HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-1222.Lewis.00-08-25 Order ONTARIO EA1PLOYES DE L4 COURONNE CROW'! EA1PLOYEES DE L 'ONTARIO GRIEVANCE COMMISSION DE . . SETTLEMENT REGLEMENT BOARD DES GRIEFS 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600 TORONTO ON M5G 128 TELEPHONElTELEPHONE, (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600 TORONTO (ON) M5G 128 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE. (416) 326-1396 GSB # 1222/99 1223/99 OPSED # 99E119 99E120 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano Pubhc ServIce Employees Dmon (LewIs) Gnevor - and - The Crown m RIght of Ontano (Mimstn of EducatIOn and Trammg) Employer BEFORE RandI H. Abramsk, V Ice Chair FOR THE George RIchards GRIEVOR Gnevance Officer Ontano Pubhc ServIces Employees Dmon FOR THE Ben Ratelband EMPLOYER Counsel Legal ServIces Branch Management Board Secretanat HEARING August 14 2000 ORDER The Employer has moved for an order for partIculars from the Umon as to any factual Issues the Umon and the gnevor have In regard to the addItIOnal allegatIOns of solIcItatIOn whIch occurred pnor to the gnevor's dIscharge but dIscovered afterward. In an earlIer rulIng, I determIned that these allegatIOns were admIssIble Into eVIdence, wIth the weIght to be accorded them determIned after final submIssIOns Through dIscussIOns between the partIes, the Umon agreed to admIt, for the truth of the matters asserted, documents pertaInIng to the addItIOnal allegatIOns The Employer however seeks partIculars from the Umon about those allegatIOns, IncludIng whether there are Issues of fact about them After consIdenng the specIfic facts of thIS case, the submIssIOns and arguments of the partIes, I conclude that an order for partIculars IS appropnate ArtIcles 22 14 4 and 22 145 of the collectIve agreement state, respectIvely as follows 22 14 4 The partIes agree that pnncIples of full dIsclosure of Issues In dIspute as alleged by a gnevance advanced by the Umon on behalf of a member or members, or the Umon Itself, and full dIsclosure of facts relIed upon by management In a decIsIOn that IS subject to a gnevance, are key elements In amIcable and expedItIOus dIspute resolutIOn processes 22 14 5 The partIes agree that at the earlIest stage of the gnevance procedure, eIther party upon request IS entItled to receIve from the other full dIsclosure These provIsIOns clearly IndIcate the partIes' commItment to "full dIsclosure" of the facts and Issues In dIspute and they create a mutual, contractual entItlement to It. Under ArtIcle 22 145 the oblIgatIOn to provIde "full dIsclosure" to the other party IS not dependent on who bears the ultImate onus It applIes equally to both partIes In addItIOn, It IS my VIew that partIculars are reqUIred so that the Employer may know the case It has to meet whIch IS a fundamental pnncIple of natural JustIce Under the specIfic facts of thIS case, the Employer has had no opportumty to learn the Umon's or gnevor's factual posItIOn on the addItIOnal allegatIOns of solIcItatIOn. PartIculars may also expedIte the heanng by potentIally lImItIng the number of wItnesses that must be called or the amount of reply eVIdence that IS reqUIred. The partIculars that are reqUIred, however are lImIted to what facts and Issues are In dIspute Counsel for the Employer made It clear that he was not seekIng "wIll say" statements from the gnevor to be used to Impeach hIm on the wItness stand, nor IS the Employer entItled to that. What the Employer IS entItled to under ArtIcles 22 14 4 and 22 14 5 IS "full dIsclosure" of the facts and Issues In dIspute AccordIngly for the reasons set forth above the Umon IS ordered to provIde to the Employer partIculars as to the facts and Issues In dIspute concermng the addItIOnal allegatIOns of solIcItatIOn by the gnevor I leave It to the partIes to work out an appropnate tIme frame for that to occur pnor to the next heanng date Dated at Toronto thIS 25th August, 2000 fI'1/orn1t61( RandI Hammer Abramsky Vice-Chair