HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-3193.Brooks.11-10-31 DecisionCommission de Crown Employees Grievance UqJOHPHQWGHVJULHIV Settlement Board GHVHPSOR\pVGHOD Couronne Suite 600 Bureau 600 180 Dundas St. West 180, rue Dundas Ouest Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 7pO   Fax (416) 326-1396 7pOpF   GSB#2009-3193 UNION#2009-0582-0150 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontario Public Service Employees Union (Brooks) Union - and - The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services) Employer BEFOREVice-Chair Randi H. Abramsky FOR THE UNION John Brewin Ryder Wright Blair & Holmes LLP Barristers and Solicitors FOR THE EMPLOYER Susan Munn Ministry of Government Services Labour Practice Group Counsel HEARINGFebruary 11 and October 19, 2011. - 2 - Decision [1]7KHSDUWLHV¶UHTXHVWHGWKDWWKLVPDWWHr proceed under Article 22.16 to issue a non- precedential decision with limited reasons. [2]$WLVVXHLVWKHJULHYRU¶VHQWLWOHPHQWWRVKRUt-term sickness benefits under Article 44 of the collective agreement. Specifically at issue ZKHWKHUWKHJULHYRUSURGXFHGD³FHUWLILFDWHRID OHJDOO\TXDOLILHGPHGLFDOSUDFWLWLRQHU«FHUWLI\LQJthat the employee is unable to attend to his or KHURIILFLDOGXWLHV«´IRUthe period of March 18, 2009 to July 7, 2009, under Article 44.10. [3]I have reviewed the viva voce evidence, the documents, arguments of counsel and the case law provided by the parties. I conclude that although the initial documentation provided by the grievor was insufficient, the matter was clarLILHGE\WKHGRFWRU¶VUHVponses to the August 13, 2009 letter of clarification. In relevant part, the doctor was asked, and answered (in italics) as follows: 1.Following consultation with you, Mr. Brooks was cleared by WSIB to return to modified work on/after March 18, 2009 but continued to remain off work with the exception of thth July 6 and July 29. In your professional opinion, are there any work-related medical limitations that prevent Mr. Brooks from returning to work since March 18, 2009? Yes If yes, please state the limitations that apply and explain if temporary or permanent. 7HPSRUDU\±GXHWRKHDGDFKHV GL]]LQHVV Some concern over safety- esp when driving while having dizziness. If temporary, please state the duration for which each limitation is expected to be applicable? Patient was cleared as of July 22, 2009. - 3 - [4]In my view, this satisfied, at least minimally, the criteria set forth in Article 44.10. The grievor was entitled to receive STSP benefits. In light of this ruling, I need not address the other arguments raised by the Union or the Employer. [5]The grievance is allowed. st Dated at Toronto this 31 day of October 2011. Randi H. Abramsky, Vice-Chair