HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-1696.Robinson.95-06-20EMPLOY& DE LA COURONNE- DE L’ONTARIO ‘\ COMMISSION DE RkGLEMEiNT ‘DES.GRIEFS 180 OUNOAS STREET WESI; SUlTE 2700, TOR’ONTO ,ON M5G l&J TELEPHONElTliLgPtiONE : (4X+326- 1388 160, RUE DUNDAS OUEST; BUREAU 2100, TORONTO (ON) &f&G Ii’8 FACSlMILElT~LliCOPlE : (416) 326,-1396 i / .+ .GSB # 1696/93 OLBEU # OLB193/93'. ~THE'MATTER OF &J ARBITRATIQN ' , :Under EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARG*ININGJAcT _' Before t .a. THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT.BOARD : BETWEEN ';. ,: OLBEU (Robinson) ,[ Grievor . ' ", - and.- The Crown in Right of Ontario, I' (Liquor Control Board of Ontario). . . . Employer I, : .,BE@ORE: N. Dissanayake ', : P. Klym c F. Collict 1, Vice-Chairperson ,Member Member : FOR THE' GRIBVOR k. Davis - Counsel Koskie.& Minsky ' Barristers & Solicitors, . ..I -\ i 1 FOR 'PHE. ,R. Little EMPLOYER Counsel \ Hicks.; Morley, Hamilton, Stewart, & Storie Barristers & Solicitors ;' : < :HEARING March 17, 1995 . , ., 2 ', :.; , ,...’ :,a‘ :.. . ,~ECISIO~ ‘_. .’ ‘. ,: ” ; *: ,I. : _; ..i .1. . t Thkl. is a grie~~nco:date;i'September':.l~,i1,1‘9~~3 'f,iled by Mr., :,: 5' i ;‘:,,-e .- '_ 1 : . . . _ -‘ : . .., Al Robinsoni. a -~:mai.ntenance ser.vi'cemanV .,empioyed at the /- - .'. .,_b! ... I _. y.. . . employer1 sDurham Regional~,W~;,ghou,~e~;, +iieging,a violation. of '. . . . ._', -. I _ .;.-.;.; article 6:6.(a) of the'coilective agreement;‘ I L- -. .- I .‘.( / ..:, ;:. The:. re-revant *provisions are,:,:,.:".' ?, ,-;.:I,,' I^ '- -' .6.1 For the purposes-of-,th$s Art%c$,e: L,' , 1 ,. (a) OvertiEDe .me.ans a.peri.od of'work comput:ed . :: to: the. nearest fifteen.~,(15) x. ,Mjnutes add,' '. ,, .- .I (i), .peho&ecl on a- -regular working day %n excess of ,the-:;regu$ar: ..,workj.ng .peri:od ~1 cons.isting,- of .-at least,. fifteen.‘. ;‘(1:5) . .to shift rotation., I --...-- -1 -, i ‘(b) the'.starting '~time... of':the-iwork week" shali ..'- be:iMonday $2;0:+ a.m.. ; . . : 'L , . . . '6.2(a), The emj$oyers shall presc,ribe: the.: number of hours in Leach working .d&y .riot c '.c exceeding' eigh~t:(8) h'ours. for the.various i _' departments. or. ,'establis,hments .of the ..-::;EmpPoyers. ..__',_: .'._ ._ .I . . :. ,. *: .-.r.: ./ i - _~ .- Normal hour;; of.work.'will~be. a;-. fo+lows: . . / I ‘(ii) Warehouses: .- “,I -'8.:QO. aim. to',4:00.p.mi -(day-shift) :, , ..- .*No f-ifteen (15) ~minute ; rest.-~periods / ::-during the afternoon .,,_ . I .**,4:00 pin. to &9:,30 p.m.? Jnight‘~'&ift) **No fifteen (15) minute rest periods; . .' 6.4(a) ' L. : : (i) Hours of ;work shall“be posted ‘at. least two (2) ..weeks .in' advance ,. for each , estabkishment and ,there ,.shall‘ :be. no. .change in the schedule af,ter.it has been -posted unless notice '85s given to. the i - ,. ./_ .( ( . . s ,. . i ‘. .3 employee one -( l)~&&k 'i,n advance of the starting time of the shift as originally. schedu'led.'~ J:- If': the.'* employee is not .notified one (1) week, in advance he/she shall :be paid“ at'the same. hourly. rate '. j / which would apply to overtime hours . '. I worked on that'day for all hours worked outside his/her-posted scheduled hours. ., . . I . . ” _. . . . ‘,, I (ii) Hours of work niay be changed-without-any ' premium or penalty.if-'agreed--upon. between . the employee ,and management: -" : ... (iii)'.Days .off'for,store employees will-be on a', rotational' basis. .'.unless. 'otherwise mutually agreed to. 'in writing by the employee " ',and .his,/her .super.visor. * Howeve.r, -the Employer:'agrees to.'provide ., for employees,.who work' in.'stores other -. than those that observe a weekly closing day I twelve (12) Saturdays off on a .' rotational' basis'as part of theirregular days off..eadh-!contract:year. 'Days off :, for employees working: a *'day shift in double shift. stores will- be' on a- rotational basis, Monday through'Friday, ',-unless otherwise mutually- agreed'.to in. writing. .by the employee ;and his/her supervisor. Saturday will normally.be -the day"off~'~for employees engaged on the , second.lshiftw -,.-The .provision' whereby' twelve- (12) Saturdays off.on a rotational basis each: -contract year exclusive of vacation period?:' 'be . paid holidays and leaves-of-absence with pay as 'defined in this: Agreement.- , : . (b.) A store.' employee. may;: with proper notification;. opt to. :have his/her '_ scheduled day "Off occur immediately before and-after his/her vacation period., .._ _ ' '. I (c) .Where an employee works in a store that . . _ observes a weekly closing day the 'employee is allqwed to;.substitute the Saturday. as 'the .:employee's weekly ,day off, in the week the paid holiday occurs provided the Employer's operations .lare .not di.&kupted. .‘- ’ ’ _ . . .> i 0. _A. -\ . . . ! .’ ! . a : .’ ..~(... . ‘...?. \ .6.5 . . ,i: .c: .: . .._' : : (, (a),. %&z an employee' is .requi&dC.to reporst 'to wock -at' '1‘2:60. noon or thereafter, i _. 'over:time sha.11. be 'comp‘uted '.on the. .basis of hi$;l/her ,regular scheduled work '-day . 'reduced by 'one "(I') hour; 'In-addition :,..'he/she shall .,receive one-half(l/2) hour ' ' 'off-'with 'pay. forf:a- lunch.:@eriod; . Z~ . ' --I. ._ ::: 'I, '._i : '-4 ., , .i . . . :. '. . :, _ (b) ‘Wher~~..;an5-'employe‘e 'is .not- instructed: to ,work overtime until the day during which the ,overtime,. is to"' be performed;. the employee shall.be reimbursed for,cost of one' (1) meal of six. dollars-'-($6.00), provided theYemployee works two~(2)'hours I_ of. more &+ime.~:. T ._d+sI. : ..,, ':, , -. / .:.- . I ,.. :‘ .., - 1 _ _. .: ._ . . '. '._ ,, .t .-,' .;, ‘." 6 .& - .: .I.: : .; . . ..'I ~ *' :' :' ..I' ,_-. ', , .,:,; ; (a) "Authorized work performed' in-excess: of .- : the empldyeeBs 'normal'work day shall be paid.at the rate of‘one and one half (l- / l/2) times.the normal hourly rate of the L emplpyee unless otherwise .provided 'i,n . ':'.l '.this Agr&em&nt. . . All work performed on '. ..' .any second consecutive,day of' overtime shall be 'p&id ati ddvble, 'the emp~loyee% ..A :I,:'- ..: 1 normal rate'of p.ay. It -is understood -. , . . " that an "em#loyee.'is'~to receive 'double / '. . ,- ..rates when the employee works on the. employee's -secohd.'scheduled day-.off; . --" : /- ,_.. , *. ,’ -.... I,, . . . :,. t 1, \r < : ,. __. , -. I :, -\ . . . -. ., ! _.. ,.‘_ . . ., t. 1 : ( .T " (d) Where an employee, isi;required-(td'.work on,.: :. ' _ a 'Sunday as part. of ,that employeel,s. . regu-lar shLft( ‘-thi :&mployee is to b& pa+d'- . . :- . '11' _., . at the rate of -one. and-one half ,(1-l/2). -' times"the. regular .hourly rate -of" the.. 2 . 'employee. 3 . . (e) Where an ,employee:is required to work tin.-,: '.'. a Sunday, provided.the Sunday is not,part . - of the employee-is' regular shift, the-' . .' employee, shall be ,paid at the rate qf twice 'the' regtilar"hourly rate- of. the . employee. i ^ ’ . . .. ’ i I F , (\ .’ 6.7 Except a& provided. in Article :,.overtime. rates shall,,be .applicable . . 6.5 from-,' ,the time an employee. 'completes hi&/her- I ,normal work.*day determined from,the.time : he/she commences, work, .but .only if a . . minimum of fifteen :(I;5) minutes in,excess .' of 'the normal- hourf$'.-are yorked,.,and 'overtime .*-rates .shall: -,be .,paid.. to.,'the nearest fifteen (15) minutes. !A? employee "who works three (3)' -hours in ._ excess .?of hisjher normal, workingl.,hours , shall. receive o&half .(1/2) ,hour. off“-' 6.8 The with;pay'f.or a lunch period.:, r ,, ,., ,_:- ', . . . __' ,. .' I, I. .: c _ .( , _~. ,,, : !. '-> Authorized..work per-formed in...Vexcess .of five (5) regular days during any week, or. five (5) days less one (1)'day for' each paid holiday (as defined in Article 7), during that week, shall be paid at the. over.time* rates,.. $ubj.ect: to :the. other. provisionti;.of this Agreement:., '.:? I,':, _. 1. . - ..-' ..: . I‘ : . .,.,.- I : I :.d ', 7,: ,_ :-~\--_. ,. ;, 4 Thatkriil.; facts *were set;.out,. f orA,the .Boakd by, , ( -I’. ,. : _- : ,- .. 1 . < . . agre~ement....‘ In.:the,week of #onday August.2 to.Friday August. 6, .- -~ / ,. 1993, the.'-grievor '"Gas .,sched&d~ to,:.$ork- each day -from .4:00 .I,/ . ; p.m. to'12:109 ,midnight. At-.th$ end, o.f'hi.s shift on Thursday j August 5th (at midnight), 'he performed 4 hours of overtime between midnight and 4:Od' a.m. onFriday. Then he returned for his.scheduled shift..the same day between.4:0,0, p.m. and : . . : midnight; &"Saturday, ,August,7, I; 'I993;.'he,did overtime from' .._ ,,.: - .__ 8:00 a.m;:to.4::dO..p.m.. .T,he 'gli.~.eevor.received.'overtirne pay at . the rate of' l-1/2. times for the work performed betweenV,t... . . ..midnight and 4:OO:a.m. on,Friday; and between ,8:00 a.m. and I ., .; I‘ _. 4:06 pim; on'Sa,turday.P~~he claims-that he.was entitled to the. :, -’ * rate of,double time for the hqurk on Saturday on the grounds -\ \ AL.. > (,: _; :-., ; , _ .‘. ’ ‘. . ; , : 6 ..:>i,,, -, .’ ‘. .that','it'constituted ,,a !second. consecutive .day',of '.overtjme" I with'$ the' .meaning .-o'f artic,le:. 6:.6:(-a) 2 'In'other ,words,.. he '* di'g-i& .'-that L he is*' .&titled .to. 'double ‘time' &&use Q-e . . -did _I :'ov&time on Eri&y:;as wellas on Saturday.,: -.That ,:is based on 'the interpre~a~ion..that.the: phrase 8isecond..consecutiveday11 in y. ..,- = Employer counsel' on the .other~:hand,:.takes~.the -position r j, . . . : *' that when. article %'is'- read,ras a whole, and-:.in. context:, .i.t is.' :- -. ,apparent ' .&it : ~coxis~r%d~~ .'llday~~a: in .Jarticle..: 6:.6.(a) isa... _- . \ reference to consebutive ftshift!' . ..Therefore double time is _ ;-. payable only .if.'overtime. is:performed on consecu.tivei,shifts.- , ;, r' Sin&{hhe grievor .had- an' intervening regular.shbft (Friday 4:00 p;m. 'to midnight)' 'in'between:his twoperio@ .of over,$ime, ,. 'it-.is submitted that doubld'time under article 6.6(a) doe,s,not ! ; . . &pp'l$‘~- Altern&tivexy,' -$Zounsel.submits,that even if the Board . 2 ‘ Iv -&&rmi&& ,- t&t 1 11 con&+tive :&y tt in article 6,.6(a) means :. \ _' L., 5 , cons&tive calendar'day, the overtime..the:grievor. performed 1 between' ._12: midnight,‘. and 4.~00 '.,a.m; '.'on Friday -'is: .pro+rly ._ -~ referrable ,to h&s iThursday- shift between' 4,:Og 'p.m. to midnight.< I. On. tE&t, I basis. .he---submits-. that:. .the...grievor's / ,. . - .' overtime:. -occurred ^ .bn -Thursday- :.-and Saturday 1 - not on .' '. f ._.. . . .a. ,consecutive calendar days.:-:.. _: .: "- ; #.. : .., , , '. /. - .., . . ; I f _ I _' 'i‘ ' ; .' ., * '., -': _' .The ti&d?~'r&l.ied heaviiy'i-~n~p&Ja&es 1789/91 (Kaplan). r.:, ,--,_ -'_ .__'~ _ .., ,. ..,*; . " ;. _ '. There during the week in ques.t'ion; 'the.gritivor did:overtime of .-I/ b _' _ ~ : - .- :; . c: , $'b . :. . . . i ,: .,_ . ,' I : ',.' : .' 4 hours on Monday;.4. hours on T&day, 2,hours on Thursday, 1 ._ i hour-on Friday and 8 hours on Saturday.. He cla,imed that under , i,! 2 article'.6.6(a) he.was entitl,ed to double..time for the..oyertime hours worked-'& .Tuesday, Friday and S,aturday on the.,grounds -i that' each* of. these..overtime periods\. constituted ,,a;. !t.seconc consecutive day of ov&timeW.i 'The employer took the.p.osition I . that Itjust because an employee worked some overtime following _ .' his"'br her-znormal:work~ day &o days in a row,; that did not ',_ . . . make--the second ‘day1s:overtime',work2V1aLsecond consecutive day .. of overtime!': for the:purposes of:attractkng d.ouble pay"., (p. 6) . .-. Counsel- argued that Itthe.' only? time that +arehouse . , . em$loyeeS 'would receive double ,time'i',yould be-.,if..-they, worked ,< their normal hours for a.week,, then worked an‘ overtime full. ._ .shift andthen' worked..another: overtime~2,full shift"'.(p. 5) - .. /' i r ..: : _’ ‘-. ._ , ‘. *.._. ‘.‘, I, In that cage, ,unlike here,. there..ya& no.issue: as to . . . . I whether overtime~:must be on,consecutive,shifts or consecutive 1 -> . . .: 1. calendar days. The-dis$ute was as'to whether $ouble,.time was ' payable for any consecutive perioas of,overtime, .or only.for " . I two consecutive.full shifts of 'overtime. The ,Board rejected the employe.r's~'interpretation.anh- at ph 7 -held: i_ I It isuseful to begin by..considering the ,definition of overtime found inArticle 6.1 of the Coliective Agreement. This definition makes., it clear +.+tha.t ++ .::: ~. J. overtime is any work in excess of fifteen minu'tes ':. ,, perPormed.on a regular working day in excess of the regular working period. This means that all of the , .' additional work. performed. by. the grievor@ the period under review is overtime-for the purposes of . ; . the application.of Article 6.6(a), _:,And that means that the lfsecond consecutive dav of overtimell-is ,. : .!I 'not-,. as : the 'emplover'. suqciests, .a second fu1l.l.shif.t of overtime, but the'second day on which'over'timer. ., ,. .;' . 5s Dgrformed in: excess-of fifteen minUteS.follOWin an emolovee's normal' work day. In f-h& $'n&tknz' !.“ case, the grievor. worked overtime asdefined'in the: .;. Collective Agreement, on Monday, .Tuesday, Thursday,. L Friday and Saturday. The msecond consecutive day .of. overtime" was on -Tuesday, Friday and -Saturday, %'. . . .and.this additiona3.overtime attracts doub;e, pay. , .‘. . '-To'adopt.the..employer's;interpretation.~n,this,caSe. would be 'to render meaningless the second sentence'-. .* .> 1 'of. Article. 6-;-6(a).; for,/warehouse .employees :alwayS.:. work 'a Monday-to-Friday shift and already receive, ai I' Idouble pay for;:.Sunday ..work,.,.by;:virtue of another .' provision of, the Co&lective*Agreement. The Isecond sentence. .of.' Article 16,.6.(a):: ,vas negotiated for a _. reason; and,considered alongside the definition,of ; . . 'Y,'. .. L ' overtime; and the. Collective Agreement, o$h,or .prov+sions: of. - the.,., it is clear.that.tkie parties' _ -'..." ;... .._ , intended for employees .t.oo".receive doub+e pay?? whenever they"were called upon to perform overtime: : .__ .,. : ..ttio. or more -.days succeeding days. -Haiti: a ..ro~+-.,on the .: second .i and I: . I ; I .‘I (emphasis‘%d&d) , t ,.., ".. T ._ .' -_ . '. It is apparent-' 'from the' .foregoing' that .,the'Board's ;. _ _.. i _., r I ., ,_ ..I ' . - : I,l._ . decision-was .&the effect'that the "second consecutiveL dayi" 1' ., ..' f 6, f .' have'.to .' , ., -< ,. does not.necessarily be .a full shif$' to.'@x&ify- for. --: ." .__,._ . , , '. I _ I : c, ,‘ _ ,__ ,_ The 'Board did not --,l _ double .time. have .to"decide:the i'ssue - .: .- , : _' . .x, . > ,:... . ( -, : , '.. -,. _ before us, namely, ‘whether : "day" ._ meanS 'a. ,&l,&,," &' ok ; '. .1 F '_.. : : shift, because in that case each shift f'ell &i a:singie L. .., _. . ,- .'_. calendar d'ay. : : L., Therefore.it made no-difference whether **da'y*I ". -y ^. . . ,i in art,icle 6.6(a) meant llcalendar~'daylV (..- ‘ -02 'ishift" . . . ': : . .' I_ $. ,a . L. _. '4 _. / .,' , *:' I i I : The employer also filed a number of Grievance Settlement Board decisions dealing with the overtime provisions of the ,. ,. .' -. _:. .1 1; ~, .: ..:, Lk _. , OPSEU coilective agreement. However, that collective .: , ._ .-. I. _,. 1 . . 7 _ * _ ,. I ! ,; 9 'agqe,ement includes:provisions.and..definitions not found in the *.-ae' agreement'that governs ,here. '.[.' '.__: :As a-result,:those decisions are - .,. .: :_ 1 not of much assistance'.i :.. .. . . ', ! . :: ._ . . . ,.. l . -1 - I - ,2,:. .I .' .L. ., : I .- ; ._ .* ; + ., ..I ** <. 1 . . _: .._ . . . . . : In the-circumstances, the.Board i&left, to interpret the I language,%.in article-6:6(a) .to determine whether -the double , ~ .-. _ *. ., : : ;' : '. .,‘:, : ,_ _ - . time applies to'the overtime work performed by:.the grievor on / , _ . 1 .: .‘ -;,:. 5 .' . the Saturday. *If *lconsecutive day*' means‘consecutive calendar ;. ,. 1 . . :* *: .,. d'&ys , ' 'then-cIear1.y the grievor did- ,overtime on Friday and .'1. '. ,_ . . . Saturday‘,and'double: time'would apply.,-..If -bn:;the,other hand, _. . . _ " . . '; ._ . . 'theL'reference is to consecutive shifts,:double time does not _- : . : ‘ 'tapply, ;- because .-no overtime was .performed on .consecutive , II . . . - ,'," .-i ;_ shifts. : I- T_ . . A general'rule of interpretation is that when parties use. - .( .", . . ._ the same word 'or‘;phrase -;--,.. _ in different provisions of a . . -. . collective agreement, it must be presumed that in each case .:.++ ._ . . . _. they attach the same meaning,to'the word-or phrase. Likewise,, _ .. ; , r : > : - where parties use differentw'ords or phrases in an agreement, . . 1 .,, ., -. - -. 1.. the‘,assumption .- is that they mean -different things by the.. ., . ,.. 'different% words o-r .phrases. However, in the case at *hand, r _ _: ._,. T I.. ; I - after a.careful review of article 6 as a Jhole, the Board must -. . '. conclude' that in this particular agreement .the words:, ; !!dayO*f:r.t ~XI( .J- :. **working day** and **shift*! .have been used loosely, and , ., - . : ., . . . . . I.' .' ;interchangeably. The collective. agreement does not define any I ., of these terms., We'do not agree'with union counsel that.the *. . . ., , _' _ . . * :_ h. - : I : .s 5: .. (.’ i.” .’ I .’ ; ‘_ : 10 . -, ..-- '- \ -’ statement in .articl,e':~6.Ll(b) :,that the w$k.week .st,arts at'ri2.01 .-... '. ,_ _ . . . . '. ., .' a.m.- on .Monday.LinW;eff.ect defines l'da.y'l,.$o mean "calenda.,r,~d,ay**. / II -. Considering. the way ..the.; w.o,rds...'l~day?, _Iwork day,'.',-:and _!l,shiftl* : are‘used throughout :the vay~q~s,,,~.~bse,~tidi?s.~of .art.icle .6.? .we : ..'.', _' L-. .,agreerwith-.emplqyer counsel.thpt the partfes.did,?o-t.intend to, ,' t* : distinguish _ between- those words.-,in any material ~-way.. In .__ ._. .- . ..T. '. . . . article' 6.6(a) itself, the 'first sentence, ,states .that . .:... '- ?'Authorized work p&formed in exces-s- of:the,employee.'s normal .- ;.,. -I . . . . . /- c yokk dav shall&. paid. at .the,rate- of one and:orie half time+ ', - . . ,. ._.. '.' ._ , - I . the normal' hourly.rate of the .e&loyee :,,.I..'-..,. ':I.t is clear thpt I. I. .,' . _ -the, .word.. '!dayfl in .. the,. ernpha~~~zed,,p~~%se: does not >mean. _ .;.-.. :i .* . -. ::. "calendar iday?..'. "Normal.work.day:! is intende~lfo~~efer to the ..: , _ . 1 employee ':s~.:regular shift. .zc;$'he manner ,.in. whic~~~,-t~el;,~ord. rrday** I .' is% used : in.--vaSious--:.phrases :in the- different .$*rovisions, of 1_ : 'article :6 indicates. that;the-,,parties did not intend: to.,refer ._ -., ! . _ to "calendar dayI1 ____-, ..every .t,irne. they use.3 the word .'$3ay'* . ..- In the :, .- -, ; ._ .I '. ',: particular context). owe prefer..t@ interpretation,, th,at,..when :. .' I .' "they, used- the :phrase _l!-sec,onq..consec~tive;.day..Io-f: &ertim.el*. in -. .article' 6..6,(a.)~they -intended to,:refer.,to '1s&ond consecutive :shi'ft". .‘i i .":' '_ :.. :‘ __:: .: ;:.,: . ,_ '_- 1. ,i-., :,,'-: *,- _, ,, ._ .. -: . . . ,; -> .,,.,- :. . . y, . .=: ; ;I - , i-l' . . . . .- 1 . '* In ou;C.- view,.; this: interpretation,is suppo.rted by. the .:. . : .'lzinguage .-the Board:.. used in. Re ..James. 'in. discussing the I 1 . . particular issue-before it..,'-It appears.that the,Roard implies : .' that'the,word "day" in the phrase nsecond.consecutive.d,ay of overtimel* in article 6.6(a) was'synonymous with-shift. In the ,, '. a’ ‘. . -i 1 i I : 11 language quoted'at"p; '7-8 (sunra)', the‘ Board,describes the . employer's -argument 'in that case' in 'terms'of consecutive , "shifts" despite 'the' fact .*th'at-.-the -,,article'., refers to consecutive -day&; Throughout that,decision the.Board draws no , distinction.between rcday*l and' iIsh~.tII. ' The only'issue :was whether .the article. referred- to a,. full shift br..-day::> : - '., . - I ~ .,_.. ‘-‘_.‘., ‘ ‘. ‘. / . . )i . ..’ . . . .-. ,. \ Thii interpretation is:also~,c,onsistent.~with:the,arbitral ., ,- ,. c ."juris$rudence*holding that.,in, the-absence of.an-indication to :, . the'contralry, overti%. is -deemed'.t,o: atta,ch'. to- the preceding. i . . -.shiftl ,See, pe'~Si~ve'rwood:-rjiiriev'Ltd'. (1969) 20 L.A.C. -4b6 .: . :'. (Weatherillj .: .In.the -i~stant:~~ol~ecti-~e agreementarticle.6.7. , - , '-..provides..that ((..: overtime rates shallbe applicable from the t.ime.an-.&ployee cbmpleteshis/.her~normal work dav determined ,- from the time he/she'commences work;:but only, if'a minimum of .. : fifteen minutes in,excess'of the normal~hours'are.worked'i:;.I'.., \ ' \ :. (emphasis adhedj. In our view this provision illustrates two things. .. '.First,:that the-parties..used the phrases "non&&work , . day" -and iIndr&l hgur&'<I interchangeably'to'meanthe employee's ,' regular shift. ,Secondly, it indicates that the,parties deem an overtime period to attach to 'the 'preceding shift. just, ' : /.completed. This gives.,, some,' credence.:.to .the 'employer's alternate argument:.-that -the: overtime .the grietror,:p,erf,6rmed: after completing his 4:00 p.m. to midnight'shi‘ft on Thursday, . . althdugh"performed on the calendar'day of) ~~riday~between12.01-, .' ~ 12 / : __ .: -. ., a.m."' and :~:‘oo a;m;'i::is to be -regarded asfpart of'thez?J!hursday shift.' i : : ; . _ .'i: . '; ; ',I',' -'. > : ? L - .' . . ,, r _ ,.._ "? . ‘3 ;' I In our view, the employerls interpretation is also-. consistent with a purposive.approach to;Cinterpfetationk:. The -. I '. purpose of a requirement to.pay overtime is to discourage'the / '. employer from scheduling .work for; an employee. beyond' the ', .., _.- ~:reg<l,arh&rs 'of work and to compensate'the ,employee extra for .,. fi. _'.I' _ . .' .,the inconvenience and hardship involved in workinglonger than .., h&, regular-hours. Thus this collective agreement 'requires : , I, L ,,- payment at l-1/2 ,times ,for 'overtime work, . . '. ! However, the . . ,.. parties- have recognized the' need- for an even stronger , -deterrent to discourage the emgloyer from scheduling-back to , :. back~~ove&ime and to.compensate the employee with,double time i if he does back tc back overtime.' This is a.recbgnition that / . . 'back, to back. ove<time causes even more inconvenience: and.. ,, ,. hardship... .This' rationale will not apply where the. overtime performed is not on consecutive,.shifts, as was the case here. " , 'While the employee would be entitled to overtime p&-at l-1/2 " j times;. since'his Saturday overtime was not back to.back with ,' \ the prior ,period of overtime he--does not.endure the additional .inconvenience and hardship intended to be'compen&'ated. by the' higher ratelof'overtime pay. ‘. ’ \For'all of,the'above reasons, the'Board concludes that ' 'the, employer has not contravened article 6.6(a) by.paying the . . 13' ! grievor' at -l-.1/2 timesU,+f.or the,.Saturday ,over$ime. 'This .grievance is accordingly dismissed. .-' . / " .-;; ; . . I !.- ', I I ! . ; .j ,: I .e..,- ,,., ,__ ..^ : .._ ;_ ..,. -, ., , : Dated:-th.is.2,oth:day.of Jun& 198.5. at Hamilton,, Ontar$p ,' . . . ., , ',?.*. 1,. .,,. L..f .*s ,-, -,., i , . ., 1. ._ ,. I . .-., . . _.. .: i’ . .I 5.. .: ,: +q$7yz$=-g* , ., ; .+ .,: ,c : ‘,’ 2 .., ‘,::I.::: : -i ‘ .‘, ‘I ._ . ..N.. D,lssanayake ': . . . . VicrGChairperson~ .. . _ .I : ,. - ‘. 'F?. KlyIJI 'Membei: ' ..i : -. :. . 2.. .,. ^ :. . . .. . . . I _: i . . ‘.s ,,. : ._ I. ., _ ‘b ._ ! . . . _’ : . , . .i ,’ ~ . . ,i