HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-1912.St Jean.99-04-19 Decision OIflARIO EMPLOYES DE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L'OIflARIO 1111 GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600, TORONTO ON M5G 1Z8 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE (416) 326-13. 180, RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600, TORONTO (ON) M5G 1Z8 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE (416) 326-13: GSB # 1912/98 CUPE 1484 # 99-01 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEV ANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN CanadIan Umon of PublIc Employees Local 1484 (St. Jean) Grievor - and - The Crown m Right of Ontano (Porcupme Area Ambulance ServIce) Employer BEFORE DJ.D LeIghton V Ice-Chair FOR THE Ralph Carnovale GRIEVOR NatIonal RepresentatIve CanadIan Umon of PublIc Employees FOR THE James D Henderson EMPLOYER Counsel, Keyser Mason Ball Bamsters & SolICItors HEARING Apnl 15, 1999 ~ . I The partIes have requested that the decIsIOn be Without reasons Havmg carefully consIdered the submIssIOns of the partIes, the Board hereby declares and orders 1 ArtIcle 12 of the collectIve agreement, Apnll, 1996 to December 31, 1999, does not allow for the automatIc transfer of a full-hme employee to part-hme at the employee's InIhatIVe, 2 Mr St. Jean shall reSIgn hIS full-tIme pOSItIon effechve May 16, 1999 (the letter of reslgnahon IS attached as appendIX 1 to thIS order), 3 The employer shall place Mr St. Jean on the part-tIme semonty lIst effectIve May 17, 1999, 4 For all purposes, Mr St. Jean's semonty date under Arhcle 12 shall be May 17, 1999, 5 For the purposes of applymg for future full-hme vacanCIes only, Mr St. Jean's semonty date shall be September 11, 1991, 6 I shall remam seIzed should there be any dIfficulty With the ImplementatIOn of the order Dated at Toronto thIS 19th day of Apnl, 1999 ~~ D . e~g on, ice-Charr , ,. I AppendIx 1 - - ___~fi[ I It:) J r:t'r ---~. -. ..-....-- ---,--.----., ~ "-- _.""_0_''''__- fb r I a..v... C. roJ'l M (I /.&J ~__,___"__ ."-.. ---..-----.,,----. Ok-"~::: rr,Jo>r . -.--------. tTJQ ._________ J2orw..p;Vt,~~ fA M~~.;--e' -""--'-"'--'-"..-,,-..-.---- I ...-_------.-- .. '- -.-"... ._-----..,-------------------_.----~-- D~ar S I~C~____. ,"_._..__m .-.--'....- ------.---- ---""'-"--...-.--.. -, ---"".-------.-..-- r ~'f~,'I-.-5t.-kErl. Yy,;r h 1- ,0 <liS ( i! 0 Y1 --............. / .~<; ~ ~~~_..ekf)t:>.'f<-.e "'. (.{~1I:{r<e'. M~_Lfa ) /trt ..._-'-~--_.....,""'"'----_._&.._---_.,.,.-----~--_.. .--.-..........----------- -----... .- ---,,~...--_.-.....,.,.,'----_.,..- ...,.,.....-----------.-.......---.......------.------ -_._----._---...._-----'---,-_._~_.._---_._--._----_.. ._----,...--_.._~--- -. - .-"'-----'-'" -~ --. -' -----....,--..--- ---------------,,- ...".---.-- ----_.._.._.......~----......_--_._~_.- -_._----- --. --- - ........._.___~__.~.___._.__.__.~........_______.'__.___._._.__~____,....____..._--..._-'-___M____..~.._..".._.____ _,,__ IL- ~~ _ _. ______ _____n~_~_______ ______.._u..~.._......"_._....__...___.~ __. M....jJ _ _.._._______, __ -- ....-------.......----... ---- ----.... .~- ----~. .------. ------- -....-..-...------- .-....-..--------.. ..-...-_--------- ,.-.--..-.-..-......., ___.....""'.........--___ T___.....___.M_._____~. ..----.---." .--.....- ,-,._----------,~-'------_P.------_._...,..- ----_.-...,. -~_. -...-----..---. ._--~~.._..._--------.- -...-- ~-_. -_. --~------_. .......-_.,..........._._...__...._~------_._. ._--_.....__._----_._----------_._,---._--_._~. ~-------..-...._- ....-.---..-.."....- --..--..-------.- -- ,- -.--..-..---'--- ______.___._____, ."'""_____..__.M_._.... ---"--'~-- ________M__.___...__..._. ...__~.____.y....... .--..... "- ------.-------.--.--.----.----... -- .--- _______.___________....--,______.____M..._.__....T'"_..._____._~___.-- -'---. -----..--".......---..--...-...--....- --.--. ..-~---'....._,-------_.........._-.~-----~- .- ---- ---_._._._-_._--------....~._-........ .-.....--..... ...,.........., "'--'- --..-..-.. --- _._____.___w~_.__"'.._._._____---~..-_-. .- ----_._._.~-._-_. ---- --~ -~--_.----------------------~------ -~---------_.-...'.--~~.,...~.......- .--..- -....---. ----~.--~._----_.'" ._,-.~- -. ----.----- ~----_.