HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-0447.Union Grievance.03-05-09 Decision Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 0447/00 1039/00 1042/00 1484/00 UNION# oouon 00U090 00U130 01B041 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Umon Gnevance) Grievor - and - The Crown III RIght of Ontano (Mimstry of Commumty and SocIal ServIces) Employer BEFORE Deborah LeIghton Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Richard Blair Ryder Wnght, Blair & Doyle Barnsters and SOlICItorS FOR THE EMPLOYER MeredIth Brown Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING Apnl 23 2003 2 Order HavIng carefully consIdered the submIssIOns of the partIes, the board made an order orally noted below at the heanng on Apnl 23 2003 On May 1 2003 the partIes asked that the oral order be rendered In wntIng. Thus the board hereby Issues the order made on Apnl 23 as follows The employer shall pay the IndIVIduals entItled to momes, pursuant to the decIsIOn rendered In thIS case on March 21 2003 forthwIth, and further the payments to IndIVIduals must be made wIthIn three weeks of the employer's receIpt of the completed InformatIOn form, sent to the affected IndIVIduals pnor to the Apnl23 2003 heanng date Dated at Toronto thIS 9th day of May 2003 i;~ ..00 . .',:,~_~_ {ifi- :. 0 ~~~" . . > 00:. o' '0:,:..0 ~~: ' o. '0' ~." 0 :__ ~, ~~~,~'~_~_') ,_ .,Jf:lo D J.D...:__ g. . ;.- Ice air