HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-0928.Brockelbank.87-06-29BETWEEN:' . BEFORE: -, . ,...~. ._: BEFORE ~. '~ 'OPSEU '(Lee. Brockelbank) >. Grievor - ang: : .:._: '. TRE.CROWN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO.". :' ,_ Employer (Ministry of Health) . . I .: ._. 'i OR.. L..Verity : ,~ Vice-Chai&ai'; I..~.J.. Thomson Member .- ._ I L.. R. Turtle. ,: Memlier -~. ; . . -: .‘_ : _:. .'.. ,;- -. _ .FOR TBE GRIEVOR;, S.. Laycock I Grievance-Officer' :'; ... !.,: . . . . ..'I ._ : 'Y. .. Ontario Public Seryice Employees ~Uni&i; .' ._~~ . . .:, ;~_ : :' .: FOR TRE F.MP<OYBR: -M. V.. Quick..;;.', '. _ ‘. i __... '~ '.* _~. .' ..,. : . . i -., ~. .I-.. : <, :D:E C: 1 $.I,‘0 N. ” , ’ ,‘.. I. .L.. ) : ,. .~ .: ..’ i. .’ ~~ _c_ On September ii,' 1986;Lee"Brockelbank fiTed a Grievance'. .,. ,j_l : : .~.. alleg~ing unjust-,dismissai.:. At all ~re1evan.t t,imes the Grievor 'was .~ employed as, a Cook at-'the Mental Health .Centre at Penetanguishene in ..:.., -~ . the unclassified'service,- His. <nitial'&ntra~c!t ,of employment ,was for ~. _ ~. threemonths and subsequent;y~ he was'&nted a:further one' month / ~. .;! :' -exten~sion'until. September lZ,:i,986; T&Employer's failure to renew: ,. i. ,' the contract brought .on the -present' Grievance. " ,'i '....% '. . At. the, first -hearing Dante .&I February.10; ~. ..z :,.. .,. 1987, Grievance. .~ .' f Officer Sandra Laycock.sought..direct%ons from the Board'due~to her _. ._. .' _. ~. .->r:'- inabil,ity: to lo'cate the: Grievor .in sp'ite of numerous attempts, : j both on ;-. :,her:~' part anddon, the' part. of lo&al. tinion officials,. . . : .' . .. . ~-~ ._' : ;. ". 2. ._ ., ,_~ 1' _. 'To.avoid.any po,ssIXbility~ 0.f. a d&ial,of natural'~ j'ustice,~ the .. . .~. .:.. .~ .~ Bo-ard‘ord,ered .that the Hearing.,be adjourned~ ,until June 4,,, i987 to~.:be ' : ~.- _.;~. disposed-.of' 'ate that time b-n-un'ja.-.perem~to.ry. basis; . . .-:, .., On,. June .4,. 1:987, -Gr,iev~ance-Off'i'cer John Ford appeared on ; '_. _ behalf.~:o:f the Union., 'Mr.' .Ford 'advised~ ~the Board -that' the Grievor. .had- ' 11 .,. .~ _. .'~~~ .: ,.: ~. . . - :' "' .,. ~. '. -stilT not-.bee,n locat~ed~.and~.~'that he was placed. in the untenable ~position ;1. ,'I ~, . _ [of 'de'ing" without instr :v’_.. ., z _’ .: In :~our:bpinio*n, ,’ i ::. ,’ :.i _. y,:;, :: . -.: "no useful purpose: can': be: served, by gr,ahting. a i,_..~ :- L furth~er adjournment;.~. Indeed',:Mr: _~, -,. ~I .i~ .;~,., ~.' Ford, ma&~, no; st&.r&uest.~'~ .., In ~..these _'. .: ~circumstances; having. been satisfied &at th.e:U,nion has:,:made reasonable efforts;to. contact the Grievor, ~tii:tho'ut~'su&ess, .the Board:.& satisfied ~circumstances,' hav-ing been satisfied tha~t th.e:Union has:,:made reasonable efforts;to.contact the Grievor, ~wi~tho'ut~'su&ess, .the Board:.& satisfied .., .,. ~ that the Grievor has :effectively abandoned.,hiq Grievan'&;". This Boards j ', , adopts'.the rationale Of-Vice-Chairman.'Samuels. in OPSEU~‘(D. Brooksj~ and : Ministry of. Health., 621/86, 622(86, where he>'.states at:-pi 3: .~ : -I . . ._ ..~ i ._ r. . "Like the case of Schuler; grievances under -756/@3,,. the'se~' are Employees section. 18(Z) (.c) ..of the ~Crotin " Collec,tive... Bargaining: ,Act,. and .the : ,i ,individual grievor has, control. reghrdless :ofl.the : ,. IUnion's position. bring his case'.. It' .is th e grievor who:must ; The,. Union stands'~ re'ady to assist.. But theeUnion~'has -no "information .about the. circumstances involved except.what it can .: learn from the grievor. 'The.grievof- ha~sf-fa~iied ;to~' proceed with these grievancea:in spite of: the. best :~ .' .~-'efforts' of the .Union.to help him boso. It '!seeni.s ~. clear,' to us that~ the gr.ievor 'has abandoned.'his grievances, .and.‘therefore they. are. dismiss'ed:~"~ ' .,. , . : . ,_ I.. . . . . .~.~ . Accordingly ;:'this Grievance 'is, dismissed-in,,':, i ~., ,- _I ~. ,i. I_ _.T ,.: ., ; ,-. ._.' : 'DATED;at ,Brantford,~.Ontario.,. this.29t‘h.day.~of:June, 1987; .I. . . .’ I'., J.~. THOMSGN - MEMBER ,~-:I ', 1,. . : : . .~ L.. R. TURTLE -.MEMBER . .