HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-1317WELCH_ET_AL98_03_2 ONTARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'ONTARIO 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE , SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 800, TORONTO ON M5G 1Z8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 32~-1388 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 800, TORONTO (ON) MSG 1Z8 FACS/MILE/TELECOPIE (416) 32~-139(5 GSB # 1317/97, 1322/97, 1324/97, 1325/97, 1330/97 CUPE 2412 # JC96-01, PF8701, 8702, SR005-6, HS004 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBTTRA TION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN CUPE 2412 (Welch/MacDonald/DavIdson) Grievor - and - The Crown In RIght of OntarIo (Sudbury & DistrIct Ambulance Service) Employer BEFORE R. Brown Vice-Chair FOR THE R. Camovale UNION NatIOnal Representative Canadian Umon of Pub he Employees Local 2412 FOR THE D RobInson, Q C EMPLOYER Counsel Mathews, DInsdale & Clark HEARING March 25, 1998 DECISION This decIsIOn IS based upon fonnal submIssIOns of the partIes and mfonnal dIscussIOns wIth them The employer IS dIrected to remstate Brent MacDonald and Bruce Welch as regular part-hme employees As compensatIOn for lost wages, the employer shall pay Mr MacDonald $1,00000 and Mr Welch $2,000 00 In future, the schedulmg of part-time employees shall be governed by the tenns found m the attached mmutes of settlement WhICh were approved by representatIves of the parties but not ratified by the umon membershIp I~~~ / f Richard M. Brown, VIce-ChaIr Ottawa, Ontano March 27, 1998 -1- MINUTES OF SETTLEMENT BETWEEN CUPE 2412 heremafter referred to as the "Umon" - and - The Crown in Right of OntarIo (Sudbury and DIstrict Ambulance ServIce) heremafter referred to as the "Employer" Terms of Settlement: 1 The partIes herem agree to the terms of thIS Memorandum as constItutmg full settlement of the followmg gnevances before the Ontano Crown Employees Gnevance Settlement Board 1317 Bruce Welch 1322 Brent MacDonald 1324 Bruce Welch 1325 DanIel DaVIdson 1330 Darnel DaVIdson and regular part-tIme work assIgnments and related leaves of absence 2 The underSIgned representatIves of the partIes do hereby agree to recommend complete acceptance of all the terms of thIS Memorandum to theIr respectIve pnncIpals 3 All regular part-tIme employees will be responsible for adVIsmg the employer m wntmg forty-five (45) calendar days before the postmg of the work schedule of the days they are not available to work -2- 4 Regular part-tIme employees WIll be responsible to make themselves available for not less than seven (7) days work m each pay penod, however, thIS IS not a guarantee of work It IS also agreed that regular part- tIme employees WIll submIt theIr non-availabIlIty requests for the pen ods of June, July and August by April 30t\ m any gIVen year 5 Regular part-tIme employees WIll not be scheduled or subject to call-m on days that they are not aVailable to work except m emergency SItuatIons where resources are overwhelmed. Examples of emergency SItuatIOns are dIsasters and major mCldents 6 All regular part-tIme employees who have mdlcated theIr availabilIty and whether or not they have been scheduled to work wIll be subject to call-m and those who fad to respond m accordance WIth the employer polIcy and the terms of the CollectIve Agreement will be subject to the followmg terms, For Shift Requirmg Replacement Withm 12 Hours of Start Time (a) The manager/supervIsor WIll endeavour to call the regular part-tllne employee WIth the lowest hours scheduled for the pay penod. (b) The manager/supefYlsor will only call the home number and/or the pager/cellular number per regular part-tune employee (c) FIfteen (15) mmutes will be allowed for the regular part-tIme employee to return the call to the number left on the pager or answenng machme or cellular phone (d) If the callIS not returned wIthm fifteen [15] mmutes, the hours that would have been worked WIll be added to the employee's total hours on the work schedule (e) If the non-avaIlabilIty IS due to illness and a doctor's note IS submItted, the hours will not be added as hours worked (f) Three (3) not avaIlable m a pay penod will result m a letter of notIce -3- mdIcatmg lus/her lack of commItment to be aVaJ lable on an as reqUIred baSIS (g) The second three (3) not avaIlables m a ten [10] month penod will result m dISCIplInary actIon up to and mcludmg tennmatIOn 7 Equal dIstributIOn of hours for schedulmg and call-m WIth calculatIons based upon the precedmg two (2) pay penods and the estabhshed method of work equalIzatIOn as follows (a) CalculatIon to be on a daily baSIS each pay penod (b) CalculatIon IS based upon hours worked plus hours refused and no response to call-m (c) OvertIme hours and trammg hours are not used m the calculatIon (d) Subject to ArtIcle 29 08 vacatIOn blocks will be offered to regular part-tIme employees on a rotatIOn baSIS (e) All regular part-tIme employees who commIt to more than ten (l0) full days of availabihty wIll have equal dIstributIon of hours 8 The partIes agree that tlus operatIOnal schedule for regular part-tIme employees will commence April 6th) 1998 9 The partIes agree that any problems ansmg out of the mterpretatIOn or the ImplementatIon of these Mmutes of Settlement will be submItted to the Jomt ConsultatIOn CommIttee under ArtIcle 27 01 for resolutIOn 10 Subject to exceptIOns stated herem, all aspects of the CollectIve Agreement remam m effect 11 ArbItrator RIchard Brown will rem am seIzed of tlus matter and WIll deCIde the gnevance Issues concernmg employees Bruce Welch, Brent MacDonald -4-