ultrasound
Department, which at that time ~ncompasBed eChocardiography.
In May of 2003, ohe approach~d Linda Fox, who at that time
was the Manager of the Hospital'S D.:iegnostic: Imaging
Department, to advise her that she was finding the duties
and responsibilities of t.hi:lt. Position to bE:: unduly onerous.
JUL-23-2009 16:37 From:RWBH
21 J~l 200S IS:01
To: 9055252377
In addition to doing echocardiogr.ams all day long {w~ich Me.
MacKinnon oonaidered to be a full-time job in and of itself),
the grievor was required to be llon..calll! on some nights and
weekends, and wal'3 aleo re:aponsible for performing the
scheduling and other administrative dLtties required of a
Charge Technologist. She was feeling very I:tred and knew tha,t
she was lIburned out". She emotiOl'l.ally told Ms. FOx. that: therc
was just too much work for one: person, and that it was
starting to take a toli on her. MS. Fox was aware that the
grievor had been experie~cing personal problems, and waa
concerned that she might be on the verge of resigning from her
employment with the Hoapital.She did not want to )ns~ ~he
grievor as an employee, as che grievor was a valued
long-service employee whose eOhocardiography skills and
experienoe would be very d~fficult to replace. Moreover, Ms.
Fox \'Iaa sympathetic to t.he griellor's situation. Consequently,
she indicated that she would try to find a solution that would
address the problems the grievor w~s having.
During subsequent d1ac~ssions, Ms. Fox indicated that
if the grievor resigned from her charge TAc::hnp1.ogist position,
she could be placed in a position in which ahe would only have
to perform echooardiograms and would no longer have: to be
"on-call" nor perfo:r.m the administrative duties of a Charge:
Technologist. Although~. Foxhaa no recol:ection of
di.scussing rates or pay with the.9rievor. we a.ccept the
grievo~'s evidence that during the cou~so of those discussions
MS. FOX indic<ltcd that ahe could. offer her a position tha.t was
JUL-23-2009 16:37 From:RWBH
21 Jul 2008 18:02
To: 9055252377
one step down from a charge Tec:b.nologist poaj..tion with a minor
x:educt:ion in pay; although the p:t'eciEle amount of the pay
differential was not specified, Me. Fox mentioned a numbe~ of
relativeJy small amounts ranging f~om ten to ninety Cl;i!l1ts per
On ~he basis of t~e information provided by Ms. Fox
during those dieou~BionB, and with the encouragement of Ms.
Fox, the griever provided her with the following letter of:
resignation from the Charge Technologist position:
May 20r 2001
Linda Fox
Manager of DiagnoSCio Imaging
Guelph General Hospital
Dear Linda,
I am writing thia letter to inform you that I have
decided to step down f~om tb~ Char9~ ~echnologist
pOBi.t.ic:m in Ultrasound. This :ras been a very difficult
decision .fCl,r:' me; however, I feel it is the righL one a.t::
this time.
The demands of the Charge TeChnologists [sic) position,
full-time gchocardiog:r:aphy as welJ. as being available
for call-ins in general ultraeound combin~d with the
demands of family life have p:roven to be toe much for
me a.t: this time.
I would like to take this oppo~tUnity to thank ~oth you
and Andre for all your support during the Lime that I
held this position.
"Cindy MacKinnonn
When the Cha~ge Technologist position from which she
had ~eeigned wa~ posted, Mark Lavello, who was a Register~d
Technologiet, applied for the position and was awar.d~d it.
The position which Mr. Lavello vacat,ed was posted on June 11,
JUL-23-2009 16:37 From:RWBH 4163409250
21 Jul 2009 lS:02 R. HOWE & L. HUTCHISON
To: 9055252377
2003, through a posting which described the position as
Regist~r$d Ultrasound Technologiet -
Diagnostic Imaging
cur~ent shifts: primarily Days, Monday to Friday
Must be available f~r On-Call
QualificationB: -Current A.R.D.M.S. Cert1.ftcation
-Cu!.':r;:-ent Membership ill the C. S 1:J. M. 8.
-Small parte, General, Abdominal,
Obe~etrical experience essential
-Excellent. int.erpersonal and
cornntunicati.ons skills
The grievor did not see that posting, nor would it
have been of any assistance to h~r if ahe had seen it hecause,
as acknowledged by Ms. Fox (in cross-examination), that was
not the position which she offered to the grievor. The
position which the gr.i.E:!vor, on the recommendation of Ms. F03t,
telephoned the Hospital's HumaIl Resources Department to accept
was not a Registered T~chnologist position perforroi~9 general
ultrasounde and reC!lliring "0n-CalP availability, bl..:.t rather a.
specialized poeition, one step down from cha~ge Technologtst,
performing only echocardiog:rams, wit:h no liOn-Call"
The position ~hi.::h t:.h<:: grievor occupied following h-::,C
resignation from the Charge Technologist position was exactly
as the grievor had expected it to be on the basis of her
discussions with Ms. ~ox except with respeot to r.emuneration.
As a Charge ftechnologist, the grievor had been earning $30.66
per hour, in accordance with the applicable wage grid in the
JUL-23-2009 16:38 From:RW8H
21 Jul 200S 18.03
To: 9055252377
col1~ctive agreement. Under th~t wage grid, the hourly rate
(at that time) opecifil2!d for Ser..ior Technologists was $29.01,
with the rattl=l for.' Registered 'l'eclmologists J::>eing $2'7.3'7. When
the ~rievor received her first paycheque in her new position,
She was highly dismayed to disoovtlilr that she was being ptlid at
the Regil!ltered 'I'ec.:hnolog:l.~t I s T.at~, which was $3.29 less per
hour than she had previously been earning. Although Ms. F~
was unable to recall it, we accept the grievor's evidence that
when ghe approached Ms. Fox to exp~ess her concern about the
new job's hourly rate being substantially les~ than what she
h~d expected, Ms. Fox indioat~d that auman Resources had made
a. mistake and that ahe would C'ontact Annette Harr.ington (the
Hospital'a Manager of Hu~an Reso\J~cea) to get to the bottom or
it. However. after speaking with Ms. H~rringt~n, Ms. Fo~ told
the grievor that she would have to discuss the matt~r directly
with Human Resources. . When the grievor did so, Ms. H~r~ington
told her that she Should have been in touch with Human
ReaOl.lrCeS herself, that they wer~ not reopoosible if Me. Fox
had made a mistake, and that the wage rate stood_ Ms.
Harrington also advised the grievor that it was not POSsible
fo:!:' her. to ret.urn to her to:t:'Tl1er pC:$iLlon of Charge.
In describing her reaction t,o the aittJ~.tion, the
9rievo~ testified:
I was extremely upset. This;is not what Linda Fox and
I had ~9'reed on. Ha.d Lind.a a6..id to me' I'the only thing
1: can offer you is a Gene.ral Duty Teohnologistll, J:
would not have taken that pc~;ition. I wO"..lld have
stayed where I was.
JUL-23-2009 16:38 From:RWBH 4163409250
21 Jul 2008 19:0a R. HOWE ~ L. HUTCHISON
To: 9055252377
The grievor1s evidence in that regard is confi~ad by
the fact that despite her serious uoncerns about the toll
which the workload of the Charge Technologist position had
been taking on he:;r:: he<:tlth and well-being, she nevertheles8
attempted to return to that position by filing a grievan~e
~fter disoovering that her level of remunarution In her new
position was not going to be what she had been led to believe.
When that grievance did not n~at with SUCGeSS because the
position had alrl!'lady been filled, ahe f1.led the grievance to
which this award pertains.
Th~ classic statement of the doctrine of estoppel is
found in Combe v. Combe, [1951J All E,R. 767 (C.A.), in which
Denning L.J. described it as follows (at page 770) :
The principle, as I under13tand it, is that where one
party has, by his words or conduct, mad~ to the othor
a promise or assuranc~ which was intended to affect
the legal rclat ions between t.hem and to be acted on
accordingly, then, once the other party has taken him
at hie wc:rd and acted on it. the one wno gave tlle
p~omise or aasuranoe oannot afterwards be allowed to
revert to the previous legal relations as if no sl,l,ch
promise or assurance had bee::1 made by hi.m, but he
must accept their legal relations subject to the
qualificat.ion which he hirnself.sdintroduced, ~ven
though it is not aupported in pofnt of law by any
conaideration, but only by his word,
It is now well-established cbat arbitrators have
juriadiction to ~pply that doctrine in appropriate
circumstanoes. Moreover, as submitted by Union cO'Jnsel and
acknowledged by E:mployel::" counsel, in the context of a
colleotive agreement it is not a principle whic;,'h operates only
as between a union and an employ~r; an individual grievor
includeo in a bargaining unit cov~red by a collective
JUL-23-2009 16:39 From:RWBH
21 Jul 2009 18:03
To: 9055252377
agreement may be able to eetablieh and rely upon estoppel in
appropriate circumstanoes. Sesl for example, RG Kingston
Regional An1bllJ ance Servioe and O. P.S.E. U., Lac;: 462 (Kane)
(2001), 9a L.A.C. (4th) 70 (Ver1tY)j Re Grey Bruae Rsgional
Health Centre and O.P.S.B.U.. Loc 235 (1993) u.A.C. (4th) 136
(McLaren), applicat,10n for judicial re'V'i~w di.smisl3ed by the
Divisional Court on Mi'lrch ~.4, 1996 (Court File: I\lo, 42$/95) i
oRe ,Pa.cific ,Press Ltd. and Newspaper Guild, Loc. IlS (1987),
31 L.A.C. (3d; 411 (Munroe); and Ontario Public Service
Employees Union v. Ontario tM.7.n:i8t.ry of Community and Social
Servioes (1995), 27 O.R. (3d) 135 (Dlv. Ct.).
As noted by Employer counsel, ar.bitracora must be
cautious in applying ehe d.octrine of e~toppel in the context
of individual employees, leat t.he Union1fll status as exclusive
bargaining agent be placed in jeopardy. However, no such
concern arises in the circumstancea of the instant case, as
the grievor's claim has been embraced by the Union, waiving
any potential collision with its status as exclusive
bargaining agent (and also j.mplicitly waiving any potential
inconsistency with the rights ofoth$r bargaining u,nit
employees) .
Counsel for the Employeraubridtted t.hat estoppel does
not apply in the c:!irc'Umstances of. thil3 case because it has not
been established th~t Ms. ~ox made a clear and unambiguous
representation to the grievor regarding what her new
claeaeification or rate of pay would be. However # as indioated
above} although Ms. FOA did not apeoify precisely what the pay
JUL-23-2009 16:39 From:RWBH
21 Jul 200$ 18.04
, -. -------
To: 9055252377
di..tterential would be, she did indicate that it. wc:mld be a
mino~ reduction in pay ~nd ntentiQned a number of relotively
small amounts. ranging from ten to ninety cents per hour.
Moreover, she told the grievor. that she could offer her u
position that wae one ete~ down from a Charge Technologist
position. Under. the applicable oollective agreement, the
position that is one step down from Char.ge Technologist is
Senior Technolog:i,at which, ~t that time, had an hourly rate of
$29.0l. Although the $1.65 differontial. between that rate a:nd
the grievoX:-le Charge 'l'echnologiet rate of $30.66 is Bomewhat
larger than any of the amount a which Ms. Fox mentioned during
the course of the discussions which led to the grievor'a
resignation f:r;om the higher rated. pOFlit.:i..C>I"J., it is
substantially leas than the $3.29 differential Which the
grievor actually experienced as a.. result of being paid at the
Registered Technologist rate.
Having ~egar.d to the whole of the testimony of
the grievor and Me. Fox, and to all of the Bu:cX'o1.lndins
ciroumstances, we are satisfied on the balance of
prohabilit1es that Ms. FOX I in her oapa~ity as Manager of
the Diagnostic Imaging Department, made a representation to
the griever on behalf of the Eoopital that, if the grievor
resigned from her Charge Technologiat pocition, she would be
placed in a position that was one step down, with a minor
reduction in pay, perfo~ming oIuyechocardiograms with no
tfon-callll responsibility nor anyresponsihili.t.y for performing
the administrative duties of a Charge Technologist. ~he
JUL-23-2009 16:39 From:RWBH
21 Jul 2009 18:04
To: 9055252377
grievor relied upon that representation to her detriment by
resigning f~om her Charge Technologist posi~ion and acceptin~
a position which she, not mlreasonably, oalieved to be the
position that Me. Fox had offered her. When she discovered to
her dismay th~t. hel: rE:Ytlumeration 'lJias substantially leEle than
what Ms. Fox had led her to believe it would be because her
new position wa~ classified two steps rather than just one
step down from her former positlorl, she actempteu to return to
he= former position but w~s unabl~ to 00 so b~cau~e it had
already been filled. ~hus, the facts of this case fall
~quarely within the doctrine of ~stoppol a~ described above.
Pe~mi tt:i,ng t.he Hoapi ta.l to succeed in resiling from that
representation would be manifeetly unfair and inequitable in
the circumst.ances o( this case, in which there a.re no labour
relations policy considerations which render it inappropr.i.aLe
to apply the doctrine of estoppel to remedy the injuEltice that
has occurred.
For the foregoing reasons, the grievance if) hereby
allowed on. t;he baSis cf estoppel. and the Employer HI nereby
directed to pay the grievor at the senior Technologist rater
with retroactivity and interest, asrequ~sted by Union counsel
on behalf of the griever.
We remain sAised for the purpose of resolving any
disputes which may arise concerning the implementation of this
JUL-23-2009 16:40 From:RWBH
21 Jul 200S 18:04
To: 9055252377
DATED at Burlington; Ontario, th~$ 21st day of ~uly_ 2009.
Robert D. Howe
I concur_
"Pamela Ml~nt-Mad.illU --do
UniO::l Nowd.nee
11" 113
To: 9055252377
JUL-23-2009 15:40 From:RWBH
21 Jul eoos 18;U4
Unfortuna1ely, I must di$8gree with my colleagues in their decision to
detemiine this case on the basis of the Union's estoppel argument.
WhDe I respect 1he Arbitrator's jurisdiction to do $0. I disagree In the
circumstances, to broaden the $COpe of the grlev8~. On the first day of hearing
JLD1e 27,2005, Union President Stephen Wallie testified that he crafted the nine
grievances: the i8.&ue in each was job oJassHication. In so determining this case,
the majority are relying on ihe evidence giving rise to an earlier grievanCE!
(July, 2003) which was not pursUed by the Union. To do SO is to permit the Union
to resurrect its earlier grievance. In these circumstances, It Is my respectful
opinion that this case ought 10 have been determined on the basis of the job
classification issue.
This notwithstanding, I am unable to conclude that the essential elements
of estoppel have been established. The specifiC job classificatic;m rates of pay are
negotiated between the parties and set ou1 in the Collective Agreement. Ms.
MacKinnon was aware she was applying to a General Duty Technologist position.
Ms. Fox was adamant that she not only did not discuss rates of pay with Ms.
MacKinnon but she had no authority to set rat~ of pay save starting rates for
students. Realis1ically, it is difficult to understand how anything of the sort as
described by Ms. MacKinnon might occur and not be detected by payroll
administrators or in a random audit as it was In, tnts case. For these reasons and
on balance, I Pf8f~d the evidence of Ms. Fox.
To: 9055252377
JUL-23-2009 15:40 From:RWBH
~1 Jul cOOS 18;05
_-1.. __.
On the other hand. Ms. MacKinnon \Nag unabte to Identify a clear and
unequiVocal representation. In faet, she didn't help herself, in my opinion by
continuing to embellish the details of her conv$f88tions With Ms. Fox through
CfO$$-e)(amlnation. It Is trite to say her evidence satisfied self interest. It puzzles
me how Ms. MacKinnon would expect to be paid a higher rate than the
corresponding rate of the position she posted to.
My I_t OClmment Is for all HO$pital front line supervisors and management
personnel. Labour arbitration is costly and time consuming. Collective Agreement
administration Is best reserved for members of the Human Resources
department lest situations such as this may be repeated. This is not to be critical
of Ms. Fox who In my opinion Intended on accommodating Ms. MacKinnon's
request in accordance with the job vacancy and PQ:sting proVisions of the
Collective Agreement
All of which i9 respectfully submitted.
Don Batea
Employer Nominee