HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-0615.McGann.06-04-03 Decision Crown Employees Commission de Nj Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~ Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 1999-0615 1999-1761 2000-0088 2000-0154 2000-0155 2000-0201 2000-0250 2000-0317 2000-0395 2000-0453 2000-0569 2000-0616 2000-0700 2000-0708 2000-0709 2000-0851 2000-1209 2000-1532,2001-0506 2001-0669 2004-0599 2005-1597 UNION# 1999-0526-0005 1999-0526-0012,2000-0526-0003 2000-0526-0007 2000-0526-0014 2000-0526-0024 2000-0526-0022,2000-0526-0025 2000-0526-0029 2000-0526-0030 2000-0526-0034 2000-0526-0035 2000-0526-0040 2000-0526-0038 2000-0526-0039 2000-0526-0052,2000-0526-0053 2000-0526-0063 2001-0526-0008 2001-0526-0015 2004-0526-0011 2005-0526-0038 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano Pubhc ServIce Employees Umon (McGann et al ) Union - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry of the Attorney General) Employer BEFORE Damel Hams Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Stacey Zafinadls Gnevance Officer Ontano Pubhc ServIce Employees Umon FOR THE EMPLOYER Len Hatzls Counsel Mimstry of Government ServIces HEARING February 2, 2006 2 DeCISIon ThIS IS another decIsIOn deahng wIth a backlog of gnevances filed by Dag McGann and other court servIces employees A complete hst of the gnevances IS attached as AppendIx "A" Gnevances 1 - 5 were settled. Gnevances 6 - 17 were dealt wIth In a decISIOn dated January 18 2001 (McGann No I) Followmg that decIsIOn the partIes agreed upon an expedIted procedure for deahng wIth the remaInIng gnevances That agreement was set out m an Order of the Board dated July 8 2002 (McGann #2) Pursuant to that agreement, George Richards, OPSEU Staff RepresentatIve, provIded partIculars of gnevances 36 38 and 39 to the employer As a result of certaIn alleged faIlures to follow the agreed upon procedure, the partIes agreed upon refinements to the procedure That agreement was reached on December 11 2002 and IS attached as AppendIx "B" As can be seen from AppendIx "B" Mr Richards went to consIderable effort to analyze and catalogue the gnevances by the Issues they raised, In order to permIt the Board to deal wIth each Issue and thereby permIt the partIes to map the Board's decIsIOn Into the vanous gnevances ThIS was a very helpful servIce to the umon, the gnevor and the Board WhICh was presented wIth Mr RIchards's charactenstlc aplomb and good humour Pursuant to the agreement at AppendIx "B" Mr Richards provIded partIculars dated May 30 2003 Mr Hatzls, for the employer responded by correspondence dated July 3 2003 Mr Richards rephed on July 17 2003 3 On February 14 2004 the Board Issued a decIsIOn deahng wIth gnevances #36 38 and 39 (McGann #3) The remammg matters reconvened on February 6 2006 On that day the Board heard the submIssIOns of the partIes and made the followmg determmatIOns New Matters. No 46 - was referred to the Jomt System SubcommIttee (JSSC) on consent; N04748&51 - the employer's apphcatIOn to consohdate these new gnevances was adJourned to the completIOn of these matters m order to assess the extent to WhICh the Issues raised therem are covered by the mstant proceedmgs No 49 & 50 - on consent, consohdated wIth these matters and to be dealt wIth as a fifth tOpIC EXlstmg Matters. No 23 - wIthdrawn on consent; No 26 - dIsmIssed, No 27 - dIsmIssed as agamst Mr McGann. The umon wIll seek mstructIOns from the other gnevors, No 29 - dIsmIssed, No 30 - dIsmIssed, No 31 - dIsmIssed as agamst Mr McGann. The umon wIll seek mstructIOns from the gnevors, No 32 & 33 - were prevIOusly settled. The matters above that were dIsmIssed were dIsposed of m accordance wIth the followmg paragraph mcluded m AppendIx "B" 4 The umon has advIsed the gnevor that It wIll not make submIssIOns on Issues where there IS no dIspute between the partIes We have explamed to the gnevor that the arbItrator wIll not have JunsdlctIOn to deal wIth a matter where there IS no dIspute, but we wIll not obJect Ifhe wIshes to address the Board on those Issues The remammg matters are to be re-hsted for heanng. The partIes have been advIsed that the Board wIll deal wIth them on a pre-emptory basIs That IS, they wIll proceed on the dates scheduled. If eIther party IS not prepared to proceed, the gnevances wIll be allowed or dIsmIssed m accordance wIth the party m default. Dated at Toronto thIS 3rd day of Apnl 2006 ~i AppendIx A ,c' "f~l.~~;;,~i \ ~...;."b"} '" < "~,?:~....~~' ~~~~~~~~~~_~"~$~C'" ~ ~---",-",,"_ ~=.IIJ!!I!II.~_:::--~-=--'o~-:..o'-;-----' .. o_-,,~~.-P"~~~'~ :~/;::::..~""",~t~ ~~. ~:;" o/;~i1~~~~:"~!J,f~~~~'" 11<l"",~"M""" 'l'b'J>-" . .,,~.. ,..~~...t.7"""; '&i~ ",.' ._ _ . . ."Ji~ ~)~_.. .... . _.." ~ ~ ....,,;;:0 7,~ ""~€':'1,~tf,~;",,.,...i _ ".\.,,- ~o".,...fl'" \",.~l .c.,.....,' "EU'~ ,.,.,"~~"~ ~~!>:)). "."".",,$0'" , '1lz J.g;iit,;,J:f~;,j;' jB>'$\~ .-~- ..' ,," '0~1' . .' " ~" ~~jJ~ V1P~~ v;(,"i'101. !~\::~ ~.;<':~ ~ ". "',.- iF:' '1;>',r;, ",,,""',, ,s",<p ~~ '-"" ~\ .;" 'f'~",~,~"Wi ~~~\I! ~'fJi' "'~ .~:;~~~,\gJ ''', ~l:.fd' ,""'" ..~ ~_ . . ,~t,;t~",,,,"~";?\'it \ ~:l ::;;:: ~~ ~-~ ~~;;$l > ' : ::~: :~~::I~,'}I\:d.4 ,.;'~i~ ;_~~ff~Im'~~~~Y~ ~ ,~ .... "'" ."', ..'1.re:,~4""!'< ft(_,""?'J{'\.c<. 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A"r:'\-. .^~ Al. _ rr". ...r. / ... "yt, AI.IL.. ,,- 1"1 r-7 _.... ,} r ^ - ~ Thefollowzng is a summary of the issues which the union intends to address in Its pleadzngs to be filed in accordance with the GSB's consent award. Pleadings will be organized by issue The numbers followzng the statement of the issue refer to the particular grievances in which the issue IS raised. Mr McGann s grievances are simply identified by the number on the index attached to the consent award. A few issues raised in the grievances have been withdrawn by the grievor and therefore do not appear zn these notes The union has advised the grlevor that it will not make submissions on Issues where there IS no dispute between the parties We have explained to the grievor that the arbitrator will not have jurisdiction to deal with a matter where there is no dispute, but we will not object if he wishes to address the Board on those Issues 1 The gnevor asserts that the employer IS under a duty to use schedulIng procedures that provIde for the eqUitable dlstnbutlon of work. The apparent absence of any such procedures has had an adverse Impact on the abilIty of the gnevor to quahfy for other benefits provIded for In the collective agreement, IncludIng the nght to holIdays, (art 31.5), vacatIon pay (art 31 6) a payment In lIeu of benefits (art 31 7), attendance credIts, (art 31 8), and converSIOn to the classIfied servIce (art. 31 15) 18, 19,20,24,2834, (alsoB3, A6, A4) Note the ernployer IS to provIde partIculars on ItS schedulmg practice (MediatIOn, July, 2001) 2 Length of workIng day, sched 3-7, OAD 2 1 19 26(group) 29, 35, L2, L3, B3, A2 No ddference between the partIes (res JudIcata. McGann deCISIon) 3 RIght to semonty lIst for unclassIfied service 19, 29, L3 No dIfference between the parties 1 20, 26(group), 29,35, L2, L3, A5 No Issue between the partIes regardIng InterpretatIOn (res JudIcata. see Young and M/ATG re art. 31 3) The umon wIllldentlfy any members of the group gnevance who have not been paId overtnne for work In excess of 361/4 hrs week under 31,3 (d) 5 In the absence of any system of work assIgnment, or any explanatIon on partIcular occasIOns, the gnevor asserts that lllstructIOns not to report for work were arbItrary, dlSCnmInatory or taken In bad faIth. 20)1,22,24,25,28,34,35,36 6 The gnevor asserts that the ernployer IS under a duty to pr~Y1de an eqUItable system for the aSSIgnment of work opportumtles In .9pminal, commercial and bankruptcy and famIly matters, as well as hIS core dutIes In CIvIl matters He asserts that the demal of aSSIgnments In these areas has had an adverse Impact on ills opportunIties for traInIng and development and career progressIOn. He also asserts that the demal of such opportumtIes In hIS case may be the result of an antI-umon amrnus 20,21,34,35, B3, Al 7 FaIlure to place on classIfied staff, converSIOn 21,29,35, 45, L3 ThIS Issue IS beIng handled by Mark Barclay before FelICIty Bnggs. 8 ReportIng pay art 31 4 26,29, no dIfference between the partIes (res JudIcata. McGann declSlon) 9 FaIlure to pay for work performed 27 No Issue for McGann. Umon checkmg facts WIth other members of group (no Issues of contract Interpretation 2 30 No lssue between the partIes that contract has resulted m a vIOlatIOn of members' nghts, but umon wIshes to follow up on employer's plan to mtroduce new forms 11 Change of hours on attendance sheets 31 No dlfference between the partIes regardmg contract mterpretatIon No factual Issue for McGann, Umon checkmg facts wIth others m group 12 Demal of salary mcrements 35 No Issue of contract mterpretatIOn, UnIon checkmg group re any claIrns of non-payment. 13 Demed standby, on call 35,36,L3,B3,Cl A3 No dIfference between partIes (res JudIcata. McGann deCISIon) \14 Failure to accommodate dlsabIlIty, gnevor sent home ,- 36 Draft submIssIons sent to employer and arbItrator 15 Whether reassIgnment from JustIce Junansz was dlsclplmary, and if so, whether for Just cause 34 \6 Whether Just cause for repnmand and 3 day suspensIOn ~ 36 Draft submIssIons sent to employer and arbItrator \ '17 Whether Just cause for 5 day suspensIOn 38 Draft submIssIons sent to employer and arbitrator \ i8 Whether Just cause for 15 day suspensIOn t 39 Draft submIssIOns sent to employer and arbitrator ') .) 20 Whether letter dated May 24, OIlS counselmg or dlsclplme and If dlsclphne, whether for Just cause 41 21 Appropnate remedy to perceIVed danger to health and safety caused by asbestos m court house and Osgoode Hall 42,43 4