HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-0751.MacDougall.02-05-09 Decision ~M~ om~o EA1PLOYES DE LA COURONNE _QJ_L i~~i~~~i~T DE L 'ONTARIO COMMISSION DE REGLEMENT "IIIl__1I'" BOARD DES GRIEFS Ontario 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600 TORONTO ON M5G 128 TELEPHONE/TELEPHONE. (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600 TORONTO (ON) M5G 128 FACSIMILElTELECOPIE. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 0751/99 UNION# 99B742 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontario Public Service Employees Unions (MacDougall) Grievor -and- The Crown In Right of Ontario (Ministry of Community and Social Services) Employer BEFORE D J D Leighton Vice-Chair FOR THE GRIEVOR. Kristin Eliot Counsel Eliot, Smith Barristers and Solicitors FOR THE EMPLOYER. Carol Ann Witt Counsel Legal Services Branch Management Board Secretariat HEARING February 13, 2002 2 Claire MacDougall was an Income support worker m the MmIstry of Commumty and SocIal ServIces when she was declared surplus m 1999 On June 28, 1999 she gneved that she had been demed her dIsplacement nghts under ArtIcle 20 4 1 5 of the collectIve agreement. Ms MacDougall had been a welfare field worker m BellevIlle pnor to becommg an mcome support worker, and the umon took the posItIOn that she should have been bumped mto the Welfare FIeld Worker II posItIOn m Kmgston. The employer dIsagreed that she should be bumped mto the posItIOn because she had gamed the expenence as a welfare field worker m BellevIlle, whIch was beyond 40km of her home posItIOn. The umon takes the posItIOn that the 40km cntena refers only to the area of search for a Job and not for where expenence IS gamed m a posItIOn. Smce the gnevor was ultImately successfulm gettmg an mcome support specIalIst posItIOn m November 1999 under ArtIcle 20 12 of the collectIve agreement, she was never wIthout work. The umon IS askmg for a declaratIOn only as the mterpretatIOn of ArtIcle 20 4 1 5 of the collectIve agreement Counsel agreed to the summary of the above-noted facts and documentary eVIdence submItted by the umon. No VIva voce eVIdence was tendered. Employer counsel made her submIssIOn by way of teleconference call. The Union Submission ArtIcle 20 4 provIdes employees wIth dIsplacement nghts when they have been surplussed and sets out the steps whIch the employer must take mIdentIfymg possible 3 solutIOns Counsel submItted that up untIl ArtIcle 20 4 1 5 the employer's search for a sUItable posItIOn for a surplus sed employee IS wIthm a 40km radms of the home posItIOn. If no sUItable posItIOn IS IdentIfied wIthm 40km of the surplus sed employee's home posItIOn then ArtIcle 20 4 1 6 provIdes, If the employee requests, that the employer look for a sUItable posItIOn beyond 40km of the employee's home posItIOn. Counsel argued that the employer's posItIOn that the gnevor needed to have expenence gamed wIthm 40km of the home posItIOn does not make sense, especIally when ArtIcle 20 4 1 6 IS consIdered, smce that provIsIOn allows an employee to bump mto a posItIOn beyond 40km. There IS no lOgIC m reqUInng expenence wIthm 40kms, when the employee mIght be able to bump to a posItIOn beyond 40km. Further, ArtIcle 20 4 1 7 provIdes dIsplacement nghts for the employee to bump outsIde of hIs/her own mInIstry If a sUItable posItIOn IS Identified. In counsel's submIssIOn, on the employer's mterpretatIOn, a surplus sed employee would have a greater benefit bumpmg outsIde hIs/her own mInIstry, than under ArtIcle 20 4 1 5 Counsel argued further that the prmcIples of mterpretatIOn, whIch are broad and purpOSIve m approach, support the unIon's mterpretatIOn here She argued further that there was no purpose m restnctmg surplus employees to posItIOns wIthm 40km of the surplus sed employee's headquarters, only If they had gamed the expenence wIthm 40km of theIr home posItIOn. One of the pnmary reqUIrements of the dIsplacement provIsIOn IS that the surplussed employee can do the work. It doesn't matter then where that employee has gamed the expenence to do the work. 4 Counsel rehed on the followmg cases m support of her submIssIOn OPSEU (Fmk) and the Mmlstry of TransportatIOn, 2601/96 (Abramsky), OPSEU (Penney) and the Mmlstry of Natural Resources, 697/96 (Venty), OPSEU (Hutt) and the MInIStry of Agnculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 1594/97 (Venty) UnIon counsel asked for a declaratIOn that ArtIcle 20 4 1 5 be mterpreted as reqUInng the employer to look for a sUItable posItIOn wlthm 40km, but not reqUInng the expenence for that posItIOn to be gamed wlthm the same 40km. Submission of the Employer Counsel for the employer submItted that ArtIcle 20 4 1 5 was not a model of clanty She submItted that the employer's mterpretatIOn was a possible mterpretatIOn, and that there was no bad faith behmd the mterpretatIOn. She noted that the provIsIOn m the artIcle allows a dIsplacement outsIde the employee's class senes Counsel contended that thIS provIsIOn had been m the collectIve agreement for eIght years and the Issue as to ItS mterpretatIOn had never before been raIsed by the UnIon. The employer asked the board to dIsmIss the gnevance or, m the alternative, to frame the declaratIOn narrowly so as to relate only to ArtIcle 20 4 1 5 Decision ArtIcle 20 4 provIdes as follows 20 4 DIsplacement 5 20 4 1 1 An employee who has completed hIS or her probatIOnary penod, who has receIved notice of lay-off pursuant to Article 20.2 (Notice and Pay m LIeu), and who has not been assIgned m accordance wIth the cntena of ArtIcle 20 5 (Redeployment) to another posItIOn shall have the nght to dIsplace an employee who shall be IdentIfied by the Employer m the followmg manner as set out m ArtIcles 20 4 1.2 to 20 4 1 10 20 4 1 2 The Employer wIll Identify the employee wIth the least semonty m the same classIficatIOn and the same mmIstry as the employee's surplus posItIOn. If such employee has less semonty than the surplus employee, he or she shall be dIsplaced by the surplus employee provIded that: (a) such employee's headquarters IS located wIthm a forty (40) kIlometre radms of the headquarters of the surplus employee, and (b) the surplus employee IS quahfied to perform the work of the Identified employee 20 4 1 3 If the surplus employee IS not quahfied to perform the work of the least semor employee IdentIfied under ArtIcle 20 4 1.2 above, the Employer wIll contmue to Identify, m reverse order of semonty, employees m the same classIficatIOn and m the same mmIstry untIl a less semor employee IS found wItllln forty (40) kIlometres of the surplus employee's headquarters whose work the surplus employee IS quahfied to perform. 20 4 1 4 FaIhng dIsplacement under ArtIcle 20 4 1 2 or 204 1 3 above, the Employer wIll Identify, m reverse order of semonty, members m the classes m the same class senes m descendmg order untIl an employee wIth less semonty IS found m the same mImstry wIthm forty (40) kIlometres of the surplus employees headquarters The Identified employee shall be dIsplaced by the surplus employee provIded he or she IS quahfied to perform the work. 20 4 1 5 FaIhng dIsplacement under ArtIcles 20 4 1 2,204 1 3 or 204 1 4 above, the Employer wIll reVIew other classes whIch the employee held eIther on a full-time basIs, or who performed the full range of Job duties on a temporary basIs for at least twelve (12) months m the same mImstry wIthm forty (40) kIlometres of the surplus employee's headquarters The Employer wIll IdentIfy, m reverse order of semonty, a less semor employee m the class wIth the maXImum salary closest to but not greater than the maXImum salary of the surplus employee's current classIficatIOn. The Identified employee shall be dIsplaced by the surplus employee 6 provIded he or she IS quahfied to perform the work. 20 4 1 6 FaIhng dIsplacement under ArtIcles 20 4 1 2, 20 4 1 3, 20 4 1 4 or 20 4 1 5 above, If the employee requests, the Employer wIll repeat the steps specIfied m ArtIcles 20 4 1 2, 20 4 1 3, 20 4 1 4 and 20 4 1 5 wIth respect to posItIOns beyond a forty (40) kIlometre radms of hIS or her headquarters No relocatIOn expenses wIll be paid. 20 4 1 7 FaIhng dIsplacement under ArtIcles 20 4 1 2, 20 4 1 3, 20 4 1 4, 204 1 5 or 204 1 6 above, the Employer wIll IdentIfy, m reverse order of senIonty, a less senIor employee who IS ( c)m another mInIstry; and (d) whose headquarters IS wIthm a forty (40) kIlometre radms of the dIsplacmg employee's headquarters, and ( e) whose posItIOn the dIsplacmg employee prevIOusly held eIther on a full-tIme basIs, or who performed the full range of Job dutIes on a temporary basIs for at least twelve (12) months m that mInIstry, and (f) If the employee prevIOusly held more than one posItIOn m that mInIstry, the posItIOn WIth a maXImum salary closest to but not greater than the maXImum salary of the dIsplacmg employee's current classIficatIOn. The IdentIfied employee shall be dIsplaced provIded the dIsplacmg employee IS quahfied to perform the work. 20 4 1 8 No later than one (1) week followmg commencement of the notIce penod, the Employer wIll advIse the surplus employee of the posItIOn mto whIch he or she IS ehgible to dIsplace 20 4 1 9 The surplus employee must mdIcate m wntmg to the MInIstry/Agency DIrector of Human Resources hIS or her mtentIOn to dIsplace the employee IdentIfied pursuant ArtIcles 20 4 1 2, 20 4 1 3, 20 4 1 4, 20 4 1 5, 20 4 1 6, or 20 4 1 7 above, as apphcable Wntten mtentIOn to dIsplace must be receIved by the MInIstry/Agency DIrector of Human Resources no later than one (1) week followmg the date the surplus employee receIved advIce that he or she was ehgible to dIsplace an employee pursuant to ArtIcle 20 4 1 8 above 204 1 10 An employee who does not mdIcate m wntmg to the MInIstry/Agency DIrector of Human Resources hIS or her mtentIOn to dIsplace wIthm the tIme penod stIpulated by ArtIcle 20 4 1 9 above shall be deemed to have gIVen up hIS or her nght to dIsplace and opted for redeployment under ArtIcle 20 5 (Redeployment) 7 The Issue before me IS whether ArtIcle 20 4 1 5 whIch reqUIres the employer to look for posItIOns outsIde the employee's current classIficatIOn, also reqUIres that the expenence must be gamed wIthm 40km of the surplussed employee's headquarters ThIs Issue was addressed wIth regard to ArtIcle 20 4 1(f) of the prevIOus collective agreement between the partIes (January 1994 - December 1998) m the Hutt decIsIOn. ThIs provIsIOn reqUIred that If no sUItable posItIOn was found throughout the dIsplacement process wIthm the surplussed employee's own mInIstry, then posItIOns mother mInIstnes had to be consIdered. The employer, m the Hutt case, took the posItIOn that not only must the posItIOn be found wIthm 40km, but the surplussed employee must have gamed the expenence m the posItIOn wIthm the 40km. ArbItrator Venty' s reasonIng m thIS case IS helpful. He noted. ArtIcle 20 4 lIS, m effect, a procedural code whereby specIfied dIsplacement nghts m sequentIal order are avaIlable to employees based on senIonty Each step of the procedure IS self-contamed. He stated that whIle m hIS VIew ArtIcle 20 4 1 was very carefully wntten, the words needed to be mterpreted m theIr context and the meanIng from the context "may vary from artIcle to artIcle and from subsectIOn to subsectIOn." ArbItrator Venty found that expenence does not have to be obtamed wIthm the 40km radms of the surplussed employee's headquarters WhIle the posItIOn must be Identified wIthm 40km under thIS provIsIOn, the expenence does not depend on the fact that It was obtamed wIthm a 40km radms of the surplussed employee's headquarters, rather, It depends on the expenence gamed from work performed m a posItIOn prevIOusly held by the surplus sed employee was the same or substantially sImIlar to the work 8 currently performed by a less semor employee I thmk It gIVes a fair and reasonable mterpretatIOn to semonty nghts The lOgIC of Hurt apphes equally to the case before me I am thus persuaded by the umon's posItIOn and so declare that m mterpretmg ArtIcle 20 4 1 5, the employer shall consIder expenence obtamed as reqUIred under the ArtIcle, both wIthm and beyond the 40km range of the surplus sed employee's headquarters Dated at Toronto, thIS 9th day of May, 2002 D lD LeIghton, Vice-Chair