HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-1879.Cook.05-03-07 Decision Crown Employees Commission de ~~ Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~-,... Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 2004-1879 2004-1880 2004-1881 2004-1882, 2004-3025 2004-3026 2004-3027 2004-3028 2004-3029 2004-30312004-3032,2004-3123 UNION# 2004-0128-0038 2004-0128-0039 2004-0128-0040 2004-0128-0041 2004-0128-0071 2004-0128-0072, 2004-0128-0073 2004-0128-0074 2004-0128-0075 2004-0128-0077 2004-0128-0078 2004-0128-0079 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (Cook) Union - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry ofCommumty Safety and CorrectIOnal ServIces) Employer BEFORE Loretta Mikus Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Ed Holmes Ryder Wnght, Blair & Doyle BarrIsters and SOlICItorS FOR THE EMPLOYER F enna MurJ 1 Counsel Management Board Secretanat HEARING February 24 2005 2 DeCISIon The gnevor Dave Cook, has filed gnevances challengIng vanous suspenSIOns, hIS dIscharge and alleged dISCnmInatIOn. At the heanng on February 24 2005 the Umon sought an order for partIculars In respect of the two Inmate wItnesses the Employer Intends to rely on In support of ItS allegatIOns HavIng consIdered the submIssIOns of the partIes, It IS the order of the Board that the Employer proVIde to the Umon as soon as IS possIble the facts upon whIch It Intends to rely In support of ItS allegatIOn The Employer wIll gIve to the Umon counsel any and all matenals wntten or electromc and handwntten notes, regardIng Tracey KIngdon-Shaw and Rema HalabI for any and all IncarceratIOns In any Mimstry InstItutIOn IncludIng OTIS and any Mimstry files SInce the contInUatIOn dates have been confirmed, I leave It to the partIes to determIne the appropnate tIme frames that ought to apply If there IS a problem, the partIes can contact me for further InstructIOns Dated thIS at Toronto thIS 7th day of March 2005