HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-0311.Union.99-11-22 -' C~ E~OYEES DZ L'ON~A~O '" ~RI~ANCE COMMISSION $~LEMENT REGIMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS Itt THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION ~-' ' ', '. TI'IIi CROMi EI~PLO¥££S COLLECTIVE BAR~INING ACT ' "'-:: .- THE GRIEVANCE: S[TTLi~.NT BOARD -- ' ..... -.- ,.: ' -' ~nd . '" ... -- .... . -._..~ ....... [mpl oyer .- Before: Y/. ¥. I~a~ters vice-Ch'at,person. F. Tayt or Member .' D. Nallace Ne~er the Gr~evor: A. Rgdet :ounse] ', Gowl~ng & Henderson ~ B~t~s:ers and Solicitors For the Employer: J,F' Benedict Manager Staff Relations & Compensation Minis:fy of Correc/iona! Services Hearing: SeptemDer 20,.1988 30, 1988i the mater.iai pert of vhich'.reads es follovs: ~.r..... Articles ~ and ~8 of the collective 8~reemen~, ... no~'exc~usively.~ These v~o~e~ions arise, es a res~I_~.o~, bu~ are no~ iiui~ed ~o,'~he enploye~s failure co ~he' Sau~' S~. Ne~ie ja~I vlch. the appropr~'ete ~reined/ classified CorrecC~onal Off,cars. ~ETTLEMENT DESIRED: . ~,~. The= '~he ~0ard order· ch· enplo~er =o dec'~are- cbst'~he,. ~ acclons as des'cribed.above ate contrary, t'o the ~':' ' ..... '~ pr'ovioions'-'.of~the collective_agreement." Fur~h~,,~_~ac , Ch· eup~oyer~,be ordered.,Co sCaf~ .Ch· Seu!c Sce.'Harte. _. ..~ ~ . . As ie epperen~ from the above I-enSueS·, this dispute . .. ........... facility, Vhlch is_.compr!sed~._9~_~e units, has a staff of s~xCy c~assified service. The renalnins twenty five were appointed to the unclassified service. The ~e~ operates on a three ~ respec~ o~ ~he rs~o be~veen classified and u~classif~ed I~ ~ould seem, hoverer, ~ha~ '~here Es ~ene.rally a ~[x of ~hese ~o categories of employees on any ~[ven The compleinc o! the union focuses on ~he.r. atio of there are ~n ~n~f~c~ent ~u~ber o~ c~a~f~e6 ~ff Co ~eeC. the u~on, some cea to s~x~een ldd~c[onal classified employees are required ~or ~his purpose. I~ chis re&ard, ~he ~nion submitted .... that ma.nagemen~ at ~he Sault "excessively" on u~class~F~ed s~a~f, especially ~ the .period ~. subsequent =o Nay, [986, ~ Indeed, the thrust of ~ts pos~t%.~n was ;: '~ ~hat* 8uc~ a~a'f~ had beeu'u~ilized ~o fill vhat should be · "*~" Per~aneu~ position's in the classified service The ua~on'(~'~'argued ~.- ..... ;.that this practice vlo~ated ~he collec~ve, agreement La tvO, .......... respects, ~irstly, eS the '}..'"" ."per~anen~'. ~_. ~at~re, they should-be .. ~he~excees{ve Use ~f-~nclass~f~ed : health and safety concern ~tbLn the ~ece~e ~Be sa~e level of training a's ~d the Correctional O[ficets eho ~ere part of =he class[f~ed service. Further, the Boar~ vas adv[se'd ~ha~ suc~ personnel ~he functions ~h~ they could per~orm.- Correc~[Onal Officers at :he facility in quest{on ~erved to expose all s~aff to an unreasonable r{sk of har~. -2- At the outoet o~ t~e hear~$, ~nd be£ore any evidence p~eeented, the employer ra~se~ a preliminary object,on to arb£trability of the grievance,. It was in~t~ally-~ubmitted that the vording of the srievance, was "abstract" And lack~n~ in particulars, Zt vas further argued that the statement of part['culars provided -£o the employer.by letter dated l&, 1988 (Exhibit '~') d~ no~ advance ~he vn£on's.case in that ':: [~t d'emo~strate~ that the ~rievance wa~ ~n'.substance directed : '-~ ~uarbitrab2e matters ~elat[uS to appo£nt~ent, : ·~[L" orgauizat~ou and assisument Speci[[c~lly, ~t.vas ~ub~Ltted chat [. ' '~.,. the area of sta£fin~ and, more partic~larlF the Us~0f £~unclaasiIied personnel' mt ~he ~facility, .~as .au exclusi~e' , . ~ ." .menatemen[ right huder Sectloh 18 of The 'Crovn Employees and vaa-~here~o~e not. vi£hin.t.h.e_.juri~iction of· ~his Boar~, : appoiut~eata ~o the uncltssified service made pursuan~ to Section 8 o£ The ?ubllc ·Service ~ct, R.$J0. 108'0, Chapter &IS, as amended. The employer lastly su2$t~ted ~aC ~he ~r£evance did no~ r'aise leSitimate health and safe~y concerns. Rather, ye vere urged ~o ~ind that the inclusio~ of such ma~ters in t~e ~rieva~ce vas done simply ~o persuade ~his Board to assuae ~uri~d£c~ion vhich ic did not othervise possess. The follovi~ authorities ~ere relle~ " in support oF the employer's posi:-ion: - Re Nalsday and The N~nlstry of Indystry & Tour{sm~ 96/78; - Aub£~ and ?he N[niscr~. of Correcciona! Services, - Cripps and The ~inistry of Correctional Services, 6'60/86; - Bond a~d The Niniitry of Natural Resources, 173/78; - Johnson and S~pskovski and The Hinistr~ of Culture and Recreation, 72/76; - Skate,ky and The M~nis~ry of Natural ~esources, ~29/B1; - ~ousseau and The N~nis~rF'of Corre.c~ional Services, 1182/$$;.. - ~arden ~ Th~ ~n[s~r~ of 2o~r~c~[o~l S~rvice~, ............. I'n response, the union argued ~ha~ ch·is Board ·did possess ..- -~.~. ...... .~ .~ .... ~he unclass~[fed servi~e' %n ~hLa ~esard ~ re%led n~"~e'~' ]- [ ' :-'" avards ~ssued ~n Beresford end The Mini,cra'of ........... 197~/87. Zn bo~h instances, the Board concluded ~hat ~c could reviev an appointment purportedly made pursuant Co Section 8 o~ The PubI[c Service AcC, As pa~ of their inqu~r~, the Board position ~h[ch £e~ ~Chln one si ~he ~hree groups coupris~n8 ~he unclass£fled service as co~ta'ined in Section 6 of ~e~ulat~on 881 enacted .pursuafl~ ~o Th~ Pub~[c Service Ac~. I~ ~as also submitted :ha: [he differential :rea:men~ accorded to unclassified employees could constitu:e a breach of Section' 15(1.) -6- of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedo=s. if such e~pioyeea vete not in fact temporary and per[ormed in the same [ashion aa '*permanents". Laatly~ the union den[ed the ausgestio'n o~ the · employer that the health and safety issue had been advanced merely to. persuade the Board to aas~ne ~urisdlction. 'To the eontrary~ tt asserted a teal health and safety coecern and · "~; ....'~eques'ted an'opportunity to prese~t'e~iaence in respect o~ same. :- By ray o~ reply~ the employer submitted ~hat the avards '~ Beresfor~ and ~£11e~ ~ere incorrectly ~ecide$ ana..shouta not be ~ -'. 0'llove~, ~e vets in,or,ed that the- for~er avard vas subjec~ to .:~.'~..an applicat£on for ~udicial revlev. The represen-~-~{~'f~-~--th~ -~' ~ ·':" eePloyer furth&r indicated ~h~'theae cases~did no~cbn~i~e~-'~he .~, . ..... ~ef~ect o~ Section 30(3') o~ The ~ubllc S~rvice Act, This sect[on "~ ~::,'. serves' t,o readoUt"the coIiecti'~">agreemeut pazamount-in lays' ' ..... --~..--. _,~. _ cofl£1icl vlth-a, provls~oa in the regulagi0n, l~ Vas the ~OSLtiO~ O~~ the employer that'Sectioh--~;~e~G~atioe. 881..ives ...... .. irreconcilable vith Article 3 o~ the collective agreement ~nd vas for ~hat reason inapplicable.. Fergu,on a~g The Ministry of Industry and To. urism, 3~/76 was relied on in suppor: of this argument. It ~as lastly submitted ~ha~ ~he ~harter did not.apply in this instauce as the e~ployees in the classified and unclassified serv£cea ,could not be considered as being "similarly situated" After consideri'n$ all of the sub~iseiOns and authorities presented to-us, the Board finds that we do have the jur'iediction to proceed vlth a hearing in chis instance. The parties have directed their attention to health and safety matters tn Article 18. Article 18(1) reade as ~ollovs:' "The Employer shall continue to make reasonable provisions for the safety an& heaIth of its employees during the hours o£ their empl'oyme~t. It is e~reed that both the ~ployer and the Union shall co-operate co the fullest extent posaibl'e ~n the prevention o~ accidents and in the reasonable promotion of safety and health of all employees," , ge have not' been persuaded that this article of tbs collective agreement is entirely inappllcable-to:'the~present 'threaten the ~ealth ant safet~ 0i e~pt°yees a: the' Saute' ........ "Katie 'jail~.- ~e--cherelore think..it_..proper, to hear..e_~idence [re?pact' of the .allegation iu order co ~ecermine i[ there is aerie answered ~i:hou: t~e presentation and consideration of relevant evidence. The fac: that sca[fing and compleaent may be part managemen~ tights under Section 18 of The Crovn Employees Collective Bar,again8 Act is no: a bar :o :he assessment o~ the health and safety complaint. In :his respect, ye concur vi:h the !ollo~ing comment oi the Soard in Warden: "T~ the ~hrust o[ a grievance ~s a health and safer7 ~asue under Article 18.I, ~hen in our respectful vier that grievance ia arbitrable despite the fact chat the resolution of that to the employer's exercise Of managemen~ t.~ghts." (~age 3). · ~n that: case, .the Board deck'ned to hear the grievance because the vordLng of same vas ~ot indicat£ve of a health and safety issue~ Further~ :he heettt~ and safety concern vas not raised by the gr~evor until the arbitration heating; That a~tuation :. '~ health a~d safety provision'of ~he collective agreement 'vas .. "~;" :" apecL~LcalZy re~&'tted to t~ the~body o~ the $t~evauce, ~ ~"~' eeeta~ nature o~ the compLa'~ut vas aesct{bed pt~,'to the . · .' ~. · hearing through the p~rt'tculate provided to-the employe~.~ m ............. ~or all Of'the above reasons, the Board conclades that ......... ~ay properly proceed to 'hear'evidence-and argument on~the_hea_lt~ .and snEeZy complaint. ~e are inclined co reserve our opinion the arguments raised by the employer to the effect Chac questions of steeling, complenent ant appointment ~all vithin che exclusive dc~ain nE management' rights. :~e have deter~ne~ above the: these es:cars do not depr~ve us of ~uristiction to learn more about the alleged health and safety concern;. ~urther, ye hold the opinion ChaC they bear directly on the q~es~ion as to vha: approptLate, a~ tega~.., remedy sho~ld ye ulti~a'elv. . find mer:t to the union's complaint. Xhe Board ~;~ll teed to entertain furcker presentation o! the evidence. Additionally, i~ .vOUld be improdent ~o add ~o [he debate over the Bo4rd)8 ao~hori~y co reviev appo~n~me~C8 to che unclassified serv~ce.~hile the ~e pre~e~tly before the ~v~o~al Court. Ve chece'~ore ch£nk iC ~s advisable co del~y the Ceschedul~ng o~ the hearing un~ ~he cour~ has-g~ve~ ~s'dec~s~cn, DATED at, W~nd'sor, On:ar~o', :h~s 22,.d day of November, 1988. .......... H, V. ~attets,-v{Ce,Chair~eeson O. ~allace~ ~e~ber ~ ' -8-