HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-0561.Messier.90-11-01 ·~- . ... : , , I ;> It ":. #561/90 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION BET WEE N : OPSEU (Emile Messier) (hereinafter called the "Union" ) - and - THE CROWN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO (Mi.nistry of Correctional Services) (hereinafter called the "Ministry" ) AND IN THE MATTER OF THE GRIEVANCES OF EMILE MESSIER " Board of Arbitration: B. A. Kirkwood, Vice-Chairperson B. Shipman, Union Member F. Reeve, Employer Member Appearances for the Grievor: R.Ro8S Wells Appearances for the Employer: J. Crowther Hearing Dates: November 131 1990 . , Page 2 . t " DECISION The evidence was adduced by means of an agreed Statement of Facts. The grievor Emile Messier is employed as a Regional Inspector of Weighers and Checkers by the Ministry of Transportation in its Northern Region. The grievor works out of the regional head office in North Bay. The parties counsel agree~ that a draft position specification and class allocation for the Regional Officer of Weighing Operations generally described the grievor's duties accurately. A copy of the position specification and allocation is attached to this decision as Appendix "A". The grievor's position is currently classified as Inspector Weighmen and Checkers 2. The class standard for the Inspector Weighmen and Checkers Class Series is attached to the decision as Appendix "B". The Union's counsel agreed that the class standard for Inspector of Weighmen and Checkers is the only appropriate class available wi thin the present bargaining unit classification system. The Board finds that the class standard for Inspector of Weighmen and Checkers does not adequately cover the duties and responsibilities included in the grievor's position as set out in the draft position specification. Therefore the Board orders that as in decision of the Divisional Court in OPSEU(8.erry} and the Crown in Right of Ontario (1986) 15 L.A.C. 151 the employer be directed to . . Page 3 " t , create a class standard that will conform to the grievor's job s I responsibilities and duties. We further direct that the class standard shall be created by the Ministry and be ready for approval by the Civil Service Conunission within 120 days of the issuance of this decision. Due to the grievor's participation in a review process of his classification1 the new and appropriate classification will be effective retroactively from JanÙary 11 1989. Any compensation arising from this grievance as a result of negotiations between the parties will be similarily retroactive to January 11 1989 with interest determined at the rate of 10% per annum. The Grievance Settlement Board will remain seized with this matter in the event that there is any difficulty with respect to the implementation of the decision; however I this panel of the Grievance Settlement Board will not remain seized of the matter. DATED at Toronto1 this day of November, 1990. ßÞ A -/6 B.A. Kirkwood, Vice-Chairperson .,~ ~~~~ B. Sh' man, U 'on Member ~~ F.Reeve, Employer Member I A PP&,-,.)0, x.. \ A . I ® ~09JllOn t1peCUlCl>. n 6 \,;1888 AIIOCBlIOn~~~ ~ C:Jl . . . (Refer to back of fonn lor eompløUon InslNd/anaj t Qnlørio I b.t. _.101 J ~,..""" _101--. J Nwr ...101_ ~ ror C$C _onl'l' 1. '0I1,1on \i'" rOlh- Codo Ilan iMnII.... "'"" -... : Æ:GIllNN.. (fTIctn IT ~"i:Ir.llrN:i f"P£llnTIm!; Sc:tl. lit.. w.... IAJ'.T. ~--0I>I¡r !c....JCh.¡- - -" ---.. _I ~..i r-t ~.... I . _0 IpIoofO _0 ,..0 I I I I I'osltlon lUll . I ~ocUIan CodI - CInI tl,.. .1Id ~ I s__: rœo1ontll Of flcer of bleiohlllÇl OocntiOtl3 Mlnlllr., 0_ Ministry of Trensoortøtiro BtsltC" Ind liccllon locot..... Ge",.t- Codo ConstructIon afflce Nø.ø ~ 11"D¥ld.. FOlJ1l ....;.:""'IP to: . I lmrn«llllto SUþftYIIDf>llloI. I liuporyllOf" po,h_ coao No. 01 .....hlom l No. of >l1lQ1 , ~b!naocr, Consttuction OffIc~ 2. Purpo.. of þO$ltlon lwhy _ thli pooltlon .~l"n Ik1deI: the dir~tlon of till! RegIonal P1allllger. Construction Orrlc!, to lI~slst In the lI'an8gement an:! admlnbtution of the lIIelQ4U"I! activities lIIithln a Reºion emuritlg colllolianœ lIIith 1"~1.!l, t1eiçl111'1Ç po:.llc1es IInd proc:gdure~ ·end t.he F e~røl \!Ieit;iih II'd 1'It1s=M Act. IIOll ~1lt.1ons. Imrolvell1l!1'lt 'dIll normally Incl~ CO"'l5hu::tton, maint1!fl:!l~ and II1l,r1icioal contracts. Also, 1:I1U be nsponsibl.. to l:Iaintsln in tlpeuH~ condition all 1'1.1.0. I1e igll1l'1Ç t't!vk!!s U5ed by Driver!: er.cl V!!hlc1!!s in ~ enforc!lIIent o~ the r.rob fjeld'lt le~is1!t1on. J. Duties .fIÓ r.l.ted mks lwhcl I. ....ploy.. tlQU trod 10 do, how t<ld ,""y7Ind1eo.. poreoftlO ll 01 limo "'""I ..... ..ch dulyl Under the direction of ~ P.egionel Mtn3ger, Canstructioo Office, IIssi~ls 1" the ~ana~~~t and Adrn1n!stration of the w!i9h scale ectivities within a Re~ion by perfor~ing such duties aSI h DlrecUI1Çl the testlnç of contractor'a SCIIll! to ensura that e prcpcr tesUng l!Iethod is used and that the scdes are adjusted to lorei;tl IIIithin II p~cribed tolerel1C!! a,l set out by Ccnsum!;!r Ilnd û:!rporate Afflliu, Idelç:hts and Measures Divisi~ Inspecting commercial weighing operations and recommending to the Manaçer of CDnstruction"exø~ption Of non exelllpUon of /I\. 1.0. ",!!i~rson. Establishing a monitoring system "here I!xell1ptlon h llpproved and perforll1ill9 unllrTlOlXlCed inspections to IIl!rHy the enforcell1ent of the monitodnç Systl!m. Maintaining B high profill! to ~tl!r frBudulent attemptL 80% Documenting tests ?e~rOfllled by contractor or his 1lgent. and report.lng t.he test. results to t.he federal Authorities as reQUired by pollcle~ Ensuring that Project Suo~rvlsors, Inspectors, Weichers end Checkers lire pr~rly trllined in the duties e~ch is I required to P!!fforlll to meet the requlrem~h of r:"T.O Ifdghing policies IInd procedures. Monitoring the t1el!Jhing ooeratlon tkn:ing the course or a contrad ensuring -e!tlerencl! to policies vxI procedures I thus mnintaining unHOIlI1ity in the applications in Bcandal'1Ce lIIith Pfovirc~l Highlllays Ouectlvl! r-92. , I , rløintaln1ng close lløbm ",ith the Feœrd !t!eip/'lh end I'leasur!!s Authorities. cont. , 4. Skllll .nd knowl~dpl r.quired to Plrf o~m lob .t lull workl", 1t,.I. UlldIQII. ......do1ory ø_n(l11J II< 11...._. II ~1..b"l /Jemonstrated eXþer1el1Ce in COIlS truc tioo, detailed cno...ledçle of .n.r.o. ..eighing pol1cb~ line! procørorøs. Good 1II0rl:ing Imo..l!!dç¡e of thf! Feœral l1elQhts line! ~leesUr!!~ I\ct and fltmul..Uon!l. /\bUity to sùflnrvbe IInd iTl!ltruct !ltaff. Ability t.o ~stablish effective ..or1:1"9 relatlonshiþ w1th fUnis try staff and contractor':!, pe~5D1T1CL. 0,," ~~. 5. SlvnltUrl lmmOdl.tl Suporvl,or . D... M1r>lnry OUl~I.l 1 O'Y MQfttll v.., I DIY Month V- I l I I 1 yp' SUl"rvbDf'S n..... r YÞt 011101.1'1 r"_.ttd 1111. c,_. t'~~. r-tn.:lQ~i' . "'rf'1t'I-~"þ:)Lh'- n '"-r{q¡.... 6, Cl.., allocation elM, eo<II - ., O"'\lt>li~\ 'I'OIIP n\lml)l'l EU""IW. d.u 1 DIY M....th Y... ne~ional Officer of ~ighing Operation I I , ~,;... ~ I..ltlld thl. poslllo~ In 1C<..,dln~ ...111> 1"" Civil S.",1oo Com"'''''lon C....llIeOllon Sllnd..ðo ro, t"" followl", '."lOn: A. ; B. C. 0 j SigI".lUTI' of ...nhcfl:nd etnlllJ.ltOf Cite 1 VPII Inlul.or'. n.n'M I DI~ Monl" Y..r 1 I I It (J~ b'--J ¡y x B ,~ . ! . . '<1{; T; .' CÅTEGOAY: Maintenance Services CROUP: MS-02C Trades and Crafts . SERIES: Inspector of Weighers and Checkers CLASS CODE: 12980 mSPECTOR OF WEIGHERS AND CHECIŒRS 2 This class covers positions of Regional Inspectors of Weighman and Checkers who report to a Regional Audit Supervisor) who perform the characteristic duties specified in the preamble to this series} and in addit}on perform an audit function related to the weighing of materials on construction projects in an assigned Region. They audit payment records for day labour and equipment rentals} throughout the Districts within their Re gion . They also check and report on compaction equipment in use on the job site and check weighing procedures at readi-mL~ plants of suppliers. In winter they act as a member of a contract checking group in their Regional Office and inspect sand and salt weighing operation~. They prepare courses and examinations} instruct and mark papers of new or prospective District Wèigh Inspectors and participate in D.H.O.'Training School Courses. Th~y are responsible for a D.H.O. vehicle. ÇCPERI_ÐCE REQllRDŒ~T A~ least two years' experience as an Inspe~~cr of Weighmen anà Checkers 1 or a ,Highway ~nstructicn Inspector 1. '..: :~ , . 1.' ,h'ril 1?6.2. " . . a . . ~ < . '. , , ) Instructions for completing form CSC-61S0 UMI.....tonn blndk:.lled tMlaw lor .. XIIIIIIona al<CePll'-lXlIf«ed by" EuaftlYe ~Ion Plan, "'.....~ ~ PlM Dl' omo. AdminIItratlon Group. I C1asalfled Full and Pan-lime position&: Form 10 M ~ In .. ....nty axcepla 1M F......::tIoMl Coda box In s.cuø.. 1. UnclaalRed Season.1 posltlona (Group 3): CompI&te s.ctloM I tnd 6 .xcepllOf "- Functlonal Coda box In s.cuon 1. .m .. evalua- don laIlr:InØ h SK1lon a. All olher posltlons: CompleUon ø11h111onn In lilt Dl' a ... OUI above lor Uncla..llied Se.SonaI PosUiDnt, Is aplloMl Instructions for coding Poslllon Identifier Instructions lor coding Susonal Work Period Cðde Code J (a sppIbble 1 3 . Cw,llled PœIIÌOOl1 SauaRt "'/nI.' Spring ~ Fall FuMim. , and lhalr Dee. "'.... June s.p. PaMlm. 2 conþQ \1w J.n. i<Ç>t. JuL Oct. Unctuallled Pœlllonl ord.r. Feb. t.t.y Aug. Nov. Group 3 a) S.a~ W(Ntc I*Iod ø tonMCUI¡"'" _aka or mor. but 18.. IhM .. months 3 BoAd ~ .. 1oI1ows: b Se..onal \l\'OIl\ patlod .. tonMaJIlva . SIngle .._. I.... SprIng E.um~ months Of m~ bUl1nl1han 12 mDnlhs " Oloup 2 5 1.lndioal. ..uon. \_0 _01 ~ I 2. In..fl appflc. coót Group 1 6 In 181\ hand box. '-!1iI... 0.111 1 Other Cfown 1 .. ~ H_. I..~ SlmflM(, Fd, W~... Instructionø for coding Sch. Hrs. Work 1. Indicat. leUOIll. 2. In..rt coda ollllrt . Complat. thl. box lot R.P.T. PDahIon& 'onIy. ...50n In 181\ hand box. 1-1iI_1iI' e- I . Induda portø.. 01 boun 10 2 daclrn~ placn. 3. FDltow wKh code. 0( ~O'oI Ii J ..ll NOTE: Th. .....11. 01 lhe IC11lBl hours wo,bd (Ie,. lMIfllme) over . .ublaquanllXlnlaCU!l'I. _cull.... weeks by R.P.T. .~e. uslllned IQ. K tiI1oII Huonl. mLllt coIncld. wllh Ilia Scheduled Houri 01 Work lclenllfied lor lhal poIìlJon. Any change 10 1M sœ.duled Holn 01 WorlllO'lD I.qulta ,... ....blIIhman1 ....d docum.nlallon 01 . sap...al. NOTE: MulUple ..~o", musS be IXlnsecutive to qu.r.ty .. _ position. pOIlIlon. IJ.JTES IIIÐ RELAlÐl tASKS cart. " Providing experl:1se 11'1 scale operation to hmic1palities. l'1aintl!llora!. Construction, Orivers IInd Vehiclø$ and , other government sQl!r'Ciell 5UCh n I'JLR. Initiating snd edministering annual contr.cts for the maintenance .nd calibration of ,11 perlDllrent and portable ",eighing c1øvices usl!d by Drivers and Vehicln for the enforclllllent of this Ade Weight Leglaletlon. " . Ass!!ssing present equipment, preparirig CO!!t estlmatn for replacement qr 'repain of lll.T.o. 1IIs1!lhing dsvl::1!1a, author izing the rllpau Or I1!PISCelllllllt of this e~lpment. t . , [~jng thøt ckK:umerrts pertBln1ng to 1'l.r.1l. 1le1l1. clIllbJ'IIUoo IIrll lIœquatllly completed to be aCt:eptable in a court of lalll ao that char!Jl!s pe~hlnin9 to ..eight mllY not be cont~,ted. based on accurllCY of device.· Attending llIel!ting! to review policies ,and pnlCedJres end lIlaking. recommendlltlDl'lS for changes. Lecturing ,lit seminers snd courses ~ Ie~1recl. Preparing and c1øl1V1!ting course content nil proper weighing , methods, contrnla, proœdIr1ls. JIIonitor1ng the scquisition of 1111 -.reighed material used for road construction or maintenaI'Ce -èg. ,I!nd. ult. . 11rne, asphalt œHllt, etc. P.evie.orl.og or CT1la ting cOlllp.lter programs used In Constr;¡=tion.l ~ Z. Performing other duties al alsigned. ~ SKILLS Jl1ID KMll.EIY.l: cont. PrDlfl~ technlcel expertise In scale operation ..!thin the tlinistry "'lthout re:;o<Jrse. ~bill ty to comrr.t.nic..te clearly, orally and in ~rlti~ Ability to estllblish priotities and be self-motivated