HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-0810WHITE97_10_09 OWTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'OWT"ARIO 11_ GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT , REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST, SUITE 2100, TORONTO ON M5G 1Z8 TELEPHONEfTELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2100, TORONTO (ON) M5G 1Z8 FACS/MILEfTELECOPIE (416) 326-1396 GSB # 810/95 - OPSEU # 950080 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (White) Grievor - and - the Crown in Right of Ontario (Ministry of community & Social Services) Employer BEFORE N Dissanayake Vice-Chair FOR THE C Flood UNION Counsel Koskie & Minsky Barristers & Solicitors FOR THE C Samaras EMPLOYER Counsel Legal Services Branch Ministry of Community & Social Services HEARING September 15, 1997 . / 2 Interim Decision ~his cecision deals with a motion by the Lnion fer an order for pre- l~earin~ p~ocuction by the employer of ~ertain documents A hearing with r.!:gard to tl'ds mot:i~n was held on September 15, 1997 follo'JJed by submissions in wr _ tins:, the last of which was received by tne Beard on 0ci.:ober 2, 1997 In crdar t.o put: the i~sue into cont:ext it is necessary ~o briefly 8u":1 ine the natu.re of this grievance The GrJ..evor was employed at the HUrOtllo. Regional Cem:re (HRC) in ~rillia Ontario ~n the position c! Reside.."1.tial Counsellor On March 28. 1995, ha wa~ convicted ur.der section 271 of the Criminal Coda of sexua~ assault en a female resident of HRC, hereinafter referred to as ~X' On May 1, 1995, the Grlevor was dismissed by the employer His grievance alleging dismissal without cause came befm:e :his Beard ir. due COu.rSe J'a_ 1: tb.& hearir:g, an issue arose between the part~es as to :he legal s2gnificance of the cer~lflcate Of conviction By decision dated Octobsr 1 ~ 1 <;j'lfi, ~~~ ~nA~~ hpl~ ~h~~ fnr r'l1T{lnc;p~ nf rh,::. ,..T'hir-r;;ot-il'"'lTl n,::.T'nr<:> 1 t" . che certlfica:e of conviction would not be received as ccnclusive cr prima f ~c e ,-=,..iden-::e af the fact t.hat:. t.he se.."i:Ual assa'."l.!.. ~ occurred upon j\;l.dicial ::-e,.Tiew of that declsion the court partlal~y di3agreed with the Board's decis_-::m In its jud]e.rne:lt [Reported at \_997) j2 C ? (36 572J the Cc.u~t neld t.hat "In the part.i -ular CirC1.h"1\.Sr.a!1CeS ..Jf r:his case ene Ece.rd Oi.:.ghc tc r:a"'.re rna.de it clear -c11at t.he con"'\.li~,:ion w01,.ild be rr::cei".rad. ar~d. st.?nd as p!:"l.I!'...3. facie evidence of the sexual assat:lt " The cour-t left undisturbed, the Board's ded,sion t.o t.he extent that it refused tc accept the conviction as concluslve proof elf \:.11e sexual a$sa1,.lt ::8 d 96ZT-=;:::[QTt7000.:'..8:: 01. ;;l)'i"" fi..u'Q E S ::: 1 1 ~UJ I N WCtd.=: l~tlt'[ [: 1 ,~b6 k60-0 T . 3 H.~ving issued a further decisior dat~d July 7, 1937, de1:errnining a dispute between the parties as ~o the scope of the evidence the union was entitled to lead in l~ght rf the court's judg~~ent the llea.ring commenced into the merits of the grievance - However, at the e-.nd 0 f the union'$ opening stat.ement: during which union counsel undertook t.o ~!.'oceed first with the union's evidence, he moved fer an order directing the ~loyer to produce the personnel file of Mr Dan Wither The ~lc,ye,'C cb;Jected to the production of the whole file After receiving submissions. the ~oard by decision dated August 21, 19~7 refused to order production 8S requesced I:1stead, the Boa~d ordered the employer to provide union couosel access ~o the r~~~ested file for tr.e p~rposes of review and identiflcation Of the particular documents in M~ wither ~! file which he wished 'cO be produced This order was made subJect to a n\.k"1'ber of conditions, including the m~intena~ce of confider.tiality by union counsel \<."hen t~e hearing resu=ned on Septerlloot' 15. 1997 , the Board was advisee ::.~a~ f~yther to the Board order, the union =ounsel had reviewed the f~le a::.d .i.den-::J..::ied Q, toc.al )f 23 ao,~1.l.ments ir.. Mr Wtther'g file, "l'lhic11 he wanted produr:ed ':1".e employer a.g~eed to prodl.lce 13 of the 23 doc'.;..."t,ent:s but objected to the production of the other 10 documents This decision deals wi. th the motion for product~on as it. relates to these 10 documents :t is convenient t.o h.st tb~ dOCl.En~n t s exaCtly as the union '1aj listed and described th~~ Z0 d =6L:3c[91ru~0~82 [J ,3'>relleul? w.> I] I I >2UJ t~ WOd.::! ~~!jt?Z 0 T ~b6T-6(l-e1 I 4 Basic Wor1.:: His";l'I:y 2 Letter of August 28, 1996 from EI Human Resources Cemtre ':0 HRC re statl,l$ - 3 Letter of August 28, 1~96 from EI Human Resources Centre t.O ERe :ce approval 4 S~bpoena issued 2S/04i94 re Jack v[~ite . ~TIIDI0vee ~81ation~ portiQn ~ ~ Lel;t-er from M Cillis to Dan Wi ther Febr".ary , .J....j" 1997 12 Ac kno'w ledgemen t of w"DHP training signed February 19, 1997 , - Re~ei~t a~d review of St~~darcl$ of Conduct signed .....:1 February 10, 1997 14 !~emorandlL"!'\ of Settlement in GSB file No 750/96 ,JarLlary 22, 1997 'Wi ~h all ex..."J.l.bi ts as referenced including eY.11ibl. t c and ail doCUt'lien t s referenced therein 1!lcl-u1ing any and 03,11 items referenced in paragrapn 4 therecf :-Ie::!.} t,;;,hL.'1~d~ca l.LT,~ava 17 Medical Report to facilitate rehabilitation received HRC Noverr..ber 16, 1995 re request for ':ransfer 18 Subpoena re Jack White dated February 8, 1995 returnable March 27 1995 ~h=1q~[~1rOe0w8Z 01 01 'f~AQlrSs.s I r] I I r ""UJ H~ Wild=! ~.IHS[ 01 L651-60-01 t"0 ::J , 5 19 Subpoena to Wither re viola.tion of probation of "X" dated J~uary 27 1995 Counsel verbally described the contents of each of the foregoing doc~ments - By way cf f~rther backgro,tnd, ~t should be noted that in d~smissing the Grievor the employer did not conduct any inve.stiga~ion of its own ::-~sLead it relied so:'ely on the conviction in the criminal courts Furthermore, it is COITmon ground that it was Mr Wi ther I an emplo:r'ee of HRC, who macie the allegation that the Grievor had saxually assaulted x X was a developmer.~al1y han~icapped person, who did not have the capaci~y to sr.ed any light or~ the allegation Mr Wither first ra_sed the allegaticn in 1\ugus:. of .1..993, that the assault had taken place in April .!189 It is common ground alse that Mr Wither was the only eye w~tness ~o the inc~dent and that the conviction was based $o~ely on his testimony 'The primar...{ Pos~!;:lon of the Grievor at th~$ arbic,::,aticn is that Mr wi~her's alle'3ao:.ior. was. a to-cal fab;:;-icaticm and t:hat Mr 'i'li ther had .llterior r.\ctives ::cr doing s,-, The grievor's evidence will be ~hat eve~ pi:. .l-or ;;:0 his discharge he conveyed to the e.-nploye.r- hl.s pcsitior.:. t,ha t M::- W~~h~r fabricated the allegation The f:)r~G"oing makes it ~bvious that the cred~b~lity of the G=~evoY and of Mr Wither wiil be at the forefrcnt 0= the proceeding bef0re the Board Tne parties recognized tl'la t the 01..tcome will be decided by a detennination of cred.....b:.lity between tte two S~ d 36~Tg;::;,~':lT.t'00C.~8c 01 ;0 'f12n&'u1i?SS 'i] f1 l\,-'u"!N l,jJ~:! Jl:l~[ a1 ..:.bb r --t;0-lJ"' l 6 It is not di~puted that the BOard has the autnority to order pre- hearing produc~ion of documents ptir$u~~t to S 48(12){b) of che LabQ~r Relar; j on!; .l\ct The issue ~s whether the Board should exe:CC1.se that authoz'ity ~n the parl:icular CJ.rcurnstances Ir: determin:.ng chat. issue, certain general principles must be kept in mind The first is ~~e distJ.nction between the J.ssue of production and that of admissibility of evidence The rules soverni~g the two are different Not everything t:hat is subjoact to productJ.or~ may be a.dmissible in evidence It follows therefore, that the cond~tions required for production are less stringent than those for admissipility Arbitrater Y.nopf j.tl Rp. WP.!'lr. J:>~'rk H~spital. (1993) 37 LAC (4th) 160 at p 167 in settJ.ng out the appropriate considerations in exerCJ.s~ng the pCt~....er t.o order pre-.hearlng pI'oduction of J..tlfonnaticn, conclu.ced that policy consideratior.s favour pre-hearing disclosJre In coming to the conclus~on, several factors have been taken itlto account Let t:.s start with the pr~ncipl$ thi;1t labour arbitration is effec:ive i:"'. providing a speedy and efficient resolution for the partias of important issues in a for~. they can control and which th~~ have designed DOi;1rds of arbitr~tion exis~ to assist the par~ies The de~isinr. evolves from concepts WhICh a.re intended to foster fairness, har~mn~y an"", set'.;;;ible labour relat:l.ons An..:t'thing which can assist .ir. the p~epat~t.:..o:'l of cases, the ref~:l~ng of issues or wh.lch w_...._ f;tCllitate settlement shct:.ld be er.couraged As a genera.:. praposlticn, pre-hear~ng disclosure w~ll assist with all these matters ~illd should cccur wherever possible Indeed, pa~ties do as a ~a~ter of co~r$e pro~ide ~re-hear~ng di~closure to each ether fo~ these ve~1 reasons HO'",ever J where the disclosure J.$ contested, the following factors should be !.:ake:.l ~nto cens-lderat.:.on Fl.rst I 1:he inforRation re~Jested must be arguably relevant Second, th~ reg'..l8sced H...fCt'!l'\atlor. must be p5.rticulan.zed 50 there is rle; dispute as to what lS desired Third, the board of arbitration should be satisfied that the information ~s r.ot being requested as a "f~sh~ng expedition- Fourth, there must be a clear nexus qo ~ '36~TCl2:[9Tt'l~00::.8:: 0 .HeAeuo;,,:>lG ( ISW ~ ~,JOd.::J ~~ti9~ 01 u661-60-01 , ,.- 7 bet.ween the info~~tion be~ng requeste6 and the positions i:."l. dispute at the ~earin9 Further I the board should be satisfied that disclOsure wilL not cause ur.due prejudice W.oile pre-heariZlg product:i.cn of doci.1..'Tlents rr.a.y lead to a certain amount of. "di scovery" , t:hat should no~ deter a=bitrators from ordering p~(:I:1UC t_ ion of docwnent.s that are arg'.,:ably relevant to the matters in dispute Re Mallenhauer Lt.rL (1987) 0 L R B R.ep Sept 1156, at 1159 and Re -:::'.W. Fearm<'lr"J Co., (1990) 15 LAC (4th) 294 (Marcotte1 The Board is satisfi.ed that none of the documents sought: by the union ought to be denied on the grounds of lack of particularization, fiShing expedition or prejudice The uni::m r...as clearly identified t.he exact dOC1.lInents it wishes to be produced These documents are readily available and it is nQt suggested tha: the employer w~u~d be put to any undue cost or lnconvenience If requ.ired to prod'Jce :hett ~or tas the employer taken the posit~on th~t any of th~ documents sho~ld not be produced on grounds of confidential~ty or prejud~ee Therefore, the dispute essential.ly centres around whether the inforn..ation is arguably relevant a::ld suff:i.ciently connected to the issues in disputfilt in this gr1.evance In determining this issue, the Board is alse ~ir~ful of the fact that this is a di..sch",rge gr ievance The e:n;r: 1 ':Jyer has attribute~ extremely serious miscon&Jct to the Gr~evor If the employer's position is upheld, the Grievor not only will lose his job with the employer, but n'lO$t probably his career as a residential cour.sellor will be at an end TherefoI:e, the Board must carefully weiSh the employer'S interests in not producing the 2.0 d 9b~T=i=[91t>000L8c 01 "1.;>A~u\2i>s I,] f 112UJ 1 H l-JOd:.i l.jtl9~ en L.bbl-b0-01 l 8 docu..-nents with the t'ight of the Grievor to be bble to present his case to the best of his ability HavJ,ng considered the subtdssions of the parties, in l~ght of the fae~ual background of this case and the principles discussed above the Board d~rects as follows The employer ;hall produce to the union e.l1 of the documents requested by the union ~d listeQ in this decision Cs.upya) except it9!l".s 14 and 19, in adva.t1.c~ of the next scheduled hearit'J.g' in relation 1:0 this matter Dated this 9th day of October, 1997 at Hamilton, Cntario ~ N. O,usanayake Vice-ChairDerson 80 d ~6U 92:L 9 r t'~Cj(1) ,~?' n I .:i.....OF.C,1 r'O'~~ T ._, .-