HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-2538.Walters.94-05-05"" :' ~' ' ",' · ONLaRIO EMP£OY£$DEL4 ~OURONNE · ',.. CROWN EMP~. 0 YEE$ OE L 'ONT4 RIO GRIEVANCE C,OMMISSlON DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS ;80 DUNDAS STREET WES T, SUITE 2 !00, TORONTO, ONTARIO, Mi5G rZ,~ TELEPNONE/T~-L~'PHONE: (416J 3;~6- ! 38B 180. RUE DUNDAS OUEST, EIuREAu ~t00, TORONTO I'ONTAR;'O). MSG 1Z8 FACStMI&E/TELECOPIE : ~4 I6) 326-1396 2538/91, 2539/91, 280/93 IN THE MATTER OF AN ~%R~ITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Walters) -- ~rievor The Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of the Attorney General) Employer BEPORE_ S. Stewart Vice-Chairperson I. Thomson Member M. O'Toole Member FOR THE N. Coleman GRIEVOR Counsel Gowling, Strathy & Henderson. Barristers & Solicitors FOR TH~ J. Zarudny EMPLOYER Law Officer Crown Law Office - civil Ministry of the Attorney General HEA~IN~ December 20, 1993 4 Disclosure Clerk grievance. Mr. Coleman's 9o$ition i$ that sufficient particulars with respect =o the DiscIosure Clerk grievance .have been provided and he.has undertaken to provide the hearings scheduled for those grievances. InCr. Coleman's Submission there is no reason to direct ~im to provide partioulars'with respect to the other g~ievances at this time. Thi~ ism=e of particulars ih relation to the Disclosure Clerk grievance was t~e stxbje¢~ o{ some correspondence between the ~arties, By lettardated D~oember 6, 1993 Fir. coie~an~ advise~ Mr. Zarudny that~ Our Dosi=ion with rempect to this competition. is that Ms. Walters met all the ~ualifications for the position. Ms. Walters did not make 70% on her dictaphone test but skill at dictation app~ar~ to be irrelevant to the Disclosure Clerk/Xn:erpreter Co-Ordinator position. In a letter dated December 16, 1993 Mr. Coleman articulated the Union's 90sl~ion further, as follow~: The Ministry has been aware of Ms. Walters' grievance regarding the Disclosure Clerk/ Interpretation Co-ordinator position for some years, You know that she was denied a~ 'interview because she failed the dicta test and that her position ha= been that she should at least have 'been granted an. interview, As my letter of Decm~er 6, 1993 makes clear, an~ as we discussed on December 15, 1993, dicta ~kills are irrelevant to the position in question. We take the position that Ms. Walters should have been granted.an interview, and further, ~ha= she was at least relativel~ equa~ and should have been granted the position on =he basis of her seniority. The .iasue with'teePee= to t~is job competition is simple. Shoul4 Ms. Walters have been granted an in:erview for this position or did the Ministry act properly in denying aninterview on t. he Basis of the dicta test?... At =he hearl g, Mr2 Coleman further articulate4 the union's position with respect %o the nature o~ th~ grievan=e. The Union allege~ a breach of Article 4'.3 of the Collective Agreement. Mr. Coleman'·inaicated that the Union ~est{0n~d whe~er ~ere wa~ a.. Justification fo= the 70% pa~s mark for th~ dicta test. More f~4amenta11y, however, ~. Col~am advised that it will ~ the Union's Dosltion tha~ based on the actual req~r~ents' of the position the Minis=r~_3ook into account an irrelevant con~ideration when it denied the. grievor an inta~iew based on her dicta soote. ~. Coleman fur~r indicated ~%at it is .the Union's position that the ap~ropriate remed~ is in or, erbar the grievor Will be granted ~he position. Mr. Zarudny maintains tha~ the grievance has-still not been SUfficiently particularized~ Whether or not sufficient particulars were provided to the~ployer in advance of the hearing, it is our view'tha~ the union's =laim. has now been sufficiently particularized so as to 'allow Mr. Zaru4ny to properly prepare the ~mployer'~ ~ase~ AccOrdinglY, we ~ecline hi~ request to grant further particulars wi~ respect ~o thia grievance. There was an issue as to the 6 ~roceeding. Given our oonclusion t/~ere is no nasd to address With respect to Mr. Zaru~ny's request that we order the Union to provide' particul=rs with respect to the two other qrievanoes, we are not persuaded t/~at, such an order w~uld appropriate at. this point.' ~. Coleman has ~rtaken~ to ~provide ~ar~ioulars with re~pec= ~o t~ese ~i~van=e~ we'll in advance of a~y hearing ¢o~ve~ ~o deal wi=h'~em._ GiVen'the poaentlal for t~e =emolution ~f'one ~rievance t° assist in a resolution of'the' other two qrievances, the ~rovtsion of particulars with. re~pect =o ~o~e grievances at this. point might well The final ~a~ter to be dealt with l~ ~, Zamuany's ~ubmission in this ~egard was ~s~entially argument based on th~ merits of =he case. Clearly, ina~Dropriate for ~e ~oard to make it~ decision on the merits of %hi~ oame wi=hour providing the Union with t~e ogport~ity to adduce evidence and make full ar~ent. Accordingly, we are unabl~ to accep~ ~, ~arudny'~ 9oSltion in this. regard. As well,~ we mote that ~. Zarudny maae brief ~ubmis~ions ~o'the ~ffect that th~r~ had ~en a change of' grounds ~at should not be Debitted by the Board in tha~ the remedy of placement, of the 7 will hear submtsgions on this .matter' in final argument and deal with it in our decision. The preliminary matters are disposed of in accordance with the foregoing, Counsel ara to ensure that the incumbents are given notice with respect to the hearings in which their positions are in issue. The Board will deal with any~further issues of pprticulars.and/or party status as these matters may "subsec/uently arise in these' proc=edings. Th~ hearing will proceed, as' Scheduled~ Dated at Toronto,' this 5th day of May , 1994. s.u. stewart, Vice-ChairPers° M. O'Toole, Member