HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-0840GOLDBERG95_06_19 ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO ~ 11111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE b {V) 0 SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT c~ t\'.f<" \ BOARD DES GRIEFS v ~(o 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST, SUITE 2100, TORONTO ON M5G 1Z8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2100, TORONTO (ON) M5G 1Z8 FACS/MILEITELI~COPIE (416) 326-1396 GSB # 840/94 -' OPSEU # 94F048 ReC~~\fED f,;lII'i'lf " ,1 · JUN 1" 1995 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBI~RATION Under PUBUC SERViCe APPEAL BOA'3Pf? _TJE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Goldberg) Grievor - and - The Crown in Right of ontario (Ministry of Natural Resouces) Employer BEFORE N Backhouse Vice-Chairperson FOR THE G Leeb GRIEVOR Grievance Officer ontario Public Service Employees Union FOR THE M Nixon EMPLOYER Management Board Secretariat HEARING May 30, 1995 I - Page 2 - ~ AWARD THE ISSUE. The Gnevor alleges that the Employer contravened ArtIcle 3 21 I of the Collective Agreement by fallIng to recall hIm to work as a Resource TechmClan THE FACTS. The parties' Agreed Statement of Facts IS reproduced below "1 The Gnevor, Larry Goldberg, gneved on May 26, 1994, that he had not been recalled by the Employer to work the spring- summer season of 1994 as a Resource Technzcian R.T.2 with .the Mountam River Area of Pembroke District 2 The Grievor had been recalled by the Employer to work as a Senzor Fire Crewman R.T.2 for the spnng-summer season A letter dated March 9, 1994 was sent from the MNR to the Gnevor offermg him reemployment as a semor fire crewman for the 1994 season. The Grievor had accepted this offer by March 21, 1994 The Grievor worked from Apnl 24, 1994 untzl August 31, 1994 3 Smce 1987, the Grievor had been employed with the Minzstry of NatIOnal Resources each spring-summer season as part of the seasonal fire crew 4 The Gnevor had previously worked as a Resource Technzczan R. T 2 at the Mountam River Area of Pembroke Dlstnct dunng the fall of 1993 That perzod of employment lasted from October 1, 1993 untzl November 26, 1993 Five other employees were also offered seasonal employment as Resource Techmcians for the fall season of 1993 Appendix A 5 On or about Apnl 19, 1994, an offer of recall was made to Andrew Mask for the posztLOn of Resource Techmcian at the Mountam River Area of Pembroke Dlstrzct for the perIOd of Mav 2, 1994 to September 30, 1994 This offer was accepted Appendix B - Page 3 - 6 Andrew Mask had worked seasonallv as a Resource Techmcwn at Mountam River since 1992 He had less seniority than the Gnevor 7 It was decided in Apnl, 1994 that as well as the Resource Techmcwn job that Andrew Mask had been performing, there would be two additlOnal jobs at Mountam River that spnng- summer season. After a postmg, a competltlOn was held to fill the two posltlOns Interviews were held on May 5, 1994 and the successful appllcants were employees who had performed the duties at Mountam Rlver m the fall of 1993 Both employees had more senlOrity than the Gnevor The Grievor was not successful in the competltlOn." I have not set out the Schedules to the Agreed Statement as they are essentIally supportive of the Agreed Facts ArtIcle 3 21 1 of the CollectIve Agreement provIdes "Seasonal employees who have completed their probationary period shall be offered employment in their former positions in the following season on the basis of seniority" ARGUMENT. The issue I must decIde is whether the Grievor had the right of recall to more than one pOSItiOn Havmg accepted the recall to the pOSItiOn of Semor Fire Crewman, dId the Gnevor have the right to be recalled to the pOSItiOn of Resource TechmcIan and take his chOice? The Employer submItted that on the specIfic facts of thIS case, there was no nght of the Gnevor to be recalled to the posItion of Resource TechnicIan The Employer relled upon the eVIdence that the pOSItion of Semor FIre Crewman was requIred to be filled pnor to that of Resource TechmcIan and that thIS was not a case where the two former positions m WhICh the Gnevor had worked came up at the same time The Employer further relted upon Article 3 20 2(a) whIch states /' - Page 4 - -- "3 20 2 (a) A seasonal employee will lose his seniority when (iv) he is unavailable for or declines an offer for re-employment as provided in Section 321 (job security), or " The Employer submItted that there cannot be a nght of recall to more then one posItion because to accept a subsequent offer of employment would result m the loss of senionty under Article 3 20 2(a) whIch IS an absurd result and therefore cannot be what was mtended by ArtIcle 3 21 1 CONCLUSION The Gnevor was entitled under Article 3 21 1 to be offered employment m his former pOSItiOns on the baSIS of semonty The Gnevor had formerly held both the Senior FIreman Crewman positIOn and the Resource Technician posItion As the employee With more semonty to Andrew Mask, the Gnevor had the nght to be offered both the Resource TechmcIan and Semor FIreman Crewman pOSItions m preference to hIm To hold otherwIse would result m the Gnevor, WIth more semonty, bemg depnved of the nght to choose the preferred contract, in thIS case bemg the contract WIth the longest penod of work The fact that the pOSItion of Resource Techmcian was not yet reqUired to be filled when the Gnevor was offered the pOSItIOn of Senior FIreman Crewman did not detract from the oblIgatiOn In ArtIcle 3 21 1 Article 3 20 2(a)(Iv) need not have the absurd result of the loss of semonty If an employee declInes a subsequent offer of employment A more reasonable InterpretatiOn of that Article IS - Page 5 - --- that no loss of senIonty occurs where the employee has accepted a pnor offer of re-employment In the case of OPSEU (G. Genery and the Crown In the RI~ht of Ontano). D. Fraser (1468/85). released September 12, 1989, the Issue was whether an employee had to complete the probatIOnary reqUIrement In a gIven pOSitIOn before recall nghts arose under Article 3 20 1 (now 3 21 1) WhIle the issue was dIfferent, the Board found that the plural nature of "former posItions" descnbed In Article 3 20 1 (now 3 21 1) indIcated a reference to multIple posItions ThIS gnevance should be allowed. The Gnevor shall be entitled to the compensatIOn and semonty credIts which he would have receIved had he been hued as a Resource Techmcian from September 1 to September 30, 1994 I shall remam seIzed in the event there are any Issues whIch anse from thIS decisIOn DATED June 19, 1995 4)r~~ Nancy L Backhouse Vice-Chairperson