HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-0583.Abrams.01-04-18 Decision ONTARIO EMPLOYESDE LA COURONNE CROWN EMPLOYEES DE L 'ONTARIO GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600 TORONTO ON M5G 128 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE. (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600 TORONTO (ON) M5G 128 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE. (416) 326-1396 GSB#0583/99, 0584/99 UNION#99B656, 99B657 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD Between. OPSEU Grievor (Abrams) - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (MInIstry of Health and Long-Term Care) Employer Before: Owen V Gray Vice-Chair For the Griever- Nelson Roland Counsel For the Employer- Len Hatzls Counsel Management Board Secretanat Hearing. Apnlll, 2001 (by conference call), supplemental submlsslOns by e mall Apn114, 16 and 17 DECISION [1] The employer umon and gnevor are f.ngnatones to a Memorandum of Settlement dated December 2 1999 by whIch they appeared to settle the gnev ances m GSB FIles 0583/99, 0584/99 and 1588/99 as well as an unfaIr labour practice complamt then before the OLRB and a clmm then before the WSIB Paragraph 5 of that memorandum saId that "The Parties that [SIC] VIce-chaIr Owen Gray remam seIzed of the ImplementatIOn of the terms of tills Merm- randum of Settlement" [2] In a letter of November 2, 2000, captIOned (m part) "OPSEU v MOR, OPSEU #s 99B656-657 - GSB #s 0583/99 0584/99, ABRAMS, Gml", umon counsel wrote to the GSB that "[t]he umon requests that the above-noted matter be set down for hearmg before Owen Gray as soon as possible and that the hearmg be held m Wmdsor" A hearmg was scheduled for Monday, Apnl 23, 2001 ['3] At the request of the employer, a hearmg by conference call was scheduled for and held on Apnl 11, 2001 Counsel for the umon and the em- ployer particIpated, as dId DavId DeluzIO I was advIsed that Mr DeluzIO IS counsel for the gnevor, Gall Abrams, m unfmr labour practice proceedmgs agamst the umon now pendmg at the OLRB, concermng the umon's repre- sentatIOn of the gnevor m these gnevances, mcludmg the negotiatIOn of the Memorandum of Settlement. [4] After the telephone conference I exchanged e-mml messages wIth all three counsel. Temptmg as It IS to trace the course the matter took, the only commumcatIOn that remams of sIgmficance for purposes of thIS tribunal IS the last one, an e mml to me from umon counsel of Apn117, 2001 2 Further to your e-mail dated Monday April 16 2001 the Umon confirms that It agrees WIth the Employer as stated m the second paragraph that the Umon IS content to have me [you] slluply cancel the heanng scheduled for next Monday wIthout makIng any award wIth respect to the meamng of the last sentence of paragraph 4 of the Mmutes of Settlement on the basIs that there IS no chspute between the employer and the umon about the meanIng of that prOVISIOn. In the alternatIve the Umon will be opposmg the standmg of the gnevor at the heanng. Although Mr DeluzIO had Raid he would requeRt Reparate Rtarrehng on lEhalf of the gnevor at the hearmg requeRted by the umon, that waR m reRponRe to the proRpect that the umon would Reek a bmdmg declaratIOn that the dIRputed pro VIRIOn meanR what the umon and employer agree It meanR and not what the gnevor RaYR It meanR HIR prnnary pORltIOn on behalf of the gnevor waR that the OLRB waR the appropnate forum for reRolutIOn of the gnevor R dIRpute wIth the umon and employer concermng the Memorandum of Settlement [5] There bemg no outRtandmg requeRt that I grant any relIef wIth reRpect to the Memorandum of Settlement (arreI, thuR no reaRon to conRlder whether the gnevor IR entItled to Rtandmg to oppORe Ruch a requeRt) I have dIrected that the hearmg Rcheduled for Apnl2'3 2001 be cancelled Dated at Toronto thIR 18th day of Apnl, 2001 ~V:~ Owen V (~ray VIce-Chair '3