HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-0939.Mongrain et al.88-06-30.: . ,: ‘. ~,, ,-. .: ; .Z'.. .t y:.. .'. ,.. _: . . 1 ..,.~i .L': 'y.. . . . .' . . . . ..J.-. '- ..DECISION :' ". ..' .~ ~*. ,. .! ."' i The'.'Grievbrsl'in. th,is'case are. environmental officers _ : -..'. .. : ~ .' .~. _, --.employed'.by the..Minist;y. of Env,ironmeht. . The :individual I : ..j,~~ ~~ ~,grievances,'- while':kx<?essed in-..dizferent' @rds, ~all..raise ,the - I' : I .., ,' :. ., . ; ,- : i', ,._ ,. same' issue;.namelyi whether they~ are,'beingc paid,at..the would be .~ . .: I, '. Agreements are A;ticles 15 '.- .:'. .~ , '. _ -and 16:.~" _.~: _~ .y : : .: ,' '=TICLB 15:.+,STA&B+:TIME' ,~;:': ._I .-'- .' " : ,. ., .~ j ., 15:; ~:. ;” Stand-by~~time". means a period oft 'Y' _- .~. time that. his not,:a .regula? working ~period ;, -. '_ ,.-, during~ which'an employee keeps himself, ;,'I:~ -:: ,: '., s I. available~ 'for %mnedi,ate ,recall ~to: work,,.:.. .'~.:' _~. ~'. .- ~. .~ .,_. .' ': 1' ~?fs*.* : .:&and-by time. shall be ap.pro,ved~in- . _- ~w+i~ti~ng:and ~such-approval shall.,@ given pri,or . :~ * .:to-the,,time 'the, employees is-~required, to-stand. .- .,, _~_ J - -. ., :, by except~"in-.'ciZ~umstance'~~,beyo,nd':the. _. ~. 1'. 'Emp,loyer'~s~~o~trol,:. .'~ i ,:~.,I .__~,. -:~~ ':.,.::, .': .~ ."! : .,: . . .~.,' _ *,\..- -~ '. - ._ -.:~~ : his ~normal, work-.day, he shal,l're,ceive payment :Y-. .: . ,* : of one-third::(l/Z.) .of the' .&&d-by h.&rs at. one. an&one-haif'(l-l/2) times hisbasic.hou,?ly- . . : . . -,. rate,. :: ~... .;Tt? ,. ,;. '~ ABTICLE'16-@&$LL DUTY . . . 16.1 Ion-call duty" Y means a-period of time that is not a regular working period;-overtime ;: '.. . '~ period, -stand-by period, o,i- 'call,-backt period, dur~ing which an employee.is;required to,be ,.. .: ., reasonab~ly.ava'ilable, for recall-to work. . . I:~ . . : . .’ ;. 'This case raises yet again the-difficulty! in -' '. ._ .~,. '~. ,' . ':. distinguishing 'be~tween a requirement.~that, an employeeekeep ~. ~~_ s, .: himself~'!!available ,for;im.mediate &c&l1 to wosk'!iand one'that ,,~ . . -. : ~~: .I an. employee be ."re~asonably ava~ilable~:fdr~ rg'call'to:,work,".: ~. .y .,..A .a .: : : : \ i is surpr'ising that the parties Ito, this Coll,e&i~e -Agreement . _ : have' provided‘for ~';~:h.widely.disparate.~ra.te.s~of~.pay for,~ two. ; .,.~ in .,. I :: ; _i A. . . .. : ,.si'~uat;ions:..which.are.-superficially~ ~so',similar. .‘Whi,le on ~_ '_.~ ..' .i i.." . _ .: -... stand-by! thd~emplbyee ineffect re&eive.;‘ -on&half' of.his~ '.. 1, . '. ,r'~ .,,.. . . -regular' rate -of :pay:':while on-ca~~l~‘.the.,-e,myj’i.~yee~ r&cei~es;‘th& ,.’ ;. ..,. ,.~ ~token,;remunera't~oon of.twenty.-five,cen~tS per hour. It is- _ _, -. ) .~ .'.~ .- .' .~ - therefore no.t:~~surpr.ising that, so many,; gtievancesjhave arisen.e'[ _~ I .'~:) : .:- :,.' : -: 1' : ., .<- :.Some .ju.etif~.catibn’t~at the is to be; ava"ilable ~fo.r :itiediatb : :. _ :, ~_< . : ,,: : : ..~ :.. I ~:., recal.l:'to .&York..- -The.-:;emantic, diz$f.erenties;'are so sltight.Fas:.to-' ., _ : .:. : : j ~.'.. invite, i$nfusibn; "~ -~~ ,. .'., .- :' ;- ~._ .' .: ..~ .'-,_. : ,;.z:T : : ._.' I .~- ." a BACKGROUND ,'-,~ '. 8. ._. :.. :J', I:.: \~" :' ., ~' .f .' The :Grievdis are al1.par.t of an Emergency Response:.. ... 1, ., . -. ., Programme that was developed in 'early, to mid, 1986, partly. in': _' ,' :a .; .~’ ,* i ,.. ‘, _ .‘. (.. ,. . __“. L ” ~.. ,: ~Y+:.‘;~, .I ‘,:.’ -c i.‘~,‘~. -.;A, ;/~~ ~..,.’ _.:::::-..-:_.. .’ ‘;.;.) ;,: -y..: .,;:.~, .,. .J .~ . .,, _ ‘~.. -,~ ., k ; ..- ‘3.; “~ ., ,, . . .‘_ \~ ,. : .- -call.. ,.Y . “:‘-: ,.. : r :"16~.,3,~, j ' Where an empioyee is.?equited to~be": : ~.? on:call~he shall rece,ive twenty-five.&nts (25 i ? .'I. .?' cents')~per.hour for.all-hours such.employee is: a$si,g?ed.'to'on-call.du~y. ; ;' . . : '. I - -. ~.~ ” . . ., inten:se'pr,essure'.from the pub,li$ and : ',~,,. ',, ' .: :. .*. a- the-'media for what was perceived to,be'a slow respon.se~to.~ "' .: '.' ': :~ -. _' this ma'jor fire, which caused,e%tens~ive pollution Andy-Dosed a : .- '. '. threat~‘toi&iblic,health: The Chipman incident happened in ., -:,.: *' the early hours~ of the evening, :an:d-evideni'ly the spills, . . ,, ,: ~. Action-Centre , which adts asa clearing~.house for .su& i.' '. , : i - I_ Y, ,C~ emergencies,- wa,s.unable. to‘contact an en~vironmental ,officer ,, . to make.an appearance on-the.~scen~e'u'ntil.some two-~hours after : ,~~ . * ,-, ..~ the ,fire was first'reported.'~. Var'ious pudlic mee't-i,ngs,:were . ,. .,', ._> \ I '._ held and'spokesmen for the Ministry made ~ce:rtainstatements : :'z ,~ .' .~ .', _" ., ,' _^ : . :. Tao assure then publics that there .wo,ul~d.be.-an. improved ,level:.of -- _ : .,, response. There. ~&s,'eGidence befo'rd-.this:.s?-ard~ that a David '. . . ._', '. ; ,f : '~ ,.~ i,. Matchett representipg'the Ministryadvised the.publi,& that in -J : : ', ~ ,~ ,. ~.~ ,~ future .a,-24-hourystandTby progran&e.:would' be in. place, with a .~~ -i .' -. _'.. .L. ~,- .: ,"hop; II td'pro.vide:,response.td emekgeqcies within one-half '~,~.' ;:.. : '- ;~ ;.~ : hour- : ,y;: -: ..This .hope-ias' reported in,:thepre,ss' where:it,was:? I,!' \>;;'-' : ,. ,,. .. _elevated to.~~somethi,ng.-more akin t&a .promise.. ., :' : .: ... :, : : ~.. ~.. : . . ,. .< : ', : *__' It 'ins i&or.tant tbl.un-dersta~~~~the.;~special role- played'. i ,- i . . - ,_ -':by,the ~Min'istry~in.~nvi~onmental '&iI:ls and emer+encies..~.The ., ,* i *. .' ._, Ministry does' not proiid~e.the ~f.irst 'aid:' In'a~.M'inistry. '. _, ” ~_ policy document 'dated :$a,nuary ~24,. lgB6 (Exhibits I~!), ,the roie~~~ . . : _ 3, 'of the'Ministry""in an;e/mergency is.stated .to'. be "'Co assist ,. .., the agency in contro,l~.of an.eme~rgency.~involiing a diskharge ._'r ., ~~. ' '. I or~otential'diScharge:to the~en~~.irbnr?ent.by providing '. _.: i . 'j_~.. :;_ : . . .: I, L'. ;. .: '. _ in -'~: : monit,or;i.ng capability an.d advice; where,.n,e'eded, in accordance..' “ .. _' : .L _ : /.. : .: : '. ~:. . ~,,. .. ,-. :.*. +._, :;= _.._ ._ ,-:i~"&_ .~' ..I .~ ._ -' ,. -.z : ..~ I_. -;.- ;i ,~ ~.Sd -~Iz'I;~ .Ft ., .~~ .~ .- -1 ~, .; :~ _ - ,I .*_ ',. -3 - 5. :.' ~., ~ .:.. :: "': _ '~ .' : with the :Ministry's"expertise.and resources", %hi.le~its ro,le, .. . . :. in 'in the- case of,.a.spill isdefined as "to, assess.in the 2 '. :,~ . . '. environmental.~impac.t of~sp.ills and 4s.a -regulatory agency -.. ._ .~~ enforce,~the,~duties'and provisions im&sed,by any.'applicable- _. ( :. :,^ 'legislation ad?inistered by th.e Ministry". O'_. The..'role'of the _ ; : : environniental .o.fficeti,,who:,$s dispatched tom a'.s'cene is : .~ /~ 4' _, and. mon'itor. He~'is hot.. ,.,~ responsible'for the~ifnme,diate~ threat. to life~o;r prope?:ty,. : I-' .~.I .~ ~. . . ;.' .-.: : i which>Fre .likely~woul.d.~be the responsibility-.of 'a. police ,. ._,.. ,. ; .,~ . :' . fire department pr other ,agency. ; -~ : L ..:.forc~e, _, -r _.~. . . . ., . ._ -.:~', i . . I i ~/ .~ .;- '~~ : . . ._ '.. : . Ih the ~weeks~ ,ahde~-knths foilowi,$ the'~ Chipman fir-e m .. ~' _~ I budgets~.werr,a~;~.~cl;ted".and..'pians fo~rm;lated',.t~o.]irnprove .th:e * c. ..~ : : .~ . .' :Min'is'try's'- response 'system: U.ltima.tely; ;' ,. -,. a.-system,,tias. put '. ~, I '.' .~ . _. '- ~~'- into plade -whereby, the .er&ironoental. o~fficer designated ~a,s 1 ~. ~_I . . : -';~ .: at-,thk'.dn-c,~l'l-'rat-e.--fro;nlmidnight 'to'8:15 a.m'. '(wh~e,fi the :. .: -.y : . . ~.,, ._ ,i ._ -. _.- morning $hift'*,would :&&menc~e)'.' On weekends' ,and statutory. ~. _. - : '. .I. .,.‘.., ._ ., ~. holidays the:Istand-by ratete-would be~:.paid: f~o$l8:~15:a~m.. to .-" . . -. ,, '.. _- ~. _,, ',--:' ~ midnight, .&ith on-~&l1 ~;ates being paid :from,‘midAight to .FlS' . i' a.m. the following morning. It i,s.'&lear,-that the 1 z : en~ironniental~.officers~tiho volunteered ,for th'e ERP'progratie 1 , . :, .; .tiere~.&&e ofi the. eniployer ci atte,rnpt~ tb differenti~ate ,between.. .- fact required somethi&greater.of the employees.. .~ : ~' 1~ ,~ ., ~. ~' .. : . . . I' : As parrof:the RRP .programme, a:special Ministry " ~ ., ." : ~' .<ehicle‘called ,the~~"Emergentiy. Respdns~e Vehicle" was ou~tfitted : .~. : . . ', and'equipped:~. ,Its.purpos,eis to..be:in the pos'session of the .' 'ERP at any giventime. ,~ Thus,‘. for .kxample, the, assigned.ERP;. ." . -_, same in his .~ .,j drieeway ,until the"next ~rning,~ready_to.be;'used-~in'th.e. : ': :. r. I ,evenf of an emergency. It is clear that the ;vehi&le is~ to be', ;I~ ,, .~ . in a state of readi,nessduring,that~:ent'ire period df,time, ~". 1 : .~ . '. . . -. .~' without regard to whether i;tis'before;;or after,midn.ight. -'-_ .' .,~.. " .'~, .. _. .~ :' .I . _~ _’ ,- ~. ..,. '~ The eGidence‘of's&ff memb.Grs -at the &ills Action. .( 0. ;. ., .: .: . .' ~' Centre.was to, the ~effect that 'they.'approach- incidents.~that .- '_ -~. - occurs before midnight.yery-differently fromthose:,thst.qc~ur~ '~ ; -' . . jl>Y~ after midnigh-&", Because the.RRP ~,iS~,on:.stalid-by"before ,.. ..; : Y! -<:x ': y . . . . :~ .1 ',, '-I 'midnight, ~they are tire-lihely,to .ask: theERP.tC? make,.an,- ,,~ .. jmmedia~te. attend+e~;,- .After m,id?r,ighti -the pra'cti:ce .is to be .,~. ~. .~', ', :. ..' -... ,~mukh,:~more sele,ctive~ .and only;~ di&&b-the ERP when -i~t .Zs . : = absolutely. necessary.“ .Weiwere provided.~with- some statistics .,, _', ': ‘.. r for:the 'first.year of the ERP programme at the Welland Dis.t,rict Office,'.from June ~24,; 1986 to June 24, ;1987. During 'that period.of -time; :'there were.29"RkP call-outs d&ing.~th'e ,.' ,s _. stand-by period and'nd RRP call-outs ,during'the on-call. , .,.. .: s 1 . . L’ ,. ‘~ _’ L : .c'all'ed out.),' during'the stand,Gby' period; : .c'all'ed out.),' duringi'the stand,Gby' period; :. :. ..i ..i .- during ,-the~.~n._~~al,1,.'periqa... Th'Ls~,, .. during ,-the~.~n._~~al,1,.'periqa...- Th'!js~,: .. it'.is. it'.is. '1 '1 . . . . and clear ,~that.rin \' ..,;. ~. pra+ice.,d,&ing this'.period -at,-laast y<he,re:;was 'a,mu&~lesse,r : _ ~:',I ~I,.- chanc'e'of the ERPbeing cal~led o~ut du.ring- then on-call' period . . .' _ : ., than during'th,e stand-by period. : i,. '. ,.:I )., TV ,, '~, .'..; ;:,I- _. ,~ '.. .,, ,~,. ,~, ~; :..;.~ :,; - ,, I : ~. _ ,'. I . . . THE ISSUE ~'~. . -state, of read.iness is -required .of~ them'as is,:requireh during~- _' t ,.. ;the stand-by :per'ibd.: While th,e ,Coile~ctive.'P;greement states .. .'.. .: . :' ._ that ~the empl'oyees acre ~only t:o: 'be"reasonab.ly available,;: th'e L ., :' i :,._ .: ., ,." j '. ~'employees: a-rguejthat' the: real-:expe&ation is, tha.t'.they'.:~ '. '1, .~_. \ ,: ~. .:' i.mmed~iate-ly.~:respon~ if required.,“The?emplpyer on the,other. ., /' viewpoints. ids'.. ..Whether. on sta~nd-by 'or :o$~~a~~l~ the employee, is . I~.~:.- , :.;, ,. ~'..~. __ .~ ,-being-~paid:t70~',main~tain :a' particular .~~atel'of~~e~'diness~.. .In,:. "' -.~: L_ .:'i, .~ .the~ event 'of .an ‘acf,ual call,;out, : .: he, w{ll'.be: pa,id~ time. and.a _ '. ., ~half for.a mi,nimtim of four hours,.rega~dless~of.whe~ther'he,was;. ,., ..' .~ /. ~1 on-call‘or on 'stand-,by. The dif,ferenCe':in the rates of pay ~, between sfandrby'and~ on-call.is-pres&&biy #to reflect the '. .~ : .'greater intionienien&s of being on st.at$d-by; ' That. " ., " i : ~~. .~ I .'.'~ : ,~. ~xa is 'surely much.greater'when,the.-employee:,knotis ., .:~. % ,.L.’ ; I.. ..’ ‘, .~ / e..- .‘,: .:: ~~ .~ ‘;. -. :. - ,: .~ -: /-.. . . : '..that there is's subs'tantial likelihood of~<ba.ing called.". ,: ;-~ ConVeGely, the -.&convenience i.s" mu-h.'less &hen the emp'l,oyee .'. '~, .,. r~ " -!, :' I'. ,_ knows :that ;there 'is 'a-very'small likelihood of,'being,~ . . .'~ .~ .~ ~:contacted; mu&less .se,nt_out. .'~The' probability' of-.being .:~ :' called:out -i,s'of &ou~rse.not,the :only factor ,differentiating, : .~ i' I. : '> ,the.,two statuses , ibut it is an.importan,t~one; Equally‘. / _: i. (::i ,,~ important is :the"response -expected. ;: .- :Y :_ ,,, ) _ J ', _. . . : ~- ,. ,. . :':. > _ ._ ..-. *. 1, L ., 1 ,Much e,~id~~nce,~and~.a~gument_wa~ 'addressed to.,the :' 'L ._ : questionof whether%r .not .an EdP,d,$ing' the, on~call~ period:. '. .'. : .* :is: ,requir& 'to ,make 'an immediate 'response.' .The::emp,loyer's ..' : witnesses unanimously ~testified that in &h'& hyporhetical . even,f:that 'an~'ERP. was, contacted du.ring the,'on~call period,, _~".. ,. .~A 3 .._ _.L: c.. _ ,, ~. ' -:~and either refused or $as'~otherwise unab,le-to.'~'make.,an.. _ ~ . ;. ., : : : : immed~iate'-response;:'that .if. an immediate: response was >'. '~'1. :., :, . . . _. : (; .Ol% requir~ed..,ther'e was a ~fallback sy-stem~i$ere.by .management ~ :- ,, @$ ,'1..; : '. 1 . :.- ; ~~. : 1. .~ ._.. ~' personnel .could Abe cafl,ed out; (It was {necessary .during then .. .~ ~ .~ ., ,. '^ 21. cburse of ~thi.s.hearing to pose a nu~mb.er'of :hypo.thetical; \.y 1 y Z.8 .I I. : i "~: .situations; sin&e in practice-. the prdbiem 'has .not -ari,sen. 1~. .~ . . -:' ,I ~'.I ~~ '.It:'is fan&if"1 to'speculate on ~~hhe"'~r:'or.nbf.an,~RP -co&ld be ; ( .", ..' .. / " . i, disciplined for faili.ng to makes an immediate response during the on-call period, .although:it seems to,be. an unjustified I_,'( .: / fear.. surely the point is that during .a &,tand-by period'the .:. : ,. 'ERP must maintain a state.of availability for .im$iediatd'call- ,I. .I he was..notmaintaining a state:of.tavaiiabil'j.ty fdr~ immediate ._' '. ~, . _. ,, '.. -recall.'to.work,. -However,~ in the tiase‘of an ERP~ duringthe : :' . ,w ,_ :.. ~._" ' - _~. .: .call-otit perio-d he would only have.to d~emonstrate that he was ,. .. ., i' ^ . ~maintaining reasonable' availab,ility .,for re'call to work.~ : If .' .: ..~ -~ (:_--.: ,.:he. was-,mildly inebriated, he could argue 'with.likely,s-uccess . ~~ .~ that :if.-recalled 'he-&ould. have -tim.eY.e*no'tigh" to ,sober, ;p ,and ..~. ;. '; ,,.,.-~ ~'~othe'rwise. ready. h,imself:'-for work:' Similarly, .if 'he was but ': '_ - : .' . .I .~ 1' ( of phone.'con't,act and 'o,nly ~calling ,home;-'from time~.to~~time for: .. ~.. . .._. . ~..;~.'-~-,mes~sages,.:that &ould~: probably su$ffrceI I -'It is~: the, st,ate,~of ', ~' '." ,i. ~.availability that governs. ,. .; : _:-. .i :.' -: : ... - ,s.. ~. ._‘s :. :~- : .Whether'or notit~ would ,b.e~'fdesirable~ for. an- immediate ,. ,I. I\.~- .,. : :. .,i response -during'the. on-call period,,~,the' 'tii'nist-ry. h-as ,deemeid . . '- : : ../_~ .~,~ '.$ : -_ .'-j' : -. .' ) :~ it a{&ptable.t.o .take~'the risk': 'th.at~-the ,ERP. would only* be r )&:.;; _ ~_ .: ~. .~~ ~.1-,:‘ ',. ~.'~. 9. ~. _ ! : 'L~,rea,sonably ~a~ailable ~f~o,r,.‘recall~'to %or:k~k: :. In,,,mos,t i~ns'tan,~es,.. T ~~': .'_/ _. : : .- '_ : -'~/ : the. -F*RP ;woild-.likely be available to"mak$ an.:immediate .' .. .' .,:, '.~, .' : ~. '-re'sponse..~ I Most c~aIls.would'probably. find.'the RRP' in bed. ', .~ .~ .", ,~.I ;; _;~~ + " ., : ,~. during the' on-tia~ll perfod;~ Howeyer;,~ -i-f.aw:a.kene& di,ring .the. .: ,; ._ .l .' middle of the night the.RRP would-be~quite ~justified to, ask .., ' :. ., for a- little. extratime;to.:re-spond. For example, he might . i i . . ~want 'to take a-.shower;:ha<e'some-'coffee and a'bite~ to',eat .’ ?. ,'a %i. . .‘. ^ I shower and a meal,,.:.but' ~tioould out immediate,ly. .i : .', : : . .,. ,. . ,The~employe,es~ argue that the employer is!in effect ., _~ ..~ :. taking advantage of the,,ir .pr.ofessional inte~grity~. They ,argue ,L- . . .* that i't,is .aii'il:lu'sion. ~to su~ggestthat .they haye a right to _..' ~. _- .; ~; ..,.., : -- :. (.,, ,: -delay their r.esponse,'during thee on-call~ period; They.say" ~.-'~ '._ .:~ ~:-,_ ". .: ; . ._ ,..,~ .that ~if 'a,n emergency. act'tially ~arose; they Qould have 'no. . ,. / * '<.~~ ., _ . :B,cho'ice as',dedica,ted professionals but to..respond .iinmediately. ., F '_ ,~ -~. __/- ~Agii", ', .'L : ~.. _ '~ this puts.the,,-cart before ,the~ .horse'i .The'po~int -i-s ..: ,i '. I that they~.are 'being pa~id to~'maintain,'a cert,ain-state :of : = -' " ,availability; ~~ ,. :. Being.'on-call does:.not in thisBoard.'s opin!on' : 8 . . :justify~a'capri~cious delay. -It merely,permiis :greater~ I. ( .;: -~ .'__ ,~ i .~ ‘. 'la~titude'and:.fl.~xibility- in Che'ev'ent.Ehe"ERP:i.s'unavailable / : -..l . . :., ~-. * for an:~immediate yre'spons~e. -, -' Even '9 de&&ted ~professiona~l may : .*. 1 ,. .,-' . . . : -. ,\ ~;.j& .~~firid:~h'imself -tinaira~il‘able ,for an immediate response,'.a,nd.:ma; : ,... ,. :, '. : ~' 1, : 1~ 7 .require-a little extra time.,to spring.to~,+ction:. '. IT., r .,~. .,'y. Tpe on-call: 1 ~,. ': status‘pelmiCs,.him.'~o'd~.this. _~. . . ~._:~'_..-' ~' ::;.:. .~ ,. ._ ,.; I ;_'_ (. : ; . . ~ ; *' " 1 : -~ .~ . ., ,~There~'is'a-pr?d~b,.bility:that~'-not ail of the.'~S+C'~ staff ." ' : : :. ,. .., '. ; ,. : unders'tand the disti'nction betwee~n“.sianh-bir ,and on-call in ; I ~,- ,~ :., : ., precisely .the s'ame sway.":. It,is equally~.likely that-the ERPs ,_, ~' _, /. .affe&ed,~ including the, Grievors;had some diff,icu.ity in , ,. appreciati,ng the.pre,cise.difference~ betweqn th" two statuses. ;~ ,.. . . The question ultimately though:is.&hether or not.the, : ; . .m I ,,:,, .- . . ':_ <I; .: :. : assignment':as. giGen*to ,them'ahd~'as undertaken more ,cl.ear~ly~.- ~__ '/.~:'. .,- '; ., _ ; .~- 1. '*. " -.., ., '~ , .,. f / ~, ~~/ .Y, .: '~.~ ;. .-. ~. ~ ,I . ;. , ..a_ ..~ I - .', ,, in ~~~ * ,;. I '.; ~. :>-.; .‘ ": .'~ .: -~ I -, '; ,Y.~' :._ . . ~-~ ..= . ; -y ‘.. .I. ._ .,:, - .” .: ,. I -i il...;- -,’ .. r .~’ . : -;:~ y.;_.. :. -. i. f'alls within the' s~.a~d'-by,,:d,efin~i~idn tlan it .does within'the.; ": ..~ ,- -.- I~ on-calls definition. I,f it-does,. then thip' Board would .~.' '. .: , clearly‘have-.jurisdi,qti'on'to ~ord,er:'the ~.employe:r to,pay the :' ' . '. :, empioyees at-the higher -rate. ,..,-. j .' >. .‘,. _. . '. " . . , ~'.. _ .~ -_' ~'~ . . '. THE ;IURI.SRRUDENCE~ '~.. ; l?. . ,: ;‘ ! --, ::~' ._ ._~ . .: . . (: ,..: Counsel 'cited .a ‘fiu’mber~ of",C'ases to ~u's. Th,e. earlie:*< '. ge'n&al statement of principle can be .foundi,n the case:'o,f ; 1~ Samieson, 'dSB.,16'2/77. 'wh~erein. th'e.:B&rd stated,: '~ : .-_ - : i ,-. _. ~, < ".In.~ ourview;.each 'case ofthis' kind will '.)' ', hrequire~a. jtidgment-based on.a consideratio~n of all'the relevant-Circumstances,'and'~in .,,. recognition of the f&dt~ that;the pa.riies .habe, ,~ _'_ E .created'theL:two'seharat'e statuses. The' ~particular arrangements will.'dary~.from : workpla'ce'-to workplace and>a'.defiision in' one' s+ting may not'be-readily.transferrable ~to '~- :. : :~ a.:',' another:': -: ~': L, ,. F.,.::,.'. ..~ ,y_. _: ?'.~ :. ~.~~ : ,,. . . . ?.e : I ..~ .. :~ .- -. ; _ "The bnli~real matter -of printiIi$le to be'. .-~' ..: ~'. : : 'decidedis whether, on all the.eyidence, the. '. : ". iqstru&ions 'given to..the'employees. constituted ~: ',, . -a di~retition to.be 'available for immeditite : .~ : : recall.to~v&rk.' -ora.direction~ to be _ :l i' .: : 'reasonably, available 'for r.ecall to'&rk' . .' .. Its -:, ..' r is- not'our function to discuss'the.relative ~. t : social consequences which flow from these two. .1 .~ ~' -contractual formulae, nor to.question whether '1' the pay allotted is.appropriate or‘not. The. '_ . _', : ,, .parties have chosen.to include.both the . contractual',language'and agreement; the rates ,in th.,ei~r, -and they are therefore equally binding onthe parties, on the employees.and~on US'. ..,, .., ', +,; . . -;f.~~:...~..~. ‘. .: -_ ” .’ i Thee &ntis.ih a case..stich was. th.is, is:on the '.~ . . .: ', ~..r. ~' bunion and-we'must therefore?be satisfied on ., 8 _: f. :; pi :, T.' (. : ~. I ,I.. .’ .~,Unidn"s case has been. ma~de.out. In this case, 1:" ._ '. we -are not'-so satisfied. There wasno;Writ+en I .' -evidence ~of any employer direction as to the precise -nature of-the\ status of .the employees, -T'/ : '\ but1 it is clear.that;' from -the beginning, they -,. _ :. .knew that the:employer was ~&lying on the 'on- '-! .; .. ~, .call..duty'.provisionsLof-the,agreement. ..There .', ..',::~..is no evidence that instructions~ were given ;to _. ~,the employees to contradict the' ‘reasonably.: .- ~..T :' i 'ava,ilable' .requirement of,,the collective l( ,l~~I.,-:',-,~ '-~'-. agreement; ~indeed, what evidence: there- i-s of -,,.I "" " 1' any 1nst.ructlon.s at.all is .to-.th!e contrary. ._ The:only.specific instructions ever issued ~'. appear to. heave related'to the nece,ssity of ~~. + ."~ leavina'a-ohone.number where- one could be r.~ : ~~. . ~, ~ \ i reached;,-,which' we f'ind ~to be. a~.~not excessive. / . .'eiement .of ‘be'ing .'reasonaply ,avaflable' . -The. . ,' ', .',,. ,, ;. ~, .-only disciplinary actions ever taken.appears to ,,. ' ': have been.a.verbal cautionlto Mr. Wroblewski, ~. -.. who once'left home. for a substantial period -( :~ ., .without Leaving~a number where hue coulh~'be - . _, .~I I In.-0";. vi& of the ,eviden&eL, the -Union has '~ .~ ~' -fa'iled to ~make out a case-that-the- Employer ,-, : '. i gave ~these grievdrs- any Yins.tru&ior,is, which -~'.K .' ., ' . ..~ ~. contravened 'A~rticle,.16 or.~which'would ~involve : . . . . ,'I :, Article:~.l.5. ..On ,fhe evi'den&i :~it appear,s that '. ~. ,,. '~ .~ the. Employef"s represen~tatdves simply,.left:the '.-, : :. i. -grievers fq. ob~ey-the~coiiectivg agreement/ .: .:.: ., ~' ,:'. Y ':~..: : .A ~~.$i&'~. .: .-' ' ;, ,ThiS cannot.;~ of..course~.constitute .a breach'of '._. ,.- <,y.:~, ,_ .' .that :agredmen,t, but .like the other:panels-of. :. : :. '_ :~' .':this.. '$oa,rd.~whicho~have 'de,alt~-with.,this issue, we ,: "'are- uneasyl,at'a management~;style.wh~ich~ leaves. _', ~:~._: .-. .'j +? ~critictilcontratitual interpretation:issues to .,:~ ', ,. c ,. i .' individual Bmployeesand does-not. even, -attempt,' . . ., _ '. ., : : : '..to explaain-~what is expected.of .them.~ It may jy -: Y. - ,- . . . ~.~ i 1. ~'. ,appropriate ~.t~o~ i~ssue .a warning that the :~ 7;Employer:may wells run the ,risk-of expensive and.1 ,:i ,, . ..~..~ . ~possibly dangerous:delays by adopting such-an ... k ',appr,oach;'and that the Employer's right to.rely~ on the:provisions ~of Article 16 indisciplinary .- cases may beconsiderably affected bye such a -. clear,failure to man.age." : i : '. ,~. _' ,._.. .' I.~?,~ .: : ‘. .. ,:- ’ ._ ,. : : .:. - ,~. :, _: ,,;. ; ‘_: ‘- .’ . . pi.,.‘. : : ‘, ,.“, : c,ase;- There. is no doubt. that- the-employees knew' tha~t:.~the :, ;' .:. ._ ",. '.. t ';' * . . ., emhloyer ..wa's relying. 'on the ,on-ca-11' .duty',pr.ovisiqns of.~t!he'.; .> '. I. , I” ., Collective Agreement,and therefore knew that then thing. . .,required:.of -them wasreasonable availability.' They- were.,.~,. _ , . : '_ .f never given any 6lear:directions..or i~ns~t,ru&tions t,o. beg in a " ~. - .,',,~ i .1 -.,' .?~ T ,~ " 2. . j state 'of readiness, 'fat immediate,, reca;ll?to- work. We 'do, not be-such- a- . insta'nce.,wh.~re:-an: ": _'_. > _, ,, . -: .~ ... ..Z,~ _.,.' P-, ; -I ., employee on.call:has been 'crit,iciiedffo'r, not being .:-I&' . . ~' "i‘ I.. ,.~. : : -, ~_ ;. \ . ~. ., sufficiently. available. .'- Hid $6& evidence'.been tend&red;.we“ :~ : ..~ -~). z -' '~~._; ~. ., ~would have beentempted to~c.onciude ~'&at"the-employer hada . _ .- .' 'hig~er,'ex~e~tation:.~than mere,'reaso~nable ava~ilability: In the-. : ~', .: . . . " absence. bf ,S.y@i Gvidetitie wiz must 'ccin&~;~!~~?: that the ~'employer:'s‘ '~..~ ., ~,~ . .: : in Cloufier it .is :not -the "fun&ion-~of this 'B0ar.d 'to engage in- :.., - .. .: __' ' ~.. .i .~ .., :' :I : .: such :a. dis,course,; It is' for -the'Miqis,try and,the.politic‘ia,ns, T ..; _.~. ._' . '~ 56 ~d~ecide. 'what servities ~they, are,.willing ,tol provide 'to the r . ,c . . :' -. public;,,' and'if~ that is perceived,fo~.be .inadequate it is they ; 1 who must assume the,responsibility. '. .<,~ '. I _. ~;. . . 5 " ., We have alsq,~reviewed,th'e cases of Appelle GSB 147/7,8 '. . . < .: : ,. ,.' (&rich).. . . . -. There ?re'useful'.stat'eme~.ts from: each of these? .: ,, .' .. ,,. ,~ '- . .cases.that could .be- qu~o,ted herein,. but 'to'do so:.~would add- .~. i, .',' / .._ ,_" very little toTthese rea-sons.- ;~,' _ .i : _. . .',. ; >. ~. .-- ,_. : : It would cer,tai.nly be preferable for both parties to. i .i 1 0,. .") :" -have much clearer .gu-idelines :to defin;e 'more pry,cisely the '_ ,.a, . . . .,. * different_states :of readines.s required of .the ERPs'..."The' _ #' : :. :~ . . '. contex~..of,:"reasp,nablle7 a:vailability" is. too:.gener'a,l'~and'. ; ,' ._ . -: .,: ,- '. ,' : . .nebulous to.6 left asthe finallword ~dn the"subject. 'Since ,_ : "'- ,.- '_ .' :. i r.e.asonabieness:iss alway:s:a con&ept.that has.rIeference.to a~ --, <k., ._.. -. : ,specifi~,con.tex't;- it ,is ~for',the parties"opefating ins..~that '.. ..: :. context .t'o~ .agre<~ in."advance on' some. sta:$dards: of.- . . .I .I. L . . -. ,~ : . . , >. b_ ~reasonableness. .~ Such ‘ldcal'standards ,%&l+"..go ,a- l&way ,to ~. : . ..' -.,. avo,i,ding,'uncer~inty.~.ar?d~:confl,ict. '~-~ ,: ..~:':*I :_ z: ., ._. - , .' ., .,, : ., ',. ; . . ~.. ,..' : .,_ : ~.,. .. . _.,,~. ~~. " .,~ .-. . .a, _ ~.... ,._ i -, ,~ ^ --. '; ~-~In ~the re'sult, the- grievances~ are.-,dismissed.. ~~ .~ 2.;;~ 'I:..,: .- <r:i' 1 Y:.' - _; '~t&ed.& Tbronto;l, Qn+&io,~&is 30th dayof'&e;':+988';- ~c ~1 -~,m..l ; " .~ :. '. .._ . . . .' .~‘. _~ -!. ,~/:_ T .- ; . ._. ~.. _ _: ,' _,'~... ;,: 2 ._ ~-~ '., _ -I' ., *' :, )~,., ‘ .G.J. MI~LLEY -.MPMRER