HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-0615.McGann et al.02-07-04 Order ~M~ om~o EA1PLOYES DE LA COURONNE _Wi iii~~~i~T DE L 'ONTARIO COMMISSION DE REGLEMENT "IIIl__1I'" BOARD DES GRIEFS Ontario 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600 TORONTO ON M5G 128 TELEPHONElTELEPHONE. (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600 TORONTO (ON) M5G 128 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE. (416) 326-1396 GS8#0615/99, 1761/99, 0154/00, 0155/00, 0201/00, 0250/00, 0317/00,0395/00,0453/00,0700/00,0709/00,0851/00, 1209/00,1286/00,1317/00,1382/00,0506/01,0669/01 UNION# 998539,008033,008149,008150,008159, 00A367, 008192, 008210,008221,008286,008290,008323,008384,000460, 008415,018002,018203,018222 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontario Public Service Employees Union (McGann et ai/Group Grievance) Grievor -and- The Crown In Right of Ontario (Ministry of the Attorney General) Employer BEFORE Daniel Hams Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION George Richards Grievance Officer Ontario Public Service Employees Union FOR THE EMPLOYER Len Hatzls Counsel Legal Services 8ranch Management 80ard Secretariat HEARING June 25, 2002 2 ORDER ThIs order mvolves a backlog of gnevances filed by Dag McGann and other court servIces employees The partIes have agreed that the matters set out m the attached mdex be heard on an expedIted basIs Accordmgly, It IS hereby ordered that the gnevances attached as "AppendIx A" be heard m accordance wIth the followmg procedure 1 The partIes agree on the necesslt, ofbnngmg these matters to some final resolutIOn WIthout further dela, 2 The partIes agree to emplo, the followmg procedure for each case 3 The umon will prepare a wntten statement of submISSIOns and forward a cop, to the employer approxlmateh two months before the scheduled first date of heanng ThIS wIll set out the matenal facts mcludmg the who what, when and where of each allegatIOn, the Issues, submIssIOns and rem ed, requested. 4 The employer wIll prepare a sImilar response and forward a cop, to the umon one month after receIpt of the umon s submIsSIOn. 5 If the umon wIshes to file a rebuttal, It shall forward a cop, to the employer at least two weeks m advance of the first heanng date 6 An, supportmg documents wIll be exchanged along WIth the above submISSIOns 7 CopIes of all of the above statements will be submItted to the arbItrator at the tIme the, are exchanged b, the partIes 8 The arbItrator will emplo, an mformal process looseh based on the consultatIOn process used b, the OLRB 9 The partIes wIll generalh not call WItnesses, except as ma, be reqUIred m response to speCIfic questIOns posed b, the arbItrator and except where one pam submIts It IS reqUIred m order to address an, factual dIsputes between the partIes 3 10 Generalh subJect to clause 9 the heanng wIll be lImIted to respondmg to questIOns posed b, the arbItrator and comments b, the partIes representatIves amplIfymg on theIr wntten submIssIOns and dlscussmg an, relevant caselaw 11 The arbItrator wIll provIde bnef wntten reasons, It bemg understood that the reasons wIll have precedentlal value to gUIde the workplace m sImIlar future cIrcumstances, but thIS value ma, be hmlted b, the nature of the process bemg employed. 12 The partIes wIll negotIate a schedule for Implementmg thIS agreement WIth the goal of concludmg the heanng mto these matters b, December 31 2002 The Board commends the partIes for havmg taken the tnne to structure and orgamze these matters m thIS fashIOn. There can be no doubt that sIgmficant tIme savmgs wIll be achIeved wIthout sacnfice of procedural fairness The procedure settled upon IS consIstent WIth and supportIve of many sImIlar models of labour-relatIOns lItIgatIOn m both the publIc and pnvate sectors Dated at Toronto thIS 8th day of July, 2002 , :\ ,.. ''I Damel A. HarrIs, Vice-Chair ~ ~~AI(M ~ "" """~~R'. ~, ~ ~ " " '. '!lOt II .. " B,L... _ !~~.m ja,:Ifef!tJtl _.,_~ '-.- .-"'-....,.. '^'~ .i:i.~.~.or-:-:-o~-:-.........~.....'1:I-l~.,............:o<":"~___~~~ .~~.....~,...........- -~,:..c~='i"~...:-.:..~,;;~~--=-r-..,;-=-- ~-:.-=:...:"".. .......'~.-:._.m_. ~-.Jl'r~~m1[. )i-:~~ L_ _' _ 1.,~J!.~. LL!~ .~ ~..,8..,.<'.,~~! :L:~(, ~ ~ ... - ~~~.I' ~" .".,., ~~~_, '..r:'-~.: . ~ , - . '. ~.. . _. .. - - ~_ . ::", I ~ j . ,"'., ~ iIIlIf1 ~. - .,.' :" .:~... - >>'.j~_~ .1. _" '.' ,.' .. ~! ....., ' . - ~ -. .. .. . - . 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