HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-0115PETRULLO96_06_14 ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST, SUITE 2100, TORONTO ON M5G 1Z8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2100, TORONTO (ON) M5G 1Z8 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE (416) 326-1396 GSB # 115/95, 116/95 OPSEU # 95C457, 95C458 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Petrullo) Grievor - and - The Crown in Right of ontario (Ministry of Labour) Employer BEFORE M Watters Vice-Chairperson FOR THE M. Keys GRIEVOR Grievance Officer ontario Public Service Employees Union FOR THE J. smith EMPLOYER Counsel Legal Services Branch Management Board Secretariat HEARING December 20, 1995 January 29, 30, 1996 May 22, 1996 - 1 ,- The parties to this proceeding f :i. I E~d the following Aqreed Statement Of Fact 1 On (iLlgust 20, 1992. the gr'i e"ol~ suffered a bac~ injul~y In a work-related car accident. and received Wor ~ f?r s Compensatlon As n.'?qui red by Art 54 " hE' remr.:d ned on pa')' roll for' the f:i.r-!:3t "::'!I 65 days " Un Dr' about J anuar-y -:~ 1 , 1 9q-:~' , the (;Jr'lP',ol~ rE,tur-ned t.o "mod J. of J. (:::'d II .t- v'Jor ~ on a par t time basis On l'1arch 29, 19'i _ , he returnee! to full time duties :\ . On August. 9, 199-:. the gr- i e\ or claimed i::\nd. s:,omet i m'':? li:Yter, began receiving short term 5 i c ~: lea e benefit.s J~ . On {-)ugust 2( ), 199:, the gr i evor- filed a claim with the l'Jor I er s Compc;!nsat ion Boal~d due to a recurrence of his l'J ac f: iniury 5 The grievor s attendance v'Jas r-ecorded a~ 'sicl Ii and he r'emai ned on the payroll at l~5h of his salary +or t.he ent i r'e period o.f his absence from f~LlgUS:t q 199-: until FF!!br-uary . 21, 1994 6. By e-mail dated September 8, 1993, Monica Harding informed Be 'er 1 " nossel~ , District Manager, Ni agal~a, that the gr i evol~ s;.houl d not r-emai n on payroll if all credits have been e~ haw::,ted (Attachment 1) I On November 17, 1 99:::.' , the grievor \fJas sent LTIF application f Ol~ ms from Human Resources Benefits 8 On Februat-.y " 1994. Mr Ruggiero, a WeB claims i:-1djudi catCJY", ~, informed the grievor and the employer that the grievor 5 claim for a recurrence had been all o\fJed retro21ct i ve to August 9~ 1993 ~) On Febr-ual'''y , 199.lj . the ql~l e or. accompani f?d b'/ Doug H t t. , d Union t-epresentati ve, met with Bev Fi.ossel~ and Mc:wgaret dc\~"chuk , Huma.n Resources Assistant. 1Cl ?'~t t.his meeting, the gr-l evol'- e pres:.sed concel'''ns about the Sac i a 1 Contl~act deductions that. had been mac!{7i) fr"om hi~: <::" h cW' t -" b:.~rm benef its, about the reinstatement obligation under- the \.'~1.2rL~,2__.__t;2I,;~..E?n :;:~,1;.i.9.n,-B.<'::~"t. and about bf.:"'nef i t cover- :;tele 11 rhe employer representatives told the gl~ i evor thc.:\t he o\;~ed the employer $12,010 .2:6 !I I'" epr'es,':?il't i ng the net, pay Ie r- (2C E:?:i. veci , 1 short term disability W'll,. e on 12 The employer representati' es understood from tl1i 5 meetinq that t.ht2 grievor agreed to I~epay the Mi n 1 stl~Y by sending them a - 2 - chequE? for" thE~ <:\mount oVJed, and gave Ili m a 1 et. t !:?r ccmf]. nni nq this underst:andi ng (At t.i::\chll(?nt. ,2) 1 (1 'f ur t hell" memo, f V" om Ivl a r gel'" Ed:, ::}<,wchu! to 1"1 em :I. c: a Hi:'III'''c:li rlCJ dE\teci Ff,~bruary 14, .1 99 l, follows up on t.he F' eb r Ui:.'1r 'y 7, 1.99/~ meeti rl~l ( (.4t.t.achment ~,) .1 i) The gl~ i ever undE~r'r,:;teocl fv-om t.hi r,~ meetinq thcit h(~ aqr-!:-ed to pc:\Y bac k the amount. otNed ~'Jhen his q\.H::'sti OilS about deductions had b E'en a n S:,hl("~r" E,d <:\!"lel hE~ hc:\d 1'- E?C E' i v F?d an i':ldeClU tE~ i,:\c:count], r'IL! 1/:::' The v,ICB sent a letter dated Febr-uar ,f '7, 1994 (attachment 4) '-' ti.) tht'" grievor i n 'f Dr m i n q hi m thE:\t. the cli::\im hac:! been allowed, a che<Jue \l'JOul d be issued t.o him, and that 10'Ie "',I a 5 to mc.'I~:e arrangements with hi emp 1 0 lel~ to repi::t't the ad\/anc:es:, made b the employer- .1h On FebnJav-y '7 1. 99 ,il , the \,lJCB i s.r,;uE?d a chequ!-: 'f Dr- $ 1. if, 751 i )'3 , to the grievor .1 On Febr-uary 9, 1994, the gl~ i evOI'" contacted Eberhcwd Foelzl. FarTOll Representati ve, regav"ding the calcuJ.2:"\tion of the amoLlnt to be repai d. lEl On February 21, 1 99il , the gr i evol~ r-eturned to modified duties. 19 Further discussions between Mr. Foelzl, 11s F\ossel~ and the glr'i evor tool place during February~ 1991.1 The qri e'/or did not understiand why he had to pay benefit premiums ,For the per'i od from August 9, 199~' t.r.3 February 21, 1991.i when deduct,lons for benefit coverage had been made fr-om hi s s:hort term disc:\bility pa/ments:, Nor did he under-'st.and v\lhy S',oc i a1 contv"act deductions made dUI~ i ng that pet-lod did not count 20 By It?tter dated March 15, 199ij (c:lt tc:lchment 5) ~ l'li c:hel D Emrni::\nuell e (on behc.d f of Be" F\os'.:;: er ) c:lt tempted to res,pond to the gl"'i8 01"- ~. conce1"-ns:. 21 This letter did not. clear up matter':'3 for tlie grievor He was still not satisfied that the employer had pl'" oper- 1,/ calculated t. II fo2 amount ot",ing '3nd the corr-'espondi ng benefits Because of thi s, he did not i ss.ue a cheque to the emp 1 0:" er 22 Meanwhi Ie, though the grievor had retLtr"ned to ",'ork on Febr-uav"y 21, the employer did not issue paychequ8s to the grip-vol'" On April 1.1, 1994 the gr-ievor filed a grievance 1~eg2.rdi ng the non-p aymen't of wages (,,~t tc:'\Chmf:'nt 6) Shortly therea'fter, the emp 1 c.'lyer paid the grievDr hi, s bac~ wages and the gri evar withdrew that grievance. ~"':; On 1''Iay ::1, 1994, a meet.ing was held to discuss the - 3 - outstanding amoLlnt owing. The gr i evor- i;"ilttended with his steward~ William Wilhelm Etev F\osser~ George Sutt.on~ Monica H.::lI'-d i ng ~ Eberhar'd Foel'::l and MdE.' Scott ",t tended for the emp 1l1yelr 2i; 1"1ae Scott a 1 s:.o informed the gr-i evo)'- that the amount o.f debt owing to the employer' was more than $l:~()l() -;~6 as originally calculated Flrom September 199_ to Februal~ 'I 1994, the employer had deducted $1~575 86 from the gri eVOlr s short t.erm bEmef i t.s for- the employee s cc:mtr- i but :i. on to the pEms:.J. on plan As well~ in order to maintain benefits during that p elr i od ~ the gri e ,lor \o'muld also have to pay an additional $..:.....:..2.81 to cover t.he employee s portion of the pl'"(~lmi um r,!:::- The gr-l evor again brought up hi s concelrns:. about what "'- happened to the deductions +or pension cmd beneflt premium contributions mad",? from his:. short term di ~:;abJ.l i t.y pclyment s ~,6 By' the end 0+ the meetJ.ng~ the grie\,or had acqLli esc(,:?d to the emplo/er ~:; request t.o for\o'Jard a number o'f cheques to the employer by June "7 1994 one lump ~:, Ll m of ':!;5, OoCl ~ and a ~ selr i es: of post --dat.ed CheC/l,le!:.~ 2 per month of $ 65 each. ..,"7 By 1 (';.~t t.er dated May '2:1 ~ 199!j.~ Mae Scot.t outlines the .'':'" ( agreement. made at the meeting and attempt.~:, to e plain why the grievor must pay the pension contribution and employee s portion of t.he bf:me.f i t premium (Attachment 7> '-.r, On June 2B~ 1994~ the grievor sent a cheque for <$ 4 , (H.H) and L\.":! Sl post --dated cheques for $ 165 to the employer I'nth a cover letter. (Attachment 8) ~q" By 1 et t er dated July 18~ lq94~ Mae Scott. ac~nowledges recelpt of the cheque for $4, ()()() and the post-dated cheques She also as~:s Mr Petrullo to provide the amounts that he prom~L sed dUlring their l"1ay :lst meet.ing~ namely an additlonal '$1 , non and addl t i on !:.i 1 Df.:lSt -cheoues: (I~t.tclchment 9) '2:0 On Oct:ober- "0 1991- ~ Debra Fi 5I-',er-, Human Eesour' c es Consultant, k~..J ~.Jrote t.o Mr Fetrullo regarding the b,,"\l ance of his:. over- payment and to conf i rom t.he amount reCE'l ed to d<?te With lc'es:.pec:t to t.he 1"\ ,3 'y 1 ~ 199,1 aqreemE~nt , the gri E,'VOI- 1',1 a s: $2. ()611 in arrE'ars The grievor was as~ed to pr-OVl de the total amount past due~ pI us post-c.ii:i\t.ed c:hf2ques for the balance of the amount. ;:Jwi ng (Attachment 10) ""L November lO~ 1994 and December 9~ 199il, Debra Fisher e'-ma i 1 ed Ivlr Fetrullo regarding the outstanding ovelr - payment. (Attachment 11) ~.-. January 20~ 1995~ Joan Finnie~ Team Leader Human Resources, ~.~ wrote to t1r Petrullo regarding the balance of t.he over-- - 4 - payment owing and indicatina that the net amount of his ~~2\) iVl pL':Iyment. wC,\uld be applied tC,\war-ds the debt i-f the bal ancE': of $7 ~ 9:52 27 was not received by :::; ()() p m on ,J anuarov "-il::- 1 c;9~) (Attachment 1:; ) .L J, .~; Dn January 2~5 , 19'75, the grievor roesponded to this letter HE' s,,:d d h E~ c: C,\L.d d not pay the amount rf'?que~~ted i::\nd th2\t he was pr-epared to issue post-dated cheques in an amOL\Ilt. less t.han $5 ,0 per month He al so n:o?quested that his por-tion Df the ~'.L.() \VI pal' out bf.? f c:wwC':il'-ded to him (At t i:olchment :I. ) 3.l.1 t: At the r-equei::;t af Sophie Dennls~ Directar-, H:3mi 1 ton AI"ea, a meeting trJas helel in Hamilton on January 31, 1995 First., the gr i evot-, Bill \;JJ:i 1 hel m, Dan i'1acInnis, and Sophie Denni ~: met to di':::cus"3 the bi-monthlv amounts that the gr-ievor ~'Jas payi ng Lat.er- , Geor-ge Sutton joined the gr-oup to discus"3 the fat e of the gr 1 evor- s pot-tion of the ~;20 1'1 payout. c:: At the first meeting. it \l-Jas agreed that~ the gr-levor o' J :::> payments wOl.ll d be reduced fl~om $265 to $125, twice per month, bt'?qi rmi ng Februar-y 9, 1995 036 {~t the second meeting, the employer s representatives took the position that they had the authority to seize the entire amount of the grievor s parol. i on of the $2U M payout They gave the gri eVOlr two optlons: 1 tohe ent i roe l:\mount would be applied against his debt oWlng to the nunl str-y;; or- 0, $1~, 521 78 ,auld be paid directly to his mortg,:1ge .L. holder-, and the remaining $.2, ()()O would be pi::,i d to t.he ministry In respect of the debt. This is conof i rmf?d in an e-mail fr-om Mr- Sutton to the gr- i e\, or U-ittachment 1A) ~'7 On Februaro ,I 6.. 1995. Mr- F etr-ull 0 wrote to Eber-hard Foelzl pro\, i di ng information regarding hi <;:, mortgage hol d(o:?r :t:l p e-mail dClted Febr-uary 8, 1995, Mr Foel z 1 conf i r-med t.he deposit of $ 1 , 521 78 to Mr Fetrullo 5 mortgage holder. 2"<:;1 On February iLl, 1 ':r95 , the ministrv del i \, er-ed a cheque to the griever in the amount of $2, ()t)() L\u A:::. e)f February 23, 1995, the qrievor was put bacl on the Corpay system, WhlCh allowed for dir-ect deposit of h 5 paychequE's to his ban~ account. 41 The grievor off sick from March .~ 1995 until was o. ~- ~ -- 5 - l'1al'''ch 27, 1 cjlcr5 4..:_ The gr i F.,:,vor- f i 1 ed thE' grievancE~S un Mi:'lrch 1. and "'- The gr J. evance of March 1 , 1995 reads, in part "1 I grieve that the unl ah'ful seizure of my r-lassification grievance settlement payout funds is punitive, inequitable and an \"lnreas-,onabl E? e er- c i S.F.? of manaqf2ment r-iqht~:; p ur ~:;u an t to the Collective Agreement, The CrcH'm Employees Bargaining Act and the Fl.lblic Servi r.:e Act -, In conjunction IPJi t h and addition to ( 1) , I grieve that "'- the employer- be estopped (ba~::;ed on the principle of estoppel) iTom past and future recovery of the emp 1 over- s cdIeged over"payment of ~'Jages: , since It is inequitable to force restitution and fUI~thermore the grievor has mate:--ially changed his circumstances since September, 199:-! ~~nd especially ;ince this emp 1 oyel~ initlated o/erpavment of Febt-uary 199/~ II The grievance of March ,., 1995 reads, in j:3c:\I~t .t..!I "i gl~ i eve that the employers act i ems:. in unlawfully seizing my grlevance settlement payout funds, withholding of wages and untimel'l dis-,tr bution of pay cheques has cl~eated unnecessary stres<5 and mental anguish in violation 0+ Section 18 1 of the Collective Agreement II A tDtal of fourteen (14) sepal~ ate items of rE?lief are claimed in the two L..) grievances The grievor is an Occupational Health and Safety Inspector in the Ni ag~'1ri"'. Office of the t'hnistr,l of Labour He s-,tarted in that position in Januar'y 1988 The gl~ie or is mary-iee:! c:.~nd r-Ias tl-"Iree L) children ages eight.een (18), fifteen (15 ) and fourt.een (14 ) The gr- i evor present.ed a subs-tanti a1 amount of evidence in support of the t~'m (:;~) g:--ievances Mr I,-Ji 11 j. am Wilhelm, another Occupational Health and Safety Inspector in the Niagara office, also ga.ve evi dence on behalof: o-f the Union l'1r ~\Ii 1 hel m ha~s been a Union Steward since 1 98:~ He i ,- also a co-chairperson of the . .::> Local Employee Relations Committee 1'11~ Wilhelm was familiar with the - 6 - pr-ocessing of the gr-ievor- s complaints As noted i.n the Agr'eed St!:.~tement Of F<-"\c't , hE' at b:-?nc:lE!I::l the meetings 0+ May 31, 199Ll and January .:: 1. , 1 99~5 a the grievor s Union repr-esentc:.\t i ve The 30112 witness for the Employer VJas Mr Geor'ge ~31.1ttDn, an Ernp 1 oyef"> Fi.elat.iclnS', Consul.ti::""\nt. wIth the Human F<E'sources Br anch 0+ t.he Ministry of Labour. MI~ Sutton attended both of the af orement i clned +' mee~lngs The C;p~ 1 evor \.'Jas. a~\!a 'l from WOI~ I, due to the recurrence of a wor f -- related lnJury 1n the pf2r i od from r-1Ugust 9, 1993 to Februclry 21, 199iJ. He r'ec:el ved ~~hol~t term si.d leave benef 1 ts from the Emplo/er {Ol~ t.he entir-et'V 0+ thi.s pE.'r i od In February, 17>94, the Worfers Compensation Boal~d detel'"lTli ned that the grievor l'Jas enti tled to worfers compens.:."!t 1 on benefits in respect C).f this ame period That Board subsequently issued a cheque to the gr i t~VClr in the amoLlnt of $14,751 0:::: Without getting into the compie ities of the matter, this double payment created a situation in which the Employer ~\!as legitimately entitled to claim repayment of the amount it paid to the gr'i evor by ~'l/a y of short ter-m sick leave benefits Th:i.s c12'.im ~.,.as advanced in a timely fashion in February, 1994 The meeting of February 7, 1994 is referenced in paragraph numbers 9, 1 (), lL t'l , c: and 14 of the (~greed Statement Of Fact Ht this meeting, the gr'i e lor W 2'. ':; as~ed to r-epay the SLIm of $12,Cll() "":!' L. This figure '_ w. rEpl~es.ented the net amount received by the grie Ol~ from the Employer after deductions The gross amount of sid leave bE".'nefits totalled $17,947 -' prior to any deducti ems The grie'l.or, at the hearing, did not seriously dispute the quantum of the net c], ai m. He stated that the figure of $12,()lU _.6 was 'fairly accur"ate" and that it ~\jas "pr-obabl y in the ballpark" He testified further that the net amount received "probably - 7 - dDes WOlr I out to somethinq in that ar'e<i.'1" I am sc:\tisfled from a review of the documentation f I 1. E,d ~ and 1n particular e: hibit #4 and at tar.:hment #1()~ that t.he net amount paid to the gr- i eVOlr 1n .the pel~ 1 od relevant to thi !;:, di!:E.pute ~'Jas~ in fact~ $l2~()l() b At. the meet 1 ngs; of Febn..lar~f 7~ 1994 and t1a)' _ 1 , 1994 (as ref erTed to in para~lraph numbers ")'":!, 24~ c:: .....6 and '2.7 of the (igreed Statement u.f ..:.. - , .s.~J~ Fact)~ the grievor el- preS';S',ed concerns. aboL\t deductions made from his 51 c~ 1. eav'e (:heques in respE.ct of the Soc: i a1. Contl'-act cind pension and benefIt. cont.ributions Nore spec if i C 2-d 1 Y ~ he felt thc:\t the Emp 1 oyeJr vJas not giving him cr-edit for these various deductions By letter of t-1ar-ch 1t::' ,J~ 1994~ Ms:. F,osser ~ the D :i. s t!'- i c: t. f'lanager- , attempted to addlress the issue of Social Contlract Deductions She stated therein "As agreed by yOU~ you ar-e to return the net amount of your cheques, 3. e $ 1 :~ ~ () 1 ) 36, cover- i ng pay dates of September q . ~ 1. 9(.7:' through February 10, 1994 (the 5i cl t.ime paid to you by us which has now been paid by vJCB) This will reduce your salary to zero therefore all associated deductions for this peri od are also automatically cancelled II <Attachment ""- emphasis mine) -' !II The ques.tion of deductions was <:1.1 so the subject of comment in a letter of May ::1~ 1994 from Ms Mae Scott., l-'Iuman Rt:?sources: Consultant, to the gr" i evor ':::lhe stat.ed t.herein Cl" f olllJ\f..ls /I r,,::J p 1'- 0'/ 1:\ 1 w,,:\s:. recei. ed fr-om vJol'-j er~. Campen ation to grant you pa/ment. effecti'/e AugLlst 2(), 19"1::: There.f: ore you ~:;h elLl 1 d not. ha'. e r '.?cei ved t.he I~'h ni s:t.rv o.f !._.ab our cheques dated September 9~ 1993 t.hrough Ff::bru,::Iry 1 (>, 1991.J. To recover these pay cheques~ we require repayment by YOLl of the net pays and we will recover all associated deductions from the appropriate parties~ i . e. UIC~ CPP, Revenue Canada, OPSEU and the amount deducted for Social Contract days will be recovered from MBS. We agreed that we would retain the benefits, paying the employer S portion, if YOLl would provide us with the employee~s portion in the amount of $222.81- Similarly if you provide us with $1,575.86 your pension will not be affected II - 8 - ({.)t tc:\chment , emphasis mine) It is apparent from all of the evidence that the gl" i evor' die! not fully understand the significance 0 paving the net, as opposed to the gross, amoLlnt He Il<Jas undf.'2r the misimpression that he ~'J;::\ s;, , 111 effect, bE.~i nq c\sl:'ed to fund the deductions a r.:.econd time Thi s ~\jas clec:\rly not t.he Cc~3e hat.her-, the "zer-oing-out" pr-ocess Llsed by the Emplo 12r- ~lc'S tant.2\mount to a ci"mcellc~tion of the initial !:.(?t of deductions This lr'esu\. t We;?S discussed 1n the \,'Ir- it. t en St ar;Jt: 2 l~espons;e of V J Crew dc",-ted jVlay 1= 1995 That response read, :i.n par-t ..i.-.-1, "~'.lhi 1 e the total amount may be i n d i sp ute ~ there is mutLlal <."Ie I: nowl edgement thcd: a s cd o:.'Ir" I overp<=,yment to YOLl did oer.:L\l~ , r'esulting from the r-etroaetive awaT d of w.e B benefits to )lot-:, in the form of a cheque for $14,751 Cl3 ic:::sued directly to you by the Wod ers Compensation Board Thi,s award co"ereel the pf.?r i Dd I-'klgust 2( ), lCf93 to January 3() , 1994, dur1ng which ''10U continued on the payr-01.1 of the employer-, on si cl --1 ea\o e stat.uS'" and received (according to the emp 1 o't'er- s records) net p.::\yment 50 (af ter' deductions) totalling $ 1 ::, (I 1 u '36 The emplo/er has demanded that you repay this amount ( i e. $12,()10 36) as ~-~ell as pay your share of employee benefits pr-emiums (~~2:22.81 ) and pension contribution ($1,575 86) DUt-l ng the meeting, Vou e: pr-essed concern regar-ding the 1 at t er two of these items, i nd i cat i ng YOLlr belief that you had already made these bene.fi ts and pension ccmtr i buti ons f r.::l~ the per-iod in question, and pointing to a pay stub for- 1'."lovember 18, 199::. which rf~f 1 E'~cted deductions for- the~:e it. efWc- ~'Jh 3. 1 e I can undelrstand the cont. usi on ar-ound this matt:?r-, it lC i mport<.1nt to note that the rety-'oacti \,e W C B cn~ar' cj ef of ect i VE?1 Y O\- er-r-.i. der; 3"y sal al~y payments made, E'i ther dir-ectly to IOU, or- on your- b;?half througl"', employee pr-emiums and contr- i but ion,:" during the period c Cl 'Ier ed bV the a\.\lar-d fly requesting U',at 'lOLl rE'fund only the o..~.t, pay ments recf.-'!i ved, <;"nd 'jot tho':;e premi LlffiS and contributions paid on your behalf, t.lle emp 1 oyer- i '" acting on the basis that these additional . -, amounts wer-e not, in effect, r-emitted on your- behalf On thE? other- hand, had the employer requested th<.\t YOLl repay the gr-Clf,;,S amOLlnt, i n c 1 L~d i n 9 tho:;e premi Llins and contributions, it could not then also r-eqLlest that YOLl nO\o'J make those additional pi:wments Simply pLlt, the r-etroactive cancellation of salary payments mean=: that n,9. f Llnds ~.:>hoL.ll d have been paid - 9 - eJ. ther- to you~ 0'''" to other-~ on 'your- b E:?h ,;:11 f " (e~ hi bit 17) I accept that the above e: cer-pt. fr-om the r-espon~e accur-ately de::;crlbes t.he impact o.f t.hp Emplo er- clalminr,;J r-epa'y ment. of just the net. amount received In summiar-y, I am satisfied t.hat the Employer- could pl~oper- 1 y as~ the gl~' i evor- to pay his shar-e of the employee benefits in the amount of $ r;~', -, 81 k":".L. and his pE'l'lsi on con'll'"' i but ion in the amount of $1,575 86 Indeed~ I nDte that. the apPI~Dach talen b\, the Emplover is a Ii s the grievor- :;:. penslon contr-ibution ser-v E.d to maintain the continuity of his pension as well as to avoid an inter-est penalty Ultimately, I conclude that tl-'le gr-i evol'"' r-ecei ved a fai,r- and accurat.e accounting l-\Ii th respect to the deductions in i S.!'':;Ul::'? For r-easons which ~\ler-e not fully e: plained, the (,~r- i evor did not rE'ceive pay cheques in the b\lo c;;::) month per-iod follol-\'ing his retur-n to wo,""! This failure ll'~d to the -filing of a gr-ievance dated Apr-il 1 :I. , 1994 The mciter- i a1 part of the grievance r-ead..; "STATEI"IEN r OF' i.:7JF\ I Ei)ANCE I gr-ieve that the emp I CPy'er- s action in the tot a I gar-nishing of my ,.;alar-y', "";i nee Februar- I :21::;t, 199(j.~ ~\li thOLlt notice, consultat on or hearinrJ is unreas.on<7:\bJ e~ ar-bi tr-ar- and discrimInatory and constitute:; unnecessary har-dsrd p and c:Iur-e~-:;s upon m'~sel'f and f2\mi 1 'I SETTLEI"IENT DESIF\ED 1. Th ,It <".\1 1 gl".\rni shi ng action cease <,-"nd d e~::.i !i t until mutually accept<=\bJ. e ter-m~. of I""epayment can be agreed to, including a detailed wr-itten analysis of whc:,t monies legitimately have to be included in the repayment ,,"', That the gr-ievor- be monetarily compensated for- any and ..:.. ~SIC) e pen::;es i neLlI'Ted in the pur-suit and r-esoll.Ition of this m".\ttel~ " (Attachment 6) - 10 - As noted in paragraph number "' " of the Agl'"'eed StC':\tement Of Fact, the ...:.....:- gl'- i e\. or G bi~cl wages \i~er'e pi"i d shortl'>, ,,,,fter the f il i ng of the gr- i evance Th(7? gr i evance wt:\':; then withdrawn. In viet.\I ot this wit.hdrawal, and subiect to th? he.::\lth and safety complaint r cd ":,ed i, n the gr-i evance of l'1arch r~ ....., 1995,. it is unnecessary to address either the issues r <:'Ii sed in this first gr i e'v ance aI'"' the evidence presented relating to same The ~~r i evor testified that his pal c h eq Lter; \i\ler"e "continuoLlsly" late i r} the period f)~om Apri 1, 199Ll to F~?bF'L1ar !, 1995 It. \i'Ja~~ t.he thrust of his evidence that the cheques wet- e gener-all y one (1) to tv-Io <:2) dayS 1 ate He s,tated that he twice drove t.o Toronto to actually pi cI up his: cheque~.::. In those i n .5tance'~, the Employer provided the grievor with time off \i\lor~: tCI male the td. p!::" ThE~ grievor as.ser'ted that this recurring pat tel~n of late cheques created problems for him in terms of meeting his obligations to his mor'tgi-.:\g€?e and other cr-edi tors:, I note in this regard that, for- at least a portion of t.his per-iod, the grievor- in addition to his salary h~d access to the funds he received fr-om the Wor I.: er s Compensation Boar-d. The grle/or was removed from the Employer- s Cor-pay system ln e2\1~ 1 y FE1bruary, 1994 From that point until F~'?bruar-y , 1995, he was paid b:>, way of h 2m d dr'ah1n cheques I was led to bE>l i E~v f2 th,,;\1: this form of payment was ut.i 3. 1. 2€:o>d to avoid the automat.ic dE'ducti on 0+ dmou Its ol,'Jing to the Ministry of Labour. It \'\loul d appeal~ from the evi dE-nee that the 12\te receipt. of cheqLle".~, as descd, bed abo\le~ t-JaS, Ii If'? 1 Y rE'1 ated to the fact they "'Iere hand drawn In his evidence :i n-'chi ef, the gri, evor- testifil-:"?d that he had the intention to r"epay the amount owing to the Employer once he r-eceived a pr"oper accc.1Ltnt i ng. He stc.\ted that he realized he owed money to the - 11 - l"'Ii ni stry ot Labour fhi s intent i em 1 ~:; reflected in his 1 et t er dated ,J anLlary ,..,..,.. 1995 tC) ,Joan FinniE'~ Actinq Team Leadel~ . Human F\esources, k":~ whel"ei n he stated, "I have been willing to settle this matter since February, 1994". It is also evidenced by the fol]' 0lo'J1 ng action!: as:. referenced in the Agreed Statement (Jf Fact ( 1 ) the grievor "acquiet:c:ed" to the repayment s:.cheme propos:.ed by i"ls Scott, on behalf of the Emp]. Oy f.?r , at the meetlng of 1'1ay _ 1 , 1994 vJh i 1 e the gr- i e'v or mc:tY not have been entirely s:.ati~~fied with the terms o.f thE! arf'"'angement, he ne/ertheless proceeded to forwar'd a $4 ~ OUU lH) cheque to the Employer together with si ( 6) post--dated cheques, Each in the amount of $265 00 Mr. Wilhelm!, in his testimony with respect to the above-mentioned meeting~ stated that there was never any resistance on the gr i eVc.lr s par-t to r'epay the debt. He e pressed the same opinion in his correspondence of February ~. and February 8, 1995 to .... Thea Her- rnan , Deputy Minist.E.~r of Labour (e>:hi bi t.s 7 clnd 6'.1 lrespectively) ; (i 1) at. the initial meeting held on January 31:'1 1995, the Employer accepted the gr i evor- s proposal to reduce his pavments on the debt. to $1:25 00 ttrJi ce per mont.h This trJ a s: in recognition of the gl~ie or s tenLlOLlS f i nanci (,;d situation SLlbseqLlent to thE' meeti.ng~ the grievor provided a S;.E"'" 1 es. of post-dated cheques in the reduced amount; (lii) a repayment obligation was r-ecognized by the grievor in the grievance of April 11 , 1994~ reproduced above As noted~ the Settlement Df3si red portlon of the grievance form included - 12 - the following request "That ':'1.11 garnishing action cease and desist until mutually acceptable terms of repayment can be agreed to, including a detailed written analvsis of what monies: legitimately have to be included in the r-epc:lyment". I am satisfied, on a review of all of the evidence, t.hat the grievor was not coerced or compelled to agree to the repayment s:.chemes cited in t.he Aql~eed Statement Of Fact. To the contr ar y, I find that he CDn!:.~ i stent I y acl nowl edgE?d his obliqat.ion t.o repay tj-',e d0.?bt right up to the filing of the gr-ievance of l"lar'ch 1 , 1995 It wa..., at th<::lt juncture the grievor first asserted the pocition thc:lt the Emplo,>,er should be es;topped t~-om past and futur-e y-ecovery of "the employer' ,~ alleged over'payment of ..;. (;Jc.iges" Pi:\ragraph numbel~s r, :::;;"':!" , .4 ~ '7'6, 37~ 38 and "79 of the (1:;)reed "_..:.. ~ Statement Of Fact r-e.l ate to tr-Ie gr i evor ,- ent i t.l ement to a part. of the -~ $20, ClO(), 000 ()O grievance moratorium fund, and to the Employer s attempt to set off sLlch entitlement agiu nst hlS outstanding obligatlQti to the MinH;try. Q.f the net amount, $1,5..:..1 78 was for-warded directly to the gr i eVOlr s mor.tgagee I am S",at isf i ed that the Emplover did not tal. e such actIon on 2\ uni lc\ter'"i::\l bas3-s I nst.€?C:\d, I f nd that. the funds l<>Jer e sc 'fono.Jal"ded on 1 y <\:{f ter- the gr- i evor r-aised a concern about ;-~ 1:5 mortgage arr-ear-s ~<Jhi 1 e the i dE~a to mal e this payJTent may ha\le come f r-om jvlr Sutton, I conclude that it. t"-'as effected p .\rSUclnt to the grl E:~'v or ~ C:\uthori;:,ation and direction The Employer initially indicated t.O the gri eVOlr that the $..:.., (H)(J (It balance of t.he payment would be offset against. his debt This did not occur- largely 3S a cons:.eqL\ence of Mr Wilhelm's i ntervent.i on on behalf of -- 13 - the gr-ievor-. The grievor received this $2~ ()()(). on on FebrL\F.\ry 1/j. ~ 1995 It appri'ars:. f Y- Llm the evidence that thf:.~ ot.hf:.~r' i nspectur-~:: in the Nl i::\C~lm-a Office rE!ceived their payouts on or about Januar-y 26~ 199"5 In vi.ew of thE" unique c i y-cumstances of the gri ev OJ~ s: ca~.:e, I am unablE~ to find that. a del i..'i}f of appro~ i matel 'I twent.y <:::0) dayS \.\le\S e ce.:;sive In the .f i nal C:lnal)lS: i r~, I cone 1 ude thc:'\t t h er e was:. no unlaw-ful selzure o.f the c 1 as~}i f i cati on gl~ i evanc:e settlement payout funds a~ claimed 11'1 t.he clr-ie\,ances of March 1 and March ,.., 19.i5 Simpl), stated~ the 91'- i t~vor- .1- , received the3e funds thr-ough the payments de::;cribed 11'1 thE' c;,bo'....e two (2 \ pay-agr-i:iphs I have not been per'suaded that the Employer~ lr1 its dealings ,I Iii I lJ I' i. lor, acted in a way which could be char actel~ i z ed as punitive, 1 fH::'ql. i t 11 e or unr-e""sonab 1 e While 1'1r- Sutton may have initially en~ ed by telling t.he grievor- that the Emp 1 oyel~ was entitled to c.l r;:;et off under- the pr-ovi si rm:J of the E_ u Q..l.J_.f;....._~.!~r:yi...f e __?i \; t , he ver-y quicUy therei::tftt'::r pr-ovided him with a written memor-andum outlining the aLtthor it Y underwhich the Emp 1 oyer- IrJas purporting to act. (12 hibit. 5) I thi Ii!~ that thi s err(Jr- ie immatel~ial given that. the issue of seizure was rendered moot t.hrough the Emp 1 ayer- s timely payout of the funds: in que:::t i em. Th(=~ gl~l e Ol~ ,,:\I..=.o Ir ::,1 SE'd 2 concern ,::It the hearJ.ng ,0\ ..:, to the qu.:wtuln of hIS p.:~yout The gr'ose .;:,mount of hie entltlement \i'Jae $5, 164 60 The net 'fJ.gL\l~e wa.3 $:::~5:::1 78 fhe gr-l evor' test1f1E>d that h13 entitlement was c:.ppro~ i matel '; $LI()() {)i) 1 e~~s. t.han t.hat. received b ot.her inspect.ors in the office Mr Sutt.on in his evidence, acknowledged t.hat an error had been made with respect to certi::\i Ii of the deductlons em the grlevor s P<::lyout cheque More specifically~ the Corpay system automatically registered deductions in reE,pect of U 1 C. , S H ~1. H , L.T I P and SUPLIFE 11'1 the - 14 - total amount of $''(.02 0'3" These amounts had actually been deducted previollsly in the period when the gF'i evor s chequE?!:;; were t-'Ii::\nd dr- a~\ln The eFTor occurred in this i, nstance as the Corpay system did not have a record of the ear-I i er deduct ions. Briefly stat.ed. what occurred ~'\Ias a doubl,,? deduction The Employer representatives agreed that the c\mOLlnt of $f~()2 ()3 was~ in fact~ owing to the gri eVOI~ and would bE? credited tow.:wdE:: his: outstanding abliqation to t.he Mini:::;t.ry of Labour Subiect to this cor'rection~ I accept the Emploier's aCcOLlnt i ng o.f the settlement payout c:t ~~ ~,h Ol<'Jn on e hibit 8 in thi:::; pr-oc:eeding ~)s stated ear-I i er ~ the g/~i evor claimed thl'-ough the gr-l e ance 0+ Marc:h 1 ~ j,<'jl95 that "the employer be e:::;topped (ba:::;ed on the principle of estoppel'> .from past and future reco\/ery of the employer s alleged overpayment of wage:::;~ ,jince it is inequitable to force re:::;titution and further-mor-e the gri eVOI'- has materlally changed h s circumstances si nCE'! Sept. ember 199'3" and especially since this employer initiated ovel~pavment of Febl~uary 1994" . The Union relied on the following a\;',)aF'ds in support of this position IA.Ylpr,. 1u77/89 (Samuel s) ; t:Jit,!;,b..~1_1. ~ _91/91 (Samuels) In T..::-'l:d..Q.[.. ~ the grievor recei vE!d a large retroactive payment She immediatel questioned the pa lr-oll office tD det€?rmi nE'.:- ~'Jhett-ler a mista~e hdd been madE' The gr- i evor l-'JE\S iassLlr-E?d that she was entitled to the money On t.he ba~,;i :; of this assurance, the gr i e /01'- and her hLl3band .1 ',:..... umf;.,?rj ~everal nevJ fir13ncial obI igc:\tj,onr::. Unfor-tun'1t.ely~ a cl E?y-i c:al err-or had in fact been madl':? and the grievor should not have received the pC\ymr..::-nt. She wac informed of t.he mistal e appr'o~ i matel y nineteen (J '7' ) months after" it occurred. The Board rejected the gr i evol~ ::; claim that ::.he should not have to pay bacl anything Instead~ it limited the qLl.:\Iltum of - 15 - the deduction from her bi-wee~ly pay cheque to $2u.ou The gr-ievor had (~ar- 1 i er- a s:.sf?r-ted that such figur-e was mot- e manaqeab 1 f.~ than the amount sought by the Emp 1 oyel~ The facts In Ta lor- are clE?ar-ly di sti ngui ~~habl E? from the i ns.t,?nt .........L_.......__.. case l'1r Petrullo was never infor-med or assured that he was entitled to the overpayment To the contr-ar-y, the Employer- c 1 ",\i med repayment as s:.OOf1 as it d i 5C over- ed the pr-oblem t1r Wilhelm, in his evidence, te3tified that the EmplD/er- never indicated it ~'J2'\S pr-epared to forgive all Dr pcH~t {J.f the debt dLw i ng the meetings of 11ay .::; 1, 1994 and ,Januar-y :1, 1995 HE' noted that the focus was then on r-epayment. ")ddi tionall >" thel~e 15 absolutely no evidence to suggest that the gr- i evor- matel'-lally changed his po.sition on the bar.~is of somE' repre!::',entat.i on made b\ the Employer Simply stated, ther-e Wi:.'1S neither a representation nor a detrlmental 1 . as re.Iance contemplated by the doctrine of estoppel Finally, I note that In I.f:I..Y....L9r , the Employer \i'Jas able to collect the overpayment, albeit pursuant to B. l~edL\ced deduction, despite the r-epresentation i:.ind the l"'el i ance on same In t'.!..L!:: c t!.~l.t, the grie\,or received an overpayment of about $~'2, 5i)() UO gross. This tra islated to appr-o;.: i mCiltel y $1,5uu.uu net in ter-ms of his ta~e heme pay The grie Dr- was as\. ed to repay t.he e~:cess amount ~ ,.e n:?cE~i vf?d a mernor andum from the Office Manager which advi sE.d t.hat the outstanding balance WdS ,>1 ~ 554 41 He was as~ed therein to ma~e arl'"i::mgements to pay the whole amount. 01'" tCI pay .it in inst.allment.s The gl'"le\lor subsequently told the Office Manager thaot he \-Jas content t.o repay the balance shown in fifteen ( 15) deductions of $100 (I(J each. l'hi s is not~ however, what occur-red When the payroll department got the me3sage about the Slun nn deduction per pay cheque~ they tr"eatE.~d each $1uO Ou ac:: a . OJ - 16 - payment on the gros"i amount. ovel~pai d, and made twenty-five (25) deduct i ems Ultimat.ely, thf-2 gr- J. 1:1 VOl'- S~ r f.7.'p a y mE;~n t. of t.he gro!:~s amc)unt. 01-'11 nq ($2,500 ClO) wound up a'- about $ 1 , 5()( I ( )(J net. over twent y-.f i ve (25) pay c:..:> cheques When thE? gr'i f:?vor' di "~covef-ed \-'Jhat had happened, he f 1 1 f:~d c:\ grievance claiming that the Employer had made an unjust paYI~oll deduction He as,sel~ted therein that he should not have to repay more than he was asl. ed to in the original memo fi~om trH? Office Manager The Beard in tlLt~:Jl.f:?J_l. found that the g t~ i t~" or had to repay all of the everpayment, e~: cept to the e>: tent that the amoL\nt or manner of r- ep "-'I /men t was lnequltable ln all the circumstances In this regard, it adopted tt"18 approach tal. en in t.he T.~.:tlgr.. der.:i.;ion. The Bc,ar-d, ultimately, deci dE'd to award t.he qriev'or $1 ( )(..1. (iO as: compensation Its reas-,oni ng for so doing lS captured 1n the following e cer-pt from the aw;::\r- d "Hel~e the 11inistr"'y failE~d tll give the grievor t~L\f f 1 c i ent i nfol'-mat ion ccmcerni ng the amount necess;::\r-y to ma}e the 1'1i ili str-y (-Jhol e (i n particular, the Ministr-y .f ai 1 ed to ma}:e c 1 ea.r to the grievor- the differ-ence between v,lhat he owed 9Lo~.2. and ho~" thi !:;. would a.f f ect his o.5~.t p a j cheque) The October 1989 memor-andum fr-om the Office 1"1anager \-'Jas mi s:.l ead i n9 and the gr-levor- made his under- ta~: i n9 to repay (and consequently, or-ganized his family r:-- -, -finances and special purchases:. ) based on a mi sunder-standi ng c:lused by the Ministrl In these cir-cumstances, ther-e was a meac:ur-f.'? of :i.nequitab.Llit'y in the over;::d :I. repayfTH;?nt ai'-I~angements, and the qr- i evor- ought to I~E'cei ,_ e sOlBe compensation .f or- this:. I! (page 4) In :TIj iudgment, the factuCl.l conte t in tti....tf: h ~lJ_ IS cleal~l'y di sti ngui st"labl e from the cur-r-ent case Her-e, the Empleyer qave the grievor- sufficient infer-mation a::. to the amount of the overpayment I am s~atisfied that it made r-easonable efforts to e plain the I~aticmale for claiming the net sum of $12,!l10 36 As stated earlier-, the gr-ievor at - 17 - the hearinq d1d not sel~ i ousl y d1spute the acc:uri:1CY of this net figure Similarly~ I believe that. the Employer adequately e~ plained the need fOt- the gr- i evor to make thl~ adeli ti cmal payment.s in I~espect of pension c:~nd bEmefits Simpl; put, the ~: i nd of mis:ta~e or mlsunderstandino lf~hi. eh occurreel in M..t.t..l;Jl!?ll. was not pr-esent in this i nstCilnce In I.gLLL9..!:.. , the Board st.ated the gene'~al law a:; follows: "The law ln this situation is fairlv c 1 ear- l~here mont~V is pc:-\id because of a mi s,tal. e of fact, g en er ,=111 'I t.he receiver must l~er.:)c\ the money, either becc::\use this iE: thE'? eoui t,,~bl e thing to do, or' because there 1:: consi.dered to be an implied promise to repay- Howe\. er" , where the rect~i ver ha~:. mater-'i i::\11 y changed her ci r-cul1istances ~-\S a l~esLlJ. t of the receipt of the money, so th,::It. it ~'Jol.:l d be i nequi t.::lbl e to force restitution, this obliqation to r ep ay may be relie/ed . II >> . . . . . . . . . . (page ':' ) Her e , I ha .,12 been unable to find that the grievor materially changed his ci l~cumstC:inces on the bi:\si s of somet.hing the Employer did or fail ed to do Further, I cannot i ':501 ate anv factor that v.mu 1 d make it inequitable to require restitution f:jS a con .sequence ~I I am persuaded that i"1r' Petn.lllo i. S obligated to pay the total amount of the overpayment The parties at the hearing I^Jere somewhat. unclear on the quantum outstanding At the heo:'<T j. ng '"1n .J anuar- y ~1~C_? ;l 1996, cDunsel fDr t.h{~ EmplD er st.3ted t.he amount o~'Ji ng as of that date as: being $LI,810 .I. l~ . :Jl en the ni::1.ture o.f the evidence, .... 1:3 not possible for me to fi the actu<.il amDunt out<-::tanding 1 ~ I l{.?ave this: to the palrties i- ., r-e<;:olve A''- indicated above, the gr 3. evanCE' 0+ JVlarch rl 1995 states t.hat t.he .~ ..:... ~ "emp 1 c.l'!er s actions in unlawfully seizing my gr3.evance settlement pe\\.Out .f und~; ~ wi tht"lol di ng of wc\ges and unt.imely distribution of pay cheques has cn:0at.ed unnecessary stre!:'~s and emotional anquish in violation of Section - 18 - 18 1 of the ColI ect i ve l~greE.'ment" That provision reads The Emplo\er !:;",hall cont.inue to mc:d~E.' r€',' ~\!::",ol"li::\b 1 f? ~wo\li S",i ons ;Oi'" t.he safety and health of its emplo,/ee'.'; during the hours of their employment It is agn~ed tliat both the Empl oyel~ and t.he L1ni.on ~::;hall co'-operi:.ite to the fulle~t e tent pos<:.i bl e in the pl"'event i on of accidents i:H)d in the reasonable pl~omDtion of safety ane! health of all employees Ver-y llttle evidence was pre!::;ented with respf.~ct to thi s as.pect. of the case. It Ylas the thrust of the gr 1 evor" s evidence that hlS dealings with the Emp 1. oyer o\oer the per" i od material to Un s. di !:;pute C:,:\Llsed him s t r~- (-:! :::. s. It He stated that he required tr"anqLI...l i LE'rs in onjer' to sleep and that his blood pl~ es:.sur e was:. "definit.ely high" No objectlve medical evidence was; tE:-mden:?d in support of this assertion Si mi 1 ar-l y, there is no :;:.01 i d c')vi dence before me to link the condition all f?ged to c':\nduct on the part. of the Employer In this regard, I have r.)I'''e 'I:;' oLlsl y determined that the Employer- did not un 1 a\rJf ull y sE'ize the gr i evor- s. settlement payout funds Furthel~ the "YJi thhol ding of wages" occurred d .Ir j, ng a period when the grievor cleal~ly h?d acces:::. to a s:.ubs:,t :"fit i al clmoun t of money received t.hrough the Wor-ker-s Compensat i em BDal~d In the final analysis, ther'e is insufficii:mt evidence to SUppOl~t the claim made in the gr'i 12\ ance of March -. 199"5 1:" ~ (2ln amended T,q In r-espect of the 19/...1 ti:t vear was t i 1 f?d on behalf Df the grievor (e;hibit 13) The form i ndi Ci:.it.es a..; +OlJ.D~.;.JS: ( i ) registered pension plan contr i but i on<:, Q"f ~f; " LI6 7 71); d i) emplo(ee CFP contributions: of $q86 79; and (iii) union dues of -"i5lt:.:;- 64 The Union, for sev'el~al y-eason:::., tool issue with these figures Firstly, the OF'SELI Pension Flan 1.994 l~nnual P(:?nsi on Stat(~ment In respect of the grievor records 1.991J. contribut.ions as $'':''''''''''> 59 (e; hi bit 12) Secondly, the Statement of '..}.<.. - 19 - Contr-ibutions in r-espect Df CF'P r-ecoF-ds 199'+ contr-ibutions in the amount of $136 f3Lj (e~ hi bit 1 Lj ) Lastly~ the Union !::" r-l?C or- d of dues r-eceived in 1991 on behalf of the gr- i evor- was $19 {~ -'!" (e; hi bit 15) Notwi thstcmrJi ng thes:€~ d i ~:,c F- ep an c i es: , -the Emp 1 O'y el'- InSls:ted It held madf? the remi tt,,~ncf:~S: as shown on the 199'1- rf\. form On the evidence befor-e me~ I am unable to deter-mi ne why ther-e lS t?:l var-iance betl,\leen e hibit 12" and e hib t_s 12, 11- and 15 I note, however, thi::it. the figures on tl--,e latter- trwee ( --') e t"1i bit. ,,~. cOI~r-espond t.o per-iods- when the (:.:Ir- i eVOI~ was paid through Cor-pav~ In the eal~ 1 'y pal~t of 199 fl. It. would seem that the deductIons made from the hand dr-i::\wn cheques tor the balance of the year in r-espect. of pension~ CPP and union dues may not have been proper-Iv credited to the qr- i evor In view of t.he above--descr-i bed di scn:?panc i es ~ I cj rect the Employer to r-evi elA) its l~ecords to enSUI~e that <::ill appr-opriate r-emittances ha~e been made on behalf of the grievol~ as pel~ e~:hi bi t 1~ If thi::: review discloses that the remittances have not~ in :..' fact, been made, the Employer- lS to tal:e all necessar'y steps to cor-r-ect the '::;i tuati on The Employer IS further dir-ected to intorm the gr-Ievor c:t.., to t.he I~ eSlll t:::: of its investigat.ion and as:- to any remedied action t.alen on hi bE'half Sublec:t to the above di r--ecti on, the grievances of ~/larch 1 and ~/larch ,.., 19:;5 al~e dismls:;-E,d ...::...,. Di::yt ed at LJ ndsot-, Ontar-i_o t.his J 4- J.~ day o -f T U/\.k!.. , 1996 ___'Ifl V' _~~_________.______._______ M V Watter-s