HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-3774.Union Grievance.2005-12-12 Decision Crown Employees Commission de Nj Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~ Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec, (416) 326-1396 GSB# 2003-3774 UNION# 2004-0999-0002 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Umon Gnevance) Union - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry ofCommumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer BEFORE FelIcIty D Bnggs Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Stephen GIles Gnevance Officer Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon FOR THE EMPLOYER Sean Kearney Semor Counsel Mimstry of Government ServIces HEARING October 7 2005 2 DeCISIon From March 13th to May 6th 2002, the UnIon and Its members were engaged m a legal strike Pnor to the begmnmg of tlllS actIOn the partIes had negotIated a Memorandum of Agreement regardmg the condItIons of work m the event of a stnke or a lockout (heremafter referred to as the "CondItIons Document") In that agreement It was provIded that "all collectIve agreement prOVISIOns apply to essentIal and emergency workers wIthout mterruptIOn, save only that AppendIx 9 and AppendIx 18 shall not apply" The CondItIons Document also expressly provIded the UnIon's contmued nght under ArtIcle 22 13 of the CollectIve Agreement to file UnIon gnevances on behalf of employees who were perfonnmg essentIal and emergency servIces Dunng the course of the strike approxImately 5000 gnevances were filed by UnIon members across the Ontano PublIc ServIce As part of the negotIatIOns that ended the work stoppage, the partIes negotIated a Return to Work Protocol That agreement contemplated vanous prOVISIOns mcludmg how contmuous servIce, pensIOn, credIts and senIonty would be affected as a result of the stnke AddItIonally, the partIes addressed other Issues such as repnsal, dIscIplIne and the mechanIcs of the actual return of the bargammg UnIt members to the workplace It was further agreed these "strike related" gnevances would be treated separately and lItIgated m an efficIent manner To that end, on June 27, 2002, OPSEU and the MmIstry of PublIc Safety and Secunty (heremafter referred to as "MPSS") met to dISCUSS a process m order to resolve the outstandmg stnke related gnevances Followmg that meetmg a letter, dated October 11, 2002, confirmed the agreement that 3 In order to deal wIth the stnke related gnevances m a proactIve, expedItIOus and effectIve manner, the partIes have agreed to the followmg . No stage 2 heanngs . No filmg of strike related gnevances at GSB, untIl agreed otherwIse . WaIvmg of tIme hmIts . RespectIvely assIgnmg dedIcated resources to deal wIth the volume ApproxImately 4500 gnevances were filed by members employed by the MPSS The partIes agreed to a DIspute ResolutIOn Protocol for MPSS that mcluded Terms of Reference It IS not necessary to provIde all of that agreement It IS sufficIent to say that the partIes agreed to an expedIted process wherem each party provIdes to the VIce Chair wntten submIssIOns whIch mclude the facts, prOVISIOns of the CollectIve Agreement, the EssentIal ServIces Agreement, legIslatIOn or any other document alleged to have been vIOlated, arguments and requested remedy Oral eVIdence would not be called although It was allowed that I could request further clanficatIOn If necessary In the event of any confusIOn regardmg the facts of the matter or the underlymg ratIOnale, I wIll dIrect the partIes to speak agam wIth theIr prmcIples NotwIthstandmg that some gnevors mIght wIsh to attend and provIde oral eVIdence, thIS process has been efficIent and has allowed for a thorough canvassmg of the facts and arguments wIth respect to the vanous Issues Other procedural Issues were addressed to ensure that gnevances would be dealt wIth m a tImely fashIOn The Terms of Reference also provIded that I would remam seIzed of all outstandmg strike related gnevances filed by members workmg m MPSS ThIS process was developed m consIderatIOn of ArtIcle 22 16.2 of the collectIve agreement It states The mediator/arbItrator shall endeavour to assIst the partIes to settle the gnevance by mediatIOn If the partIes are unable to settle the gnevance by medIatIOn, the mediator / arb 1 trator shall determme the gnevance by arbItratIOn When determmmg the gnevance by arbItratIOn, the medIator/arbItrator may hmIt the nature and extent of the eVIdence and may Impose such condItIons as he or she consIders appropnate The 4 medIator/arbItrator shall gIve a SUCCInct deCISIOn wIthIn five (5) days after completIng proceedIngs, unless the partIes agree otherwIse The maJonty of the 4500 gnevances dealt wIth one of the folloWIng Issues . An allegatIOn of delayed retroactIve payments wIth a request for Interest OWIng, . An allegatIOn of failure to pay appropnate holIday pay for Good Fnday and Easter Monday, . EntItlement to call back, . On-Call and Standby Issues for emergency workers Those matters were separately lItIgated at the Gnevance Settlement Board and decIsIOns eIther have been Issued or are pendIng In accordance wIth the agreement of the partIes a number of heanng days were scheduled to hear and detennIne the outstandIng strike related gnevances Many of the gnevances have been resolved through mediatIOn The final Issue that remaInS In dIspute IS regardIng appropnate hours of work and resultIng compensatIOn It was agreed that thIS matter would be heard on a separate day and each party would provIde fulsome submIssIOns ThIS decIsIOn deals only wIth tlllS matter Subsequent to the return to work over four hundred gnevances were filed regardIng the matter of whether the Employer vIOlated the terms and prOVISIOns of vanous agreements by failIng to pay CorrectIOnal Officers forty hours per week IrrespectIve of actual hours worked. Some of the four hundred gnevances were group gnevances and therefore tlllS decIsIOn wIll affect many wItllln tlllS bargaInIng umt Attached as Schedule A IS the lIst of gnevances In tlllS matter An example of the gnevances stated that "the Employer faIled to schedule and pay the undersIgned for 40 hours a week per for (FTE) full tune eqUIvalent reqUIred per 5 sIgned agreements" By way of remedy the gnevors want to be compensated for forty hours per week The partIes agreed to facts m thIS matter Those facts are as follows . On September 20, 2001, the partIes sIgned off the CondItIons for the 2001-2002 OPS-OPSEU EssentIal ServIces and CollectIve Agreement NegotIatIOns (CondItIons Document) . On October 30, 2001, the partIes sIgned off on the CorrectIOns Bargammg UnIt Master Agreement for EssentIal ServIces (CorrectIOns ESA) . On March 12, 2002, collectIve bargammg broke down and OPSEU commenced a legal stnke m the OPS At tlllS tune, the CondItIons Document and ESA were actIvated . A new collectIve agreement was ratIfied and the strike ended after 54 days on May 6, 2002 . ArtIcle C3 of the CondItIons Document tItled Terms and CondItIons of Employment for EssentIal and Emergency Workers sub-artIcle (a) ApplIcatIOn of the Terms and CondItIons of Employment reads "All collectIve agreement prOVISIOns apply to essentIal and emergency workers wIthout mternlptIOn, save only that AppendIx 9 and 18 shall not apply" And contmues "F or Employees who are desIgnated and used for essentIal servIces the above terms and condItIons shall apply" . SunIlarly, ArtIcle Cl of the CondItIons Document negotIated pnor to the 1996 OPSEU strike provIded that the collectIve agreement prOVISIOns applIed to those perfonnmg essentIal and emergency servIces . ArtIcle B 1 0 of the CondItIons Document states "In the selectIOn of essentIal/emergency servIce workers, the proportIOn of classIfied and unclassIfied employees chosen wIll be matched wIth the proportIOn of classIfied and unclassIfied employees m the worksIte The applIcatIOn of thIS prmcIple wIll be detennmed at the bargammg UnIt table . In ArtIcle C3(b) Waiver of CollectIve Agreement Clauses, the partIes agree to Waive ArtIcle 3 1 of the Bargammg UnIt CollectIve Agreements (Days Off) for the first 48 hours of a strike and ArtIcle 5 1 and 5 5 of the Bargammg UnIt CollectIve Agreements (ShIft Schedules) for the first 120 hours of a strike . Paragraph 3 of the CorrectIOns ESA reads "ThIS Memorandum of Agreement IS not based on a "busmess as usual" scenano and shall not be 6 mterpreted as what would be advocated by eIther party m a normal sItuatIOn WIth a fully operatmg servIce" . Paragraph p5 of the CorrectIOns ESA reads "The partIes agree that the sIte/occupatIOn specIfic agreements IdentIfy the bargammg UnIt posItIOns and the full-tIme eqUIvalents reqUIred to provIde the agreed upon essentIal servIces, and remam subject to later determmatIOn as to the actual Bargammg UnIt employees who wIll provIde those servIces m accordance wIth the procedures outhned m the CollectIve Agreement" . Paragraph 11 of the CorrectIOns ESA reads "Employees are only deemed to be essentIal for the day/rotatIOnal penod dunng whIch they are reqUIred to perform essentIal work, at all other tunes they are on the Emergency ServIces EhgibIhty LIst Employees wIll rotate through the Emergency EhgibIhty LISt except those scheduled as essentIal that day/rotatIOnal penod." . Paragraph 4 of the CorrectIOns ESA reads "The partIes agree that m the event of unplementatIOn of the essentIal serVIces agreements nonnal shIft schedules wIll cease Management wIll Implement schedules that provIde essentIal servIces coverage as detennmed by the sIte specIfic essentIal servIces agreement ArtIcles COR 3 1, 5 1, and 5 5 of the CollectIve Agreement are waived as per SectIOn C General AdmmIstratIOn of EssentIal and Emergency ServIces subsectIOn C3(b) of the Central Agreement The partIes recognIze that m constructIOn of a schedule, the number of staff appeanng m the ShIft schedule wIll represent a roundmg up of the agreed upon full tune eqUIvalent level as specIfied m the mdIvIdual sIte agreement However, the total number of hours wIll not exceed the agreed upon hours for each workplace " . Paragraph 14 of the CorrectIOns ESA provIdes that normal shIft schedules wIll cease upon the ImplementatIOn of essentIal servIce agreements and that the total number of hours wIll not exceed the agreed upon hours for each workplace . Paragraph 16 of the CorrectIOns ESA reads "All prOVISIOns of the CollectIve Agreement shall apply to bargammg UnIt employees desIgnated to provIde essentIal servIces under thIS agreement, unless specIfically altered by thIS agreement or as sIgned to by the partIes at the central table" . Paragraph 18 of the CorrectIOns ESA reads "Where a post IS IdentIfied as essentIal and hours of reqUIred coverage are stated, the staffing for that post shall be as stated m the sIte agreement (e g If the "x" IS shown as 2 x 24 x 7, then post "x" wIll be staffed by two persons for 4 hours a day, 7 days a week. If post "x" IS shown as total hours only, the staffing for that post IS to be scheduled by the employer The partIes acknowledge that to cover all posts, It may be necessary to schedule ShIftS as low as two (2) hours per day 7 Where the post IS shown as A.M. and P.M. m a sIte agreement, management shall endeavour to schedule two dIfferent people to work the two separate ShIftS However, If there IS only one person aVailable to work the two separate ShIftS then ArtIcle COR5 4 shall not apply and management may schedule that person to work a spht shIft" . Paragraph 19(b) RotatIOn of the CorrectIOns ESA reads "Other than for ProbatIOn & Parole, where the number of quahfied employees exceeds the desIgnated essentIal servIces posItIOns employees wIll be rotated on a two- week cycle Employees whose names appear at the top of the hst wIll be assIgned to the essentIal work untIl all essentIal servIce posts have been filled for a two week penod. At the end of the two week penod, the names of those who have worked wIll be placed at the bottom of the hst m the same order m whIch they were ongmally drawn The group for the next rotatIOns wIll be taken, m order, from the hst begmnmg where the last draw stopped, to fill the essentIal posts for the next two week penod ThIS process wIll be repeated throughout the penod of the strike or lockout" . ArtIcle OR2 (Hours of Work) of the OPS collectIve agreement for Schedule 4 and 4 7 "The normal hours of work for employees on these schedules shall be forty (40) hours per week and eIght hours per day" . The classIficatIOn of CorrectIOnal Officer IS desIgnated as schedule 4 7 for the purposes of hours of work. . ArtIcle UN2 (Hours of Work) of the OPS collectIve agreement also sets out normal hours of work for employees on vanous schedules, mcludmg Schedule 4 and 4 7 "The normal hours of work for employees on these schedules shall be forty (40) hours per week and eIght (8) hours per day" . The schedulmg of the employees work days, tImes and number of ShIftS worked m the week was the responsibIhty of the employer . The employer has scheduled wIthm the FTE (full tIme eqUIvalents) negotIated under the ESA. . ArtIcle COR2 apphed only to classIfied staff . Not all CorrectIOnal Officers were scheduled for 40 hours of work per week dunng theIr essentIal rotatIOn UNION SUBMISSIONS Mr GIles, for the Umon, stated that m order for the Employer to be correct m tlllS matter there would have had to be an exphcIt Waiver of ArtIcle COR2 and no such Waiver eXIsted. Moreover, It was asserted that, m CIrcumstances such as these, such a Waiver would have to be exphcIt, It cannot be Imphed. The Umon noted that It 8 was agreed m vanous documents that the Employer could not schedule more than a specIfic number of full tune eqUIvalents ThIS ensured that the Employer could not curtail the Umon's nght to run a meanmgful strike However, whether through mampulatIOn or madvertence, the Employer dId not schedule CorrectIOnal Officers to work forty hours per week as they were entItled m accordance wIth ArtIcle COR2 of the collectIve agreement Its failure to do so dId not dIsentItle the gnevors to forty hours of work and/or compensatIOn The Umon relIed upon Re The Crown m Right of Ontario (Management Board of Cabmet) and OPSEU [1995] OLRB Rep June 735 In that decIsIOn Chair McCormack was asked to consIder the EssentIal and Emergency ServIces Agreement and m domg so she stated, at paragraph 35 In general then, gIven the prunanly full-tIme composItIOn of the work force, the collectIve agreement prOVISIOns reflectmg the present stnlcture of work, the mtent of the LegIslature as expressed m the freeze prOVISIOns and the lImIted facts before us m the form of the local agreements, we are of the view that the parties should be endeavourmg to arrange essentIal or emergency work m such a manner as to allow It to be performed by employees workmg the hours m the collective agreement and we so direct. The lImIted mformatIOn we have before us suggests that there IS a reasonable possibIlIty that thIS wIll resolve most of the partIes' problems If there are some mstances m whIch such an arrangement IS not possible, we antIcIpate some flexibIlIty on the part of the umon, keepmg m mmd that the freezes unposed by sectIOns 40 (4) and 41 (3) are not likely to be absolute (emphasIs added) The Umon contended that, If scheduled properly, that IS, forty hours per week, the gnevors would have worked the full weekly hours and therefore they should be so compensated WhIle It was acknowledged that there was a possibIlIty of a "gap" m the coverage for vanous reasons mcludmg the oblIgatIOn to utIlIze the normal classIfied to unclassIfied ratIO, It was suggested that other unclassIfied could have been scheduled. 9 It was explaIned by the UnIon that unclassIfied CorrectIOnal Officers dId not have the same entItlement to forty hours dunng the strike because of the IndIVIdual arrangements each holds wIth the Employer WhIle the full tune classIfied CorrectIOnal Officers are entItled to forty hours per week In accordance wIth ArtIcle COR 2 of the collectIve agreement, the unclassIfied CorrectIOnal Officers have contracts of employment that provIde them wIth "up to" forty hours of work. Therefore, failure to schedule the unclassIfied CorrectIOnal Officers for forty hours would not have been a vIOlatIOn In the alternatIve, Mr GIles asserted that the Employer had an obhgatIOn to ensure a fair dIstributIOn of the aVailable hours to classIfied CorrectIOnal Officers The UnIon revIewed vanous schedules and It was suggested they made apparent that there was httle or no lOgIC to how many of the COs were scheduled There should have been, at the very least, eqUItable scheduhng EMPLOYER SUBMISSIONS Mr Kearney, for the Employer, asserted that the UnIon cannot prevail In thIS matter for four reasons The first IS because the claim, In and of Itself IS non- sensIcal The gnevors are askIng, In tlllS Instance, the Board to rule that even If they only worked sIxteen hours In a week, the Employer should be obhged to pay them for forty In any CIrcumstances It would be odd to order an Employer to pay employees for hours not worked. ThIS IS partIcularly IrOnIC and non sensIcalIf the Employer were compelled to pay strikIng employees for non scheduled hours spent away from the workplace dunng the course of a legal Job actIOn The second reason IS because there was clear language that governs or that was negotIated between these partIes as to how essentIal servIces were to be provIded and the language favours the Employer's VIew, It was suggested. SectIOn 30 of the 10 Crown Employees Collectlve Bargazmng Act, estabhshes that the level of servIce dunng a stnke or lock out means the mmunallevel of serVIce necessary to prevent danger to amongst other tlungs hfe, health, safety and the enVIromnent It IS countenntUItIve that employees are entItled to provIde a reduced level of servIce and yet the Employer would be forced to contmue to pay employees for full tune hours Further, vanous Memoranda of Agreement between the Umon and mdIvIdual MmIstnes, mcludmg CorrectIOnal ServIces, set out that the partIes were not contemplatmg a "busmess as usual" scenarIO It was understood that there would not be a "normal sItuatIOn WIth a fully operatmg servIce" As well, the CorrectIOns EssentIal ServIces agreement stated, at paragraph 14 that normal shIft schedules would cease at the commencement of the Job actIOn Indeed, no doubt that agreement flows from the CondItIons for EssentIal ServIces wherem It was stated that "theIr objectIve [was] to estabhsh the mmImum reqUIred number of bargammg umt posItIOns performmg essentIal servIces and emergency servIces necessary to meet the reqUIrements of CECBA" It IS also to be recalled that m Paragraph 18 of the CorrectIOns EssentIal ServIce Agreement the partIes specIfically acknowledged that m an effort to cover all posts, "It may be necessary to schedule shIfts as low as two (2) hours per day" All of these documents underscore that m the event of a strike there are dIfferent rules regardmg hours of work and there IS nothmg m any of those agreements to suggest that employees would be paid If they do not work. The Employer's thIrd reason to deny thIS gnevance IS because the agreements rehed upon by the Umon m thIS matter must be looked at m context of the rest of the OPS because all employees were to be treated equally No other bargammg umt members are assertmg that they ought to be paid for tIme not worked. 11 FInally, for the UnIon to be nght clear and uneqmvocallanguage would be needed gIven the substantIve compensatIOn benefit at Issue the Employer contended. It IS tnte law that when a party IS seekIng a wealthy benefit they must negotIate the prOVISIOn In clear and unambIguous language In the total absence of such uneqmvocallanguage the UnIon's VIew cannot prevail The Employer revIewed and relIed upon a number of prevIOUS decIsIOns IncludIng Re The Crown III Right of Ontario (Management Board Secretariat) and OPSEU (UnIOn), (December 4, 2002, March 8, 2004, and June 10, 2004) GSB #2002-1510 (Brown), Re The Crown III Right of Ontario (Management Board Secretariat) and OPSEU (UnIOn), (January 26, 2004) GSB#2002-2427, Re Canada Post Corp. and Canadian UnIOn of Postal Workers (Schlosser) (1993), 39 L.A.C (4th) 6 (BIrd), and Re Cardinal TransportatIOn B.C Inc. and CUPE Local 561 (1997), 62 L.A.C (4th) 230 (DevIne) DECISION Dunng the course of the submIssIOns I asked Mr GIles If the UnIon was suggestIng that a CorrectIOnal Officer, who had been scheduled to work the mInllnUm two hour ShIft would be entItled to be paid for forty hours In that week IrrespectIve of whether they worked further It was the UnIon's assertIOn that the agreement to allow the schedulIng of two hour ShIftS was restncted to the unclassIfied staff that would have worked as emergency workers and therefore would not be entItled to forty hours pay The Employer dIsputed thIS VIew Mr Kearney pOInted out that VIce Chair Brown detennIned that "an employee who was deSIgnated to perfonn essentIal servIces, and who dId so, was covered by the collectIve agreement for the entIre duratIOn of the strike" Therefore, all employees who were deSIgnated to be essentIal at any pOInt and who worked In any gIven 12 week would be entItled to forty hours pay for that week If the UnIon succeeded m tlllS matter I agree wIth the Employer's VIew of tlllS questIOn Of course It could be said that tlllS questIOn IS the extreme result of the UnIon's posItIOn Be that as It may, It would have been a possible outcome For that reason, I belIeve thIS questIOn and answer Illustrated well why the UnIon's VIew of tlllS matter cannot prevail After consIderatIOn, I must agree wIth most of the Employer's submIssIOns m thIS matter FIrst, I concur that It would not be a logIcal or reasonable result to find that the Employer IS oblIged to pay strikmg workers for work not scheduled and not performed dunng the course of a legal strike SImply put, the concept of the Employer schedulIng or paymg the workers the full tune hours set out m the collectIve agreement IS countenntUItIve and contrary to any normal labour relatIOns practIce Second, I find that the vast maJonty of the documents the partIes entered mto, m antIcIpatIOn of a legal strike, do not substantIate the UnIon's claim m thIS regard. When read It totalIty and m context, the documents support the Employer's VIew The partIes agreed that the strike was not "busmess as usual" Further, the CondItIons document clearly stated that "normal shIft schedules" would cease and that new schedules would be bargammg at the vanous sItes by local partIes These agreements do not support the UnIon's VIew that the partIes mtended classIfied CorrectIOnal Officers to be schedule for and be paid for forty hours per week. ThIrd, and more Importantly m thIS matter, If such a benefit were mtended, clear and unambIguous language would be reqUIred. ThIS IS partIcularly the case when the benefit bemg sought by the UnIon IS not only unusual and substantIal but one that IS, as mentIOned above, countenntUItIve m the labour relatIOns context 13 The UnIon rehed heavIly upon a general statement m the Terms and CondItIons for EssentIal and Emergency Workers that faIled to clearly state that the hours of work prOVISIOn m the collectIve agreement dId not apply dunng the legal strike GIven the specIficIty of vanous other prOVISIOns found m the governmg documents and agreements m place dunng tlllS tnne, I am not persuaded that the gnevance should be upheld for tlllS reason The Employer raised an argument wIth respect to past practIce and estoppel The UnIon took Issue WIth that submIssIOn GIven my result m tlllS matter, It IS not necessary for me to comment m that regard. F or those reasons, the gnevance IS denIed. Dated m Toronto thIS lih day of December, 2005 Schedule A 1 NUMBER NAME INSTITUTION DATE OF LOCAL GRIEVANCE ES31M Agustine, Lawrence Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Alaimo, Nick Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Allain, Rick Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Alien-LeBlanc Katherine Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Ammendolia, 0 Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Anthony, Derek Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Anttila, K Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Archambault, Glen Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 PA390M Ardrsy, David Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Arnold, Gerry Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Arseneault, Nicole Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 DH23 Aube, Albert B Ottawa-Carleton DC 24-May-02 411 ES31M Bacchus, Ozzie Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Baillod, Dennis Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Baker, Josh Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Balazs, Tom Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Barbora, Diane Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Bartlett, Scott Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Beaton, Dan Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Beaulieu, R Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Behrmann, Chris Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Belfiore, Joe Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Bell, Bill Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 DH41 Bell, William Bluewater YC 08-May-02 122 ES31M Benedict, Barry Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Bent, Melissa Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Bevilacqua, Max Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES140M Biemann, Hans Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 PA390M Bigg, Dan Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Binetti, Vito Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Blackman, Violet Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Bobb, Lance Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Bobbiniss, Liza Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Bodnar, Mike Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Bohonos, Kelly Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Bolitho, Mike Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Bond, P Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Borel, Erica Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Bosher, Dan Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES140M Bourgeois, Michel Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES31M Boychuk, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Bozzelli, Dominic Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Brace, Mike Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Brackbourn, Chris Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Bradley, Janet Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Brauweiler, Fred Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES140M Brazeau, Paul Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES31M Brown, Debbie Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Brown, L Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Brown, Sarah Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 Schedule A 2 ES31M Brunet, Rita Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Buck, 0 Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Buers?, Patrick Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Buttineau, Ray Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Buxton, Eric Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Callahan, Brian Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Calligan, Brian Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Cameron, Mark Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Campbell, Colin Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Cannon, Ken Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Catalan, Angel Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES140M Caza, 0 Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 PA390M Chaisson, Gary Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Chalmers, G Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Chamberlain, Bob Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Chandler, T Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Chandra, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Charles, Sean Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES140M Chatelain, Ray Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES37 Chauvin, Brian John Windsor Jail 15-Apr-02 135 ES140M Chenier, Denis Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES31M Chinn, Branden Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Chi an, Doug Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Christian, Gilbert Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Cicak, Angela Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Ciupak, Jason Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Cleminson, Mike Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Clinton, Michael Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Clysdale, Chris Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Coles, Shane Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Collins, Beth Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Comeau, Janet Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Conquer, Leeann Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Conquer, William Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Conry, Stephen Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA253 Cook, Joanne Bluewater YC 31-May-02 122 ES32M Cook, Joanne E, Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES144 Cook, T Toronto Youth Assessment Cen 22-Apr-02 521 PA390M Cooper, 0 Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Cooper, Jason Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Copeland, Dan Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Cornell, Norm Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Cottier, Bebbie Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Cottier, Deron Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Courtney, Karen Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Cowan, Brenda Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Cowan, Chantel Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Cox, Terry Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Craig, AI Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Curran, Brian Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES140M Danis, Gilles Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 Schedule A 3 ES32M Darnbrough, Doug Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES32M Darnbrough, Winnie Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 PA390M Davis, Allison Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Davis, Kyle Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Delaney, B Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Delarge, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Desousa, Lucille Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Dicaire, Natalie Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Dickson, John Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Dimitrijevski, Baljana Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Diver, Angela Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Dolson, A Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 DH24 Donnelly, Darlene Bluewater YC 10-Apr-02 122 ES32M Donnelly, Darlene Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Douglas, Jamie Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Dowell, Josephine Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Downing, Lynne Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Duff, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Duncan, Dave Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Dunscombe, Trevor Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Eagles, Debra Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Edwards, Rob Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Elderman Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Enros, Derek Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES38 Erb, Laurena Bluewater YC 04-May-02 122 ES32M Ern, Laurie Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Ewing, Robert Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Fagon, Paul Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Feeney, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Filippelli, Joe Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Fillier, James Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Filoteo, Joel Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Fitzgerald, Doug Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Fletcher, Mouze Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Forster, A Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Frankovick, Tanya Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Fraser, Neil Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Frayne, Mark Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES32M Gahwiler, Alana Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 PA390M Gauthier, Iris Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Gauthier, R Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES140M Gelinas, Jay Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES31M Gerber, Karen Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Gerofsky, Beverly Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Giancola, Elizabeth Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Gibson, Tom Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Gigacz, Millissa Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Giilck, James Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Gilliam, Brenda Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Gillis, G Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Goba, David Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 Schedule A 4 PA390M Gobbi, Greg Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Godin, Pat Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Gough, Mary Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Grace, Larry Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Gracey, Justin Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Grasby, Tom Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Green, Jason Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Groves, Michael Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Gruhl, Mike Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Gurnick, Tim Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Hannigan, Ann Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Hardy, Elizabeth Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Harrison, Gary Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Hart, Nancy Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Hawes, Kenneth Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Haywood, Brad Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Hebert, Joe Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Hegney, Mark Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Heilger, 0 Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Heinbuch, Thomas A. Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES32M Helesic, Paul Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Hengeveld, Neil Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Hilderbrandt, A Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Hocevar, Michelle Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Hogg, Peter Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Hollman, Andy Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Holloway, Tracy Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Holwell, Pauline Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Hooker, Lynn Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Hoppler, Bert Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Hose, Norm Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Houlihan, Sean Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Houston, Robert Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Hunking, Larry Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Hutcheson, Rod Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M IlIemann, Peter Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES32M IlIemann, Sue Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 PA390M Indezicato, F Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Irish, G Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Itwaru, Frank Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Jacobs, Mike Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Jacome, Cindy Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Jakocevic, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M James, Dean A. Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Janik, Carl Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Jones, Lori Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Kaiser, Neil Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Kannigiesser, Kim Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Kanter, Stew Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES140M Kelly, Desti Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES31M Kenney, Jeannett Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 Schedule A 5 ES31M King, Larry Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Klacik, Don Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Klodnicki, Joe Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Klonowsky, Kim Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Koebel, Chrystal Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Koester, Andrew Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Konrad, Robt Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Kowalczyk, Cheryl Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Krusto, M Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Krzywonos, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Kuhlmann, Cindy Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Kuzmowich, Derek Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Kyle, Dave Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Laidlaw, Steven Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Lamothe, 0 Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Langley, Doug Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Lawson, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Lazenby, K Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Leone, Christen Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Lewis, Roger Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Liantzakis, Nick Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Lillico, Richard Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Lippai, Theresa Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES140M Little, Brian Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES31M Lively, Fred Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Loscher, Jennifer Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Lotfi, Cheryl Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Lucas, Jeff Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M MacDonald, Mark Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Macinnis, Gord Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Maciver, Ian Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M MacLennon, Mike Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M MacNeil, Laura Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M MacVicar, Connie Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Madden, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Maiwand, Ajmal Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Malcolmson, Gregg Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Marcinkowski, Jerek Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Marini, Hector Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Marshall, Donna Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Marshall, Shane Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Martin, Jason Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Mauriera, Carlos Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M May, Mike Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M McArter, Kyle Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M McCarthy, Walter Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 PA390M McCormick, Jim Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES140M McCormick, Ron Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 PA390M McDonald, MJ Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M McDonald, Steven Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M McGifford, William Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 Schedule A 6 PA390M McKee, K Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M McKie, Blair Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M McKnight, Diane Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M McKnight, Pauline Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M McMullen, Reg Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M McNabb, Roberta Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M McNeil, Scott Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M McReavy, Barbara Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Meadows, Jason Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Melady, Joe Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES32M Menheere, Karen Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 PA390M Mennaman, Dave Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Mictchell, Eric Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Middlebrook, Karen Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Middleton, Brenda Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Mohanto, Durgapada Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Moore, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Moran, Andy Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Moretti, Gino Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Morgan, R Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Moss, Clark Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Mottola, J Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Mousseau, Sue Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Mulder, Eric Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Mustari, Nick Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Nassanga-Sassanga, J Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Naylor, J Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Newton, David Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Nicholson, Dan Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Noakes, Roger Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Nobert, Shelley Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Noble, J Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Noranha, Warren Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M O'Brien, Randy Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M O'Conner, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Ois, Martin Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Ongaro, Carla Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M O'Rourke, Colleen Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Palango, David Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Parker, Charles Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Parker, Joanne Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Partington, Mike Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES140M Pedder, George Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES31M Penner, Jim Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Pennington, Jim Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Petranovic, F Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Pilla, Olivia Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Pineau, Wayne Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Plouffe, Ro Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Pol a?, Angelo Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Pollock, Andrew Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 Schedule A 7 ES31M Poncelet, Lisa Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Pope, Brian Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Pope, M Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Potter, Jess Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Powell, Dave Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Preyma, Mark Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Przychocki Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Quick, Sam Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Railey, Georgina Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Randell, Thomas Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Randhawa, Sadeep Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Rapedius, L Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Rapedius, Randy Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Ray, Susan Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES140M Regan, Lee Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 PA390M Ribaric, Joe Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Richard, Jeff Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Richards, Chris Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Richards, Sheryl Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Ritchie, Doreen Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Robinson, MA Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Robinson, MD Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Rodgers, Mike Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Rohne, Mark Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Romans, Cathy Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Ross, Murray Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Rousselle, Stan Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Sabada, Mark Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Sack, Michelle Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Saeed, Kamran Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Schuemonn, M Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Schut, Dave Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Scott, Wayne Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 PA390M Selkirk, Russell Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES140M Sells, Bruce Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES31M Selvaraj, Prince Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Senechal, Tanya Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Shawfelt, Dennis Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Sidhu, Harbir Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES140M Silk, Dennis Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 ES31M Singh, Balbinder Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Skingsley, Joanne Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Skoufaris, Efi Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Smart, Gordon Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Smith, Chris Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Smith, Craig Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES140M Smith, Daryl Monteith CC 28-Jun-02 642 PA390M Smith, Philip Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Snow, Max Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Sponagle, Floyd Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Sponagle, Joe Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 Schedule A 8 PA390M Stathaios, Bill Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Stephens, Jeff Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Stevens, Glenn Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Stevens-Vardjas, M Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Stewart, Richard Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Stockwell, Margaret Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Strain, David Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Sutherland, G Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M Swan, Collen Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Tadic, Mike Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Tak, Satvik Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Tatryn, T Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Todd, Morton Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Toiviainen, Mervi Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Toplan, Randy Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Tsallis, Mark Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Tsiodras, George Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Tso, Agustine Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES99 Tyler, Morgan Sarnia Jail 13-May-02 128 ES31M Valentino, Nick Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Vandenthillart, Kelly Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES32M Vanderwal, Dina Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 PA390M vanEyhereu, Nella Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 PA390M VanKuren, Paul Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Vieselmeyer, Monty Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Vujovic, George Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Walker, Maria Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Walmsley, Shannon Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Walters, Que Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Warling, Terry Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Watson, Christine Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Watson, Colin Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Watt, Ki m Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M We?, R Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Webb, Vicki Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Webber, Steve Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Welna, Klvdivsz Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M White, Jeff Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES32M Wick, Charles Bluewater YC 8-May-02 122 ES31M Wickham-Johnson, M Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Wiemelink, C Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248 ES31M Willey, Scott Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Williamson, AI Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Wilson, Angela Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Wong, Joseph Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Wood, Debbie Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Woolley, John Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 ES31M Worona, Anthony Metro Toronto West DC 8-May-02 517 PA390M Yule, Carter Hamilton-Wentworth DC 19-Aug-02 248