HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinnegan/Hunka 02-02-05 i-<,\, "';,. ~.~, , {:6 > %/~ c. IN THE MAlTER OF A V't'ORKl.OAO HESOLUTION ARBITRATION BEl'N~t~:H: AtGONQUIN COLLEGE . Th>1 Employer .!'Ind. ONTAHlO PUBLiO SERVICE EMPLOYEES UNION . tho UnIon AND IN rilE MATTER OF Tti~ WORKLOAD COMPLAINTS OF MARLAfNE FINNEGAN ANO MAUREEN HUNKA OElFORt: ~ K!lth:Oiiln 0, O'Neil, \\'6O;Joa{l ResOl4ti<m ArullmlQr A~PEARANCr:.S: For 1M U{tj):IfI: Murl;;ilnl'l Flnn1!gan MaUfaOfl Hl.lnkll rafll~k Kel~ncdy B~r!>lJrn Foulds ChrlslOpher W~lhunon Olano McCulJ:!1ijOn ror ltw EmploYl'It; 't.'orXl0i\:(1 Resolulkin i'!t!lulngs wore held In OUil\Y<l on January 24, 2002 i t .'~ .., ,Jr t . t. Ol'lcl~lon ihlc$ de<;lslo1l d04lls With lhewurkJo~ct wmplaiflts or MarlafM FJnnagan (lnd MauHNfI Hunk.., ploJ~ssors 01 'MS~19. A!t)IOU(th tho o:llTlj)lalnts weill' h~\lfd separatoly, Iho l~Mjo Ilwolvud is [hO $0 me, so it is prottiCiJlto deal wilh lf1flm ~l (he ume decision. BOlh pto!e$-~Of$ <.lalrn two comp!!i'mentilry hours tor !I;'am mQatinos, atx).vo U11) eluml131d rwcd;ou(S provld'ii;Q in Mi'(!l 11.01 F. This manJ1(l( or doaliflQ wllf1le;lm n~flfir'll$V/a$ P<J.ri of Cholt S'iVF'S wltll!lo raU qf 2001, 1111)' clHlflg'J In Pr<I,:l'til as to altnbLltiun (If ncAlfs folh:Jw& 01) IIw altl"lga!iiati~n 0( it]~ nI,ir.iir'ij programs 'I.'i:tJ om~r llpplied pfCQf"m~ undor.1 nl}w ${llwl oj HC51ln and COf\ln\UI1Uy Stud;,;, \tl Cilri~ 2001, \'\'hen Oarbwa f'oold5 st;;lrt~d IV.. Chillr or I1U{f.ino io Ma)', 2001, thoro W~S a /11ovolohavo c.onslslllot;y aCfQ5.$ tM &c"looL lhL)communil~ $hJriio$ PfOQf!lmS hllll nolllad (aom mQeUn{l~ as part of :I sap1lralfll)' IllcOQr1izCd attitlu1iol1 or wmp!El'rnarltaiY hours, M" Foukl, tll~OS tM posiliiXl lhbt It Is nol e proQlam OXFiltll\!iYflllWl tOBth61S ha,,'1i \wot.ly tl\.sm m~\in.r,)s ond Imt tholl) would bo no dime! knpi'lt;1 en 1M program if :h~tilJdlers dl\t no! mfWlln Toams, Th6 CoHi/\)j) asks \hat I fi.']{j Iha! \hl} WCfkIOil(ll~ 1Jl conformity wW) Artkl!)! 1, Ms, Foy~u~ 1lD;nQ'/A9d-JO~ Ihllt nOlhh'l(! hB:d dlangoll abollllho ptOf'ilsslQnaJ (lxp{ll;t.atlQn~ of (he nurs;fl\lloactu:r5 ~1!il';'1 \~.o ch3nl)O of pmcUco In fel)ard~ to!M SWf's. Further, the ojscu1;slro lit Inn he~ri[1iJ IndlcQlad that OOUllOg hils ct1al'ltNd In (fliJald~ to .lho ,)~sjQ'nm~nt of 'llofmnll1(\!n,nislmflve\fisk$" cCm,110Q bV tuo of the ttGlidnrd hours provided by Ar~i;:!a 11.01 f. For Insl<lnC6, Incf'll has beer\llQ fecl\!cIlIXlUl ol!~( admlnislro!lvo l$s1o;$ 10 accommodn(a IhQ I11l,1iJlln\1S. On tMl'.Ofltrllry, the 1!15CI.I~5~l\ lndltet/i!d that ,.hl3niJlj$ in tJlOnttfslno llnvfrotlf1\,mt and IIw ~mand!\of S!tIlCIIlfIlI Chml(;05 in the proQram hliVlllikQly Ifl.eflJ,Ul'ldO lhe r l3ltmi;nI$Ir<lIivetvl'lc1lons for 1u1l.lJme facully, MC4"e(JJtef, the <:Ji$cu~sIOO a'l tllll hl.'arlr\g <;$illllomtratEfd IMt, In Itw CO!1wxt or tho fOC::Jl (;v!\ute of iha l1utsinlJ fatUity 01 Al000quln Cdle\lQ, team mCOM\lS continua 10 play lll;(;:ntral (010 ~, ijlQ t;H;hievflmenl of thoelipij.cl'tlon$ of lhl) ptO{Jfl:lm. I l II I Havfn~ ccnsidcfed aU lho 6ubmlsslon.$ mad\')! to me. 1t hi clear to mo thal, othllr than the po slH;:1Il taKOn by Ih9 Chair thlll it l~ nolll plogfom 1l~p.ect1t.too lhnllhflfl;l hi) \'Iii e~l~ team ~ to" . I... " meetings, I1Q\h!no has chafl\lod cOlY.eminglhe rotl! oftell:ffiS meoUngskllhe Jioolno plDJJrmn '>lr IJW!f ~a1ij;Jul:n9. Cwrd::na(orn &liil hwtl UI0 mquirelilont to PUI$lrClI!Hlm me\lllngslls pan 01 Il~lf Job ~$(;nptl()n.s, The)' SIM call1oum fl1jf(}tif19S and llitUibulll. arl$nd<l~ tQ mElmbels ot lIulIl teams In a Olannof Ihat IS lhe sarna as '....hen !ho mooting, n!traCled lho atllibulion III tmo on ~ SWF's; Th~~ hM afwllY5 Won. and ijUlIls. hr1.v IDilm nlf1t1ling.I\f~ .~lwu;J14d Ilr.<J a~,19Jitld IIJ tl!.Jrlinll faculty. 11\1111, U.Il'l kQY rllel!n 11\15 dlspu,le" I ha'lil COnclUdlJo'J ilIa I aH@j)QllIlC{jeallo;lan\ 014tlt!rl9S l~ nct s~lf.assigned. but Is as~iglltl,j 1,1'111,.. ~,he>.lurlnQ Of 11'.4 meetiniJS for mernlJ~fs or lh(! team byttll.l CDOt>:ilnntoc U thai is to ChM!)'Il, the currenl pfllctii;a Crl5.ho(JuliIlQ lho meCitlnt;u, OndUl$I<ile lJf tho mcotln',1l in ~hit'~ing n.,e obJ!.li;!iv~, of \Y1o prO{lram ViQlJld hay\} 10 lio chSP'J6d In wmlt siQnm'<ll'I1 way. ThQf1.l (om"j" IS:WOi 01 oo.v tho nuNing program diUornlrom ltio other rrOl;lfqm~ offored in Iho MHI'gamato(l fichllOI and ....~\(jlhof CQI'ls:I~t(}ocy acrQS~ d!stlnct programs lnlllli' dflloll1 of now me4hn9s ~m aCJ.:nO\.'r1.;,duad on 11m SWr-'1!, i~ e$senliallo the long mR Jl"""eve(, lh.wl 010} !WII$~U\l$IO be fusol...ll1llo lhf~ fOWllle In th~ &hOI1.n.m, fQ.r Iha purtod (:o~i!reu b'llhi! SWf'sin qu"stion, till! (li!iC\l$SiGo bMOfQ mo ma(4) d4ar thaI learn mo!!'}(INJ$ ~lrCl stall! m(louled ll'l)d lrollortllnt pll:lt of cOOWINlUr\9 WnI15!'Jnc:y .....ithln Ihl.! lIU1~il1!} (11~lilm its elL Tho .olsi;\Is$ion QI~Q mild", ~<U hG\v tha various JjJ)nland~ en Iho oof[jJno fowa", InctUdin~ lho p:HmulOf rc{{uiroments of cIJri!<:aIIOilthlrtg In noa!\h lnstilllHons <Jnd pfllflarilti\J!~ of the stl1dents lur axtGrnal f$gfslraUQf1 (lxams, broUlJh! flOOU\ Iha P1'llCUUi whld, is svl l[1 ~ca 111 Iho resull, ills direQ;tltl iji,~t M'O hOllls compl!:im~ol!lry hQurs lor team m"G\in\l~ ~ho.Jld !xl altrlbul/;ld Coil M$. FIM~l.lnllllnd M~, liulWl'slMntet 2002 SWf's. I will rQ main ~(}ll.ed to qUill ,^11h ony IsWe~ uf imp~i1t(ln~ul!co of the awvo dOclslon ....hic.h lho part/l1s {lro unabl!,l to fl1$l)lYQ thefltlll!vils, Oalort Uli~ 5~' (lay of F ebrvrilY, 2002. 2