HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-1188.Wilkins.04-02-11 Order Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 2003-1188 UNION# 2003-0126-0003 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (WilkIns) Grievor - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry of Commumty, FamIly and ChIldren's ServIces) Employer BEFORE Loretta Mikus Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION John BrewIn Ryder Wnght Blair & Doyle Barnsters and SOlICItorS FOR THE EMPLOYER Lucy McSweeney Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING December 19 2003 2 Board Order Background WHEREAS the Gnevor was employed at Southwest RegIOnal Centre ("SWRC") In the posItIOn of Developmental ServIce Worker She had been employed at Southwest RegIOnal SInce March 19 1979 AND WHEREAS on June 9 2003 the Gnevor was dIsmIssed for cause based on allegatIOns of verbal and physIcal abuse of a resIdent of SWRC named K.W AND WHEREAS on June 12,2003 OPSEU filed a gnevance of the dIsmIssal (OPSEU Gnevance # 2003-0126-0003) on behalf of the Gnevor whIch was gIven GSB File No 2003-1188 AND WHEREAS on December 19 2003 the partIes negotIated terms of settlement and agreed that the settlement should be made an Order of the Board, THE BOARD THEREFORE ISSUES A CONSENT ORDER AS FOLLOWS 1 The Employer wIll rescInd ItS letter of dIsmIssal to the Gnevor and wIll SubstItute a letter ImpOSIng a one month suspenSIOn. The Gnevor wIll be provIded wIth a copy of the new letter 2 The Gnevor wIll provIde to Terry Monk, AdmInIstrator SWRC a typed and sIgned letter by January 5 2004 The letter wIll state as follows 'On December 7 2002 I took KW to the Chatham Kent Health Alliance for a serious cut to her finger I was accompanied by KC After a long delay a doctor conducted a procedure in the Emergency Room to reattach her finger K C and I were asked to assist in restraining K W during the procedure. For much of the time she was very agitated. I acknowledge that I called her a little faggot" during the procedure, an action I deeply regret. This language was completely inappropriate. I acknowledge that this language did not respect KW s dignity and was contrary to the Ministry s Standards of Conduct. During my effort to physically restrain KW I used actions which I understand the nurses present interpreted as improper restraint to the neck area and as slapping K W I was not aware that my actions towards her could have been interpreted that way I certainly did not intend to hurt her If I did use excessive force to restrain her, I regret it. Such action would be contrary to the Ministry s Standards of Conduct. I acknowledge that I made a mistake when I denied using the tenn little faggot in my meetings with you on May 6 and June 3 2003 I apologize for that. I understand and acknowledge that my response was misleading, as was my failure to recall the physical actions that led to the complaints. 3 I regret any embarrassment I have caused the Centre. 3 The Employer wIll reInstate the Gnevor to the posItIOn of Helper Food ServIce at SWRC effectIve January 5 2004 The Gnevor wIll be placed at the maXImum of the salary range ($17 67/hour - class code 50230) 4 The Gnevor wIll partIcIpate In WDHP/sensItIvIty/human nghts traInIng to be arranged by the Employer Such traInIng wIll be paid for by the Employer and wIll take place on the Employer's tIme 5 The Gnevor IS prohIbIted from seekIng or acceptIng any employment wIthIn the Ontano PublIc ServIce In whIch the job dutIes reqUIre dIrect contact wIth and responsIbIlIty for dIsabled, elderly or chIld/youth clIents 6 If surplussed In her new posItIOn, the Gnevor wIll have the nght to dIsplace Into any OPSEU class senes wIthIn SWRC that she IS qualIfied for and at a salary level closest to but not greater than the maXImum salary of the surplussed posItIOn. 7 The penod from July 7 2003 to January 4 2004 InclUSIVe wIll be charactenzed as a leave of absence wIthout pay pursuant to ArtIcle 24 1 of the collectIve agreement. 8 No funds are OWIng to the Gnevor In respect of the penod between her dIsmIssal and reInstatement. The Employer wIll, however forthwIth credIt to the Gnevor 13 vacatIOn days 9 All partIes agree that, wIth the Issuance of thIS consent order the gnevance IS resolved. 10 The Gnevance Settlement Board (Vice Chair Mikus) remaInS seIzed wIth respect to the ImplementatIOn and InterpretatIOn of thIS order Dated at To~onto thIS 11th day of February 2004