HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-3062.Young.96-10-18 'I ~~--'-1~ .,... - ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE I CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONrARip 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SElTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST, SUITE 2100, TORONTO ON MSG 1Z8 TELEPHONE/TEt.EPHONE (416) 326-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST; BUREAU 2100, TORONTO (ON) M5G 1Z8 FACS/MILE/TELECOPIE (416) 326-1396 GSB # 3062/92, 3063/92, 3202/92, 3216/92, 2883/92 OPSEU # 93B067 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Young) Grievor - and - The Crown in Right of ontario (Ministry of Health) Employer BEFORE: W Kaplan vice-Chairperson FOR THE 0 wright GRIEVOR Counsel Ryder, Wright, Blair & Doyle Barristers & Solicitors FOR THE M Quick EMPLOYER Counsel Legal Services Branch Ministry of Health - '"i"I' ONGOING PROTOCOL FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF CHERYL YOUNG AT KINGSTON PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL October 17, 1996 The Employer, the Employee and the Union are commItted to the terms, Implementation and the co-operative, continued mamtenance of thIS accommodatiOn. They agree that the following protocol wIll remam in effect unless it IS changed by the agreement of the partIes or by a subsequent order of the Grievance Settlement Board. 1 Allergen Definition and Caution The allergy is to mollusks and crustaceans. The scope recogmzes that exposure nsk may anse from mgestlOn, presence ill the envlfonment, or cross-contammatlOn. The caution speCIfies any food or product contammg crab, shnmp, lobster, oysters, mussels, clams, scallops, crayfish, snails, squid or shellfish byproducts, for example, soups, sauces, and imItatlOn crab or other shellfish, as well as food prepared with utensils or cooking Oil prevlOusly used for prepanng shellfish 2. Assignment Ms. Young's assignment is to the Contmumg Care Male Ward known m Apnl1996 as Ward 12. 3. Movement Outside Designated Accommodation and Designated Entrance/Exit Ms. Young recogmzes that, m cases m which the Employer does not require her to be outside the safe ward area, should she choose to be outSIde of this area that she assumes the personal nsk for domg so It IS understood that thIS does not apply to trammg, fire emergencies, required meetings with HospItal Management! AdmmistratlOn which cannot take place m the designated area, or movement to the union office for matters that the Umon has mdIcated It IS not able to deal wIth m the deSIgnated area such as union votes. Ms. Young will provIde four hours' notice of any meetmg takmg place m the umon office, and temporary sIgns WIll be posted on a route to be agreed upon by the Umon and the Employer Whenever possible, the Employer will make alternate offices, or pnvate locations on the ward or other deSIgnated area(s), aVailable to the Umon and Ms. Young, The Umon WIll ensure that appropnatesIgns are posted in its office ThIS part ofthe protocol does not restnct any nghts Ms. Young may have wIth respect to Workers' Compensation or the making of an applicatIOn to the Workers' CompensatIOn Board. 4. Orientation Ms. Young has completed her onentatIOn to Ward 12 5. Schedule Ms. Young IS to remam on the regular 12-hour schedule and the 8-hour team leader rotatIOn schedule ~! 6. Entry and Exit Ms. Young agrees to desIgnate and make every effort to use certam entrances/exIts m consultatlOn with the Ward SupervIsor It IS understood that the desIgnated entrances/exits may need to b'e changed from time to time, m consultatlOn wIth the Ward Supervisor The Ward Supervisor wIll keep the Nursmg Co-ordmator and the Nursing Director apprised as to the current deSIgnated entrances/exIts. Person(s) responsible' Cheryl Y oungand Ward SupervIsor 7 Floating Ms. Young w1l1 NOT be required to float as part of her assignments. [Addendum 1] Person(s) responsible Ward SupervIsor and Nursing Co-ordmator 8. Off-Ward Duties and Hospital Emergencies Ms.Young IS NOT to respond to duties or emergencies off Ward 12, CCM except to the designated immedIate enVIrons (hallway or rotunda) of the mam entrance to Ward 12, CCM. Should an emergency occur requirIng staff to attend off Ward 12, CCM, Ms. Young will be the nursmg staff person who remains on Ward 12, CCM. In the event ofa fire or fire drIll she will aSSIst WIth the evacuation of patients and carry out other approprIate duties but WIll not be required to enter the adjacent ward, (which IS the designated ward to which patients would be evacuated.) [Addendum 1] Person(s) responsible Ward Supervisor, Nursmg Co-ordinator, Nursmg Staff and Cheryl Young 9 In-Service Training for Ms. Young PrecautlOns wIll be taken to ensure that trainmg w1l1 take place m a safe enVIronment. A temporary sign w1l1 be posted at the entrance to the trammg area, staff will be notified m advance and food deSIgnated on the sign w1l1 not be permItted. The Employer will ensure that Ms. Y Olmg receIves mandatory m-servIce trammg. The Employer will try to faCIlItate dIscretlOnary traming when requested. 10. Physical Demands Analysis Ms. Young's FamIly PhYSICIan and PhYSIotherapist have been prOVIded WIth a copy of the PhYSIcal Demands AnalYSIS, dated March 1988, which may be subject to change [Addendum 2], 11 Pharmaceutical Check A pharmaceutical check was made and a report dated October 24, 1995 was proVIded by the ChIef Pharmacist. [Addendum 3] 12. Allergy Advisory Distribution An adVISOry notIce dated August 31, 1995 has been dIstributed to the ASSIstant AdmmIstrator (OperatlOns), ChIef of Psychiatry, and ASSIstant Admllllstrator Plannmg - and Program AdmmIstration, and Acting Food ServIces Administrator [Addendum 4] 13. Signage The attached CAUTION dated May 1, 1996 wIll be permanently posted in the following locatIOns for as long as Ms. Young is assIgned to Ward 12 three entrances to Ward 12, the entrance to the staff room, staff cloak room, mam office, vlSltors' room, patIents' dmmg room, teleVISIOn room, as well as the entrance to any room WIth a refngerator The Ward SupervIsor and/or Ms. Young wIll report any sign removal to the Nursing Director [Addendum 5] 14. Educational Material for Individuals Coming to Ward 12 The Allergy EducatIOnal Package [Addendum 6], articles re allergIes and allergy alert information are to be kept m the Nurs1ng Co-ordinators' Office, and m the ClImcal Unit Manual in the Nursing StatIon on Ward 12 and are to be available at all times, extra packages are to be avaIlable in the dining room of Ward 12 for distributIOn by those staff answermg the door, to staff, viSItors and all others commg onto Ward 12 for the first time since September 1, 1995 The Allergy Educational Package will be given to staff newly assigned to the Ward immediately at the outset of their orientatIOn. For Staff who are not regularly assigned to Ward 12, the mformatIOn wIll be prOVIded verbally by the Ward Supervisor or Nurse in Charge at the time of theIr mitial entry onto the Ward, and before they proceed mto the Ward Itself. They will also be provided WIth the educatIOnal package. A lIst IS to be mamtamed in the dming room of Ward 12 of those who have received the Allergy EducatIOnal Package. Person(s) responsible: Ward SupervIsor, Ward Staff. 15. Staff Allergy In-Service Information Sessions Employees on the list [Addendum 7], as well as the Ward Supervisor, assIgned to Ward 12 have particIpated in an m-servIce allergy mformatIOn session and have receIved the Educational Package [Addendum 6] Staff newly assigned to the deSIgnated ward, mcludmg ward supervIsors will be proVIded WIth simIlar m-servIce trammg by a deSignated person. 16. Questions from Staff Ms. Young is prepared to respond to questIOns from Staff to explam the management of her allergIC condItion. She IS also wIllmg for supervIsors to do lIkewise. Person(s) responsible Cheryl Young and Ward Supervisor 17 Fish Tank on Ward 12 The fish tank IS to remam on Ward 12 provIdmg that it does not prove to be a source of exposure Any problems resultmg from thIS are to be reported to the Ward SuperVIsor The only fish food that IS to be used is Wardley Splrulena Plus, all vegetable condItIomng flake. ThIS food has been approved by Ms. Young's FamIly PhYSICIan. Jack Gnffin has agreed to take care of thIS. He WIll arrange for a back-up the fish food to be avaIlable to prevent a possible introduction of other food in his absence The food wIll be stored m Its ongmal contamer 18. Exposure Protocol The Employer and the Employee agree to follow the attached protocol m the event of an exposure. [Addenda 8 & 9] The protocol will be kept in the Nursing Office fihng cabmet m a file desIgnated as "EXPOSURE PROTOCOL" 19 Accidental presence If any shellfish, shellfish byproducts or cross-contammated foods are brought on the Ward accidentally when Ms. Young IS present on the Ward, she will be informed immedIately, so that she can take appropnate precautlOns. [Addenda 1, 8 & 9] Person(s) responsible' Ward SupervIsor, Nurse m Charge, Staff and Ms. Young Staff on the designated ward have been adVIsed that if they have recently consumed shellfish prior to coming on to the ward, they are to have washed theIr hands pnor to coming onto the Ward and remove any residue that may be on their clothmg; they will also inform Ms. Young that they have eaten shellfish prior to commg onto the Ward so that she may take appropriate precautlOns. [See Addenda 1, 8 & 9 whIch will be kept both m the Nursing Office and the Ward Supervisor's office filIng cabinet under "EXPOSURE PROTOCOL"] Person(s) responsible. Ward SupervIsor, Nurse in Charge and Staff If any shellfish, shellfish byproducts, or cross-contaminated foods accIdently come onto Ward 12 durmg times when Ms. Young IS NOT present she will be notified to absent herself from the Ward until it has been free of the substance for at least a 12-hour penod. ThIS absence is to be without loss of payor credits. See Addendum 1 which w1l1 be kept both m the Nursing Office and the Ward SupervIsor's office filing cabmet under "EXPOSURE PROTOCOL" Person(s) responsible Ward SupervIsor and Nursing Co-ordmator Any new or temporary staff assIgned to the designated ward WIll be informed of these obhgatlOns, pnor to commencing theIr assIgnment on the Ward. 20. Appointment of a Designated Physician and Post Exposure The parties agree to desIgnate a mutually-agreed upon physIcIan who, subject to the followmg paragraph, may examine Ms. Young and report to both her and to the Employer wIth respect to her health and her abIhty to return to work should an exposure occur In accordance with the Memorandum of Settlement, the partIes will, forthwIth, meet and attempt to agree on the desIgnatlOn of thIS phYSIcIan. If they are unable to do so wIthm thIrty days of the Issue of thIS award, Wilham Kaplan will make the choice by final offer selectlOn. In the event that the deSIgnated doctor, chosen consensually or by final offer selectlOn, becomes unable or unwillmg to serve, the partIes WIll meet forthWIth and attempt to agree on the appomtment of a replacement, and m the event that they are unable to agree that choice WIll be made by Wilham Kaplan, or by another Vice-ChaIr of the Board, by final offer selectIOn, The mtent of thIS provISIOn IS to ensure a deSIgnated - _:i' phYSICIan IS available, If reqUired, to examme Ms. Young as soon as possible after an exposure and report on her condItion to Ms. Young and to the Employer The deSIgnated phYSICIan will be proVIded with a copy of the "Ongomg Protocol for the AccommodatIOn of Cheryl Young at Kingston PsychIatric HospHal " In the event of an exposure, the partIes agree and understand that Ms. Young's return to work WIll be dependent on her post-exposure condItIOn. Ms. Young wIll inform the Ward SuperVIsor as soon as possible followmg an exposure, should one occur, as to the expected date of her return. The Employer may, m accordance with the terms set out m the CollectIve Agreement, reqUire Ms. Young to be exammed by the designated phYSICian who WIll report to Ms. Young and the Employer with respect to Ms. Young's expected date of return. When the deSIgnated phYSICian, or someone standing m for hIm or her, or, should Ms. Young not be referred to the designated phYSICIan, one of Ms. Young's own doctors, determines that Ms. Young is able to return to work, she wIll notIfy the Employer promptly and will return to work on her next scheduled shift consistent with the medIcal recommendation, or as agreed. Ms. Young's family phYSIcian will also be prOVIded by Ms. Young with a copy of the "Ongoing Protocol for the AccommodatIOn of Chery I Young at Kingston Psychiatric HospItal." Ms. Young will follow the normal procedure set out in the Collective Agreement and use the standard Medical CertIficate and Return-to-Work Form supplIed by the HospItal. Person(s) responsible Cheryl Young, Ward SupervIsor, Nursing Co-ordmator, Family Physician In the event of an exposure resultmg m a Workers' Compensation ClaIm, Ms. Young and the Employer, wIll submit an inCIdent form as soon as possible. As part of its investigatIOn, the Employer will mterview those concerned mcludmg those who were present at the relevant time The Workers' CompensatIOn status remams m effect untIl the claIm is adjudIcated. Person(s) responsible' Cheryl Young, Ward SupervIsor, Nursmg Co-ordmator 21 Changes to or Closing of the Chronic Care Male Ward (CCM) (currently Ward 12) In the event of changes to the functioning or locatIOn of the Chromc Care Male Ward, the Employer WIll, recogmzmg, however, ItS entItlement to aSSIgn work, meet WIth Ms. Young and the Umon, to dISCUSS and negotIate any modIficatIOn to the arrangements set out m this protocol whIch may be reqUired by such reaSSIgnment, and WIll do so pnor to the changes or relocatIOn bemg Implemented, Ms. Young will be gIven a mInImUm of five days notice of the changes followmg the discussions/negotiatIOns referred to above. If the ChrOnIC Care Male Ward IS to be closed, arrangements WhICh reflect the prinCIples of this protocol will be dIscussed and negotiated with Ms, Young and the Union m advance of her bemg reassigned. The purpose of these dIScussIons and negotiatlons IS to IdentIfy and deal with Implementation problems in the new or changed work settmg, and any changes whIch may be made are to be consistent with the general terms of thIS protocol whIch wIll remam in effect. Put another way, it is intended and expected that any changes to the grievor's assIgnment, or any new assIgnment, will only reqUIre refinements and/or minor adjustments of this protocol and, m any event, that any changes whIch take place WIll be consIstent WIth Its SpIrit and terms. 22. Annual Review' Annually, on or about September 5th, Cheryl Young may give notice to the Associate Nursmg DIrector of a review of the need for the prohibition of shellfish and shellfish products Within the Hospital If the need to continue IS indicated by Cheryl Young, the Associate Director of Nurses will communIcate this the Food ServIces Administrator It IS understood that the accommodatIOn IS to remain m effect unless it is changed by the agreement of the parties or by a subsequent order of the Grievance Settlement Board. Person(s) responsible' Cheryl Young and ASSOCIate DIrector of Nursmg ((~' 1\/ /L OJLt~~ Date /c t I I If Judy"rawley, for the E~ployer Date ({lc;t / f !qrc (!jj Date ~-L1 <3- ,I Cff.o c~~~. I Date C)~+ ~l/qh 444ft. .~ I Michael McFadden, for the Union The above "Ongomg Protocol" IS hereby made an order of the Grievance Settlement Board Dated at_I U (" ^ \-z..; I tl "'t I.: i/~/, ~- this [ ~ '~ c:A.ti' I I q..- 01 t. h L-, -( ../ 1 W Kaplan, Vice-Chair ~------- ---- --- ADDENDA 1 PROTOCOL TO BE FOLLOWED ON DESIGNATED WARD IN THE EVENT THAT SHELLFISH, SHELLFISH BYPRODUCTS OR POTENTIALL Y CROSS- CONTAMINATED FOOD IS BROUGHT ON TO WARD 12 WHEN CHERYL YOUNG IS OFF DUTY PROTOCOL TO BE FOLLOWED WHEN CHERYL YOUNG IS ON DUTY AND A STAFF MEMBER ON THE DESIGNATED WARD HAS RECENTLY EATEN OR BEEN IN RECENT CONTACT WITH SHELLFISH, SHELLFISH BYPRODUCT OR POTENTIALL Y CROSS-CONT AMINATED FOOD ASSIGNMENT OF CHERYL YOUNG ASSIGNMENT OF DUTIES OFF DESIGNATED WARD TO CHERYL YOUNG CHERYL YOUNG'S ROLE IN AN EMERGENCY OFF DESIGNATED WARD 2. PHYSICAL DEMANDS ANALYSIS FOR REGISTERED NURSE 2 KINGSTON PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL MEDICAL CERTIFICATE AND RETURN - TO- WORK FORM PHYSICAL CAPACITIES FORM 3. PHARMACY MEMORANDUM 4. ADVISORY MEMORANDUM 5. CAUTION ALLERGY ALERT SIGN 6. EDUCATIONAL PACKAGE 7 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IN ALLERGY INFORMATION SESSIONS 8. MEDICAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURE FOR STAFF MEMBER ON DESIGNATED WARD WHO HAS LIFE- THREATENING ALLERGY TO SHELLFISH, SHELLFISH BYPRODUCTS AND SHELLFISH CROSS-CONT AMINATED FOODS 9 ALLERGY SUFFERER 911 INFORMATION II --+- ..Y \ PROTOCOL TO BE FOLLOWED ON THE DESIGNATED WARD IN THE EVENT THAT SHELLFISH, SHELLFISH BYPRODUCT OR POTENTIALLY SHELLFISH CROSS- CONT AMINATED FOOD IS BROUGHT ON TO THE DESIGNA TED WARD WHEN CHERYL YOUNG IS OFF DUTY 1 Immediately remove substance from designated Ward, 2 Notlfy Ward SupervIsor or Nursmg Co-ordmator 3 Ward SuperVIsor or Nursing Co-ordmator will notify Ms.Young ASAP at her home telephone number, by speaking wIth her dIrectly, leavmg a message wIth her husband or leavmg a message on the answenng machme, noting the time. 4 Ms, Young wIll not attend, be scheduled or assIgned to be on duty for 12 hours followmg the removal of the substance and will not suffer a loss of payor credIts. WHEN CHERYL YOUNG IS ON DUTY AND A STAFF MEMBER ON DESIGNATED WARD HAS RECENTLY EATEN OR BEEN IN RECENT CONTACT WITH SHELLFISH, SHELLFISH BYPRODUCT OR POTENTIALL Y CROSS- CONT AMINATED FOOD The Staff member wIll I Wash hIs/her hands and remove any reSIdue on clothing before commg onto the Ward. 2 Warn Ms Young so that she can take appropnate measures 3 Keep a reasonable dIstance from Ms. Young. ASSIGNMENT OF CHERYL YOUNG Ms. Young s assIgnment IS restricted to the CCM Ward, Ms. Young IS NOT to float as part of her assIgnments ASSIGNMENT OF DUTIES OFF THE DESIGNATED WARD TO CHERYL YOUNG Ms Young IS NOT to be assIgned dutIes off the desIgnated ward. CHERYL YOUNG'S ROLE IN AN EMERGENCY OFF THE DESIGNATED WARD I Ms Young is NOT to respond to emergencies off the desIgnated ward except m the event of a fire or fire dnll 2 Should an emergency occur off the desIgnated ward requIrIng staff to attend, Ms. Young Will be the Nursmg Staff person designated to remam on the desIgnated ward. "" In the event of a fire or fire dnll, Ms, Young will evacuate patIents but WIll not be J reqUired to enter Ward 11 which IS the deSIgnated alternate ward, -_.~-- - ~c; ~ E: ; n .g 0 v uO _ III GI C III a; 1II't. K ::l GI i oCCD III ., :z (/) a: ::I U~ ~ ::> 0 0- N CO) ~ 'J lItllng I. --r ,UU I bs (lG1- - ,-,- \XT-w\T it t Wi Ulas~ ts r.anee or - Carrying ,. . -A toTDs \' IlJ -- X ()(.,. (other 5 taff or Pushing - ~ l\;lVIDS~tl n---,,- 1'" ~ use Versa Lifts 'Pulling ^ lUUJDS\tl)) ---rl-,X1 .,. fIne FInger Movements --'), .',' - -- A .. normal maximum approximately Handling - ^ ,-- - *(200 lbs. arlppln2.._ 1.. ~-~ *( Above Shoulder 1.. 15\1u} - * R.achlno Be I owS'hO'Ui de-r A Z:,\ IUl -- '" 'oot 1 Fool X ",-- \ " ---pushing a geriatric chafr Action 2 Feel ,-r Th,oW\<lng ^ . ^ " \ I ,- SlUing X 'It X \ / - Standing X * Walking X \ /'--- X * Running X \ ! --.,--- * ~C"mblng_ (Stairs) X \/ ----,-- ( * __-1 'lendlng/Stooplng A X X .. _";rouchlng X I \ --,-- Kneeling " / \ ----r * Crawling X / \ - --- '--X-' \ ~.. Twlsling ^ I ,- --:- " - * / Balancing X \- - X . .. ..- - H..rlno Conversation X J X * Other Sounds X \ I X * .-----. Far X \ I X * - VIsIon Near X \ / X '" . - .Colour X \ I X it X V -, Depth X * X /\ - '-!.. P~rcepllon Soatlal * -- Form X I \ J X * , )l 1 \ - J X * Feeling . - Readlno X / \ X -It W,'rlng X I \== 4- * - Speech X \ .. InsIde Work X \ I- X * Outside Work X \ / X - patient outside activity - ! ~OIlCotd 1. \ / 'umld/Ory X )( .-,-- " -Oust X / \ - """"'X i 'Iapour Fumes X /' \ --rl- No'se X I \ X . - I Moving Objects X \ / X : Hazardous Machines \ / -,-- - I .. ! Electrical X \ I ----=9= i 3ha,p Tools ele " X . -. -- -- f RadlantlThermal Energy . /" -----.-- 9 : Slipper, - - - '1 .- - - - Congested Workslte -~-;/ \\-+~-- - -- I Travelling "\. /-- ^ '- Work Atone X \. / 1\ * _.....ork Independent but Ingrov!: " V "- * - * O"adllne Pressures " /, )( InieJ8Ci-;ith Public " / '\ A J · ~Ope,ote Equip IMach. A / \l--r- X I · nlblllly 10 person usIng wheelchaIr 0 ." hlOh.. Conald.rallon.""" .Froquonc1 (Tne frequency o. mOlllmum weIght should bo 'al Dulles .howll without .b,ack.t. and the freQuencv 01 '- uauttl weIght_ withIn brachls) o . Not P€lr'Ofmod 1 . Seldom Par'OfmoGf Nor 0811" I #L I ~INGSTO" PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL MEDICAL CERTIFICATE ARD RETORR-TO-WORK PORM -.I Dat.e. To Re WCB RaMBER (If applicable) Dear Physician, Kingston psychiatric Hospit.al has a joint Union/Management Return to Work Program that provides an employee recovering from illness or injury with a work opportunity (modified duties) that will facilit.at.e the employee's successful return to work We are seeking your assistance in advising us of the extent of limitation and length of time it is ant.icipated before he/sh~ may resume his/her normal duties and/or his/her ability to commence a Return to Work Program to accommodate his/her limitations Please finq enclosed a comp 1 et ed Physical Demands Analysis for this employee's position TO BE COMPLETED BY ATTENDING PHYSICIAN. Employee may return to regular duties immediately Employee should remain o~f regular duties for days weeks Employee may return to modified duties on '-' D/M/Y until D/M/Y ... NOTE. If you determine the employee should return on modified duties, please complete enclosed physical Capacities form (x)MMENTS . ~ext Assessment Date: -::a:.:lg Physiciu'. Rame (Please pr.-.t or type) !~eating P~ysici&D'sSig.Dature Date: Please give completed form to the employee for immediate return to Kingston Psychiatric Hospital, Poatal Bag 603, Kingston, Ontario. 1t7L 4X3 ~INGSTOM PSTCBIA'l'RIC BOSPI'l'AL lit REQUESTING THIS MEDICAL IRFORMA'1'IOR ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAYMEK'1' or THIS CERTIFICATE, WHER! APPLICABLE. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter ~ 94-10-/95 Co-ordinator, Return to Work Program/or Delegate ~ing5ton Psychiatric Hospital . #z ' I';. . ICIII&B11II PS'tOtIAlIlC IDJ>>ITIl. ftlV'SlCM. r.wM:ITIES RIll PATIENT'S NIK. '-dur Doctor · i . f . 't I t fkwt' Your (o-quwation in (OlIPle' ng tha5 or. as v. I 0 our . I an deter.ininCJ the work potenti.1 of our etlploy... I. In a regula, worle dll' ..,Ioy.. Clft Itlftd/~'kl (1Ioa'[j' 011. [) . (ot,l HourI .rill' lIy) 0 0 o No Rntriction DO 0 DOOJO~O o 1-2 2-4 4-6 6--8 8-10 10-12 0 1-2 2.... 4 6-8 8-10 10-12 2. In a regular work day, .-ploy.. Cin sit. J oHotrttCi 'CJ 0 0 (ohl ban .r6"9 lIy) 0 o No Rfttriction OJ JOOO ) 1-2 2.... 4-6 6--8 8-10 10-12 o 1-2 2.... 4~ 6-8 8-l0 10-12 3. In I regullf' worle d'li' ....Ioy.. un use cOlllpUtctr keyboard. oHourct O' 1] 0 0 <0'1 Oft fji.'(f)O 0 o No Restriction ~ 1-2 2.... 4~ 6--8 8- t 10-12 0 1-2 2.... 4~ 6-8 8-10 10-12 4. In a regu1.r work dAY, IIPloy.. un drive urltruclc or otblr Ylhiel.. o OAll " .t 01. tf:j) <Howrtit Oft. "lib o No IMtr ict ion o 10-30 30~ 1- )3 s. Elployw un lift/CirrI' 0 No Rfttrictton tlaxi_ Ibl: 0 5 0 15 20 ~ 30 3S 40 4S 50 55 60 ~ 70 75 10 or Ibovo --3-3---3---3---- f"requently. _ _ _ '_' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Occuiarwlly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ &lp1OC: un UN hn. for r.etitivo: o No Restriction _ i'!2Jo Or,ng Puolilng "!!!.. Pull ingl" I.. J!!l ipulali... - Right _ Yft No 3vn _ :E Vn _ No - No Rntr iet ion loft _ Yet No YH ~ Vft _ No _ No Rntriction - 7. Elploy.. is .t)le to <in ter.. of . r.1.,. work dAy, Continucully II 67~IOOX, f"requently = 34-661, Occ'lieHUy · 331): .. _ Cent :,,","IY r,"":."y Ilcca~""llY IlDl at all =: ~: ~i. _ _ ~wl _ _ ReICh above shoulder lmll __ 8. II IIIploy.. ,"trictlCS by InYir~tal factorl IUCh .1 heat/cold, dust, dMpMlI, height, noi., ItC? -. - No rntricUon _ Vn PlUM indicate 1 ielwtientl ,. Is IIIPl0yl'e involveclvUh t'Ht~ w/or lIIdicat,ior., th.t-eight affect hillMr abUit)' to \o'Ork? 3 No ,ntriction Yes PINM indicMe liMlaUGH 10. WE I Nployee IHI requirld to UI4t .y ."iativ. devices or other work ICCGMOHUCIM? - No _ Yn PIN. indiut. U.it.UClM tl. U ItreKl, NOtiOMI, psychological prolal... ~w CM.l1Ocl abMnce fr. wcwk, is ..,Ioyee rHdy to r.turn ~. to wort? Yn 0 No o Pl... indicate U.itationll . Additionll cOlelntSI Physician's Signature. Dah. ,;. . #~ KINGSTON PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL PHA1~MACY MEMORANDUM October 24, 1995 TO. Shirley Gowdy Supervisor CCM!Ward 12 FROM Douglas Down Chief Pharmacist. RE SHELL FISH ALLERGY ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- In reference to your request for information regarding the likelihood of shell fish allergens being present in any of our pharmaceutical formulations we have the following to report I t is noted that Breaded seafood has a much greater likelihood ofcausing a reaction because of the extra ingredients added, and at least some of the protein allergen~ known to be in shellfish are quite heat stable It would be of some help if you could be a little more specific about the allergen we are looking for At your request I could provide an article by Taylor and Nordlee describing microorganisms as a major source of adverse reactions Unfortunately I can not predict what ingredients new pharmaceuticals entering the market may have We also can not anticipate the likelihood of contaminants being undocumented I have contacted the Canadian Pharmaceutical Association, the Pharmacy Manufacturers Association of Canada and Hea]th Canada There is no data base for other than the primary ingredients of a pharmaceutical product and these ingredients are considered trade secrets at this time There is however some proposed legislation which would require the disclosure of all ingredients The only product which comes to mind as having the potential to contain this allergen is Calcium Carbonate from Oyster Shell but these are fi 1m coated and I know nothing about the processing involved Calcium Sandoz is derived from a mineral source so there should be no pot.ential for these allergins To sum up your request there is no way of determing the presence or exclusion of shellfish allergens in our pharmaceuticals although I am not aware of any being documented (i' J~./ f), ------S ," #4 Ministry of Health KINGSTON PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL memorandum DATE August 31, 1995 TO: Alfred O'Rourke Assistant Administrator, Operations Pierre Leichner Psychiatrist-in-Chief Elaine Van Melle Assistant Administrator, Planning & Program Administration Maureen Thompson Acting Food Service Administrator FROM Judy Frawley Associate Director of Nursing Clinical Planning & Programs This letter is to inform you that the Nursing staff member with a severe shellfish allergy is returning to duty as of Tuesday, September 5, 1995 and will be assigned to Ward 12 CCM Cautionary signage will be posted in the immediate areas on and around Ward 12 CCM Copies of the Shellfish Allergy Educational Package are available from Ward 12 CCM, should you or any of your affected personnel wisn to obtain a copy Please direct any questions you may have to Shirley Gowdy at 5770/5772 or myself at 5632/5971 i , -; ;U<--Z."-~I..""L J Frawley I JF/asc cc M K Bennett Human Resources Nursing Coordinators S Gowdy H Pinley/ H Myslivecek .. STOP\ 1t ~ (STOP ~ & ~ & flEAD CAUTION READ ALLERGY ALERT DUE TO A STAFF MEMBERS SEVERE ALLERGY TO SHELLFISH NO FOOD CONTAINING SHELLFISH, NO PUREED FOOD,* NO CHINESE FOOD, ** NO FOOD PREPARED WITH UTENSILS OR COOKING OIL PREVIOUSLY USED FOR PREPARING SHELLFISH** IS TO BE BROUGHT ON TO WARD '2 AT ANY TIME. THIS INCLUDES REAL OR IMITATION CRAB, SHRIMP, LOBSTER , OYSTERS , MUSSELS,CLAMS, SCALLOPS,CRAYFISH,SNAILS,SQUID, AND SHELLFISH BY-PRODUCTS SUCH AS SOUPS OR SAUCES,ETC. CONTAINING THESE *THE ONLY EXCEPTION TO THIS IS NON-SHELLFISH PUREED FOOD PREPARED BY KPH NUTRITION SERVICES **THIS CAN RESULT IN CROSS-CONTAMINATION AND POSES A RISK This sign Is not to be removed without the perml.s/on of the nursing admlnlsfrallon. May 1,1996 -;" #b SHELLFISH ALLERGY ( EDUCATIONAL PACKAGE CONTENTS: 1 CAUTION - ALLERGY ALERT 2 Allergy Alert on Ward 12, CCM 3. life Threatening Allergies - Helping to Make A Ward A Safer Place for Allergic Staff 4 Possible Allergic Symptoms 5 Articles re Allergies (Bibliography List) August 1995 ,. ;;.;~ ~ ,- --- - ~ d rS~O~\ & 1 & READ CAUTION READ ALLERGY ALERT DUE TO A STAFF MEIVIBERSSEVERE ALLERGY TO SHELLFISH NO FOOD CONTAINING SHELLFISH, NO PUREED FOOD, '* NO CHINESE FOOD,'** NO FOOD PREPARED WITH UTENSILS OR COOKING OIL PREVIOUSLY USED FOR PREPARIN',G SHELLFISH** IS TO BE BROUGHT ON TO WARD , J!4 AT ANY TIME. THIS INCLUDES REAL OR IMIl"ATION CRAB, SHRIMP, LOBSTER , OYSTERS , MUSSELS,CLAMS, SCALLOPS,CRAYFISH,SNAlLS,SQUID, AND SHELLFISH BY-P~OD"CTS SUCH AS SOUPS OR SAUCES,ETC. CONTAINING THESE *THE ONLY EXCEPTION TO THIS IS NON-SHELLFISH PUREED FOOD PREPARED BY KPH NUTRITION SERVICES **THIS CAN RESULT IN CROSS-CONTAMINATION AND POSES A RISK This sign Is nD' to be removed wlfhouf the permission of the nursing admlnlsfrat/on. May 1,1996 ----~_.- >, ". ~. ALLERGY ALERT ON WARD~,~CM Currently a staff member on Ward 12, CCM has a life- threatening allergy to shellfish and shellfish by-products. An allergic reaction not only occurs by ingestion of these products but also by air-borne allergen and cross- I contamination which occurs most often during the cooking process. THEREFORE, NO SHELLFISH, SHELLFISH BY- PRODUCTS, OR CHINESE FOOD ARE TO BE PRESENT ON WARD 12 CCM. All staff are expected to respect this staff member's allergy and workplace accommodation program by not bringing any shellfish, shellfish by-products or Chinese food to Ward 12 CCM at any time. All visitors must be informed, by staff answering the door, that absolutely no shellfish, shellfish by-products or Chinese food can be brought to the ward for a patient or for any other reason. Your cooperation is very much appreciated. June 1996 I , .' " I ~THREAIEl~INfiALLERGIES HEL~INfl_TO_MAKEA~_ASAFERPLACJLF031 ALLERGJ.C B3'AF~~~ME~MBE~RS Allergic reactIOns ,can be a fnghtenmg expenence for those mdlvlduals who are allergic By workmg together, we can aSSIst a staff member who has hfe-threatemng allergies to cope WIth hIs/her work accommodatIOn program. SUGGESTIONS TO PREVENT EXPOSURE AND ASSIST THE ALLERGIC STAFF MEMBER SHOULD AN EXPOSURE OCCUR Do not bring or allow the allergy-producing substance(s), e.g. shellfish, shellfish by- products or Chinese food on the ward at any time. Inform all visitors than an allergic staff member is assigned to the ward and stipulate that the allergy-producing substance(s) not be brought to the ward for patients or for any other reason. Become familiar with allergic reactions. Review the available articles on the ward. (Bibhography attached) Should an allergy-producing substance be accidentally brought to the ward, it !pust be removed immediately by a non-allergic staff member and the allergic staff member must be informed immediately! Remember air-borne allergens and cross-contamination. If the staff member states that he/she is having a reaction BELIEVE IT! An allergic person may feel the reaction long before you see any sign of it. This will MAXIMIZE THE TIME A V AILABLE to assist the allergic staff member with hislher emergency protocol should that be necessary NOTE The allergIC staff member IS responsible for mformmg the Nurse-m-Charge or other staff If he/she expenences an exposure to an allergen. Following the exposure, the allergIC staff member wIll commence hIs/her emergency treatment by hlln/herself or wIll ask for aSSIstance REMEMBER. By becoming familiar with and adhering to an allergic staff member's accommodation program, you reassure that person that you are aware of hislher needs, and that you know how to assist that person to avoid exposure to the identified allergens. Such awareness and consideration can only serve to enhance team cohesiveness. June 1996 ~; August 1995 POSSIBLE ALLERGIC SYMPTOMS I . Tingling in mouth; . Feeling of foreboding, fear, apprehension; . Hives, itching; . Flushed face, body; . Swelling - eyes, Ups, face, tongue; . Tightness in throat, mouth, chest; . Difficulty breathing, swallowing; . Wheezing; . Coughing, choking; . V omiting, stomach upset; . Dizziness, unsteadiness; . Loss of consciousness; . Coma and death. ___u_ ,~ ARTICLES RE ALLERGIES 1 Aliergy Information Letter Allergy Informatlon AssociatIOn July 1987 2. Allergy Overview for the '90s Health News April 1993 3. Tobacco and your Health Report of the Chief Medical Officer of Health Mimstry of Health 1991 4. Adverse Reactions to Foods A PatIent's GUide to Diagnosis Treatment Resources Amencan Academy of Allergy and Immunology July 1984 5. Cigarette Smoking The Lung Association September 1991 6. Adverse Reactions to Food Additives American Academy of Allergy and Immunology 7 If You've Got the Allergy, We've Got the Information Breathmg Space Spnng 1993 8. Common Respiratory Allergies The Lung ASSOCiatIOn July 1991 9 Asthma Actions The Lung ASSOCiatIOn 10. Chronic Bronchitis The Lung AssociatIOn January 1992 11 Food Allergies and the Foodservice Industry Canadian Restaurant and Foodservlces ASSOCiatIOn June 1989 12. Eat, Drink and Be Wary Chatelaine, June 1996 October 1996 ~ ." it ~ CHERYL YOUNG & KPH Staff who have attended Ward 12 Educational Program.as of May 3,1996 ZenaIda Baston Penny Champagne Jack GrIffin Mike Smder Lynn HutchIson Karen RIess Lome Switzer Randy Wilson Darcy Lloyd Ward Pointen Barbara Wallace LOIS Ferguson BngId Lawrence Margaret Winnett Ken Graham Brenda Andrews Joyce Cataford Ric SmIth Kathy Hanna Eddy Lloyd Shernll Benn (deceased) Carmen Boudreau " ~ ,~ I -#8 :.,. MEDICAL EMERGENCY PROCEDURE FOR STAFF MEMBER ON WARD 12 WHO HAS A LIFE- THREATENING ALLERGY TO SHELLFISH, SHELLFISH BVPRODUCTS AND SHELLFISH CROSS-CONT AMINATED FOODS The staff member who has a life-threatening allergy will wear his/her Medic-Alert bracelet at all times while on duty or within the precincts of the Hospital. I If the Staff Member is exposed while on duty: I 0 The individual will determine whether to take his/her personal medication and will advise the Ward Supervisor, Nurse-in-Charge or another member of the Nursing Staff whether or not s/he has done so. I I Other Staff will remove the source of the exposure from the designated area and away from the route to the Medical Entrance or other designated entrance and route. Reporting 2.0 The allergy sufferer, or another staff member if slbe is unable, will report exposure to Nurse-in Charge or to Nursing Staff 2 1 The Ward Supervisor, Nurse-in-Charge or a member of the N~rsing Staff will inform the Nursing Co-ordinator In the event of a mild reaction JO If the allergy sufferer determines slbe needs to go to a hospital emergency department, slbe or another member of the Nursing Staffwill telephone for a taxi to come promptly to the Medical Entrance or other designated entrance of Kingston Psychiatric Hospital. 3 1 Ward Supervisor or Nurse-in-Charge will notify the Nursing Co-ordinator that the allergy sufferer has had an exposure and has gone to a specific hospital emergency department. In the event of a severe reaction 40 If the allergy sufferer becomes unconscious, or, is very obviously in difficulty, the Ward Supervisor or Nurse-in Charge or Nursing Staffwill call 911 and convey the attached information ALLERGY SUFFERER: 9,11 INFORMATION 4 I Life-saving measures are limited to First Aid and CPR unless otherwise indicated in writing by the allergy sufferer 4.2 The allergy sufferer is then to be transported by wheelchair or stretcher to the Medical Entrance by a member ofthe Nursing Staff who is to remain with the allergy sufferer until slbe is turned over to the ambulance attendant. May 3, 1996 -- ~ ........ VlP9 " ALLERGY SUFFERER 911 INFORMATION When calhng 911 for an allergy sufferer on Ward 12, say the following This is Kingston Psychiatnc Hospital We have a medical emergency Involving an allergy sufferer There may have been an exposure Please come Immediately to Kingston PsychIatnc Hospital, Medical Entrance [or other designated entrance] and s/he w1l1 be there with staff. May 3, 1996