HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-1466.Union Grievance.01-11-08 Decision ~M~ om~o EA1PLOYES DE LA COURONNE _QJ_L ii~~~i~T DE L 'ONTARIO COMMISSION DE REGLEMENT "IIIl__1I'" BOARD DES GRIEFS Ontario 180 DUNDAS STREET WEST SUITE 600 TORONTO ON M5G 128 TELEPHONElTELEPHONE. (416) 326-1388 180 RUE DUNDAS OUEST BUREAU 600 TORONTO (ON) M5G 128 FACSIMILE/TELECOPIE. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 1466/99 UnIon # 99U085 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Befo re THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN OPSEU (UnIon Gnevance) Gnevor - and - The Crown III RIght of Ontano (Management Board Secretariat) Employer BEFORE RIchard M. Brown Vice-Chair FOR THE GRIEVOR RIchard Blair Counsel Ryder Wnght Blair & Doyle BarrIsters & SohcItors FOR THE EMPLOYER Len Marvy SenIor Counsel, Legal SerVIces Branch Management Board Secretariat HEARING November 5, 2001 ThIS gnevance anses from the llnpendIng transfer of the Ontano Realty CorporatIOn (ORC) from the Crown to the broader publIc sector The transfer IS expected to happen on November 30, 2001 When It occurs, ORC employees wIll cease to be publIc servants wIll no longer be represented by the umon Most persons In the employ of ORC before the transfer wIll receIve offers of contInued employment by vIrtue of a recent, undated memorandum of agreement between ORC and the Crown ThIS memorandum was negotIated on behalf of the Crown by Management Board Secretanat (MBS) In dIscharge of ItS oblIgatIOns under AppendIx 18 of the current collectIve agreement Employees who do not receIve a Job offer wIll have surplus nghts under the collectIve agreement The gnevance alleges a vIOlatIOn of AppendIx 18, but the partIes have now resolved all of the Issues concernIng the applIcatIOn of the collectIve agreement to the facts at hand. The only outstandIng Issue concerns an earlIer memorandum of understandIng, dated November 25, 1994, to whIch OPSEU, ORC and the Crown are sIgnatones AccordIng to the umon, the llnpendIng transfer wIll vIOlate aJob offer guarantee contaIned In the memorandum The employer contends tlllS guarantee has no applIcatIOn to the facts at hand I The 1994 memorandum was negotIated In the context of the Realty Group of MBS beIng transfonned Into ORC Some employees of the Realty Group transferred to ORC wIllIe others were laid off ThIS transfonnatIOn had no - 2 - affect on the status of employees as a pubhc servants or on OPSEU's status as theIr bargammg agent The relevant portIOns of the memorandum state 16 A pubhc servant whose posItIOn IS IdentIfied as surplus to the reqUIrements of the Realty Group of the Mmlstry pnor to assumptIOn of the operatIOns of the Realty Group by the CorporatIOn IS entItled from the Mmlstry to 6 months notIce of layoff, m accordance wIth the prOVISIOns of ArtIcle 24 or any successor prOVISIOn 17 The PartIes agree the prOVISIOns of ArtIcle 24 17 do not apply to the abohtIOn of the posItIOns of the pubhc servants named m AppendIx 1 18 A pubhc servant who IS declared surplus, m accordance wIth paragraph 16, may, wltllln 2 weeks of the surplus declaratIOn, opt m wntmg for a No Employment Loss Guarantee wherem the pubhc servant wIll be entItled, from the Mmlstry, to (a) 6 months notIce of layoff and a guarantee of one Job offer to a posItIOn for whIch the pubhc servant IS quahfied, and (b) If the pubhc servant IS not offered a Job wltllln the month notIce penod set out m subparagraph (a), addItIonal notIce penods of SIX months wIll be provIded by the Mmlstry, untIl an offer of employment for whIch the pubhc servant IS quahfied, consIstent WIth the salary parameters as outhned m artIcle 24 5(b) of the CollectIve Agreement, IS made The Mmlstry wIll make ItS best effort to place the pubhc servant wltllln a desIrable geographIc locatIOn (c) The Mmlstry's obhgatIOn to offer the No Employment Loss guarantee to a pubhc servant, on the attached AppendIx 1, ends when the Mmlstry offers to the pubhc servant an assIgnment to a posItIOn that IS not a temporary assIgnment 19 FaIhng wntten notIficatIOn pursuant to Paragraph 18, the prOVISIOns of ArtIcle 24 2 1 or any successor prOVISIOn wIll apply - 3 - Paragraph 18 refers to artIcle 24 17 of the 1992-93 collectIve agreement deahng wIth employees whose Jobs were elllnmated by "contractmg out, dIvestment or comparable transfer" By vIrtue of tlus artIcle, such employees were guaranteed an offer of another Job m the pubhc servIce Paragraph 18 of the 1994 memorandum provIded the same sort of protectIOn to employees, but dIffered from artIcle 24 17 as to the details of the Job offer guaranteed. The Job offer guarantee found m artIcle 24 17 was not carned over to later collectIve agreements Both subsequent agreements have taken a dIfferent approach to employees rendered surplus by the transfer of work from the Crown to another employer In AppendIx 9 of the 1993-96 agreement, the Crown undertook to make "reasonable efforts" to ensure surplus employees receIved an offer of employment from the employer to whom work was transferred. AppendIx 18 of the current agreement added a substantIal amount of flesh to the bare bones of AppendIx 9 m relatIOn to Job offers from the receIvmg employer II The threshold questIOn IS whether the Job offer guarantee contamed m the 1994 memorandum governs the llnpendmg transfer of ORC from the Crown to the broader pubhc sector A hteral readmg of the memorandum provIdes ample support for the conclusIOn that the memorandum does not apply m these CIrcumstances Accordmg to the wordmg of paragraph 18, the Job offer guarantee extends to an employee declared surplus "m accordance wIth paragraph 16 "Paragraph 16 speaks of an employee "whose posItIOn IS IdentIfied as surplus to the reqUIrements of the Realty Group" In other words, employees surplussed by the Realty Group m 1994 were entItled to receIve aJob offer from ORC There IS notlung m the 1994 memorandum to - 4 - mdIcate the Job offer guarantee contamed therem was mtended to extend to employees who are now about to be laid off by ORC, some seven years and two collectIve agreements later Havmg decIded the threshold questIOn m the employer's favour, I need not consIder the remedial consequences of a breach of the 1994 memorandum The gnevance IS dIsmIssed Dated at Toronto, tlus gthday of November, 2001 RIchard Brown, VIce-Chair - 5 -