HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-2148.Zayachivsky.93-05-14 ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE ..,. CROWN EMPLOYEES DEL 'ONTARIO - 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISS10N DE . SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE2100 TORONTO, ONTARIO, M5G lZ8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 2100 TORONTO (ONTARIO) M5G lZ8 FACSIMILE /TELECOPIE (416) 326-1396 2148/92, 2l49/92 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under \ THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT 'Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN , OPSEU (Zayachivsky) Grievor - and - The Crown in Right of ontario (Ministry of Northern Development and Mines) Employer BEFORE: w. Kaplan Vice-Chairperson M. Vorster Member F. Collict Member FOR THE K. Lawrence GRIEVOR Grievance Officer Ontario Public service Employees Union -~ -- . ! FOR THE A Malo EMPLOYER Manager, Employee Relations Ministry of Northern Development and Mines >- - .. .. 2l48/92, 2l49/92 BOARD ORDER , Attached is the Memorandum of Settlement which the parties agreed would be made an Order of the Board. DATED at Toronto, this 14th day of May, 1993 fr! t,- - w. Kaplan, Vice-Chairperson - C\~~ M. Vorster, Member 9~d. F. Co . t, Member --<~ ~- ~ \ r - - - - . ;: ! . HiilMQN-a:tlDUM i)r OlJ'r'l'tJOltDN'1' Bfl'tWEENI f SO~ys z~yaCblVsky G;r1t1vor ON~A~O i~aLXC SE'~VICE EMPLOYEES ONIO~ u::l10n .. ilne, .. CROWN !N THiJ RIt'UIT QF QN'T'74'RTQ ( MY NT gTR. '2' O~ NORTT.n~~llN DJ1~T ,o'f'MiN'I' AN)) M1NES) 1...~lQYQ~ ) WITHOUT ~REJDDICE AND W!~ROUT ~RE~DENT RE Borys Zaynehi~aky GSBi 214~/9?- OPSEUi 92D541 ) ~orys 2ayachivsky Gsei 214;/92. OPSi;ut 020542 /lI~Q p..~1:i,QQ h~~9t:O ~')r....... tQ f\\ll and f~n.l. cot:~d.Qm9n" of th. ebovQ-oaptioned 9rieveno~$ an~ any and all ~elated mattQrs on tha followin~ terme 1. Effec.tive April S, 1. 993, M pendin~ !~plementation of geci:iQA e of 't~s Set;t.lell\'~nt - the g".l::'ie:vo% ...n.J.1. be placed on the surpl\l:S li$'~ o.a an Information Oificer 2 pU.E'BUan~ to Art.1Qlq) '24 ot the Collective A9'reolnmnt 1!or a p~rioO ot 61x (0) montlui. The parties agree tnat:. placera.en't on the surplus .list !i_hall be governed sOlely ~y ~hO f~~~w;nq. ~rt10loo. O~ ;he OO~leC~1ve Agreemen~ 91cpleQ on ~rc.n 5, 1992 1.0 effec.t to Deoember 31, 1993 Articles 24 1; 24.2.2, 24 5; 24 6.1, 24.6 3.1 24 6.4, 24 1, 24 8 1 2 In the event that the gria~or is not plae~d du~ing th~ six months while on the surplus list, the grie',ot' will hA rA'mnv~ti f'o~ -rhp!lttJrpl .,~ , \!lJi:, all 9otitJ.em9nts. to job xeferrals will cease and the Ministry w~11 be deemed to hava ~e~ its obliqat~ons under the settlement. ~ -r- 2 - tnnj ~ 6 ~ : g'" u It 1 q I) T N~18 3~dn0~~d N~WnH WOH~ 1tv S 2 :- C S h - t \ - S n . w ~ l I ..J .1 - . .... - ~ 'ii' ..... ~' . I ~ 2 - 3 Should the trrievor not Il'ttend a pl~cement .i...te;v1~W' or !.ee!i'e l:Hi !IHLlY1UIlWlli,.. Vl.1.lI!J.eu. .L.ll uO....IJJ.uuuuu . I Ull .In articl~s ref~renc~d in par.agraph one, he anall be removed from the surplus ~~stj all ent1tlementi ~o Job .r~~~.~a.l.~ w1.11~eu.:le, uno tho Uinll_t1t1.l:t1 ..d~. ~~ .,...,-.......'O! ..",:, have m~~ lts obli~ations unde~ the settlement. .:\ For the p\..rposes of being con51dered to. vacimc1es l,mde;r Axti:le 24, the qrievors seniority will be adJusted to December 27, 1989. ;0 Fer tne ~urposes of beinq consid~red for vacancies under .I .A.rticl~ 24. the qrievor' S "headquarte.rs U will be deemed 1:0 l.>~ '( " u.::ellV'1l1 e Gtre;lJ t. ~o.t:'ontOj 6 rh~ .au'Ploy"~ a9'~ooc t:Q a .l.urnp-Eum pa~"n\.Qni:. of $3,000 f.Hlbj ~et ~o all lSlandatory payroll deductions 7 In 'l:h~ ~vo:n.t that tb~ S.:d.Qvor is! n.ot: placed durinq /th~ 6 mO~~~ p6r1od, ho will b~ a!fo4doa th$ opportuni~r to '~~.lIllpete for .t"ccttrj,o~oc1 POd,i:::"QM wit.h.:1.n th.e IHlS !O~l .2 yetlr pea:iod foJ.lo'W1nq nis r4Ut\QVaJ. tJ:'OIl\ thu liurp1.us liet 8 The parties A9ree ~hat this .ettlement he ~ad~ ah or~e~ of the G~iev~nce Settlement Soard. ~ ~~& ~n~Qn and ~he ~r~8vo: a9rec to wi~haraw ~h. grievanCes \ - - - - - - -- -- Oats! in the City of ~~ _ this ;2;)- ) rnry 01:' . /.....If'i...~.,<: - -, utS 1 1 )~1! ,-) 1d.eiM:..ld- j?A&. I< _~W. } pOP; 'l'MB UN! ON ' /' I~Y }GIUEV c;7. -- .,. ~ -.- tnnd ~'~rr[~T.l ri Nv jti j ill1u n ~rVNnH Wldt r~~ S Z t L I 6 -v [ _I: (I 1 r .(, j \ V I ~ OJ - -:;:J