HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-1520.Gillis et al.05-12-07 Decision Crown Employees Commission de Nj Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~ Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 2003-1520 2003-1526 2003-1527 2003-1528. 2003-1529 2003-1530 2003-1531 2003-1532. 2003-1534 2003-1536 2003-1567 2003-1569 2003-1571 2003-1573 2003-1576. 2003-1578. 2003-1715 2003-1716 2003-1717 2003-1718. 2003-1719 2003-1825 2003-1826 2003-1827 2003-1828.2003-1829 2003-1830 2003-1831 2003-1832.2003-1833 2003-1834 2003-1835 2003-1836 2003-1837 2003-1838.2003-1839 2003-1840 2003-1841 2003-1842.2003-1843 2003-1844 2003-1845 2003-1846 2003-1847 2003-1848.2003-1849 2003-1850 2003-1851 2003-3316 UNION# 2003-0248-0070 2003-0248-0066 2003-0248-0074 2003-0248-0067 2003-0248-0068.2003-0248-0069 2003-0248-0073 2003-0248-0072.2003-0248-0058. 2003-0248-0059 2003-0248-0060 2003-0248-0061 2003-0248-0062. 2003-0248-0063 2003-0248-0064 2003-0248-0065 2003-0248-0086. 2003-0248-0087 2003-0248-0088. 2003-0248-0089 2003-0248-0090 2003-0248-0029 2003-0248-0031 2003-0248-0032. 2003-0248-0033 2003-0248-0035 2003-0248-0036 2003-0248-0037 2003-0248-0038.2003-0248-0039 2003-0248-0040 2003-0248-0041 2003-0248-0042.2003-0248-0043 2003-0248-0044 2003-0248-0045 2003-0248-0046 2003-0248-0047 2003-0248-0048.2003-0248-0049 2003-0248-0050 2003-0248-0051 2003-0248-0052.2003-0248-0053 2003-0248-0054 2003-0248-0055 2003-0248-0056 2003-0248-0057 2003-0248-0179 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (GIllIs et al) Union - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry ofCommumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer BEFORE RandI H. Abramsky Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Ed Holmes Ryder Wnght Blair & Holmes LLP BarrIsters and SOlICItorS FOR THE EMPLOYER Sean Kearney Semor Counsel Mimstry of Government ServIces HEARING December 2, 2005 2 DeCISIon There are approxImately fifty gnevances before the Board, filed by ten CorrectIOnal Officers, as a result of dIscIplIne Imposed on them by the Mimstry In July 2003 five of the gnevors were dIscharged, and three were suspended In regard to an alleged exceSSIve use of force IncIdent agaInst an Inmate on October 18 2002 In addItIOn, two other gnevors were suspended for a related IncIdent on May 23 2003 InvolvIng alleged threats made to a matenal wItness to the October 18 2002 IncIdent. The Umon has obJected, as a prelImInary matter to the admIssIbIlIty of the InVestIgator's report as well as the eVIdence of the InVestIgator as It relates to hIS report, In thIS proceedIng. Facts After an alleged assault on an Inmate on October 18 2002, the Mimstry undertook an InVestIgatIOn of the alleged IncIdent. The InVestIgatIOn report consIsts of four volumes It contaInS an executIve summary wItness statements, photographs, a sIte map a summary of the wItness statements, an exhIbIt regIstry and the findIngs and conclusIOns of the InVestIgator concernIng each of the gnevors A further InVestIgatIOn was undertaken In regard to the alleged May 23 2003 IncIdent, and the InVestIgatIOn report deals wIth that matter as well The Mimstry relIed on thIS InVestIgatIOn report to Impose dIscIplIne on the gnevors Positions of the Parties The Umon obJects to the admIssIbIlIty of the InVestIgatIOn report, and the eVIdence of the InVestIgator regardIng the report, on a number of bases FIrst, the Umon argues that the report IS a hearsay document and should be excluded on that basIs Second, It asserts that It contaIns the 3 OpInIOnS and conclusIOns of the InVestIgator about what occurred and IS therefore not relevant to these proceedIngs ThIrd, It argues that relYIng on the conclusIOns and findIngs contaIned In report would Improperly usurp the role of the Gnevance Settlement Board (GSB) Fourth, It asserts that the report IS hIghly preJudIcIal to the gnevors and would consequently taInt the decIsIOn-makIng process Itself as well as undermIne the appearance of holdIng a fair heanng. In ItS VIew JustIce must not only be done, It must be seen to be done The Umon acknowledges that some parts of the report may be admIssIble, at the appropnate tIme, such as the wItness statements But It asserts that other parts of the report, partIcularly the InVestIgator's findIngs of fact and conclusIOns whIch refer to the InVestIgator's InterpretatIOn of employer polIcIes, the CnmInal Code and even the College of Nurses' standards, are not admIssIble and go to the very heart of what thIS Board must decIde In the Umon's VIew the Employer must call dIrect, VIva voce eVIdence to prove ItS case, whIch IS then subJect to cross-eXamInatIOn, and should not be allowed to rely at all on the InVestIgator's report. In support of ItS posItIOn, the Umon cItes to Re British Columbia Institute of Technology and British Columbia Government Employees Union (1995) 47 L.AC (4th) 99 (BlasIna) and Re Loyalist College and OPSEU unreported decIsIOn ofM. Bendel dated July 19 1996 The Employer argues that InVestIgatIOn reports, lIke the one at Issue here, are regularly admItted Into eVIdence at the GSB and relIed upon. It submIts that there are no GSB decIsIOns whIch hold that such reports are InadmISSIble and entItled to no weIght by the Board In ItS VIew the GSB lIke any other board of arbItratIOn, regularly admIts InVestIgatIOn eVIdence and determInes, at the end of the day what weIght, If any to gIve to It. AdmIttIng such eVIdence, It submIts, does not usurp the role of the Board or In any way taInt the process It submIts that It IS 4 preposterous for the Umon to assert that the admIssIOn of the InVestIgatIOn report wIll prejUdICe the Board. Instead, the Employer argues that the touchstone for admIssIbIlIty IS relevance It asserts that the InVestIgator's report IS clearly relevant and matenal because It IS the basIs upon whIch the Mimstry's decIsIOns regardIng dIscIplIne were made It pOInts out that the onus IS on the Employer to establIsh Just cause, and It contends that the InVestIgator's report IS an Important element whIch provIdes a roadmap to ItS InVestIgatIOn and ItS determInatIOns The Employer further asserts that under the Labour Relations Act hearsay eVIdence IS admIssIble at arbItratIOn and that It IS not relYIng exclusIvely on the InVestIgatIOn report. It asserts that It wIll be callIng dIrect VIva voce eVIdence to support ItS case, as well as callIng the InVestIgator The Umon and the gnevors, the Employer submIts, wIll have a full and fair heanng of the Issues, WIth the nght to cross-eXamInatIOn. In support of ItS contentIOns, the Employer cItes to OP SEU (Hastie et al.) and Ministry of Natural Resources (2003), GSB No 0542/01 (Petryshen) OPSEU (Wickett et al.) and MinistlY of Natural Resources (2005) GSB No 2001-0542 (Petryshen) Mehan and Ministry of Finance (2005), PSGB No P-2002-0004 (LeIghton) Re Manitoba Telephone System and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 435 [1998] C.L.AD No 910 (Chapman) appeal dismissed, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 435 and Manitoba Telecom Services Inc (2002) 169 Man. R (2d) 290(MBQB) Re Fraser Health Authority (Surrey Memorial Hospital Site) and Hospital Employees Union (2004) 129 L.AC (4th) 302 (Dorsey) Re Kimberly-Clark and I WA.- Canada, Local 1-92-3(1996), 66 L AC (4th) 266 (Bendel) 5 Decision HavIng carefully consIdered the submIssIOns of the partIes, I conclude that the InVestIgatIOn report and the eVIdence of the InVestIgator about hIS report are admIssIble The pnmary reason that the report, and the eVIdence of the InVestIgator IS admIssIble IS because It IS relevant. The report forms the basIs of the Employer's decIsIOns In regard to the dIscIplIne of the gnevors It reveals the InVestIgatIOn conducted by the Employer and how the Employer arnved at ItS decISIOn to dIscIplIne the gnevors ThIS Includes the findIngs and the conclusIOns of the InVestIgator whIch the Umon IS free to attack and challenge as Incomplete erroneous or Improper among other potentIal challenges In so rulIng, I note that InVestIgatIOn reports are routInely admItted Into eVIdence before the GSB and relIed upon In the Board's decIsIOns ThIS can be clearly seen In the GSB cases cIted by the Employer It may well be that the Umon dId not object, In those cases, to the admIssIbIlIty of the InVestIgatIve reports But the Board's references to the InVestIgatIOn reports surely IndIcates theIr relevancy to the Issues In dIspute OPSEU (Hastie et al.) and Ministry of Natural Resources, supra, Mehan and MinistlY of Finance supra Other arbItrators, as well, have admItted InVestIgatIOn reports Into eVIdence Re Fraser Health Authority (Surrey Memorial Hospital Site) and Hospital Employees Union, supra' Re Manitoba Telephone System and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 435 supra As the Umon argues, the OpposIte conclusIOn was reached In Re British Columbia Institute of Technology and British Columbia Government Employees Union, supra In that case, the gnevors were gIven a one-month suspenSIOn for alleged harassment, based on the report and recommendatIOns of an outsIde InVestIgator hIred by the Employer At the arbItratIOn heanng, 6 the Employer sought to Introduce the InVestIgatIOn report as an exhIbIt, and the Umon objected to Its admISSIbIlIty The arbItrator determIned that the InVestIgatIOn report should not be admItted Into eVIdence He determIned that the report was not "evIdence of the allegatIOns agaInst the gnevors" and "not matenal and probatIve In respect to the alleged gUIlt of the gnevors" SInce It was "a summary of her OpInIOn of the facts and the gUIlt of the gnevors" He ruled that It "cannot be a SubstItute to any degree" for the conclusIOns of the arbItratIOn board and "[i]f accepted the eVIdentIary process would be tarnIshed, and merely because of ItS potentIal to Influence the arbItrator hIS decIsIOn would be tarnIshed too" The report was prejUdICIal, In hIS VIew because of ItS conclusIOns and "because of the sImple SuspIcIOn It would necessanly create" SInce one would wonder If hIS "determInatIOns of fact were somehow Influenced by a non-probatIve document expreSSIng OpInIOnS on exactly what It IS that I have to decIde" Any probatIve value to the report was "outweIghed by the danger of prejUdICe" He also stated that the report should not be admItted "because It would tell me how to decIde the case" when that determInatIOn was to be made by hIm "from the eVIdence, and not a report about the eVIdence" (47 LAC (4th) at 104- 105) With respect, I find that I cannot agree wIth thIS analYSIS In my VIew the InVestIgatIOn performed by the Employer and whIch forms the basIs for ItS decISIOns IS relevant. The report contaInS wItness statements and photographs whIch the Employer relIed upon. It also relIed upon the findIngs and conclusIOns of the InVestIgator Those findIngs and conclusIOns, to be clear are not bIndIng on me My determInatIOn of whether the Employer has establIshed just cause wIll rest on the eVIdence produced at the arbItratIOn heanng, not the findIngs of fact and conclusIOns of the InVestIgator But that does not mean that the InVestIgatIOn report IS Irrelevant 7 and InadmISSIble The InVestIgatIOn undertaken by the Employer and how the Employer arnved at ItS deCISIOns IS relevant to these proceedIngs In my VIew admIttIng the InVestIgatIOn report does not taInt the arbItratIOn process or render the Board's ultImate determInatIOn suspect. That VIew ImplIes, Incorrectly that the Board would be unable to come to ItS own conclusIOns about the weIght to be gIven the eVIdence A sIgmficant part of the job of an arbItrator - In every case - IS to sort through eVIdence and determIne what eVIdence IS cogent and therefore should be relIed upon, and what eVIdence should be Ignored or gIven lIttle weIght. The fact that an arbItrator admIts eVIdence whIch, at the end of the day IS gIven no weIght does not taInt the arbItratIOn process Although I agree wIth the Umon that JustIce must not only be done, but be seen to be done, I cannot agree that admIssIOn of the InVestIgatIOn report would lead a reasonable person to conclude that JustIce has not been done For the same reasons, I cannot agree that the InVestIgatIOn report should not be admItted because of ItS potentIal "danger of prejUdICe" EVIdentIary prejUdICe IS much more sIgmficant In JUry tnals than when a case IS heard by a judge alone, or by a professIOnal arbItrator AgaIn, arbItrators routInely weIgh eVIdence, and are capable of dOIng the same In regard to an InVestIgatIOn report. I am also not persuaded that the InVestIgatIOn report should not be admItted under the analysIs of the board In Re Loyalist College and OPSEU supra. In that case, dIscIplIne was Imposed folloWIng the InVestIgatIOn and heanng of students' complaInts by "Boards ofHeanng" establIshed pursuant to College polIcy on the subject of dISCnmInatIOn and harassment. The 8 reports were admItted Into eVIdence, and the Issue before the board of arbItratIOn was what weIght should be gIven to the reports In decIdIng whether the dIscIplIne Imposed was warranted. The College had urged the board to accept the findIngs and conclusIOns of the "Boards of Heanng" and to rely on them for the truth of theIr content. (DeCIsIOn, p 5) The Board rejected that approach, statIng that defernng to the findIngs of such an InqUIry would dIlute the statutory and contractual nghts of employees and the umon In cases of dISCnmInatIOn and harassment. (DecIsIOn at p 14) The board of arbItratIOn therefore determIned that It would not be "appropnate for us to consIder theIr conclusIOns In comIng to our own." The dIssent argued that the Board's determInatIOn was premature and that the decIsIOn of what weIght, If any to gIve to the reports should be determIned at the end of the day In my VIew because the reports were admItted Into eVIdence, the decIsIOn cannot and does not stand for the proposItIOn that they are InadmISSIble Rather the Board there determIned that It would make ItS own deCISIOn about just cause, based on ItS own assessment of the eVIdence, rather than accept and rely on the conclusIOns of the Boards of Heanng. That IS what thIS board wIll do as well - make ItS own determInatIOn of whether the Employer had just cause I belIeve, however that the dIssent was nght that the determInatIOn of weIght to be gIven the report, If any should be done at the end of the day after heanng all of the eVIdence, rather than at the start of the heanng. I also do not agree that the InVestIgatIOn report should not be admItted because It IS, essentIally a hearsay document. The report would only be hearsay If the Employer IS relYIng on the content of the report for the truth of the matters asserted. That IS not clear In the record, SInce the Employer stated that It wIll be callIng VIva voce eVIdence to establIsh ItS case and would not 9 be solely relYIng on the report. Furthermore, hearsay eVIdence IS admIssIble In arbItratIOn - wIth the weIght, If any to be determIned based on IndICIa of relIabIlIty and necessIty AccordIngly for all of the foregoIng reasons, I conclude that the InVestIgatIOn report, and the InVestIgator's eVIdence concermng hIS report, IS admIssIble In thIS proceedIng. Issued at Toronto thIS 7th day of December 2005