HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-1595.Penney.92-08-20 : ONTARIO EMPLOYESDE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARtO GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 OUNDA$ STREET WEST, 5UiTE 2~O0, TORONTO, O~T~R~O. M5G ~ ~TELE~O~E/TE~EPHO~E: ~80, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2I~, TOROHTO (ONTAR(O}, MSG 1Z8 FACS(~tLE/T~L~COP~E : (416~ 326- ~3~6 [595/90 Under ~E CRO~ ~P~YEES COLLECTi~ B~AINING ACT Before T~ ~RI~CE SE~L~ BO~ BETWEEN' OPSEU (Penney) Grievor The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of Natural Resources) Employer BEFORE: J. Samuels '- 'Vice-Chairperson M. Lyons Member M. O'Toole Me~her .. FOR THE R. Blair GRIEVOR Counsel Cavalluzzo, Hayes & Shilton Barristers & Solicitors FOR THE M. Failes EMPLOYER Counsel Winkler, Filion & Wakely Barristers & Solicitors HE~/~ING 'February 14, 1991 August 7, 1991 July 29, 1992 David Penney is a Fish and Wildlife Management Officer in the Ministry's Ignace District in the Northwest Region. He is cIassified as a Resource Technician Senior 2 (RTS 2). ~He claims that he is not properly classified and that he ought to be classified as a Resource Technician Senior 3 (RTS 3). The Preamble to the Resource Technician Senior series, and the stan_d~rds for RTS 2 and RTS 3 are appended to this award, together with a Position Specification, which the parties agree describes accurately the grievor's duties. The grievor plans, organizes and .impleme~ats the Fisheries and Wild_life programs in the Ignace District. His Supervisor, Mr. D.' Lawson, has general responsibility for Fisheries, Wildlife and Forests. The Ignace District is the only place in the province where there is a Supervisor having responsibility for Fisheries, Wildlife and Forests. Generally, there is one Supervisor for Fisheries and Wildlife, and another for Forests. But Mr. Lawsbn's expertise is in Forests. The District does not always have a fisheries Biologist (the position is currently not filled), and for some of the time when there was one assigned to the District, the Biologist was undergoing a process of familiarization with the situation in the District. Thus, it is the grievor who provides the primary expertise in the District in the matter of Fisheries and Wildlife. The grievor has served the Ministry since 1968. In 1981, he moved into management (in the labor relations sense) as a TM14, responsible for coordinating the conservation officers and for fish and wildlife management. He was promoted to TM16_.for brief periods when he was Acting Fisheries and Wildlife Supervisor, Then, in 1989, his duties in his management position were carved up and the grievor wound up back in the bargaining unit with the task of fish and wildlife mar~agement. While a TM14, the grievor prepared the fisheries management plan for the District for the period 1987-2000. This plan will be revised as time 3 progresses (it is contemplated that there Will be a revision every 5 years, the first in 1992). The grievor has the responsibility for implement'_mg the plan and for making revisions as necessary.' On the wildlife front, there is n6 long-range plan in the Ignace District, but it is the gfievor who carries out the planning and management tasks contributing to Regional and Provincial discussions concerning caribou, moose, and bear. ' ' Many of the grievor's functions with respect to fisheries and wildlife carried on seamlessly from the period in which he was classified as a TM14 into his time as a RTS 2. Is the grievor properly classified as a RTS 2? Having responsibility for Fisheries and Wildlife, the grievor is responsible for a "service~', as opposed to a "sub-service". The Preamble to the RTS series says, at the bottom of the page, that a "service" is "a functional field equivalent of a .Ministry Division, eg ...... Fish and Wildlife". In the first paragraph of the RTS 2 standard, we "see that this classification covers employees who exercise technical control and long range operational planning of a "sub-service", or who act as the senior assistant to district technical or professional specialists. The grievor is more thaa either of these categories. His purview is an entire "se~ice", and he is the district technical specialist, not the senior assistant. The grievor is not properly classified as a RTS 2. Oh the other hand, he would be properly classified as a RTS 3. As the first paragraph of the standard says, this is "the working level of non- professional district staff specialists' with district-wide responsibility for long-range operational planning, standards control, policy interpretation 4 and recommendations within a service". '13 tis describes the grievor precisely. He is the non-professional qistrict staff specialist. He has district-wide responsibility for lOng-range operatiomd planning, standards control, policy interpretation and recorfimend~ tions. And he does this within a "service". He ought to have been classified as RTS 3 and we order that this be done as of twenty days before his grievance. He is to be compensated fOr any difference in remuneration as a result of his improper classification, and he is to be paid interest at 8% compounded annually on any sum from the date it ought to have been paid to the date on which it is paid. We will remain seized to deal with any matter arising Out of the implementation of this award. Before concluding, we must say a word about an apparent inconsistency between the Preamble to the RTS series and the language in the standards themselves. . . The second paragraph of the Preamble says that the working level of "non-professional district staff specialist positions" is at the RTS 3 level. And the paragraph goes on to impose an onus on senior management to provide reasons if such an employee is not classified at this level. This paragraph makes no distinction among "non-professional district staff specialist positions"--it appears not to matter what the employee is actually doing. A reading of this paragraph in isolation suggests that i~11 "non- professional district staff specialist positions" ought to be classified at the RTS 3 level, unless management can provide good reason for some other classification. -- On the other hand, the standards themselves speak of the specific functions performed by the non-professional employees. In particular, the RTS 3 standard says that 'such employees are not only "non-professional district staff specialists"--but they must also have "district-wide responsibility for long-range operational planning, standards .control, policy interpretation and recommendations within a service". So that, from a reading of the 'standard alone, it appears that' not ail' "non- professional district staff specialists" are to be classified as RTS 3. It is only the specialists with the particular district-wide responsibilities mentioned who are to be classified at the RTS 3 level. We make no comment on how this apparent inconsistency between the Preamble and the standard itself is to be resolved. Wed simply note the poim. It is not necessary in this case to go any further than this. Done at London, Ontario, this 2otb day of August , 1992. ,~L W. Samuels, Vx6e-Chmrperson M. Lyons, Member M. O~roole, Member ~LAS S S TA~,NDARD: - p REAM3LE RESOURCE ~C~ICL~, S~IOR ~is series covers ~e positions~qf ~Senior Tec~ici~s in the field of natural resources m~ag~ent. Some positions are those of s~c!a!ists conceded wi~ pl~q, the Provision of. ~c=ional advice, poli~ ~d st~rds contro~] o~er positions ~e ~ose su~isors involved ~ the ~lementat%on of varied and compl~ resource ~ag~en= proxies. ~e basic re.~r~ent for ~ps is a ~orough ~ledge of the principles of resource m~ag~en~ ~d te~cal ~e~ise. ~e work~g level of non-professional district staff specialist positions is at ~e Resource Tec~ci~, Senior 3 level. However, positions ~y be allocated ~e or bel~ this level, if, in the asses~ent of senior m~ag~ent,. =he priority given ~o the ~ag~ent objectives of the se~ice(s) places greater or lesser d~ds on ~e ~sition th~ is ~ically fo~d on a province-wide basis. ~e reasons for su~ ~ asses~en= ~st be meaninq~lly do~ented ~ senior ~aq~en= ~ each instance. In ~y such allocation, ~e roll,lng ~ conditi~s .~s~ be met: (a) ~e n~er of ~sitions at the Reso~ce Tec~ici~, Senior 3 !evil in ~y individual ~ice ~s= be greater ~ the n~er of positions ~ove ~is .level. (b) ~e n~er of positions a~ ~e Resource Tec~ici~, Senior 3 level in ~y ~viduai se~ice must be..~eater th~ the n~er of positions bel~ ~is level. Resea~ ~Br~ch positions a!locate~'to the first ~d second level ~ ~is series will noilly be ~derfiJ.ied ~ one grade for a period not longer th~ one year, to alt~ for necessa~ "on uhe job" training in s~cific research as~cts of the duties involved. Positions of Senior Tec~ici~s assi~ed to the Head Office ~r Regional Offices are allocated to specific levels in this class series on a c~parative basis with district positions in re!etlon · to such factors as plying, st~dards control., poli~ in~e~retation ~d ~pl~entation, po!i~ reco~endations, etc. Positions will be allocated to a specific level in =his class series only when all the retirements of that level have been ~a! fil!ed. DEFINITIONS FOR USE ~ ~IS SERIES Se~ice: ~ctionai field e~ivalent'of a ~nistry Division, e.c. Forests, ~nes, Fis~ knd Wildlife, Parks ~ Conse~ation Authorities, Field Se~ices, L~ds. F"_nc-~iona! field equivalent of a Minist---.? .Branch, e.c. F~res~ Ma.~.agemen~, ?.inera! Resources Y~nagemer.~, :~ildllfe .U~nagemenn, Parks ,~.anagemenn, Fire L.= .~.d s A~inis ~ration. (ever) CLASS STANDARD: RESOURCE TECHNICI.%~. S~IOR 2 This class covers positions of employees .responsible on a district-~de basis for technical control and ion~ ran§e_ope~ational plannin~ of a sub-service, OR who act as the s~enior assistant to district technical or .professional specialists in determiniag methods and techniques, Lmplementin==' and interpretin~ po]J. cy, contro~ sr~andards, preparing lon~ opera.omni plans and developin~ new policies :for ~ sub-services in one or ~re -~ervices on a dis~rict-wEde Positions of employees responsible on a dEstrict-wide basis for fEeld control of T~her revenue sources a~e ~l~o included at ~s level. Posi:ions o£ emploTees who are f,,1 1 time supervisors are a]_locace'd co this level when the~ are responsible for supervision of $~a£f, work plznnin§' and implementation, budgetin§ and budge~ control and overa//k asm~,~ s~ration of ~he.ma~oritw of sub-services in ~ services present within a Ch/el Ran~er Di~sion or an equivalent ,~-!t or or~-~zation, ~_~ where the number of re~tlar and/or probar/onary staff permanen=l7 assigned to such unit is 24 or less. ~llocation :o this level will be ma. de only when .both criteria are fulfilled. Supervisors of tTpe ~" parks am/ %-y~e "&" hatcheries are a/located to this level. Also included are positions 'of empl~/ees who are se. cond-in-Char§e of t~pe "A" tree nurseries. In ~he Research ~ranch, 'this c/ass cover= positions of non-professional, carr,/in~ out various technological phases.of advanced research, ar~ required to advfse Research Scientists in matters of costs, manpower, equipment, necessary for the operation of a research station, research vessel or a research tree nursery and, who assume on a year-round ha$£s., adm/n/strative, o.Der~tional, t~ai,~-§ and/or supez~-isury duties necessary for the. operation of such a research unit ~nd take charge of such a uti: as required. SEw.~-~ AND ~U~tEDGE KE~U~{ED: l: Aam~nistr-~tive a~ supeI~risor,/' ability) ~bili%7 to deal effectively with o~her-agencies and the public) abilirI to carry out lon§-~ange opemtionaI plam~ing and de,a/led work planning. 2. A ~ood =-eneral ~nowled§e of departmental le~slz~ion, administration and the specialized ~bjec~iwes and procedures of ~t~ various serwices.~ preferably completion of special trai~in§ courses in such areas as Timber, Fish and Wildlife, Forest P~otection, Lands or ~arks, M~nA~ement a~d A~st~tio~. -- Oc=abe~- L. !9.-0. C r _~t~ STUN D~D: RESOURCE ~ECHNICI.%~, S~NIOR 3 This class covers the working level of non-professior~! district staff specia]_Ls~s with disTrict-wide responsibiliTY for long-raage operational planning, standards control, policy iuterp.reta:ion and reco~rendations witkizl a service or & combi~ar/on of services. Also covered are positi.ons of full-time supe~rvisors who are responsible for supervision of staff, work p/Annin~ and {mple~ntation, budgeting budge= control and overall adm~.i stracion of .all sub-services (Type parks and hatcheries or Type "~" and "B" tree nurseries may be excluded) in all services present within a Chief Ran§er Division or equi¥~ien~ unit of organization an4 where the number of re~lar and/or proba=iona:-/ staff permn~en=l7 assi&ned to such unit is more than 14 bu~ less than 35. Positions of full-time supervisors who'are responsible for .supervision of staff, work p~--~-g and implementation, budgeting and bud&et control and oyez-all admin/s=ra:ion of the ma~orit/r of sub-services in all services present within a Cqzief Ran~er Division or an equivalent ,,-~ t of or&-adli-_atio~ and where the number of re~//Ar and/or probatioua'.ry staff permanently assi&ned to such unit is more than 24. Posit/ohS of full-time suDervisors are allocated to ~h{s level only when _b. oth criteria, responsibi//ty and of number of staff, are fulfilled. SKILLS m~D KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED: -'- !. Proven adminisTraTive and supervisory ability; ability ro carry oug long-range ope :-a ti onal planning and detailed work planning; initiative and creative ima~nationl tact and diplomacy required to es=abkLsh effective working relationships with senior n~mbers of organized public groups and industry~ public relations and public speaking skills; proven leadership abilities. 2. Expert knowledge of legislation pertinent to & speci&// --- ed field of resource management; thorou&h knowledge of tke ~e~er~l mi~isteria. L legislation, policies, objec:ives~ etc., and &ood understandin~ of the Mini$cry' $ service~ Cccober !. 1970. .w":? L~j/~ -. Position Specification & Crass Allocatlon-CSC. 6156 tfer to back of form fo~ completion instructions) s,,,,,~,,: =~==e 09-1311-15 Resource Tech, Sr.2(BU) - 41111 a~anch and SeCtion bo~tlofl ~Ge~ll40L°c' Fish and Wildlife X~ace To plan, ocg~iz, ~d ~l~nt tho Flohegie. ~d W~ldlifo p~r~, consis~en~ wl~h MLni~ry planning processes, under ~ho general su~ision of ~he Fish, Fo=o~s and Wildlife Su~rvisor. -~ete~fle. ~ec~eat~Qaa~ uso of the Y~sh ~ wLldXLfe =eo~rce. eLthe~ consumptive o= 40% -~nL~ors's~rategies' ~d ~a~lol deso=~.d ~' tho FiSheries N~ag~en= Plan dete~fling resources ~ -plea, o~gan~ze.~ ~lemon~a and 8u~aeo the a~atLc h~i~a~ inventory w~thLa the district through the Fiaherios ~nag~en~ Pl~ an~ wL~h input from asstot~ce f=~ othe~ ~nb ~d WLIdl~fe s~aff for ~tockLng endeavors; (con~'d) '4. Skills anti knowled~ required to Ixrform job &t full ~king level. (~i~tff ~to~ ~tislt ~ i1~, if TeChnical skills ~d ~l~go a~ the level usuall~ ass~t~ with the successfu~ completion (cost'd) S. C[llJ lllG~t[~ Cl~ 11114 ~. C~s c~ O~u~f~ ~ sum~ Eff~t~ date Resource Technician, ~nior 2 4~ 1 I I TS~T A. Pos~ion of employee who ~s responsible on a d]s?ric-wlde bas]s for technical con?~ol long-range operat~oqa~ p~ann~ng of the fisheries and ~]ldllfa manage~n$ p~ogram. s. Posit[on Is responsible for budgeting and budge? control of the F~sh and W~ld]~ P~ogram. ~sl~ion ~mple~n~s and Interprets pollcy (answecs inquirles, explainin~ policies, legisalT~cr 'o public and s?akeho[ders, e~c.). Instructions for completing form CSC-6150 L/se II,is form as in~icatecl below lot all ~s~t~ons Classified Fulr and Pa~-trme positions: Form 1o Unclassllled Seasonal Positions (~rottp 3): Complete Sect,one ~ and $ except tot the Funclio. al Cools i:ox in Secl~on % a*d he eva;u~- li0n rationals in Section 6. All other positions: CompletSon el this fonr~ in furl ct al ~ O~1 ,l~ve ~c~t U~B~i[i~ ~ea~ P~tions. is Instructions for coding Po~ttlon Identifier In,ructions for c~ing Seasonal Wo~ u~i~ PoNlions o~. Feb. May Aug. -No~. Grip 3 w~kt ~ m~ Oul ~e~ ~han 4 m0Nha 3 Buil~ ~e ~ tol~ Other Cron ? · M~le'~. Lc.. Summer. Fall Winter instruCtOrS ~0r ~ding ~ch, ~ts. Wo~ ~. indicts NOTE~ ~e av~age ~ (hl ~ctu~ ~url ~tk~ ~l~ Mnimel.~r 4 ' su~m ~nM~t~e ~ ~=, 3 t~l ~n. A~ C~a~ ~o the Sc~edul~ H~ Of W~k r~ui~e the a~a~lis~menf an~ d~umentaa~ of a ~pa~ale NOTE: M~tip~e ~a~ musi ~ consecut~e ~o ~ua],~ a~ one F~sh and ~L[dl~e ~anageman: Of~cet 09-1322-15 Duties and Related Tasks (co=~"d) . . o~d~ns~o= ~d Conse~a~$on Off$ce=e of pol[~ ~d [n~e~=e~e~on Of regional Ln en~orc~ent of bea~ manaq~n~ a~eae ~d fl~ fisheries ~la~[ons ~d ~ldelinee ~ -co-ordinates and ~nL~a~es e~fo~c~en~ ~ro~uree fQ~ c~cLa[ fLa~Lnq Lite.cee, returns and ~otal. ~[le. briefs and /nEonS/on ~o lu~ ~ case at ~t~e and -a~m ~n an enforcemen~ ~ole du~Lng ~ak enactment ~ri~. ~.e. o~n[n9 of moose season, wa~erf~l aeason ~ valleys sea.on. 2. Interprets Provincial, Req[o~al and D~st:ric~ objectives and s:rateqiee £n dete~Ln£n~_ 20t -conducts ~nte~l~. with clientele (~, ~o~ist ~ltte:s) ~o dete~ifl8 t~eir ~eeds and roc~nd[~g .olu~ion~ to p~bl~d t:o en~e meeting ~ge:a; licencing a~ h~est~g 3. PLans, coordinates and men,Sera,he d£atz'£ct Fish and Wildlife budget acting as b'=dgeC 2S% -coOrdinateS ~d correla2ei =he a~/sa:on of the C.C. ~=d[natof~ Fisheries Biologist maflne~ to efleure acc~lie~n~ of pla~;~ ~goc. ~d ~ec~enda ~anefer of ~undo spear likely~ [ con~' d) page 2 Fish and Wildlife Management Officer 09-1311-15 Duties and Related Ta~k~ (cont'd) Provides for the protectio~ of FIs.h and Wildlife habitat by performing such 6u=ie9 as: -participating On Tl~er Hana9~en~ Planning te~s and ~n~uring the= all F~sh and -ensuring Fish an~ Wildlife concerns are addressed on Work Pe~i~ A~plica=iefls -assisting ~nnerva=lon Officers with fish h~i~a= invee~igation under =he F~sheries -conducting lns~c~one ~o'onoure co~liance/ef~ec~veneaa of F~oh and Wildlife prescrl~ions in =elation =o authorl~ a~iviiiee such ae T~e~ ~anag~n= and Work ~lntai~ed w~th Municipal ~nC~l~, T~LB~ ~f~=~ers, ~ttage AssociationS, ~d Fls~ Clef, s~akeholdors and ~he ~blic o~=. to all~ the MlniSt~ to achieve 10% -an~=n ln~iem, oxpkai~in~ ~lic~m8, l~lsla~ion ~d pr~=~, a~mndin~ mee=ings, wildlife habitat ~ideiinos and fish and wlLd~lfo where neceesa~ ~ln~aine ~rk echedule~ ~or seasonal e~aff; -Ac~o for Fish, F~ros~G and WildXifo $u~isor In his ~sence; -as assigned. Skills and ~ledgo (con,'d) .. ~og~eusive~y ~es~ns~la ex~lence ~n Fish and W~ldlife p=ogr~a as wel~ aB comp~etion of and good Judgment. G~ ~rkl~q ~ledge of legislatL~n (G~B and Fish Ac=, of =he ~ Work P=o9r~ Planning Pz~r~, Freed~ of Info.atLas A~, Occupational