HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-1636.Zarolia.03-06-10 Decision Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 1636/01 UNION# 02F009 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (ZarolIa) Grievor - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry of Health and Long-Term Care) Employer BEFORE Loretta Mikus Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Enc Adams Pall are Roland Rosenberg RothensteIn LLP Counsel FOR THE EMPLOYER Sunee1 Bahal Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING June 6 2003 2 AWARD At the commencement of the heanng In the above noted matter an Issue arose concermng the attendance of two Umon stewards from the local umon. More precIsely an Issue arose about the contInued presence of these stewards dunng the days to come and about who should pay for theIr attendance If It IS determIned they should be present. The collectIve agreement between the partIes allows for the assIstance of a Umon officIal at vanous stages of the gnevance procedure and dIctates whether the tIme off reqUIred to do so IS paid by the employer ArtIcle 22 - Gnevance Procedure - states, In part, as follows 225 The employee at hIS or her optIOn, may be accompamed and represented by a Umon representatIve at Stage Two of the gnevance procedure 22 6 1 An employee who IS a gnevor or complaInant and who makes applIcatIOn, through the Umon, for a heanng before the GSB or the Ontano Labour RelatIOns Board (OLRB) shall be allowed leave of absence wIth no loss of pay and wIth no loss of credIts, If reqUIred to be In attendance by the Board or Tnbunal ArtIcle 226 1 shall also apply to pre-heanngs, medIatIOn/arbItratIOn or medIatIOn under auspIces of the GSB or OLRB/ 226.2 An employee who has a gnevance and IS reqUIred to attend meetIngs at Stage One and Two of the gnevance procedure shall be gIven tIme off wIth no loss of pay and wIth no loss of credIts to attend such meetIng. 2263 ArtIcle 226.2 shall also apply to the Umon Steward who IS authonzed to represent the gnevor at Stage Two of the gnevance procedure There IS no other provIsIOn allowIng for the attendance wIth or wIthout pay ofUmon Stewards at arbItratIOn heanngs The Umon takes the posItIOn that I have the JunsdIctIOn to order theIr attendance If I am of the VIew that they are necessary to the proceedIngs The Employer takes the posItIOn that at thIS stage of the proceedIngs she IS represented by counsel and the presence of the two stewards IS unnecessary In the alternatIve It submItted that If! were InclIned to accede to the Umon's request, I should lImIt the order to one steward, not both. 3 AssumIng for now that I do have the authonty to do so whIch I do not concede, whIle I apprecIate that these Umon Stewards have assIsted the gnevor throughout the proceSSIng of her gnevance and each have partIcular InformatIOn concermng the gnevance I am not persuaded theIr attendance IS reqUIred to ensure a full and fair heanng. The gnevor IS now represented by counsel who wIll have carrIage of the gnevance throughout the final stages of the process He has sufficIent tIme to consult WIth these stewards to prepare hIS case If, In prepanng for heanng, he decIdes that the attendance of one or both of the stewards IS necessary there are steps he can take to ensure theIr attendance The partIes have put theIr mInd to the sItuatIOns In whIch a Umon Steward IS to be allowed tIme of wIth or wIthout pay to represent theIr members I am not prepared to expand theIr collectIve agreement by addIng provIsIOns they dId not themselves Include The Umon's request for an order IS therefore demed. Dated thIS 10th day of June, 2003 JJ,. , " r I I 'I. I, " w' , 'I , , Loretta Mikus, Vice-Chair