HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-0103.Digennaro.81-08-261981 - Digennaro & Liqour Control Board of Ontario, GSB#103/81 [et al], (Samuels) 2. The Facts ....................................... 'I Concl.~sicn ...................................... 5 -u:i st of z‘.xtli~ik5 ................................ 3 Tkis case bvolves four grievances, two eac;l 2G2s.lst 2 tea-day scqension and a disckaqe meted out to the 'pievor after two incidents. The Zoard of Azbitraticn hear2 evidence over two days ad, in my view, t:le reievat facts are as ~011~~s: 1. On Deceher 24, 1930, an inciler?t occs:ree et t3e Cloverdale Xali liqE0: store in Tozcnto (Store *207), between the xanacer of the store, Y?. M. ?iOSZCZ2l?Sky, 3.7d the $ZiPVCr, Y?. G. Digennaro, who was a 5x11-tile ensloyee of the LEE. .is a ZeSUit OX -this incident, .e . Diqennaro vas ultisataly suspended wit,.i.-out pay for ten days. The c izcmst2.nces were : a. b. c. 0. ?.round j:OO 1.X., Mr. Perlcins, 02e of the assistant mar.zSezs, foczd a case with biOken kettles iT. t.he cUstOdial?'s r3om. Se S:ouqht them to the office for the manager's attention. The case was ilet and therefcre the bottles had been broken recer,tly. On tkrs point, the nanaoer and assistant manaser d.isaSzeed. The fozlner testifieri that the case was already drv. evidence ot i gefer to accept the =:he assistant manager. It is the clear ;olic.~ and practice t.i.a= "brezkers" mcst Se recoz?ed icr audit ~ur~oses. Sorr;iallv, this is 5cne by :akizq the necks 02 the hicken ‘=o**-'-e s to the office 2s evidence ~35 wkat was broken. zt seems that t&is is to 5e done wit*in 2 re~sor~a~le z2.e air== the breakage. The q‘rievor knew of this 3olicy. The manace= was very -s-set %eca';se the ?,erson who cacsed the &eakaqa had not reported it and set off t3 find the cu:-3:J.t. -i.7 t:he kasemer.t, Yz. ?oiszc~2~.sky fc-2.d ??r. Digennazo and =i:se si:t-tize em , . . . : 4. ?lcyees. 3e eny2ired of the yrie-mr vhat Sad Szczezed and was zol* ::?a: :Se case had fallen 2if c?.e 3elt. ?&Ls 'das txe. The qrievor a.?d 3.e other er+lcyees in the basemen-, were filli;?g cr~fers frcx tSe employees abcve Ir; tSe sfcrs, do were tqi.?g to kee? the skel'res stock& on this busiest day of the yea= for the store. The belt ccnveys cases from tSe basement. e. At this go:--.+. -, t;?e zanagar cSastiz& c-52 grieve: f-o-.r fa";--ecm .._ ~0 bring the brea:kers =O tSe CZZiCe. :'-e=e ii sc.me d.isc*ute 2s fc whether 3;: net Xr. Tioszccansky se5 :Se ezqressicn "Gcd Zamn!" Sex, 3'1~ I acce?: tSat he did, tzsed cn tSe grienz'c testxcny 2nd tSe ovi?enro cf Xr. Gzys, anotSer employee, ccncexinq the mazagez s propenslzy to use tSese wcrd. viously . 5. 3aving .just been =Sastized, the ;rievcr sew “3. 5e dizec:ocI a stzearr cf I--vective and cbscenizies zt !C . ?loszczansZg. :ie 3tr”c.k ZSe c2se he w’2.5 ;ro:.kin~ on wi’5 C. h’s-fis+ L. to his >‘“? l.e c=c&f:e :le scgyested ?a: one shone call -. . :Se zar.aqez zenoved :::he ,-rievcz had originaily got Sis ;cb t.i.roc:Sh Es lccal .!^.c_, ) . was alcze i:: cne 2zea cz -.,e baserzen=. F j . 5, j. The griever resumed his stzeaii of invective and obscer.itT, towar5-s Y!. ?lcszczacsk~ _ . k. The nanager.said to XX. Zi:enza:o :'a= he wes sus~er.led for t5.e <a.,-ad tke crievor made .it Clear he 7oiCd not iccepc xr. ?lcszcz2nsky's cr?er. Again he used foul lar.guage towaz6s t:-.e zmz?age=. I. The griever continued ~orkin$ until clcsing time and left the store after tSe manager did. n. !4r. ?loszczanskf, muc?. i:?aker. azd scazee, left StOrtiy after Ci=Slr,g tiZi$. 2. On April 22, 1981, another Incident cccurre~ between these two ?ecgiP, sd as a rescit of it, Mr. Digennaro was discharscd. ?e cl=c*zstances were: a. Because of the incident cn December 21, .slr . Ploszczansky reccmended tkat the SZieVOi not receive a S+i2Zy ixczease i2 April 1981. The srievor knew. of this and was -of -the understmdizg %-.a= the recomendation was teizq grieve-' by 522 Union. 5. Between 2ecember 24 azd J.;ril ii, t?e Tzievor !12c? served one mc~.tS izi trainizq wcr.kizg ia t:le office 0,f tSe sccI=e, i:: close contact daily edits 5% maxcer. They Sad sotten aicn~ quite well. C. Apart from tSis, Scwevar, =Se griever tried. to avoiz the 32n2qer 3eca-xe YP. Digennaro felt the manrger was "on SFs back". indeed, the gzievor. had reccested a transfer to 2notbe: stoic. The griever's feelin: 2boct the manzqer being "on his iacjc" itezi 3 have rise:: out of a rimher cf ma11 i:,ci;iezzs, 22 most significant of which were --!i) an 0ccasLc:: w?.en 2. ?lcs:czarsTc-7 :eiused to let the qriavor leave the store during workhq hcurs to nake a ?hcnecali: (ii) severa' 0ccasior.s w:Sez tSe zanaqer asked t3.e yievcr '-0 -r; _ _?-' a-.r.-. --. t-_ bins, z&en the :rievcr felt ether employees should ?a:-e keen asker! :C d0 the wozk; _. - 5. (iii) t5.e wcv in ;rhicS !lr . ? 13s tcz2ns'kr dealt Lit!7 SF2 cn the zat-,er sf breakers i (iv) several occasions wSe% tSe manage: scared at hix; and (VI several cccasicns b-ken :.L.e mEage: sugqestec? tSat the crievcz a;?" several others xere t-ying t3 u:.denine hix. In :he late zxrzizy, on .+:il 22, t3.e ,-rie*/oz was zrkizc t3sS in t'ce stcze when the maEager called him asize EC) a ?ositim in tSe sales araa 0: rSe szcre. iie har.ded kiz t.i.e xte izfo:zinq t:le grlevor tSat he'2 je ;ettizg "0 salary increase. TSe G-rievor 5ec.m.e 2~7:~ azd toid tSe mLqager i= was ail his fa-15. TSe two x0-n aa ----+---=Se aaager 'nead2.c to t.ie office ad.,, *L-.e crievsr ~3 =:-.e back of =:Se srcre 27.1 rye kiccher. . .*-% few dn ctes laze=, ?.z. ?lco~c:ans:cy c33e to :Se :citcSer. ant .tSe ar;c.e7.t res~~~rd. It ccr.tizcec? ~2: iztc t:le jack area c: tSe stxe, 3y ,a11 acccxzs, 2. 3i;exaro csed the' ic.~les; cf lar.gu3ce a.-.c! Cescriked LYT. Pioszczansky in tSe 7.04: 3bsene fashicn. .kPxnq ^=.?eI *-.-..-.."y5 , :.1p ;zievcr tSreater.ed t3 "?ut >!z. ?losic~ansk-J 5 feet under" . 3e qrie-.7-r a&its rks =Sreat an? it 'was cver.ieazC W se-.rezal ctSer employees, c~.e of them Seiy the Yxicn' s Zcne Fte;iesenrrti-;e, "-=e---e-.a.. Wojtiw. ia=ar 2e $rie*,-Jr ~.o*:ld ceil >lz. 3zzs, the X30 2iszrict --,-rviscr, ts2.t :Se x2p.t 170 harm ~ecacse'Xzrssects sl-?:oople. 10113Wi~~ tsir 7lJ;er.r cJn7e'sa~1C~, :.:z . Di~er?c?ca we:= 0':: =c 1x.c:7 and :.!z. ?ioszc~a?.s:<-~_ --=---.zrned tz :?Fs cffice, absolctoiy sSa:cen arid terrikiy afr2iC. After '-.JF.d, :.!I. :icit4i; i -Ql.-=.. i:: y---:m --ate wit:? t.be yrievcr 27.2, 3s a resclc 0: tSis cznversz.:i2n, x&znei_ 9.e 7.x.3,-e= t0 je very c2ref*cl. TSe 0cSer events cf -Se a=_-,-----. .ccn are not terribly siqniticmt. :?.a... i.?c:.:& a call t2 :Se ?'e:zo &lice a:?-t.i0 3. TSe other evidence concemir.~ tlSe qrievor's attitude and conduct indicates an admitted violent temper, some unwillingness to accept authority, but a good wor!<er. In oarticular, the gri evor admitted that, if he was treated tSe same wav in the future, he'd react in similar fasiiion again. Ee was hired bv the X90 on February I:, 1977, and Sad reciived a written warninq and one-day sus;-,ens'ion in 1979 for wearins r,xininq shces at work a21 io= his conduct ,dhen questioned 51 tSe actinq manager concerninq his dress. Se had moved to tSe Cloverdale >!a11 szcre on June 23, 1980. r. The evidence concerniriq tSe attitcde and Tractices of tSe manaqer shows a humane mdividual, dedicated to his job, and perSz?s somewhat more excitable than average. Indeed, he appeared to have been co2cerned for :.1r . !Jisenr,aro and the advancement of his sareer . iie remains terribly shakan by the confrcntation wit.*. tSe qrievor. Conclusi.05 ofzicers coning to tal'srith these involved. !I0 chzrses were laid. Several employees stayed near to tSe nanaqer to Trotect him 2~d he wzs "escorted" home after 6 by an en?loyee . wko drove behind him to his hcce and waited until.LMr. Ploszczansky was in the door. Hr. Jurns, vho had come to the store when called by the manager suspended Mr. Diqennaro indefinitely pending the decision of the Discipline Committee. There is really 20 siszificant fact>+1 dispcte here. %P t-40 re+l questicns +ze whether there was SC-Cficient provocation to xitiqate t>e penalties iz:oseC cn I!=. Diqennaro; and -Aether, i;l any event, t?.e tsn-day sus;er.sicn and disc.harqe were excessive Tenalties in all the CirC'Xl-= ; 1 .-.L . .~ .” a. : ~ I.? my view, a review of t:?e c+ses and :fxt cx-7 mentcty wodd serve no y,Tose kere. I h-7e made zhat review and it s-Efices tc say that the cuestion gf jl;st i -a72 -L.C.3.C. In SUIT, I c? of the clear view that t:lere was jcsk caUse for both the ten day suqension and tSe dis&az;e. Ccnsecuently, all the grievances aze cleked. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0* . I . 3. 3. 2. The Facts ....................................... 'I Concl.~sicn ...................................... 5 -: uist of z‘.xtli~ik5 ................................ 3 Tkis case bvolves four grievances, two eac;l 2G2s.lst 2 tea-day scqension and a disckaqe meted out to the 'pievor after two incidents. The Zoard of Azbitraticn hear2 evidence over two days ad, in my view, t:le reievat facts are as ~011~~s: 1. On Deceher 24, 1930, an inciler?t occs:ree et t3e Cloverdale Xali liqE0: store in Tozcnto (Store *207), between the xanacer of the store, Y?. M. ?iOSZCZ2l?Sky, 3.7d the $ZiPVCr, Y?. G. Digennaro, who was a 5x11-tile ensloyee of the LEE. .is a ZeSUit OX - this incident, .e . Diqennaro vas ultisataly suspended wit,.i.- out pay for ten days. The c izcmst2.nces were : a. b. c. 0. ?.round j:OO 1.X., Mr. Perlcins, 02e of the assistant mar.zSezs, foczd a case with biOken kettles iT. t.he cUstOdial?'s r3om. Se S:ouqht them to the office for the manager's attention. The case was ilet and therefcre the bottles had been broken recer,tly. On tkrs point, the nanaoer and assistant manaser d.isaSzeed. The fozlner testifieri that the case was already drv. evidence ot i gefer to accept the =:he assistant manager. It is the clear ;olic.~ and practice t.i.a= "brezkers" mcst Se recoz?ed icr audit ~ur~oses. Sorr;iallv, this is 5cne by :akizq the necks 02 the hicken _-- ‘=o**'es to the office 2s evidence ~35 wkat was broken. zt seems that t&is is to 5e done wit*in 2 re~sor~a~le z2.e air== the breakage. The q‘rievor knew of this 3olicy. The manace= was very -s-set %eca';se the ?,erson who cacsed the &eakaqa had not reported it and set off t3 find the cu:- 3:J.t. -7 i. t:he kasemer.t, Yz. ?oiszc~2~.sky fc-2.d ??r. Digennazo and =i:se si:t-tize em- , . . . : 4. ?lcyees. 3e eny2ired of the yrie-mr vhat Sad Szczezed and was zol* ::?a: :Se case had fallen 2if c?.e 3elt. ?&Ls 'das txe. The qrievor a.?d 3.e other er+lcyees in the basemen-, were filli;?g cr~fers frcx tSe employees abcve Ir; tSe sfcrs, do were tqi.?g to kee? the skel'res stock& on this busiest day of the yea= for the store. The belt ccnveys cases from tSe basement. e. At this go:-+ -.. -, t;?e zanagar cSastiz& c-52 grieve: for fa";-c ~0 bring the brea:kers -em.._ --. =O tSe CZZiCe. :'-e=e ii sc.me d.isc*ute 2s fc whether 3;: net Xr. Tioszccansky se5 :Se ezqressicn "Gcd Zamn!" Sex, 3'1~ I acce?: tSat he did, tzsed cn tSe grienz'c testxcny 2nd tSe ovi?enro cf Xr. Gzys, anotSer employee, ccncexinq the mazagez s propenslzy to use tSese wcrd. viously . 5. 3aving .just been =Sastized, the ;rievcr sew “3. 5e dizec:ocI a stzearr cf I-- vective and cbscenizies zt !C . ?loszczansZg. :ie 3tr”c.k ZSe c2se he w’2.5 ;ro:.kin~ on wi’5 h’s fis+ C. - L. to his >‘“? l.e c=c&f:e :le scgyested ?a: one shone call - . . :Se zar.aqez zenoved :::he ,-rievcz had originaily got Sis ;cb t.i.roc:Sh Es lccal !.c,) .^_ . was alcze i:: cne 2zea cz -.,e baserzen=. F j . 5, j. The griever resumed his stzeaii of invec- tive and obscer.itT, towar5-s Y!. ?lcszczacsk~ _ . k. The nanager.said to XX. Zi:enza:o :'a= he wes sus~er.led for t5.e <a.,- ad tke crievor made .it Clear he 7oiCd not iccepc xr. ?lcszcz2nsky's cr?er. Again he used foul lar.guage towaz6s t:-.e zmz?age=. I. The griever continued ~orkin$ until clcsing time and left the store after tSe manager did. n. !4r. ?loszczanskf, muc?. i:?aker. azd scazee, left StOrtiy after Ci=Slr,g tiZi$. 2. On April 22, 1981, another Incident cccurre~ between these two ?ecgiP, sd as a rescit of it, Mr. Digennaro was discharscd. ?e cl=c*z- stances were: a. Because of the incident cn December 21, .slr . Ploszczansky reccmended tkat the SZieVOi not receive a S+i2Zy ixczease i2 April 1981. The srievor knew. of this and was -of -the understmdizg %-.a= the recomendation was teizq grieve-' by 522 Union. 5. Between 2ecember 24 azd J.;ril ii, t?e Tzievor !12c? served one mc~.tS izi trainizq wcr.kizg ia t:le office 0,f tSe sccI=e, i:: close contact daily edits 5% maxcer. They Sad sotten aicn~ quite well. C. Apart from tSis, Scwevar, =Se griever tried. to avoiz the 32n2qer 3eca-xe YP. Digennaro felt the manrger was "on SFs back". indeed, the gzievor. had re- ccested a transfer to 2notbe: stoic. The griever's feelin: 2boct the manzqer being "on his iacjc" itezi 3 have rise:: out of a rimher cf ma11 i:,ci;iezzs, 22 most significant of which were -- !i) an 0ccasLc:: w?.en 2. ?lcs:czarsTc-7 :eiused to let the qriavor leave the store during workhq hcurs to nake a ?hcnecali: (ii) severa' 0ccasior.s w:Sez tSe zanaqer asked t3.e yievcr '-0 r; ?' ar--.t - __- -... - -_ bins, z&en the :rievcr felt ether employees should ?a:-e keen asker! :C d0 the wozk; _. - 5. (iii) t5.e wcv in ;rhicS !lr . ? 13s tcz2ns'kr dealt Lit!7 SF2 cn the zat-,er sf breakers i (iv) several occasions wSe% tSe manage: scared at hix; and (VI several cccasicns b-ken :.L.e mEage: sugqestec? tSat the crievcz a;?" several others xere t-ying t3 u:.denine hix. In :he late zxrzizy, on .+:il 22, t3.e ,-rie*/oz was zrkizc t3sS in t'ce stcze when the maEager called him asize EC) a ?ositim in tSe sales araa 0: rSe szcre. iie har.ded kiz t.i.e xte izfo:zinq t:le grlevor tSat he'2 je ;ettizg "0 salary increase. TSe G-rievor 5ec.m.e 2~7:~ azd toid tSe mLqager i= was ail his fa-15. TSe two x0-n aa--+ -- =Se aaager 'nead2.c _ --- to t.ie office ad.,, *L-.e crievsr ~3 =:-.e back of =:Se srcre 27.1 rye kiccher. * . .-% few dn ctes laze=, ?.z. ?lco~c:ans:cy c33e to :Se :citcSer. ant .tSe ar;c.e7.t res~~~rd. It ccr.tizcec? ~2: iztc t:le jack area c: tSe stxe, 3y ,a11 acccxzs, 2. 3i;exaro csed the' ic.~les; cf lar.gu3ce a.-.c! Cescriked LYT . Pioszczansky in tSe 7.04: 3bsene fashicn. .kPxnq ^=.?eI *-. "5, :.1p -..-..y ;zievcr tSreater.ed t3 "?ut >!z. ?losic~ansk-J 5 feet under" . 3e qrie-.7-r a&its rks =Sreat an? it 'was cver.ieazC W se-.rezal ctSer employees, c~.e of them Seiy the Yxicn' s Zcne Fte;iesenrrti-;e, "=---a -e-e... Wojtiw. ia=ar 2e $rie*,-Jr ~.o*:ld ceil >lz. 3zzs, the X30 2iszrict --,-rviscr, ts2.t :Se x2p.t 170 harm ~ecacse'Xzr- ssects sl- ?:oople. 10113Wi~~ tsir 7lJ;er.r cJn7e'sa~1C~, :.:z . Di~er?c?ca we:= 0':: =c 1x.c:7 and :.!z. ?ioszc~a?.s:<-~ -=-.zrned tz :?Fs cffice, _ --- absolctoiy sSa:cen arid terrikiy afr2iC. After '-.JF.d, :.!I. :iciti;i Ql.-=.. i:: --: - 4 - y-m -ate wit:? t.be yrievcr 27.2, 3s a resclc 0: tSis cznversz.:i2n, x&znei_ 9.e 7.x.3,-e= t0 je very c2ref*cl. TSe 0cSer events cf -Se a=---- _ ,--..ccn are not terribly siqniticmt. :?.a... i.?c:.:& a call t2 :Se ?'e:zo &lice a:?- t.i0 3. TSe other evidence concemir.~ tlSe qrievor's attitude and conduct indicates an admitted violent temper, some unwillingness to accept authority, but a good wor!<er. In oarticular, the gri evor admitted that, if he was treated tSe same wav in the future, he'd react in similar fasiiion again. Ee was hired bv the X90 on February I:, 1977, and Sad reciived a written warninq and one-day sus;-,ens'ion in 1979 for wearins r,xininq shces at work a21 io= his conduct ,dhen questioned 51 tSe actinq manager concerninq his dress. Se had moved to tSe Cloverdale >!a11 szcre on June 23, 1980. r. The evidence concerniriq tSe attitcde and Tractices of tSe manaqer shows a humane mdividual, dedicated to his job, and perSz?s somewhat more excitable than average. In- deed, he appeared to have been co2cerned for :.1r . !Jisenr,aro and the advancement of his sareer . iie remains terribly shakan by the confrcntation wit.*. tSe qrievor. Conclusi.05 ofzicers coning to tal'srith these involved. !I0 chzrses were laid. Several employees stayed near to tSe nanaqer to Trotect him 2~d he wzs "escorted" home after 6 by an en?loyee . wko drove behind him to his hcce and waited until.LMr. Ploszczansky was in the door. Hr. Jurns, vho had come to the store when called by the manager su- spended Mr. Diqennaro indefinitely pending the decision of the Discipline Committee. There is really 20 siszificant fact>+1 dispcte here. %P t-40 re+l questicns +ze whether there was SC-C- ficient provocation to xitiqate t>e penalties iz:oseC cn I!=. Diqennaro; and -Aether, i;l any event, t?.e tsn-day sus;er.sicn and disc.harqe were excessive Tenalties in all the CirC'Xl- = ; 1 .-.L . .~ .” a. : ~ I.? my view, a review of t:?e c+ses and :fxt cx- 7 mentcty wodd serve no y,Tose kere. I h-7e made zhat review and it s-Efices tc say that the cuestion gf jl;st i - a72 - L.C.3.C. In SUIT, I c? of the clear view that t:lere was jcsk caUse for both the ten day suqension and tSe dis&az;e. Ccnsecuently, all the grievances aze cleked. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. * 0. I . 3. 3.