HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-0083.Cunningham et al.97-04-15 ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SElTLEMENT , REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 190 DUNDAS STREET WEST, SUiTE 2100, TORONTO ON M5G.1Z8 TELEPHONErrELEPHONE (416) 326-1388 190. RUE DUNDAS OUEST, BUREAU 2100, TORONTO (ON) M5G 1Z8 FACSiMiLE/TELECOPiE (416) 326-1396 GSB # 83/96, 84/96, 2041/96, 2042/96, 2043/96 OPSEU # 96D194, 96D195, 96H136-40, 96H141-53, 96H154-8 IN THE HATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (Cunningham et al) Grievor - and - the Crown in Right of ontario (Metro Toronto Housing Authority) Employer BEFORE P Knopf Vice-Chair FOR THE R Blair GRIEVOR Counsel Ryder, Wright, Blair & Doyle Barristers & Solicitors FOR THE B Loewen EMPLOYER Counsel Legal Services Branch Management Board Secretariat HEARING April 11, 1997 DECISION Havmg heard the submissions of the parties and considered the agreement reached concernmg these proceedmgs, I hereby order' A. The Employer shall produce to counsel for the Uruon the folloWing, 1 All documents related to the restructunng of the Asset Management Branch, mcluding the consultant's report leadmg to such restructunng and any notes, memoranda or correspondence relatmg to such restructunng; 2 All documents related to the creation of the position of "Project Manager" mcludmg but not lllruted to any Job descnptlOns, memoranda, notes, or correspondence relatmg to the decIsIOn to create the posItion of ProJect Manager; 3 All documents prepared or used In assessmg eXIstmg posItions (occupied by the gnevors at the time of the gnevances) and/or their mcumbent employees agamst "new positIOns m the Asset Management Branch mcludIng but not lmuted to any staffing pnnclples or gUidelInes used by the employer dunng the Implementation of the restructunng and any personnel or other documents used m assessmg mdlvldual gnevors or their pOSitIOns m relatIOn to the new positions, - 2 - 4 All documents relating to the po stings of the position of Project Manager In 1996, and all documents relating to competitions for the posItion of Project Manager including any tests, intervIews, intervIew notes, score sheets, applIcations, resumes, correspondence or other documentation relating to the gnevors or successful applIcants reviewed by the employer or any persons maktng deCISIon WIth respect to the competItions, 5 Three complete files for capItal projects started and completed In 1996, together WIth a lIst of all capital projects connected WIth MTHA started and completed In 1996, 6 All documents relating to the decIsions to render employees ofMTHA in the Asset Management Branch surplus In 1996 including any notes, memoranda, or correspondence B In the event that counsel for the Umon requires further production follOWing review of the documents produced In (A) above, the parties shall agree on such further productIOn, and faihng agreement, or If an order of the Board IS otherwise necessary, the parties will address the question of further production, or request an order, by way of wntten request to Vice-Chair Paula Knopf - 3 - I shall remam seized with thiS matter The heanng shall resume on the dates agreed upon by the parties. DATED at Toronto, Ontano, this 15th day of April 1997 /} /J I [~ /'-/ Paula Knopf - v{ce-ChaIrpersoy