HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-2570.Cassidy.06-05-08 Decision Crown Employees Commission de Nj Grievance Settlement reglement des griefs Board des employes de la Couronne ~ Suite 600 Bureau 600 Ontario 180 Dundas Sl. West 180 rue Dundas Ouest Toronto Ontario M5G 1Z8 Toronto (Ontario) M5G 1Z8 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Tel. (416) 326-1388 Fax (416) 326-1396 Telec. (416) 326-1396 GSB# 2005-2570 UNION# 2005-0337-0016 IN THE MATTER OF AN ARBITRATION Under THE CROWN EMPLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINING ACT Before THE GRIEVANCE SETTLEMENT BOARD BETWEEN Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon (CassIdy) Union - and - The Crown In RIght of Ontano (Mimstry of ChIldren and Youth ServIces) Employer BEFORE Reva DevIns Vice-Chair FOR THE UNION Stephen GIles Gnevance Officer Ontano PublIc ServIce Employees Umon FOR THE EMPLOYER Nicholas Sapp Employee RelatIOns AdvIsor Mimstry of ChIldren and Youth ServIces HEARING May 2, 2006 2 DeCISIon The partIes have agreed to an expedIted medIatIOn-arbItratIOn process to resolve gnevances at the BrooksIde Youth Centre In Cobourg. Although a formal protocol has not been finalIzed, the partIes have agreed to attempt to settle matters at medIatIOn and, If medIatIOn IS not successful, to refer appropnate cases to expedIted arbItratIOn. The partIes specIfically agree that the Vice Chair can hear the matter under ArtIcle 22 16 of the collectIve agreement and that the deCISIOn wIll be WIthout preJudIce or precedent. In thIS case, the gnevance asserts that CET officers were called In on August 3 2005 before the Escort Officer lIst was exhausted. The gnevor seeks payment for a twelve hour overtIme shIft as finanCIal compensatIOn. The facts pertaInIng to thIS matter were not In dIspute On August 3 2005 escort duty was aSSIgned to two qualIfied Youth ServIce Officers whIle they were workIng theIr regular shIft. Two other officers, who were not on the Escort Officer lIst but who were qualIfied to perform escort dutIes, were called In as replacements to assume the Escort Officers' regular dutIes When the staff arrIved, the aSSIgned escort officers asked management If they could remaIn at the faCIlIty and If the call In staff could escort the youth off sIte Management agreed to thIS request. HavIng heard the submISSIOns of the partIes, I am satIsfied that even If the employer dId not follow the escort call In polIcy the gnevor IS not entItled to an IndIVIdual remedy Escort officers would have been called from the overtIme lIst. On the date In Issue, there were four qualIfied officers on the overtIme lIst, however the gnevor was not among them. Therefore, I find that, In any event, the gnevor would not have been called and IS not entItled to receIve payment for an overtIme shIft. The gnevance IS dIsmIssed. Dated at Toronto thIS 8th day of May 2006 ~~~ ' -- ~ '. .";:!;. ". ~ I . 1 ~. '" ''''__ -'.' ';, - :." '" - - tl .- ~. - R D --, ~~ eva eVInS Vice-Chair