HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-2371.Union Grievance.05-01-13 Decision Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 2003-2371 2003-1821 UNION# 2003-0999-0031 2003-0224-0008 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Umon Gnevance) Union - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Management Board Secretanat) Employer BEFORE FelIcIty D Bnggs Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION MarnIe NiemI Gnevance Officer Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon FOR THE EMPLOYER Fateh SalIm Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING July 16 2004 2 DeCISIon On August 11, 2003, there was a power outage that encompassed a huge geographIcal area IncludIng most of Ontano As the result of that sItuatIOn a number of dIsputes arose between the partIes After the first day of heanng, the partIes agreed to the folloWIng terms to be Issued In a consent award. 1 A wIdespread power outage occurred on August 11,2003 at 4 11 p.m 2 The premIer declared a provIncial emergency at approxImately 10 00 p.m on August 14,2003 under The Emergency Management Act 3 The provIncIal emergency was lIfted on August 22, 2003 4 Dunng thIS emergency Ontano government mInIstnes were asked to contact theIr employees and to advIse the employees not to attend work unless specIfically asked to do so by theIr managers 5 Employees were advIsed that the government of Ontano would pay regular full and part-tIme classIfied and unclassIfied employees for the days they were requested not to report to work dunng the power emergency 6 Irregularly scheduled and unclassIfied employees were advIsed they would be paid based on a schedule estImate USIng the average number of hours worked per week over the 13 weeks pnor to the power emergency and that any adjustments would be made as necessary In the folloWIng pay penod. 7 There IS no dIspute between the partIes that the penod of August 14 to August 24,2003 (a) Was not a strike or a lockout and that EssentIal and Emergency ServIces Agreements under CECBA dId not apply to thIS penod, (b) Was not a declared publIc holIday The partIes further agreed. (1) VacatIOn credIts prevIOusly requested and approved for tlus penod remaIn as vacatIOn tIme, 3 (11) All the prOVISIOns of the CollectIve Agreement contInued to apply, (111) PrevIOusly scheduled compressed work week credIts and accnml remaIn unaffected. 8 The partIes wIll meet to dISCUSS IndIVIdual gnevances VIce Chair Bnggs wIll remaIn seIzed of any gnevances whIch remaIn unresolved folloWIng these dIscussIOns 9 The Umon agrees to provIde the Employer wIth the outstandIng gnevances by December 12,2003 10 The Umon and Employer agree to contInue to Waive tImelIness wIth respect to these gnevances It was agreed that I would hear all further outstandIng matters between the partIes At the tIme of the first heanng there were approxImately eIght hundred varIOUS IndIVIdual dIsputes The partIes worked dIlIgently and as of the begInnIng of the three contInuIng days of hearIng there were only a few dozen matters that remaIned outstandIng It was requested that a decIsIOn be Issued on those matters dealt wIth at our last day of heanng However, before I turn to those Issues I Informed counsel for both partIes that I Inadvertently stated In my decIsIOn dated July 5, 2004 that the gnevance of Bndget SagolI was dIsmIssed My decIsIOn should have said that her gnevance was upheld and she was entItled to one day of vacatIOn As requested by the partIes I wIll set out neIther the facts of the vanous gnevances nor the reasons for my decIsIOns I wIll sImply set out the dISposItIOn 1 Gnevance of MargIe Luppacher - MInIstry of FInance - dIsmIssed 2 Gnevances of WIlson, Brookham, Langley, Fernando, Searson, Ulman and HIllIer - MInIstry of Natural Resources - dIsmIssed. 4 Dated In Toronto thIS 13th day of January, 2005 . ~ ;; VIce-Chair